Sunday, October 18, 2020

Brandon Straka: True Colors # Walk Away

Rebel News exposes the Confucius Institute's Mandate

Toronto Lockdown Protest continues to grow

Yesterday's lockdown protest in Toronto continues to grow in numbers and credibility. Representatives from the civl liberties union spoke as well as constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati.

This is a clip from the march in Toronto last week:

This is a clip from the march in Toronto this week:

Maxime Bernier joined them along with Toronto Peoples Party candidate Baljit Bawal. Conservatives are not Racists. Communists are lairs. Face the Facts. There was a letter sent out by the Vancouver and District Labour council calling the Vancouver lockdown protest white supremacists. That absurd lie has run it's course. The president of the Vancouver and District Labour Council is Stephen Von Sychowski. Stephen Von Sychowski is also the leader of the Vancouver Young Communists of Canada. He lists his political affiliation as Communist. It's time we faced the truth and confronted the Marxist lies once and for all.

People's Party Newsletter: Lockdowns are killing us!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Vancouver anti lockdown rally

The Vancouver anti lockdown rally today was huge. I was in Vancouver taking care of some family business and they marched right past then went back to the Art Gallery for more speeches. They'll be back again tomorrow. These anti lockdown rallies keep getting bigger and bigger. They support funding the police and support the freedoms protected by the Charter of Rights.

There was a letter sent out by the Vancouver and District Labour council calling the Vancouver lockdown protest white supremacists. That absurd lie has run it's course. The president of the Vancouver and District Labour Council is Stephen Von Sychowski. Stephen Von Sychowski is also the leader of the Vancouver Young Communists of Canada. He lists his political affiliation as Communist. It's time we faced the truth and confronted the Marxist lies once and for all.
Update: Rebal News covers the event when Post Media News refused.

Friday, October 16, 2020

America's Frontline Doctors White Coat Summit II

900 Belgian Doctors denounce lockdown - Docs for open debate

Alberta set to repeal Bill 10, giving back their temporary COVID-19 powers

The Beat goes on so it does

Hells Angels busted in Oz with meth, cocaine and GHB

TBM Nation is reporting that "Two senior bikie gang members arrested in Melbourne will be deported to New Zealand after a nationwide crackdown on the Hells Angels. The pair were among 24 people charged following 28 raids across Australia, police revealed on Thursday. The search warrants were conducted earlier this week and allegedly found firearms, ammunition, cash and drugs, including meth, cocaine, GHB and steroids."

Crystal meth, cociane and date rape drug. Things that make ya go hmmm....

The Sydney Morning Herald named one of the pair to be Felix Lyle, head of the Sydney chapter. "Not that Lyle was often seen on a bike. Before he went to prison, his preferred mode of transport was being chauffeured around in his bright red Bentley." Speaking of Australian Hells Angels and crstal meth, whatever happened to the toy boy lover Errol Gildea? I haven't heard where that warm brother is hiding out lately. He's taken the Hells Angels sex trade into a whole new level.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, TBM is also reporting that there was a huge crystal meth bust along the US Mexico border. Operation Fast and Furious never stopped. The beat goes on.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

The WHO makes public plea to stop using lockdowns

Rebel Media is reporting that "The World Health Organization Director-General, Dr. David Nabarro, made a public plea for world leaders to stop using lockdowns as a primary way to handle the pandemic. Of course this comes months after some leaders, scientists and medical professionals have spoken out against lockdowns. U.S. President Donald Trump was quick to call out the WHO for being late to the common sense party."

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson runs for MLA in BC

I'm thrilled Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson is running for MLA in BC's election. Obviously the Christian Heritage Party isn't going to win a majority but if she wins a seat she will have a voice and it will be a voice in support of civil liberty in these perilous times when our freedom is under attack by the very politicians we elect and fund. Personally, I would rather see her run for the BC Conservatives but I recognize that the CHP is a good fit for her.

I’m all about diversity myself. I support the freedom of religion – all religion. The Muslims are our allies just as the Sikhs are. Religion is not the problem, hypocrisy and immorality is. All our laws are based on morals. We don’t need religion to tell us murder, rape and theft are wrong. Yet those are moral principles and form the framework of a just society.

Hey she's the leader of that party. Good on ya. I'm on a different road but I support hers.