Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hells Angels linked to Pickton Inquiry

Just as he was warming up to theories regarding Pickton's associations with drug dealing bikers, lawyer Jason Gratl was shut down by Commissioner Wally Oppal, who was clearly perturbed. Gratl was cross-examining RCMP Cpl. Mike Connor, the force's lead investigator on Pickton.

Connor admitted that he received a tip that a Hells Angel associate who worked in a "booze can" after-hours drinking club across the street from Pickton's Port Coquitlam, B.C., property "was chopped up in a meat grinder on the farm and fed to the pigs."

Connor said police knew Hells Angels went to Pickton's farm and attended "Piggy's Palace" — the nearby illicit nightclub run by Pickton and his brother Dave. However, Connor said he did not investigate the credibility of the allegation a male Hells Angel associate was disposed of on Pickton's farm.

During Pickton's trial, lab staff testified that about 80 unidentified DNA profiles -roughly half male and half female — have shown up on evidence.

This stunning new development in the inquiry shows us several things. First, that Wally the Limp Fish Oppal was the wrong choice to head the inquiry. Second, that police knew there was an illegal booze can ran by the Hells Angels across the street from the Picton farm. Third, that the DNA from many unidentified bodies were also found on the Pickton farm, half of which were men and that the police had received a tip that the Hells Angels had put one of their employees through a meat grinder and feed him to the pigs on the Picton farm.

These are all very significant findings. The fact that the police knew the Hells Angels ran an illegal booze can across the street from the Pickton farm and knew that Dave Pickton was a Hells Angels associate, are facts that need to be explored. They most certainly aren't to be shut down by a brain dead idiot who has done nothing for BC other than rationalize BC's judicial incompetence.

Is it true Jesse Hadden was involved with the booze can across the street from the Pickton farm? Is it true that Jesse's father Spike was the one that caused the rift between the Haney Hells Angels and the Mission City Hells Angels? Please advise.

The Court was told Dave Pickton knew about bodies. Court also heard that police believed a marijuana grow-op in an unlicensed "booze can" across the street from the Pickton farm was connected to the Hells Angels. So the grow op was in the booze can across the street...

B.C.Missing Men

Concern and frustration are mounting among the families whose loved ones — all young, athletic men - have mysteriously vanished in B.C.'s Lower Mainland in the last year. Daniel Bouchard of White Rock went missing Monday night on the way back to his basement suite from a local pub. Sounds very similar to the Aaron Derbyshire case in Kelowna.

The most recent cases reported to the province's missing persons unit include:

- June 9: Daniel Bouchard, 20, of White Rock disappeared after leaving a local pub.

- April 10: Michael Scullion, 30, of Chilliwack disappeared in Agassiz.

- March 19: Kellen McElwee, 25, of Burnaby was last seen outside a Langley restaurant.

- Jan. 1: Derek Kelly, 32, of Langley vanished near Bridge Lake.

- Nov. 2, 2007: John Kahler, 29, was last seen at a four-by-four truck rally at Stave Lake.

- June 1: Bryan Braumberger, 18, disappeared somewhere near the Coquitlam and New Westminster boundary.

Matthew Huszar has been missing since December 16th, 2011. He was last seen on Water Street in Gastown, Downtown Vancouver.

Whistler DJ Michael Grefner has not been seen since January 17th 2012. There's a large Facebook Group set up for him.

Update: Daniel Bouchard is back home

Friday, February 10, 2012

Saanich store manager stole guns from his own store

Vancouver Island police have arrested a store manager accused of ordering 159 guns and stealing them for his personal collection. Lucky Jhagra, 40, was arrested Thursday and a search of his Saanich, B.C., residence later that evening turned up a cache of 159 guns, including rifles, shotguns, Glock pistols, antique revolvers, a semi-automatic assault rifle and a collector's-edition Desert Eagle handgun.

Stolen guns in Saanich. Gee I wonder who that's connected to?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Former Manitoba Hells Angels boss sentenced

Nearly six years and two high-profile drug trials later, former Hells Angels boss Ernie Dew finally knows his fate. Twelve years in prison and the possibility of 18 months more if he can’t cough up a $57,500 fine two years after being released. Dew, 52, was previously convicted of three counts of cocaine-trafficking and three counts of possession of property obtained by crime.

Court of Queen’s Bench Justice William Burnett sentenced him Friday to the 12-year term. “There is no doubt in my mind that (Dew) was a sophisticated high-level drug dealer,” Burnett said in his 21-page written decision.

After being credited for time already served, Dew had 23 months left to serve. However, he requested Burnett hike his remaining sentence by one month so he could be sent to a federal prison and not a Manitoba jail.

Pension Protest

Scores of labour activists and seniors occupied the offices of 22 Conservative MPs in Ontario on Thursday afternoon to protest possible changes in the retirement income system. Supporters of the so-called “Blue-Grey” Alliance converged on constituency offices including the one for Finance Minister Jim Flaherty for more than two hours.

Spokesmen for the group said the protests were peaceful and several MPs scheduled meetings with seniors and their supporters in the next few weeks. The group will also start holding town hall meetings in communities across the province to raise public awareness during the next month, said Sid Ryan, president of the Ontario Federation of Labour.

I’m glad to see protesters expressing their concern about the insane things the Harper government is doing to our pensions. I suppose that will make them domestic terrorists in Harpers’ eyes.

Here’s another problem with their Pension math. Giving the banks $65 billion when they didn’t need it then cutting pensions isn’t the only concern. Although that is concern enough. The whole problem is with their math rationalizing the cuts.

We keep hearing about the baby boom. A surge in the population after the war which has subsequently tapered off. I would like to see some stats proving this but either way it’s irrelevant. Their claim is that because a surge in population getting ready to retire means there will be a huge drain on the pension system at some future date because there will be less people paying into the play to pay for the larger number of people retiring all at once.

No one seems to be raising the obvious problem with that math. All of those baby boomers have been paying taxes and paying into CPP all their working lives. I realize Old Age Pension is in a separate account from CPP but the bottom line is that when we make contributions to a pension, that money is supposed to go into a fund where it collects compound interest for when we retire. The fact that they are not doing that is another example of how they are screwing up a good thing unnecessarily.

Corporations are just as bad. When an employee makes a contribution to their pension, it is supposed to physically go into an account where it collects compound interest. This is the same thing with our government pension. If the government has borrowed from the fund our contributions were supposed to be sitting in collecting interest, then the government needs to repay the money it borrowed. That is more important than giving the banks $65 billion when they didn’t need it and expecting us to give up our pensions to pay for that dirty deed.

Tories flip on Torture

Well this certainly doesn’t come as a big surprise. They flipped on the bank bail out why not flip on torture. Only their position on torture hasn’t been reversed, they’ve just been caught with guile. Torture is illegal in Canada. Obviously they’re not going to come right out and say they support torture. That’s the purpose of off shore prison camps like Guantanamo Bay, to get around the legality of torture.

Now CSIS claims that they are opposed to torture but they will not destroy evidence they have received from torture. What a crock of shit that is. To make matters worse, Harper’s government sent out a bullshit warm and fuzzy press release claiming they opposed the torture that went on in Libya under their command. Yeah right. They banned the activist who complained about the torture in Libya under their command from entering Canada.

Harper and McKay LIED when they said they did not know the Canadian military were handing over prisoners in Afghanistan to be tortured. We’re not talking about water boarding. We’re talking about hood over the head electric shock treatment. Harper denied knowing anything about it in one breath, then fired and slandered the whistleblower in the next breath. He is a liar.

Some people will argue that in cases of terrorism where innocent lives are at stake torture is acceptable. Iggy even wrote a book supporting that premise. I disagree for two reasons. I do not believe torture is acceptable at any time and I certainly don’t trust them to determine when torture is a matter of national security.

Obviously Hitler would have argued that torturing anyone who opposed the third Reich was a matter of National security. No doubt he would torture someone falsely accused of terrorism after he burned down the German Parliament and blamed it on terrorists.

Likewise Stalin would no doubt argue that dissidents were a threat to National Security and should be tortured. We know that as the US passed a treasonous bill that threw out the bill of rights giving the military power to arrest domestic terrorists without a charge or due process, England published a list of domestic terrorists that include everyone protesting in support of the occupy movement.

Now all of a sudden we have people supporting the constitutional right to lawful assembly labeled as a domestic terrorist. That means they have no rights and can be tortured. That is so wrong it is absolutely insane debating the matter. This editorial in today's Vancouver Province entitled Canada should not use info from torture is right. This other article from today's Vancouver Province stating why Tories defend torture stand is so very wrong.

The Down side of Money Laundering

One would think that laundering drug money into local businesses would be a win win situation. Not so. In an economic slow down one would think that laundering money through construction, real estate or casinos would help boost the economy. Unfortunately, that’s not what happens and I’ll tell you why. Greed.

Everybody wants to get a better deal. Everybody wants to get a better return on their investment. They keep wanting more and more until that greed consumes them and shoots themselves in the foot. Take BCCI. The world’s largest bank collapse because of arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering.

But wait, if the bank was laundering drug money, wouldn’t that make it more profitable? Why did it collapse? That would be the investment fraud tied to the money laundering. We can argue about investment fraud until the cows come home. The fact is, BCCI laundered drug money and collapsed as a result.

It’s like the investment fraud the Bush family was extensively involved in. Take out a bank loan to invest in a fake company or a dry oil well. Con investors to put their money into the fake company or the over inflated dry oil well, then take off with the investors money and default on the bank loan with the promise of bailing out the bank loan with tax dollars. Ultimately this fraud steals from the tax payer as well as the investors.

Only it wasn’t just the Bush family that was involved in the reoccurring scam. Al Martin claims it was a fund raising tool for Iran contra. That means it wasn’t just Jeb Bush instructing him how to commit the fraud, it was Oliver North and Richard Secord as well.

Richard Secord was Oliver North’s boss. It wasn’t just Oliver North and Richard Secord either. All Martin claims that when the large Texas banks crashed in the /80’s, the Agency defaulted on many loans it took out through paper shell companies not because they didn’t have the money but because they ripped off the bank as a means of fundraising for covert operations.

The problem with laundering drug money is that they always over reach and couple it with investment fraud in efforts to double their money. Catherine Austin Fitts refers to this as the tapeworm economy. She says most people are afraid to stop the money laundering on Wall Street because they are tricked into thinking their investments and their RRSPs will go down when in reality, the opposite is true. Investment fraud destabilizes the market.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another drug related shooting in Surrey

Hard to keep up with all the local shootings but there was another one in Surrey yesterday. The police state the target, Aaron Craig Tam, is very well known to us in the drug trade. The guy was shot several times in the 14300 hundred block of 92nd Avenue beside Green Timbers. The shooter stole his rental vehicle and set it on fire. Two suspects were seen dumping the car. One suspect has been apprehended. He was treated for burns from setting the car on fire. Obviously brain surgery was his second career option.

A pattern of deranged violence has been revealed and repeated

This discovery of human remains in a vacant home on a First Nations reserve outside of Prince George disturbs me. First of all, we know it's drug related and we know who runs the drug trade in Prince George. When it says human remains were discovered that usually means one of two things. Either the body was there a long time and had decomposed leaving skeletal remains or someone had cut up and dismembered the body.

Two elements of the deranged pattern of drug related violence that I see are torture and dismemberment. At the trial of contract killer Mickie (Phil) Smith the court was told one of his murders was done for the East Vancouver chapter of the Hells Angels. Smith killed Paul Percy Soluk at a crack house in Surrey and said a man he called Yurik helped him chop up and dispose of the body. Smith said "Yurik's not an Angel but he works with the Angels. I know he's done a lot of hits."

This case is the smoking gun so to speak. It directly ties the East Vancouver hells angels to murder in a Surrey crack house where the body was chopped up afterwards. Smith said Yurik helped him chop up the body and that Yurik has done a lot of hits for the hells angels. Is that so? How many of them has he chopped up?

A lot of people are asking my why the police have refused to release the details on the details of Britney Irving's murder and the condition her body was found in. Several sources claim she was found chopped up stuffed in a barrel. True or false, the manner of her murder needs to come out at Joey Verma's trial. It appears that the pretrial has completed and now they are preparing for the full trial.

We know that Jody Elliott's remains were found in a wooded area on Kelowna's Westside back in 2005. Witnesses said that word on the street was his murder was designed to send a message to Kelowna's drug culture. A shovel and an X-acto knife were employed to remove the victim’s head, hands and ear.

A police officer acting on a tip intercepted the trio as they headed back to Kelowna on Bear Creek Main Road in a car that contained Elliott’s body parts. Back at the Kelowna RCMP detachment, an officer discovered Elliott’s ear in Fralic’s pants pocket. Let me pause for one moment and reiterate how deranged this single case is and how often this deranged pattern has been repeated.

The first disturbing accounts we hear of victims being chopped up and disposed of were on the Pickton farm. One of those murders was also tied to a Surrey crack house known as the Surrey House of Horrors. One of those victims was also tied to the Orange Number Five in East Vancouver.

Cutting up a body after they have murdered the person to dispose of the body is one thing, torture in another. Cutting off someones ear while they are alive is something that I would consider torture. Cutting off someones privates while they are alive is something I would consider torture. Cutting off someones privates after they are dead is psychotically deranged.

Apparently, the sexual abuse in the Paxton case has not been limited to the Paxton case. Which brings us back to torture. We know they tortured people in the Surrey House of Horrors. Garry Harder was tortured and electrocuted there for $300.00. His girlfriend was made to watch and "they" tried to force his girlfriend into a life of prostitution to repay the debt.

We know the police found crack addicts chained in crack house basements in Prince George who were being tortured for crack debts. This is a very disturbing pattern of torture and abuse tied to Surrey and Prince George's drug and prostitution world run by we all know who. Enough.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fribjon Bjornson found dead and tortured

RCMP are investigating the discovery of human remains in a vacant home on a First Nations reserve in Fort St. James. By Saturday, RCMP confirmed in a media release the person found on the reserve was Fribjon Bjornson, 28, from Vanderhoof. He was reported missing on Jan. 21. This is a youtube tribute. Update: Arrests in Fribjon Bjornson's murder.

Madison Scott has been missing from Hogsback lake near Vanderhoof since Saturday May 28th. Police released a Re-enactment of her disappearance. People know people. Let us know what you've heard. We know who controls the drug trade in Prince George.