Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kevin Falcon not interested in free-enterprise coalition

Finance Minister Kevin Falcon says he's 'not interested in having a discussion' about leading a free-enterprise coalition going into the next provincial election. No kidding. You can’t have a discussion about a free enterprise coalition with Kevin Falcon or the BC Liberals because they are not free enterprise. Perhaps they meant a free enterprise coalition consisting of John Cummings and the NDP? Kevin Falcon is a Gordon Campbell clone. They have nothing to do with free enterprise. They’re all about back room deals with big business that rips off taxpayers and crushes small business.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Leslie Greenwood found guilty in Mersereau Christensen murder

The Turo Daily News is reporting that Leslie Douglas Greenwood, 42, was sentenced to a mandatory sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole for 25 years. A Nova Scotia Supreme Court jury delivered its verdicts Wednesday afternoon following a trial into the shooting deaths of Barry Kirk Mersereau, 48, and his 47-year-old wife, Nancy Paula Christensen, in their Centre Burlington, Hants County, home on Sept. 9, 2000.

The Hells Angels biker gang ordered the killings as a payment for Greenwood and another man’s – Michael Lawrence – drug debt. Lawrence, 38, pleaded guilty last January to the two murders and is serving a life sentence with no eligibility of parole for 25 years. Curtis Blair Lynds, 36, has also been charged with the murders and a preliminary inquiry is scheduled to begin July 16. He’s currently in prison on a drug trafficking sentence.

We're still waiting to hear about Rusty and Ellen's murder. Now I'm hearing they were ripped off and that it was an inside job.

Another Surrey shooting

May 2nd there was another shooting fatality in Surrey. The day after Ranjit Cheema was shot dead in Vancouver. The police later released the name of the victim as Noel Jackson, from Ontario. He has a criminal record but the police claim it’s not related to the current gang tensions in Vancouver. At least they’re not denying it’s a homicide like the Edmonton PD.

Two guys died in an SUV riddled with bullets in Edmonton and the police wouldn’t call it a homicide only suspicious. I still can understand how they can say that with a straight face. Kinda makes you wonder how much things have improved there since that department was accused of leaking sensitive information to the Hells Angels when John Lindsay was chief of police.

His son was arrested not long ago in BC after stabbing an under cover police officer. His son was convicted of assaulting his former girlfriend who went missing the day he was released from prison. I’m sure Dana Turner’s family is waiting to hear about news on their daughter’s murder.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

John van Dongen examines the BC Rail Scandal

John van Dongen applies for intervener status into corruption court case. Interesting. Monday he applied to be a party to a court case launched by the auditor-general, who is trying to find out why the two defendants in the B.C. Rail corruption trial had their $6-million lawyer fees paid for by B.C. taxpayers.

Van Dongen, MLA for Abbotsford South, left the B.C. Liberals in March, citing the decision on the legal fees for ministerial assistants David Basi and Bob Virk, as one of his main reasons for leaving. Van Dongen has every right to be concerned. The subsequent editorial in the Vancouver Province explains why.

It gives the outrageous example of how a woman in his riding was completely shafted. She's a disabled mom who lives with her disabled son on a small disability pension. The woman's brother, who lives in Alberta, recently decided to give her a used car to make her life a little easier.

But then the B.C. government demanded she pay $700 in taxes on the gift. When she couldn't afford that, she tried to give the car back to her brother, but the government said she still owed them the money. "She came to my office a couple of times, completely distraught," van Dongen told the columnist. "We tried for weeks to get her some help, with no success."

First of all, the woman shouldn’t have had to pay $700.00 for a gift in the first place. Making her pay after she returned the gift was absurd. Compare that to the $6 million those same people blew on a couple of idiots who plead guilty in the BC Rail case is astounding.

Holding a public inquiry as to why they paid Basi Virk’s legal fees is pretty pointless. We all know it was a scam. They proclaimed their innocence to stall it off and as soon as Gordon Campbell and some other high ranking members of the party were going to be implicated, they copped a plea to censor the evidence. Yet it’s a court hearing not a public inquiry. Perhaps some of the missing evidence can be recalled.

This is just another example of the kind of heartless extremes that we need to address. Letting the rich pay zero tax while the poor have to make up the difference is wrong. Making these huge tax dollar expenditures to cover up fraud is outrageous.

The BC Rail case was bad enough. Selling public assets to your friends who profit from the taxpayers loss and in return give the corrupt politicians a kickback. Nothing surprising or earth shattering there. Just like Harpers conflicted Jets. It’s not surprising but it is wrong.

As bad as the BC Rail case is, despite the fact that Gordon Campbell was going to be implicated along with Christy Clark and her brother, that is just the tip of the iceberg. The real dilemma of the BC rail fraud was the reason the RCMP got a search warrant in the first place. Because of Basi’s ties to his cousin who was convicted of cocaine trafficking. It was a huge operation. Bassi was accused of money laundering through real estate. Those charges never happened after they copped a plea. Clearly the depth and extent of the BC Rail fraud still needs to be examined.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Vancouver's Quiet Places

I finally made it out to the mountains yesterday afternoon. I've been getting antsy like a bird in a cage. Like everywhere, Vancouver has some nice quiet places to get away from the insanity of city life. This was our home before the Hells Angels came here. In fact, they never did come. Just a few local wannabes exploited the name and reputation to sell crack and profit from crime. Now somebody wants to put a cap in my ass. Big surprise. Perhaps putting a cap in my ass will simply make the police do it themselves and put bar watch online. Be careful what you wish for.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Podcasts have begun

To kick off the Kelowna Summer Jam, the Gangsters out web site has gone retro and started podcasting in mp3. Now you can listen to us on the way to work on your mp3 player as we talk about the latest gang issues that affect us. The heat is on this summer in Kelowna.

Robert B. Nichols, John P. Ellis and the Bayou Hedge funds

Robert B. Nichols and his wife were the owners of a US dollar bank account in London, England that was seized in the Bayou bankruptcy case. Nichols sued trying to get the money back. The United States government contended that the funds in the account belong to Samuel Israel III.

April 2004 Nichols met Israel and discussed investment opportunities. Nichols became his financial advisor and was paid $10 million by Israel for his services. A portion of that fee was deposited into the account in question in London, England.

Nichols claimed his services were separate from Bayou Management Ltd. The financial press published Israel’s success with the Bayou Group. Nichols claimed that he was not aware that Israel breached any obligation to the Bayou Group and owed them any money.

Confirmation of the governments sanction and legitimacy of the project was communicated to Nichols by John P. Ellis who at the time was affiliated with GH Venture Partners of New York. Mr. Ellis is the first cousin of George W. Bush and his material involvement with President Bush’s political campaign (particularly in Florida) was reported in the general press.

Nichols relied on statements made by Ellis with regards to the legitimacy of the project and of Israel. He claims he only became aware of the criminal allegations against Israel after they became public in September 2005.

However, the lawyers claim it was a fraudulent transfer from Bayou Management before it went bankrupt with the actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud the Bayou creditors. They contend that Robert B. Nichols did not receive the fraudulent transfer in good faith and or knew it was a fraudulent transfer.

In 2004 Israel sought to invest in a series of prime bank instrument trading banks in Europe. He hired Robert B. Nichols to find financial instruments that were bone fide obligations of the Department of Treasury of the United States of America.

The Bayou Entities turned into a massive fraudulent investment scheme which created and controlled private pooled investment funds. During the course of the fraud, the Bayou Entities attracted more than $450 million in investments for their Hedge Funds.

After suffering millions of dollars in losses, the Bayou Entities attempted to stay afloat and prolong the scheme by disclosing false investment performance and creating false financial statements. The Bayou Entities also attempted to conceal their losses through a series of fraudulent transfers. After the Bayou Entities fraudulent investment scheme collapsed, there was $250 million in principle unpaid to hundreds of creditors.

Three days after the fraudulent transfer which was the subject of the court case, Israel transferred $10 million to Nichols. The $10 million was not from Israel’s personal funds. It was from the fraudulent transfer from Bayou Management before it went bankrupt.

The Bayou entities were involved in a series of fraudulent actions and transactions in furtherance of a criminal investment scheme. Israel and Daniel E. Marino directed and controlled the business of Bayou Entities from their inception through August 2005. Both have plead guilty and have been sentenced to federal counts of mail and wire fraud, investment advisor fraud, and conspiracy to commit fraud relating to their operation of the Bayou Hedge Funds.

On or about April 2004, virtually all of the contents of the Bayou Hedge Funds’ brokerage accounts were wired to a bank account titled “Bayou Management LLC Special Account.” On or about July 8 2004, Israel caused $120 million be transferred from Bayou Management to a bank account in Israel’s name at Deutsche Postbank in Hamburg, Germany. (What the courts referred to as The Fraudulent Transfer) Israel and the Bayou entities failed to disclose the Fraudulent Transfer to the Bayou Hedge Funds investor creditors. Gee that sounds very similar to what CONrad Black did in his case. Turns out Guy Lawson has just written a book about Samuel Israel's involvement in the Bayou Hedge Fund fraud.

Recent Vancouver Gang Violence – The Exterminator

We all know about the 2009 Vancouver gang war which peaked a few years after the Surrey Six murder. Now let’s take a look and the recent outbreak of Vancouver gang violence. It started in 2011 and has started to heat up again recently. The most famous of which was the murder of the despised Jonathon Bacon in Kelowna. After that, there has been a series of exterminations.

Not likely in retaliation because it is very unlikely the Dhure or Dhak group had anything to do with the Kelowna hit. It appears that one small group of drug dealers that don’t work for the Hells Angels are being exterminated. Unlike with the Independent Soldiers or the Red Scorpions, they aren’t trying to take over this group, they are wiping them off the face of the earth simply to maintain exclusive control over the Vancouver drug trade.

Khun-Khun September 16 2011

Billy Woo October 2 2011

Stephen Leone October 22 2011

Sandip (Dip) Duhre January 17 2012

Sean Beaver and Stephen Leone’s brother January 21 2012

Tom Gisby April 28 2012 murdered in Mexico

Nicholas Lucier May 1 1012 arrested in Mexico

Ranj Cheema May 2 2012

It all reminds me of the infamous words of Eric Sandburg to Agent 22 from a Hells Angels puppet club in Winnipeg called the Zig Zag crew when he was visiting Vancouver. Eric Sandburg told the Hells Angels associate that he could get him any gun he wanted and that they were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey. Indeed they were. Not only is the Hells Angels violent control of the drug trade concerning, but so is the deranged level of violence that goes along with it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Jarrod Bacon sentenced to 12 years

Jarrod Bacon has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for drug conspiracy charges. His brother Jonathon was gunned down in Kelowna with Larry Amero and his other brother Jamie is on trial for his involvement with the Surrey Six Murder. Jamie was also an associate of Kevin LeClair. Kevin was shot dead and trained at Revolution in Langley which has ties to the Hells Angels.

Nicholas Lucier busted in Mexico

Nicholas Lucier who was wanted by police in connection with a lage cocaine bust in Victoria back in 2009 has just been arrested in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. This is the same town where his associate Tom Gisby was gunned down last week.