Friday, October 25, 2024

Police Incident on Highway 17 in Surrey

The Dirty News is reporting that there was a dangerous driver incident on Highway 17 and Tannery road today. Heavy police presence created a significant traffic obstruction. The bizarre thing about the police presence was the ERT's formation. I've seen that before in BC. When I was trained we were trained to spread out. If you spread out, you're harder to hit.
I'm sure it's a specific school of thought but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I never saw the British Army do that in Belfast. Most criminals aren't a very good shot with a firearm especially a hand gun. If they aim a handgun at someone from more than across the street, there's a good chance the average criminal will miss. However, if you're all standing in a clump and he aims at the middle, there is a good chance he's going to hit someone. That's why we always spread out.

I've seen that on American TV shows when SWAT enters a building and it's a confined space. They want to have all the angles covered so the first man in doesn't get hit. It's not normally a formation used when you're out in the open or walking down a urban street.


  1. You were in the Forces?

    1. Nope. Something else. We dealt with shootings all the time. That's why we spread out.

    2. Are you implying you were in the IRA? lol

    3. No, everyone knows what I was. I was a Regional coordinator for the Guardian Angels after serving in New York city. I also served a mission for the LDS church in Ireland between 1988 and 1989. We knew lots of people in the IRA but we certainly weren't members. We saw the British Army on patrol in West Belfast all the time.

  2. Replies
    1. Another example is if a bomb or hand grenade goes off. If you're all standing in one clump you all die. If you spread out, some of you live to repel the attack. One of our guys in LA got some bird shot in his butt when he was diving for cover from a drive by with a shotgun. The further you are away from a shotgun blast the less lethal it is.


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