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Saturday, October 22, 2011
Gordon Campbell at Bilderberg 2010
I'm not sure what the Bilderberg meetings are all about but here's a picture someone sent me of Gordon Campbell and Peter Mansbridge at Bilderberg 2010.
No doubt the credibility of Bilderberg was diminished with Mr. Campbell's presence. Aside from being a drunken pig, he certainly isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Leaving office with the lowest approval rating for a Premier in Canada was a natural consequence of his bizarre attitude while in office.
I have heard about the Skull and Bones and the Bohemian Grove. Sounds pretty weird to me. I don't know much about the Illuminati other than what was portrayed in the movie Tomb Raider but I don't understand the fear of the all seeing eye logo on the American Dollar. The founding fathers were Freemasons. They had a belief in God. On the US Dollar is the slogan In God We Trust. The all seeing eye in the capstone of the pyramid simply means the all seeing eye of God who we are told is the great architect of the Universe.
Personally I think all the paranoia about the Freemasons is a smoke and mirror distraction for the real concern. Not only were George Washington and Ben Franklin Masons, but there were many Masons involved in the Labour movement. The carpenter's Union is but one example.
Free Masons pledge to believe in a higher power and strive to live moral upright lives. They promise to keep their religious traditions secret not the crimes of other Free Masons secret.
No doubt break aways from the free Masons can change those objectives. The Skull and bones sect sounds just plain weird. However, let us remember that it was Free Masons that helped write and frame the U.S. Constitution which preserved on paper the liberty and freedom we all cherish so dearly.
In fact, me thinks Free Masons would be appropriate allies in over coming these dark secret groups that conspire to destroy the liberty and agency of man and enslave them to corrupt corporations driven by greed. The secret societies Kennedy warned about were not the Free Masons, they were the CIA. The ones who submitted Operation Northwoods which he had vetoed.
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Desecration of Moammar Gadhafi
I am also saddened by the murder of Moammar Gadhafi. Another scape goat exploited, betrayed, slandered and murdered. We recently heard news that Moammar Gadhafi has been murdered. In fact in today's Vancouver Province we read three completely different versions of how he died.
"Gadhafi was in a jeep when rebels opened fire on it. He got out and tried to flee, taking shelter in a sewage pipe," an NTC field commander, Mohammed Leith, said.
NTC fighters "opened fire again and he came out carrying a Kalashnikov in one hand and a pistol in the other," he said. Gadhafi "looked left and right and asked what was happening. Rebels opened fire again, wounding his leg and shoulder. He died after that," according to Leith.
But according to Jibril, Gadhafi was shot in the head "in crossfire" between his supporters and new regime fighters after his capture. "When he was found, he was in good health, carrying a gun," Jibril told a news conference in Tripoli. Gadhafi was transferred from the pipe to a pickup truck, at which point he was shot in the right hand.
"When the vehicle started moving, it was caught in crossfire between Gadhafi fighters and the revolutionaries, and he was shot in the head," according to Jibril. Those are two completely different versions of events. This is the third in the same article:
French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet revealed that a French Mirage-2000 fired a warning shot at a column of up to 80 vehicles trying to flee Sirte early Thursday. Libyan fighters then intervened, destroying the vehicles, from which "they took out Col. Gadhafi," he added.
Then a fourth version of events emerged: Fresh witness accounts of Gadhafi's capture suggested he tried to reason with the rebels, demanding his legal rights to fair treatment and asked them: "Do you know right from wrong?" Consequently the United Nations human rights office called on Friday for a full investigation into the death of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and voiced concerns that he may have been executed.
Moammar Gadhafi was a Socialist. I am not. Yet I do denounce his murder and the murder of his children. Pastor Niemoeller wrote a profound poem about the war in Germany.
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.
France did business with Libya for years. Gadhafi contributed to Sarkozy's political campaign and Sarkozy completely screwed Gadhafi. Sarkozy is in my opinion, a dirty dog. He is untrustworthy. Incidentally, the article the Province ran today originally came from France.
Gadhafi was captured after taking fire from a French fighter jet. He demanded his right to a lawyer and asked his captors if they knew the difference between right and wrong. Evidently not.
The whole Libyan mission was tainted from day one. Gadhafi wasn't firing on peaceful protesters like they were in Saudi and Syria. The protesters in Libya took up arms against him. As I said before, if I took an angry mob to Ottawa and started firing on Stephen Harper, I guarantee you the police would return fire. The mission in Libya was about oil just like it was in Iraq.
The right to a fair and speedy trial, the need to be charged with an offence to be arrested and the right to legal representation are fundamental rights in a democracy. These are the first inherent rights we violate when we create off shore prison camps like Guantanamo Bay.
What's even more distressing is the murder of Gadhafi's children. Leith, the NTC commander, said one of Gadhafi's sons, Mutassim, was also killed in Sirte. "We found him dead. We put his body and that of [ex-defence minister] Abu Bakr Yunis Jabar in an ambulance to take them to Misrata." It is unlikely we will ever get a truthful record of how his son was murdered.
However, this isn't his only son that was murdered. Gadhafi had another son and three grandchildren that were murdered by allied bombing. He also had an adopted daughter who was killed in a 1986 U.S. airstrike.
Despite denials from Western leaders that the air raid on the Gadhafi compound was an assassination attempt, it has provoked renewed debate on whether the British and French-led strikes are exceeding the United Nations' mandate to protect civilians. Indeed. Remember when I said the mission in Libya was tainted from the beginning? We sent planes in to enforce a cease fire. Instead, we start bombing one side so the rebels could take over an oil town and end up murdering him and his children. That was not enforcing a cease fire.
Let us not forget that we don't know who the rebels are. Other than the fact that they are aligned with the Taliban and that they executed their leader and his first officer. This tainted mission was shameful and the desecration of Moammar Gadhafi has diminished all of us.
There is no need to do an autopsy. Return the body to the family immediately. We all rightfully complain about how outrageous it is when Neo Nazi's desecrate Jewish graves. That is offensively disrespectful. You've already murdered him. Don't you dare desecrate his grave by denying his family their right to a proper Muslim burial. Don't you dare bury him at sea. Doing so because you are afraid his supporters will turn his grave into a shrine is shockingly deranged. Let the family bury their dead according to their own religious traditions. Anything less than that is wrong.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Citigroup pays court settlement
The S.E.C. announced that Citigroup has agreed to pay $285 million to settle a civil complaint that it had defrauded investors in a mortgage securities deal. They would not have paid the settlement if the allegations were false. Citigroup bailed out with tax dollars for committing investment fraud. Go figure.
George Bush in Surrey
Well George Bush came to Surrey today. Many protesters expressed their outrage. The 9/11 truth movement was well represented. I'm glad so many came to protest but seeing civic candidates smiling beside a war criminal makes me ashamed. That is very sad.
I think Dianne Watts has done some good things for Surrey but her absurd claims about venue defending Bush by saying he hasn't been convicted in court yet is really offensive. Really. They were caught torturing prisoners without a fair trial. Congress passed a bill stopping the torture and George Bush vetoed that bill. You can't get any more legally liable than that.
Getting a photo shoot with him and rationalizing it with that smoke and mirrors nonsense really hurts. I hate to say this but she just lost my vote. Really. I guess I should have seen the writing on the wall with her close affinity for Gordon Campbell. Integrity isn't something we sell off depending on the venue.
Come to think of it, Dianne Watts and Donna Cadman both blindly endorsed Stephen Harper after he tried to bribe Chuck Cadman. That was somewhat disappointing to say the least. Then there was all those strange bus shelter adds of Dianne Watts with an Indiana Jones background encouraging people to Read right before a civic election. They even made bookmarks of it and gave them out at the Library. Perhaps she should read that book instead of just posing with it. The Dalai Lama doesn't support war criminals. His path of peace and happiness involves nonviolent opposition to injustice.
Someone is promoting her corporate image like a brand. Everywhere we go we see her face plastered all over everything. Unfortunately every time I see that picture now it makes me think of her smiling beside a war criminal. "They" even had her speak in favor of the carbon tax. Looks like Campbell's crusade has found a new poster girl. Her and Christie Clark smiling in support of George Bush gives me an upset stomach.
Speaking of Texas, let's ban Bush and bring on the Dixie Chicks. We're not ready to make nice with a war criminal.
Jamie Kehoe's Funeral
Jamie Kehoe’s funeral was held on Wednesday. The sign outside the funeral chapel said “For Jamie Always Think Twice Before You act.” A profound and stirring message given the untimely death of such a bright life just when it was ready to begin. Murdered for no reason. A senseless act of violence Tradic yet disturbing.
Nothing can change the fact that this heinous murder was senseless. The guy ran up to Jamie and slit his throat for no reason. Disturbing because it displays a complete lack of respect for human life.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hells Angels funeral shooting suspect identified
We heard about the recent shooting at a Hells Angels funeral in California. Well the suspect pool just got a bit confusing. San Jose police continued their manhunt for a Hells Angels member who they believe shot to death Steve Tausan, a fellow member of the notorious outlaw motorcycle club, during a funeral crowded with mourning bikers -- and then mysteriously disappeared under the watch of hundreds of police officers.
A Hells Angel suspected of killing another Hells Angel. Like that comes as any big surprise. San Jose police say Steven Ruiz, also a member of the motorcycle gang, shot and killed 52-year-old Steve Tausan on Saturday during a fight at the funeral for Jeffrey "Jethro" Pettigrew. About 3,000 people attended the ceremony at Oak Hill Memorial Park.
On Tuesday, police said Ruiz was fighting with a member of the gang when he was knocked to the ground. Tausan apparently became involved and Ruiz drew a handgun and shot Tausan.
Ruiz is now missing. Investigators say they dug up Pettigrew's grave to see if Ruiz may have been killed and buried there, but didn't find anything.
Tausan was a high-ranking member of the Hells Angels and an enforcer of club rules who sported a tattoo on his wrist that read "Mr. 187," a reference to the California penal code for homicide.
Steve Martin Tausan, 52, also was a bail bondsman who had served in the Marines and been a professional boxer before he became the second prominent Hells Angels member from Northern California to be gunned down in less than a month.
Although police had surrounded the cemetery in anticipation of possible trouble, the shooter somehow vanished. There was also no trace of the handgun.
That's why, sources said, investigators Saturday night got a judge's permission to exhume Pettigrew's coffin to see if Ruiz's body or any other evidence was hurriedly buried in the soil next to his former club president. They reportedly found nothing connected to Tausan's killing.
The coffin itself was not opened. Investigators suspect Hells Angels members or other bikers somehow managed to smuggle Ruiz, dead or alive, from the cemetery. They believe he may have been killed soon after he shot the 52-year-old Tausan, according to sources.
Drugs tossed to inmates over prison's fence
Management at a Manitoba prison has opened an exercise yard for inmates that invites passersby to toss drugs over the fence. Gee I wonder if that's Stony Mountain prison where Deli and Sean Wolfe are staying? Yup sure is.
CTV even caught a drug toss on camera. The drug trade is alive and well in prison. Still. Ya think Mr. Harper would spend some coin on fixing that problem before he builds more prisons and fills them with pot growers. I guess Stony Mounted institution has been renamed to Stoned Mountain.
"I think they're afraid of what the inmate response will be if they close it. You cut off the drug supply and of course they're going to be pissed off." Grabowsky said. You have got to be kidding. The powers that be are afraid of upsetting the inmates if it cuts off their drug supply. Who's in charge here any ways?
Last August an employee was charged with bringing drugs into Stony Mountain. Let's not forget that fatal drug over dose in the Maple Ridge prison. Oh yeah that was from drugs the government brought in. Go figure. Personally I don't like the idea of regular strip searches but there is no reason they can't use drug sniffing dogs. They should have drug sniffing dogs regularly at the border.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Rented Cadillac leads to Vernon drug bust
Here's another brain surgeon who was nine days over due on his rented cadi. He didn't think they'd come looking for the car. When they did he was caught with crack, cocaine, heroin and oxycodone.
The car was rented to a person with a Salmon Arm address and was was located near 35th Street and Centennial Drive in Vernon. Which group sells drugs in Vernon and is connected to Salmon Arm?
Peter Leask keeps screwing up
This is getting to be absurd. Peter Leask is an idiot. It doesn't take a brain surgeon, a committee or a public inquiry to determine what's wrong with our judicial system. With idiots like Peter Leask throwing out good evidence over and over we are beginning to see who the real criminal is. He's sitting on the wrong side of the bench.
That freak represented Frank Biller, a key player in the Eron Mortgage Corp. fraud when he was a lawyer.
Let's Occupy Smithe Street.
Texas reject Harper's crime plan
On a recent trip to Texas, an array of conservative voices told CBC News that Texas tried what Canada plans to do - and it failed. As recently as 2004, Texas had the highest incarceration rate in the world, with fully one in 20 of its adult residents behind bars or on parole or probation.
The Lone Star state still has the death penalty, with more than 300 prisoners on death row today. But for three decades, as crime rates fell all over the U.S., the rate in Texas fell at only half the national average. That didn't change the policy - but its cost did.
I'm all for mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime like murder, swarming or for selling crack or meth but not for pot. A mandatory minimum sentence of three months for a prolific offender who commits a huge amount of crime to pay for his drug addiction is not excessive. Harper preventing those important steps from happening by taking us to the other extreme is in itself criminal. It prevents us from doing what really needs to be done and takes money away from other important programs.
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