Saturday, February 15, 2025

RFK Confirmed as Health and Human Services secretary

NPR is reporting that "Despite millions of dollars spent by groups opposed to his nomination, the Senate voted to install Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the helm of the Department of Health and Human Services."

Again Mitch McConnell is a globalist freak. He was named in the book Secret Empires. In Tulsi Gabbard's hearing the globalists kept pressuring her to call Snowden a traitor. Likewise in RFK's hearing the globalists kept pressuring him to deny vaccines cause autism. These people are freaks. There has been a huge increase in children with autism.

The movie Protocol 7 outlined how the manufacturer's of the mumps vaccine intentionally falsified data. That vaccine was not safe or effective. Children who were vaccinated with that vaccine were 4.2 times more likely to develop autism and over 5 times more likely to develop some form of learning disability.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentines Day, Mass Shootings and Guinness Zero

Here's a video and podcast about a heart wrenching shooting in Wyoming and a live taste test of Guinness Zero. Mental health is something we need to discuss when taking about the availability of guns. We don't put tariffs on Guinness. This is how you pour a black and tan drink. This is the song about the fascists called Come out ye black and tans by the Wolf Tones. This is Dragon stout.

Trudeau banner outside the Gun Range

My gun range has a new banner up below their sign. It says We survived Trudeau then below it it says And all we got was this stupid gun ban. So let's talk about that. 

On the radio I heard Justin Trudeau visited a Canadian steel plant in response to Trump's new tariff on all steel imports above and beyond the 25% tariff threat on everything coming in from Canada. Justin Trudeau sounded like a complete idiot who has no idea what he's talking about. Leave. We don't want you to do any more damage than you already have. Let us fix the mess you created. We'll do it without you.

Just because Trump is being an as*hole, that doesn't mean Justin Trudeau isn't an idiot because he is. History has recorded that and he still won't shut up. You know when they say it's better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Well that certainly applies to Justin Trudeau. He is a complete idiot with nothing worthwhile to say. 

Having said that, Trump's psychotic breakdown has given some people second thoughts about Pierre Poilievre. Idiots like Blaze are telling people if we elect Pierre Poilievre, then Pierre will turn Canada into the 51st Sate and that is simply untrue. Poilievre made it very clear Canada will never be the 51st state.

Blaze is a compulsive liar and far left liberals like him are raging lunatics. So I think it's very clear the mistakes Donald Trump is now making will not be repeated by Pierre Poilievre. A handful of Canadian Trump zombies want Canada to become a state but they are few and far between. I am certainly not one of them. The reason why I hate Trump is because he threatened to destroy our economy and steal our sovereignty. There's nothing else to discuss. 

He has burned that bridge and there's no crossing it. Despite the fact that Trump has paused the tariffs Canadians are booing the American anthem and buying Canadian products instead of American. That's a natural consequence. 

Mark Carney is not a moderate. Here is a Wold Economic Forum zombie just like Chrystia Freeland and Jagmeet Singh. Pierre Poilievre isn't perfect but no one is and he is a lot better than the alternatives. Unlike Trump, Poilievre can't act without the party's support. Canada isn't a monarchy or a dictatorship.

Poilievre will be a huge step forward and we can't allow Trump's brain dead antics distract us from Justin Trudeau's calamity. We need to reject the WEF Agenda Trump has embraced. 

As for the last gun ban I still don't understand how that happened without a vote. They submitted a bill and debated that bill. Justin Trudeau slipped in a last minute sleazebag amendment banning a ton of hunting rifles. Rural NDP MPs freaked as did the Assembly of First Nation Chiefs. 

They said hunting is a treaty right. You can't ban hunting. So he pulled the last minute amendment and they voted on the previous list which passed. Then a year later Justin Trudeau adds another list almost identical to the last minute amendment everyone freaked out about and implemented it without a vote. That is not a democratic system. That recent list that was implemented without a vote needs to be null and void. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Corruption within B.C.'s safer supply program

The National Post is reporting that "leaked document produced by British Columbia’s Ministry of Health alleges that “significant” quantities of “safer supply” opioids are being diverted to the black market with the assistance of organized gangs and certain unscrupulous health-care providers. This raises serious questions about the competence and honesty of B.C. New Democrats and federal Liberals, who gaslit Canadians for two years by insisting that reports of mass diversion were disinformation."

"The document in question is a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the findings of a special investigative unit that, according to B.C. Health Minister Josie Osborne, was created sometime before last October’s provincial election. Many details remain unclear, as only the presentation slides were leaked last week, but the available bullet points and summaries are damning enough."

"The presentation confirms that a significant portion of safer supply opioids are being diverted to the black market, where they are being trafficked provincially, nationally and internationally. Photos of diverted safer supply prescriptions, apparently confiscated during vehicle searches and still in their original packaging, were included to illustrate the point."

"The special investigative unit identified at least 60 B.C. pharmacies allegedly providing prohibited paid incentives to customers, doctors and assisted living residences to increase their profits. As the leaked presentation alleges, some incentivized patients may only want one of their three daily prescriptions, and thus divert their extra opioids to the black market, fuelling organized crime."

North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant $3 billion over budget thanks to Acciona

Global News is reporting that "With the North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant about $3 billion over budget, and Metro Vancouver facing a cost-cutting edict, demands for transparency and change are growing louder."

$ 3 Billion over budget? Who do you think that sounds like? This time it's Acciona. Based in Spain they are another criminal organization like SNC Lavlain. 

They bid $525 million on the contract and it went way over budget to $3.86 billion. That is organized crime. They even had the audacity to sue for wrongful termination. They should be in jail. That's the only transparency we need.

The same with the Site C Dam. Way over budget. SNC Lavalin underbid and over charge government contracts. That's their MO. People need to start going to jail for this.

SNC Lavalin which is now called AtkinsRéalis and Acciona get preferred treatment on government contracts. They're automatically short listed. Given their past history they should be automatically banned. Giving them government contracts is organized crime. Acciona and SNC Lavalin partner on contracts. Turns out that SNC Lavalin pulled out of the bid for the Pattullo bridges because they don't participate in fixed-price projects. Sounds like they should all be fixed-price contracts. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tulsi Gabbard Confirmed as Director of National Intelligence - DNI Duties Update:

The New York Times is reporting that "Tulsi Gabbard was sworn in as President Trump’s director of national intelligence hours after the Senate voted to confirm her nomination. One Republican, Mitch McConnell, joined all Democrats in opposition. Immediately after Ms. Gabbard’s confirmation, the Senate voted to advance the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for health secretary, setting the stage for a final vote, most likely on Thursday." Mitch McConnell is a NeoCon Globalist. 

The Guardian is reporting that "Trump says ‘I’m OK with’ Russian president Putin’s demand to keep Ukraine out of Nato." That would have avoided the whole war. Looks like peace is on the table. Donald Trump's interim report card: As and Fs.

The mainstream media's defamation of Tulsi Gabbard is pretty archaic. They quickly point out that "All Senate Democrats voted against Gabbard's nomination." That's pretty f*cked up. She was an anti war Democrat. You'd think they'd support her. They didn't because the current Democrats have been hijacked by the Globalist war machine which Tulsi rightfully denounced. 

"Several Republican Senate members likewise aired concerns about Gabbard's positions on Ukraine, which she generally has not supported, her 2017 meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and prior support for Edward Snowden." In fact they kept pushing her to call Snowden a traitor during her cross examination. Those people are freaks. 

Edward Snowden reported illegal activity. He didn't expose any military secrets. He exposed the fact that the NSA was breaking the law and these maniacs still have the audacity to call him the traitor. They are the traitors for trashing him and condoning the illegal activity he exposed.

Her position on Ukraine. GMAFB. Her position on Ukraine is the right one. That war never should have happened. RFK exposed it for what it was. Pretending Tulsi Gabbard was unfit to become the Director of National Intelligence because she opposed war profiteering is mentally ill. 

As for meeting with Assad, she did the right thing. The CIA created ISIS. When Tulsi was in Syria the people asked her why America was supporting ISIS who were murdering and raping Syrians. Right before Trump took office the CIA helped the terrorists overthrow Assad to prevent a rival pipeline which would break the Saudi monopoly and lower the cost of energy for everyone. 

Donald Trump's statement that he's OK with keeping the Ukraine out of NATO is life changing. That represents a solution to the orchestrated conflict that never should have happened. 

Duties of the Director of National Intelligence 

I thought this just meant she was in charge of the FBI and the NSA. Google AI is reporting that the duties of the DNI include "Managing and directing the work of multiple intelligence agencies, including the CIA, NSA, FBI, and others."

So that means she oversees the CIA as well. The DNI "Oversees the National Intelligence Program budget, allocating funds across intelligence agencies." So tell me, where is the fund for ISIS K in Pakistan? Please advise.

The DNI "Resolves disputes between intelligence agencies regarding intelligence priorities and methodologies." So here we have it. The CIA are not authorized to operate on American soil period. The CIA's tentacles in the FBI, NSA and the ATF need to be severed. Now we know that the CIA will still have a shadow director in place that oversees the real budget which includes all the drug trafficking and investment fraud. They're only going to show Tulsi what they want to show Tulsi.

What about the budget for and location of all the black CIA prison sites? She should pay those a visit. 

Trump threatens and mocks Ireland

OK so now Trump is threatening Ireland with tariffs and mocking them as well. This guy is either an idiot or he's an agent for China. China is trying to build this new silk road promoting world trade while Trump is running around like a belligerent idiot offending and pissing off all these other countries pushing them to join BRICS. He's doing China a favor.

Right after Trump rags on Ireland, China visits Ireland and provides them a polite alternative. Trump's like a door to door vacuum salesman that comes to your door and says f*ck you. Buy this vacuum or I'll rob your house. What's the logical response to that? A slammed door and no sale. Trump may be good at hostile takeovers and forced mergers but he's turning out to be a horrible salesman. 

I think Canada should trade with Ireland. They have things we want. Ireland lost Waterford Crystal because of the EU. Waterford Crystal isn't made in Waterford any more it's made by scabs in Europe. I think we should buy Waterford Crystal made in Waterford. They have the world's best glass cutters sitting there unemployed. 

Ireland doesn't have a huge population so we might buy more things from them then we sell them but that was the whole point behind the Silk road. Explorers would find all this cool stuff and trade with them to bring some of the cool stuff home. 

They have things we want to buy and we don't need a backward government to tax everything under the sun to make our life more expensive.

In contrast to that, Donald Trump is also talking about lowering corporate taxes like Ireland has done. That he can do and would make sense. Ireland offers a low corporate tax rate and as a result many big tech companies have moved there creating lots of tax paying jobs. So by lowering corporate tax, they increased their tax revenue. When you raise taxes like California is doing, businesses leave and go somewhere else. Then you have less tax revenue then before you raised taxes. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

UFC’s Sean Strickland Questions His Donald Trump Vote

Low Kick MMA is reporting that "The outspoken former UFC Middleweight Champion Sean Strickland has recently expressed doubts about his decision to vote for Donald Trump. In a tweet posted on February 11, 2025, Strickland criticized Trump for deviating from the America First agenda that the president championed during his campaigns."

"Sean Strickland has recently voiced strong criticism of U.S. financial aid to Israel, questioning the priorities of the American government. In a tweet, Strickland expressed frustration over billions of dollars being allocated to foreign causes, such as Israel, while domestic issues like urban decay remain unaddressed."

Israelis continue to protest against Netanyahu

Obviously this outrageous plan to evict all the Palestinians out of Gaza and turn Gaza into a Las Vegas theme park so Trump's son in law can sell beach front property has violated the ceasefire agreement and delaying the hostage release.

Israelis are once again accusing Netanyahu of sabotaging the peace agreement which he did the entire war. Mossad created and control Hamas. Gaza needs Fatah not Hamas. Netanyahu doesn't want that because Mossad doesn't control Fatah. Fatah support the Oslo accord. Netanyahu does not.

Hamas is ISIS. The CIA created ISIS and Mossad created Hamas. October 7th was Israel's 9/11. Both were inside jobs. Donald Trump has become a Globalist and a Colonialist.