Friday, May 11, 2012

Drug user convicted of Surrey murder

Jose Hector Luna Morales came to Surrey from El Salvador. He was murdered by his ex-friend and roommate Lester Ovidio Beuzo Oseguera. Oseguera was a crack addict on a crack binge when he shot his room mate in the neck in Surrey. Tell me now that crack is not a horribly destructive drug. Tell me now that the fat cats who profit from the crack trade don’t have blood on their hands from this murder and many more just like it.

The court had heard how Oseguera fronted about $10,000 in cocaine from a fellow Honduran on East Hastings Street before the binge. A Honduran gang selling crack on East Hastings. Gee I wonder who they were working for. Stop the Greed. End the public sale of crack.

“Terrorist“ attack in Syria

Bizarre account of a failed terrorist bombing attempt in the news along with a very suspicious terrorist attack in Syria. More to come.

Sarkozy, Good Bye

Three cheers. Sarkozy was not reelected in France. That guy was a dirty dog. He was accused of accepting campaign contributions from Gaddafi then screwed him royally and led the invasion which ultimately assassinated him without a trial. When confronted with the facts, Sarkozy publically denied accepting campaign contributions from Gaddafi, but when you look at the facts, I think Sarkozy is lying.

Gaddafi’s family claimed the campaign contributions came when Sarkozy was actively trying to convince the world to trust Libya with nuclear weapons and power because he wanted to sell them a French reactor. Sarkozy was publically lobbying on Gaddafi’s behalf. Then all of a sudden, things changed. What was Gaddafi’s sin that rationalized his execution? It couldn’t have been for a transgression that happened before Sarkozy was lobbying on his behalf, it had to of happened after.

Gadaffi being a “dictator” didn’t bother Sarkozy as long as he was contributing to his political campaign and promising to buy a French reactor. Did Gaddafi end up deciding on buying a reactor from someone else? Was that the real transgression that caused Sarkozy to lead the invasion against him under the guise of a Canadian poster puppet?

When the news broke that Sarkozy lost a democratic election in France, the media branded his opponent as a socialist. Maybe the candidate is left wing. How far left I have no idea. I do however support the freedom of association within a democratic society and I do think Sarkozy is a dirty dog.

Sha na na na, Sha na na na Sarrzosky Good Bye.

Sha na na na, Sha na na na Dirty Dog Good Bye.

However, it doesn't seem to be over for the dirty dog. Outgoing French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has enjoyed legal immunity for the past five years, could soon be forced to explain himself to magistrates in three separate funding scandals that have dogged his time in power.

France’s constitution says a president cannot be required to testify or be investigated or prosecuted until a month after leaving office, a privilege that will end in mid-June for Sarkozy, who hands over to election winner Francois Hollande on May 15.

That frees the way for Sarkozy to be summoned for questioning by judicial investigators looking into murky affairs including a 1990s submarine sale to Pakistan and relations between Sarkozy, his party and France’s wealthiest woman.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bandera Gold and Barrack Gold

I’ve written a bit about Bandgera Gold when two Canadians involved with that company were recently arrested in Mexico for fraud. They were accused of being affiliated with the UN and laundering money through that Canadian gold company. When I first posted links to that story in Spanish, one heckler called me an idiot and said the article was referring to the United States not to the UN gang. Wrong. This police report clearly refers to the UN gang in Canada and even names Elliot Castenada and Ahmet Kaawach who were Surrey residents tied to the UN and were both shot dead in Mexico.

Some links suggest that the Hells Angels are also involved with the directors of Bandgera Gold. Kelvin Williams is the President and CEO of Bandera Gold Ltd. Russel J Renneberg has been a Board member of Bandera Gold since 1993. Robert R. Morrison has been a Board member of Bandera Gold since 2006. All three own stock in another mining company called Wolverine Exploration.

Hells Angels associate Anthony Ricci owner of No. 5 Orange strip club owns 1,000,000 shares of Wolverine Exploration. Hells Angels associate Ralph Biggar owns 5,000,000 shares of Wolverine Exploration. So if the Hells Angels are involved with the directors of Bandera Gold, and if Bandera Gold has been accused of money laundering for the UN, and if that case cited the murders of Elliot Castenada and Ahmet Kaawach, then who ordered their murder and why?

Barrack Gold on the other hand is another Canadian gold company that was created by an arms dealer named Adnan Khashoggi. I kid you not. He was on the cover of Time magazine. He was also involved with BCCI. Strange that Brian Mulroney and George Bush Jr. were directors of Barrack gold International when Barrack Gold was involved with Bre-X. Strange that Stephen Harper used the Canadian government to lobby on behalf of Brian Mulroney after it was made public that he lied in court and defrauded Canadian tax payers out of $30 million. It’s tragic really.

Calgary Hells Angels

The Calgary Hells Angels don’t seem to be involved in the drug trade like the Edmonton Angels (51) and the BC Hells Angels are. The Calgary drug trade is fuelled by the FOB (Fresh of the boat) and the FK (FOB Killers). The FOB get their drugs from the Independent Soldiers a greater Vancouver gang tied to the BC Hells Angels. The FK get their drugs from the UN. An independent greater Vancouver gang.

Gang Related Stabbing in Langley

Police Investigated a Gang Related Stabbing in Langley early this morning.

Kevin Falcon not interested in free-enterprise coalition

Finance Minister Kevin Falcon says he's 'not interested in having a discussion' about leading a free-enterprise coalition going into the next provincial election. No kidding. You can’t have a discussion about a free enterprise coalition with Kevin Falcon or the BC Liberals because they are not free enterprise. Perhaps they meant a free enterprise coalition consisting of John Cummings and the NDP? Kevin Falcon is a Gordon Campbell clone. They have nothing to do with free enterprise. They’re all about back room deals with big business that rips off taxpayers and crushes small business.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Leslie Greenwood found guilty in Mersereau Christensen murder

The Turo Daily News is reporting that Leslie Douglas Greenwood, 42, was sentenced to a mandatory sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole for 25 years. A Nova Scotia Supreme Court jury delivered its verdicts Wednesday afternoon following a trial into the shooting deaths of Barry Kirk Mersereau, 48, and his 47-year-old wife, Nancy Paula Christensen, in their Centre Burlington, Hants County, home on Sept. 9, 2000.

The Hells Angels biker gang ordered the killings as a payment for Greenwood and another man’s – Michael Lawrence – drug debt. Lawrence, 38, pleaded guilty last January to the two murders and is serving a life sentence with no eligibility of parole for 25 years. Curtis Blair Lynds, 36, has also been charged with the murders and a preliminary inquiry is scheduled to begin July 16. He’s currently in prison on a drug trafficking sentence.

We're still waiting to hear about Rusty and Ellen's murder. Now I'm hearing they were ripped off and that it was an inside job.

Another Surrey shooting

May 2nd there was another shooting fatality in Surrey. The day after Ranjit Cheema was shot dead in Vancouver. The police later released the name of the victim as Noel Jackson, from Ontario. He has a criminal record but the police claim it’s not related to the current gang tensions in Vancouver. At least they’re not denying it’s a homicide like the Edmonton PD.

Two guys died in an SUV riddled with bullets in Edmonton and the police wouldn’t call it a homicide only suspicious. I still can understand how they can say that with a straight face. Kinda makes you wonder how much things have improved there since that department was accused of leaking sensitive information to the Hells Angels when John Lindsay was chief of police.

His son was arrested not long ago in BC after stabbing an under cover police officer. His son was convicted of assaulting his former girlfriend who went missing the day he was released from prison. I’m sure Dana Turner’s family is waiting to hear about news on their daughter’s murder.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

John van Dongen examines the BC Rail Scandal

John van Dongen applies for intervener status into corruption court case. Interesting. Monday he applied to be a party to a court case launched by the auditor-general, who is trying to find out why the two defendants in the B.C. Rail corruption trial had their $6-million lawyer fees paid for by B.C. taxpayers.

Van Dongen, MLA for Abbotsford South, left the B.C. Liberals in March, citing the decision on the legal fees for ministerial assistants David Basi and Bob Virk, as one of his main reasons for leaving. Van Dongen has every right to be concerned. The subsequent editorial in the Vancouver Province explains why.

It gives the outrageous example of how a woman in his riding was completely shafted. She's a disabled mom who lives with her disabled son on a small disability pension. The woman's brother, who lives in Alberta, recently decided to give her a used car to make her life a little easier.

But then the B.C. government demanded she pay $700 in taxes on the gift. When she couldn't afford that, she tried to give the car back to her brother, but the government said she still owed them the money. "She came to my office a couple of times, completely distraught," van Dongen told the columnist. "We tried for weeks to get her some help, with no success."

First of all, the woman shouldn’t have had to pay $700.00 for a gift in the first place. Making her pay after she returned the gift was absurd. Compare that to the $6 million those same people blew on a couple of idiots who plead guilty in the BC Rail case is astounding.

Holding a public inquiry as to why they paid Basi Virk’s legal fees is pretty pointless. We all know it was a scam. They proclaimed their innocence to stall it off and as soon as Gordon Campbell and some other high ranking members of the party were going to be implicated, they copped a plea to censor the evidence. Yet it’s a court hearing not a public inquiry. Perhaps some of the missing evidence can be recalled.

This is just another example of the kind of heartless extremes that we need to address. Letting the rich pay zero tax while the poor have to make up the difference is wrong. Making these huge tax dollar expenditures to cover up fraud is outrageous.

The BC Rail case was bad enough. Selling public assets to your friends who profit from the taxpayers loss and in return give the corrupt politicians a kickback. Nothing surprising or earth shattering there. Just like Harpers conflicted Jets. It’s not surprising but it is wrong.

As bad as the BC Rail case is, despite the fact that Gordon Campbell was going to be implicated along with Christy Clark and her brother, that is just the tip of the iceberg. The real dilemma of the BC rail fraud was the reason the RCMP got a search warrant in the first place. Because of Basi’s ties to his cousin who was convicted of cocaine trafficking. It was a huge operation. Bassi was accused of money laundering through real estate. Those charges never happened after they copped a plea. Clearly the depth and extent of the BC Rail fraud still needs to be examined.