Friday, March 22, 2013

Prince George Sexual Assault Trial

With regards to the brutal sexual assault in Prince George it appears the two adults charged in that horrific offense, Hayden Alwood and Mercedes Jewett, made their first appearance on March 6 2013. They are scheduled to make an appearance on April 3rd 2013 to consult council. However, they are scheduled on March 28 2013 for a Judicial Interim Release.

BTW if this case has nothing to do with drugs, why is Mercedes posing in a PG crack house?

How does Glen Jame Louis supplement his income? Does he rap for the IS?

Surely Glen isn't collecting money from young kids who haven't paid their rap concert tickets. Glen raps with the co accused. Why did he write a song about freeing his "family?" I.E. Hayden, Mercedes and his rap partner. Of course he says f the police. Pretty pathetic when he supports deranged thugs who sodomized his own uncle. This guy needs some professional help. Glen and his partner have another song that says f school I wanna be a drug dealer. Imagine that. They even say don’t pay up and you’re better off dead. He claims he sells cocaine in the song.

They're all tied to the Predator Kitt Alwood and her new label the Urban Underground.

Why is one of the accused who wrote a song claiming he wants to be a drug dealer and sells cocaine partying with a T-shirt on that says Free Emcee Dusty? That's Boo's brother. He was involved with Scott Payne who cut off a guy's fingers for a $170.00 drug debts owed to the Crew.

Why was one of the accused who was released joking about sodomizing a cat on Facebook? In the Free Hayden and Mercedes song, Glen Louis claims one plead guilty so the others three should go free. He's coaching them through his music. He's telling them how to plead. He's trying to bully one of the younger ones they used to take the fall for him and the others. When is he going to start taking responsibility for his own life and stop bullying younger kids to commit his deranged acts for him? Glen's facebook says he works at the Urban Underground.

Group Homes

What this case does do is shed light on the complete failure of social services. Most of these kids involved in this horrific offense were in the care of or just graduated from the care of social services. They were raised in group homes without consequences. They can’t even force the kids to go to school. Glen is just “graduating” from the program because he has turned 18. He leaves the program with a grade 8 education. How has that prepared him for the real world? What did he do for all those years when everyone else was going to school? Pick up a trade? Nope. He was taught to become a bully and a predator because he is bigger and fatter that other kids his age.

Mercedes was raised in group homes run by the Ministry. After she turned 18 they set her up in her own apartment where this offense is alleged to have been committed. She had a baby. The Ministry took that baby away because they felt she was an unfit mother. Whose fault is that? The ministry raised her. Hayden was raised in group homes run by the Ministry. Social Services must have thought there was some concern about his mother who is now a child predator indoctrinating kids into the gang banger lifestyle.

Life is all about consequences. We make choices and good or bad we live with the consequences of those choices. Raising kids without consequences is child abuse. It leaves them totally unprepared for the real world. All we are doing is raising a bunch of spoilt brats. Even worse, we are paying to make them vulnerable to the gangs and become criminals and predators.

You don’t even have to be from a bad home to end up in a group home. Years ago I had a friend who got in a fight with her daughter because she came home late from a party. The kid ran off to social services to save her. While in the care of the ministry, the kid attended a house wrecking party that was in the paper. I gave that information to my friend’s lawyer when the mother was fighting to get her daughter back. The judge said the lawyer presented a very compelling case. No doubt. If kids don’t want to live with rules they can run off to Social Services who then enables them to go to parties and take drugs.

Ministry criminally liable in Prince George rape.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

K-9 in court

Jonny Croitoru, also known as K-9 from the UN was in Vancouver court this morning to fix a date along with his co accused for the murder of Jonathan Barber who was driving Jamie Bacon’s car. The hit was on JB but Barber was fixing Jamie's car stereo. Tragic really. In more ways than one.

Jonathon Bacon murder suspects in court

CHBC is confirming that two of the three suspects charged in the Larry Amero Jonathon Bacon shooting were in court today: Jason Thomas McBride and Michael Jones. A blog reader sent in a copy of the court list with Khun Khun on it. He’s still in the hospital. I was actually in the Kelowna courthouse today and had a peek at the court list to see if there was anyone I recognized. I was looking for Blaze and the Rat. I totally missed the other names on the list. It looks like it was just an appearance to fix a date.

Apparently a Publication Ban under section 517 (1) of the Criminal code is an interim ban until the accused is discharged after the preliminary hearing, or if the accused is committed to stand trial until the end of the trail. They are NOT eternal publication bans. That would be a violation of the Freedom of Press.

As it stands that section of the criminal code is a violation of the Charter. It’s only supposed to cover evidence submitted to court when the jury was not present. Any evidence submitted to the court when the jury is present is fair game. That section of the criminal code is in violation of the Charter of Rights. Publishing evidence submitted when the jury was present doesn’t affect the accused’s right to a fair trial because the jury already heard it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kelowna Big White

Big White is awesome. I was snowshoeing on Big White today. There is so much happening there. Skiing and snowboarding, of course. Yet there are sleigh rides. dog sleds and best of all ice climbing. The layout is similar to Whistler with lots of shops, resturants hotels and condos. You park at the bottom of the village and take a free gondola up to the hub of the activity.

We went snowshoeing of course. The fresh power was awesome.

This ice climbing tower they have is awesome. For 20 bucks you gear up and get hooked into harnesses and ropes just like at an indoor rock climbing facility. Ice is very different to climb. It's a great opportunity to practice. It's the only one in North America. I can't believe I've never been to Big White before. There is so much you can't find in a crack pipe or a sleazy night club. I'm glad I went today and will definitely return.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Surrey's 11th murder in 11 weeks

Jackie Olson was found dead in her Whalley home yesterday from what appears to be domestic violence. A relative has been arrested and is in custody. That makes 11 murders in 11 weeks. Not a good start to the year.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Gang related kidnappings in court

The gang related kidnapping from October 2011 involving seven accused including Thomas Crawford, David Tarrant and Veronica Moncur all from Kamloops has come to trial. At the time police reported that "The kidnapping was financially motivated," and that "Some of the individuals we arrested have documented links to the Red Scorpions and Independent Soldiers."

We know Thomas Crawford was connected to the Independent Soldiers which as we know work for the Hells Angels. Once again this shows the Red Scorpions and the IS working together on behalf of the Hells Angles.

Kim Bolan is reporting that “A Vancouver man now in jail in California was kidnapped and threatened with torture and death in October 2011 over missing money he had promised to send to the U.S. Dworkin said that on Oct. 20, 2011, victim Sulaiman Safi was ‘was kidnapped from the Denman Tap House restaurant in Vancouver and taken to Richmond where he was held overnight.’

‘He was tied up and threatened with bodily harm and death. A gun was put to his head and he was threatened that his fingers would be cut off if he did not pay them money,’ Dworkin told Justice Catherine Bruce. Mirhadi’s brother Mohammed was shot to death in North Vancouver in 1997 while he watched Donnie Brasco at a local theatre.”

The case involved $400,000 he agreed to ship to the US for the accused which didn’t arrive at it’s destination. More drug related violence tied to debts owed to the Hells Angels.

Another case of a gang related kidnapping shortly after that one was also tied to the Independent Soldiers. Jesse Margison and Troy McKinnon were accused of kidnapping and torturing a former associate named Robert McMillan. They beat his knees with hammers and cut off his ear and finger storing them in an ice cream carton. The victim refused to testify in that case and the accused walked. His brother Jonathon McMillan was shot to death in December 2007.

In February 2009, Jesse Margison’s girlfriend Brianna Kinnear, 22, was gunned down in a targeted hit in Coquitlam. A few days later, Margison associate Nick Smith was shot to death in a Vancouver basement suite.

Jesse Margison and Troy McKinnon were arrested February 2012 for another kidnapping and assault that occurred on Nov. 23, 2011 in Vancouver. Sam Vu was convicted of kidnapping a UBC student back in April 2006. I’m not sure what the motive was in that kidnapping. Vu’s younger brother Van, who was acquitted in the McMynn kidnapping, was charged with Jesse Margison and Troy McKinnon in the November 2011 kidnapping.

In that case they were charged with kidnapping for an organized crime group, assault with a weapon and assault causing bodily harm. Also charged were Troy Dax McKinnon, Derek James Stephens, John Ross Powers and Cody Alexander Sleigh. Kim Bolan reported on Feb 2012 that Tom McCluskie stated that kidnapping group was connected to the Independent Soldiers.

Jesse Margison was seriously injured in an assault at North Fraser Pre-trial jail on Aug. 12 in which another inmate is alleged to have jumped on his head. He was deemed unfit to stand trial December 2012.

In the Thomas Crawford case involving real estate agent Nazfar Mirhadi, Sulaiman Safi was kidnapped because the $400,000 he agreed to take to the US for the accused didn’t arrive at it’s destination. Kim Bolan previously reported that in 2010 the Royal Bank of Canada and Coast Capital Savings won default judgments against Safi totaling more than $62,000 for unpaid debts.

Coast Capital also named Heat Clothing as a defendant, saying Safi “is employed by or operates” the Surrey-based company. The personal property registry indicates Safi and Heat Clothing are co-holders of a lease for a 2007 Cadillac Escalade. The other debtor on the lease is a company called Kam Transport, whose sole director is full-patch Hells Angel Glen Hehn.

Police seizing cell phones

Don Pitcairn wrote an interesting article in the Naked Truth about the proposal to let RCMP confiscate cell phones from drivers. I have to agree that’s going a bit too far. Don’t tell me it’s Bill Fordy’s idea. Don mentioned that the police computers are also very distracting for drivers. He made reference to the Ashley Guiboche coroner's inquest who was killed by an RCMP cruiser.

A blog reader recently wrote in expressing the same concern when Guelph Police Const. Jennifer Kovach, 26,was killed when she apparently lost control of her cruiser and crashed into a bus. They also cited a case last month where a Vernon officer heading northbound on Hwy 97A came into the right hand curve approximately a 1/2 km north of Pleasant Valley Road. He left the road on the right hand side and rolled the vehicle, coming to a rest on the passenger side.

Clearly those police computers can be just as much of a distraction as a cell phone. Texting while driving should result in a ticket but they should not confiscate the cell phone. Seizing your car after two drinks isn’t right either.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Quebec helicopter jail break tied to the Hells Angels

Quebec provincial police confirm they’ve arrested Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau - one of the two men who escaped from a jail by helicopter earlier on Sunday - along with two other suspects. Hudon-Barbeau is alleged to have ties to the Hells Angels. The other suspect was found an hour later.

Saint Patrick’s Day 2013

This Saint Patrick’s Day I was going to write a post about the Irish Proclamation. Then I thought St. Paddy’s Day is more of a fun celebration and that was more a political remembrance saved for Easter. Then Freddy goes and posts a link to that disgusting piece of British slander that contained likely the most offensive statement in recorded history that makes me want to throw up.

Foreign occupation is not noble. It’s known as tyranny. William Wallace fought the British occupation in the movie Braveheart. He was not a murderous terrorist. He was a patriot who supported a free republic. Historically, England resisted Rome’s attempt to invade and occupy their land. I remember reading in the History of the Kings of Britain how the British sharpened logs to a point and submerged them in the river Thames to puncture the hulls of the invading Roman ships. That resistance was good.

Slandering the Irish is something I just don’t have the time of day for. After England was invaded by Rome they became educated in many things including warfare. England wasn’t the only country that participated in Imperialism. France, Spain and Portugal did as well. Foreign occupation is not a good thing. It wasn’t good when Hitler did it. It's not good good when anyone else does it.

I am told that there has been considerable progress in the peace process in Northern Ireland. Ian Paisley, the devil himself, finally agreed to Stormount and a local parliament. Yet once again a minority continue to want violence and say that is not enough. Michael Collins déjà vu.

They called Michael Collins a traitor because he brought back a deal that saw Southern Ireland become a free state which then became a free republic. Collins said that was the best we were going to get. Some said it was not enough and they started killing their own brothers as a result.

Today we see troubles return. Some are protesting and some of those protests are being shut down. We remember Bloody Sunday. Both of them. Those were not noble soldiers that fired on unarmed civilians. They were murderers who killed innocent civilians.

Northern Ireland is problematic just like Quebec. 49% of the people want to be free and independent from England and 51% of the people want to be part of England. A democracy or a free republic does not say 51% of the people have to leave. The O’Neils are crazy. I don’t know how much truth there is to that Red Hand of Ulster legend but if they want the land that much then in all fairness the others must share it with them.

The Easter rising chose the Easter lily as a symbol for two reasons. The Easter lily blooms in Easter symbolic of the resurrection of Christ. Similar to how the Provisional IRA chose the symbol of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. The other reason the Easter lily was chosen to represent the Easter rising is because it is orange, white and green just like the tricolor. Orange represents the Irish Protestants, green represents the Irish Catholics and white represents peace between the two. This is what the signers of the Irish Proclamation died for. This is what Marian Price should have gone to jail for.

Many of the protestant paramilitaries are just as extreme. “Derry West Bank Loyalists still under siege, No Surrender.” Let it go man. That was a very long time ago. The majority of the people want peace. There is no place in Ireland for hate and intolerance any more. It’s just like that song the Town I loved so well.

This year I don’t feel very Irish. I don’t feel very British either. I feel pretty Paul Gross in the TV series Due South. I’ve never been a police officer but I support law and order and I love the outdoors. I feel at peace snowshoeing in the mountains or paddling in the rivers and ocean. Eastern Canada has a lot of history and culture. We don’t have that on the west coast.

On the west coast the history and culture we have is what people who come here bring with them. In the Vancouver mountains you’ll find people from all over the world. Speaking Russian, German, Iranian, or any of the Asian languages. All of these people share a love for the outdoors that I can relate to. I’m just a driver on a western highway.

Although 51% of the people in Northern Ireland want to remain tied to England, 49% do not. That 49% have a right to record their dissent. Tragically Marian Price’s sister Dolours Price was found dead in her home after claiming Gerry Adams was involved in the IRA back in the day. Like that comes as any big surprise. A salute to Dolours Price and the town I loved so well.

Hells Angel charged with B&E and for failing to register as a sex offender

Eric Franco, 38, was the sergeant-at-arms for the Hells Angels chapter in Lynn, Massachusetts ten miles north of Boston. He just receives a 21 years sentence for possession of a firearm and ammunition after committing a felony. Police arrested Franco after finding the gun and ammunition in his apartment while investigating a report that Franco was assaulting his girlfriend.

Franco’s criminal record already included three convictions for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and convictions for indecent assault and battery, failure to register as a sex offender, breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony, and conspiracy to violate the controlled substances act.

B&E and failing to register as a sex offender. What a great club of motorcycle enthusiasts. Evidently you don’t have to be a drug dealer to join the club. You can be a thief and sex offender.

State Police announced that they had arrested four suspects and executed multiple search warrants on the North Shore as part of a probe into criminal activities of the Hells Angel and Red Devils motorcycle clubs.

Two of the four suspects arrested were Hells Angels; two others were Red Devils. Two other suspects are still being sought. All six face charges of kidnapping, mayhem, and extortion, State Police said. Kidnapping, mayhem, and extortion. The Red Devils is the Hells Angels puppet club charged with helping the Hells Angels traffic crystal meth in South Carolina. Greg Donley was the Salem, Massachusetts president who was also convicted of trafficking crystal meth for the Hells Angels.