Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jog for the Bog

I didn’t realize today was International Bog Day. They had a fun run and festival at Burns Bog. I never used to realize the ecological importance of bogs. I remember hearing some environmentalists were rallying to save a bog a while ago and I said are you kidding me? It’s just a bog. It’s not like it’s an old growth forest.

Apparently bogs are very important for water and air filtration. Burns Bog is referred to as the lungs of the Lower mainland since it filters out the carbon and greatly improves the air quality. Which is pretty important since every summer we now see reports on air quality readings for those with respiratory problems. During the summer pollution tends to sit in the Fraser Valley as there isn’t much wind to blow it away.

Which again forces us to ask what they are smoking at City Hall to even consider putting a Garbage incinerator in Surrey. That’s more than shooting ourselves in the foot. It’s placing a noose around our neck to go bungee jumping. It most certainly isn't progressive.

There was a petition and booth about the coal trains at the festival. Aside from the huge ecological ramifications of mining and burning coal, transporting it brings air quality concerns for people with respiratory problems as well. The coal cars are open and exposed. Whenever coal trains go by, coal dust spread for miles. In Whitercok they have to keeping wiping off the patio tables from all the coal dust resulting from the increase in coal train traffic. Which will go off the charts if the Fraser Docks coal terminal is created. The one Metro Vancouver voted against.

Yet another problem with transporting coal trains through burns bog is that the dust will polite the bog. It will saturate it with carbon and prevent it from purifying our air like it’s supposed to. On Texada Island there isn’t enough water to hose down the coal to prevent the dust from spreading. Even if they do hose it down that just means it goes into the water supply and contaminates the seafood we eat.

Even if we cave in to the short term economic clear cut of transporting coal out of the Fraser Docks there’s nothing to say they won’t turn around and ship it out of Cherry Point in the States. As we become more educated as a society, we need to start using our brain and becoming economically sustainable and stop being so short sighted. Coal was fine in the Industrial revolution but times have changed. The CO2 levels are a real concern now. Failing to address that is just being irresponsible.

Burns bog is a really nice place to go for a walk. They’ve built a board walk in the reserve. Not only is it an important air and water filtration system but it is also teaming with wildlife. In a closed section it is an important migratory habitat for Sandhiil Crane that stand at five feet tall. The cranes migrate down to Oregon and California but nest in Burns bog. It is a crucial part of their habitat. Just like the Tsawwassen area is that they want to rezone for a shopping mall. The Burns bog Conservation Society has an awesome Crane T-shirt you can buy to support their cause. They are collecting paper cranes to go along with a petition to stop development in that sacred habitat.

How the Liberal Government is Bankrupting BC Hydro

Damien Gillis exposes the Liberal party's true economic track record. As I’ve repeated before privatizing the power brokers that sell power to BC Hydro at an inflated rate is criminal fraud that has created a ballooning debt that rivals the Enron scandal. Notwithstanding this ballooning debt, the Christie Clarke lie was a claim they were going to take money from BC Hydro to pay down their debt. That claim constitutes fraud.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Terror Squad tied to the Hells Angels

The StarPhoenix from Saskatoon is reporting that Darren Harper, the leader of a local street gang known as the Terror Squad has had his parole revoked following a hearing which exposed "direct ties" between the Terror Squad and the Hells Angles.

The Terror Squad has been described as the most dominant street gang in Saskatoon actively involved in the cocaine trade. "When crew members sell drugs, commit home invasions, robberies or other crimes, they are required to 'kick up' a portion of the profits to the council or others designated as captains, generals or higher-ups." Michael James McNab and several others were arrested in March 2011. At least we now know who is supplying their drugs.

Kelowna Crime and a Crown Appeal

A new report claims Kelowna has been listed as the highest crime per capita city in Canada after the Hells Angels opened up shop there. Thankfully the crown has appealed Nanaimo Hells Angel Robert Widdifield's extortion case that was dismissed due to court delays. Hopefully after his case is heard we can fire Robert Johnston and all the other judges in BC sitting on the wrong side of the bench. I suppose that would mean we would have to hire some real judges to deal with the delays then. I hear they won't let Peter Leask do criminal trials any more. Thank God. If that's true then they admit there was a problem with him. Get rid of him and seize the Kelowna clubhouse.

Rock Machine member sentenced to 8 years

The Winnipeg Free Press is reporting that Cameron Hemminger , “the last remaining member” of the Manitoba Rock Machine has been sentenced to 8 years in prison for trafficking cocaine and guns. Last month Joseph Strachan was sentenced to nine years following that large bust back in January. John Curwin received a 9 and 1/2 year sentence back in April. Curwin was selling BZP and was caught with a stick of dynamite.

Tactical Unprofessionalism

This morning as I lie in bed sleeping, I hear sirens go by. Not thinking much of it at the time, I noticed that I kept hearing them over and over again. Normally when a cop pulls someone over they have the lights and siren going until the person pulls over. Then they keep the lights on but turn off the siren. Especially in a residential neighborhood.

This was a random burst of the siren that kept going off over and over again. It was 3:30 AM when most people are trying to sleep. It started to get really irritating so I got up and went out to see what all the fuss was about. Police cars had a perimeter sectioned off with their lights on. Each vehicle would release a loud burst of their siren sporadically and repeatedly. It was impossible to sleep and it was really irritating. I started walking outside the perimeter hoping to ask a cop who isn’t in active pursuit what is with the sirens.

I walk by a few police cars on the outside of the perimeter and cringed every time the siren burst goes off wanting to ask them about the sirens but didn’t want to interrupt anyone. A female officer with a police dog is searching the area. I hear her say on her radio there’s a guy walking out here and another officer drives up to speak with me.

The cop asks me if I have seen anyone walking around about 20 minutes ago. I said no and pause for the awkward silence. I said obviously you’re looking for someone. What is the tactical advantage of the sirens? He said they want him to stay down. I assume that means they want him to stay down and hide as oppose to run away so they can find them with the dog. I walk over to a gassy hill outside their perimeter and sit down to watch the light show. The noise makes it impossible to go back to bed and sleep. I see the female officer with the dog on a very long leash searching all over and notice she crossed over and was walking past behind me.

Then all of a sudden I can hear her let the dog charge me from behind as I sit on the grassy hill watching everything. I raise my hands in the air and brace myself for the dogs teeth to sink into by back. Right before it attacks me the officer pulls the leash and shouts no then literally screams at me and shouts “What the F*ck are you doing here?!?” Those were her exact words.

I responded by saying I was trying to sleep then added I don’t understand what the tactical advantage of the sirens is. Then as she walks away I state in absolute bewilderment this is very unprofessional.

I watch her handle the dog from a distance. Pulling the dog shouting f this and f that. It didn’t look like the dog had a scent and was following it. It didn’t look like she really knew how to handle the dog either. Then she came up to speak to two other officers. One was in an unmarked car with a dog in it. He seemed a lot more calm and competent. She had calmed down considerably and they were discussing what she had seen.

As I just shook my head it made me think of a scene from the movie Men in Black where Will Smith was in a target practice drill. It was a funny scene from a comedy. Yet it showed that law enforcement does have a difficult task pursuing suspects in a world full of bad guys, good guys and innocent bystanders.

At first I thought, welcome to Surrey but then I remembered the Prince George lockdown and how this could happen in any residential neighborhood anywhere in Canada. It is important to be appreciative that the police are in fact willing to chase down bad guys. I do however think it’s important to address police arrogance and stress the importance of preserving the Charter of Rights in our society when the police are paid by civilian taxes to serve and protect them. Not to control, harass and abuse them. No one has the right to run around like Gestapo and trample our civil liberties.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hells Angels in Germany and Spain arrested for human trafficking

The Guardian is reporting that on Wednesday “Police in Mallorca have arrested 25 members of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang on suspicion of drug trafficking, trafficking in humans, extortion and running prostitution rings.”

The majority of those arrested are German and include leading members of the German and Spanish chapters. Frank Hanebuth, the 49-year-old former boxer and head of the Hanover chapter, is reportedly among those arrested. A local police officer was also arrested, according to press on the island.

The same source said that a principal source of the gang's income allegedly came from women coerced to work as prostitutes in clubs in Germany. Police also claim the gang frequently extorted money from foreign residents using threats of violence accompanied by photographs showing that they were familiar with victims' families' routines.

This is a huge bust. In involves a Germans President not some rouge member. Frank Hanebuth, a reputed Hells Angels boss from Germany, was among the 25 arrested by Spanish police at his multi-million dollar estate on the Mediterranean resort island of Mallorca in Spain.

A Spanish paper called the Local is reporting that “The Hells Angels planned to launder "a significant quantity" of money from its activities in Germany and Turkey in the construction of a Formula One race track in Mallorca, police said in a statement.”

“Operation Casablanca targeted alleged drug trafficking, extortion, money laundering, and running of prostitution rings by the Majorca chapter of the notorious motorbike club. Most of the club's members arrived on the island from Germany after authorities in that country cracked down on the group in 2009. The group raised money mainly by forcing women into prostitution across Germany and extorting cash from people they threatened to harm if they were not paid.

Threatening someone’s family is total low life. Yet these guys have been accused of showing women pictures of their family and threatening to harm them if the woman didn’t agree to become prostitutes for them. That is disgusting. They call informants rats, yet they are the rats. Reporting that to the police isn’t being a rat. Failing to do so is. These low lifes are rat shit.

In Fast and Furious 6 Vin Diesel said “Never threaten a man's family.”

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Human trafficking targeting Nova Scotia women

CBC News is reporting that “A Truro woman is marching against what she calls one of Nova Scotia's dirtiest and darkest secrets - human sex trade trafficking. Lia Renaud said sex slavery starts in the Maritimes more than people think, so she and several supporters are planning to walk from Halifax to Moncton to raise awareness of the issue, taking the route where vulnerable victims are often picked up.”

Truro? That’s a pretty familiar small town involving an organized crime group we all know. Come to think of it, members of the Thirtieth Tribe that patched over to become the Halifax chapter of the Hells Angels where David Giles, Mike Christianson and Larry Pace (Lars) are from, were convicted of living off the avails. In fact, Right after the Darksiders move into Bridgewater, NS a new brothel was busted there. Imagine that.

RCMP Const. Sebastian Decaens said in most cases a predator will manipulate their victim to either fall in love with them or make them feel like they need to pay off a debt. "They would bring them to another city or another province to start dancing. Once again it's to create a habit, a need, and from that they would go to dancing to unfortunately the sex trade market," he said.

Renaud said that's exactly what happened to her friend Stacy. "She ended up meeting a gentleman. He was a well-respected businessman, also a high-ranking Hells Angel," she said. Pimped by a high ranking Hells Angel. Imagine that. I suppose Otis Garret isn’t then only missing link between the Hells Angels and prostitution.

Last month MSN News reported that “Twenty-two men were arrested and two children were rescued from harm after a major child exploitation bust in Atlantic Canada. The suspects range in age from 22-years-old to 63. Six of the people were from rural Nova Scotia and three were from the Halifax region. One of the charged men was a registered sex offender. Another worked with children. "The majority of our offenders are individuals who have never had a parking ticket,” said Purchase.” Fred Price, 52, of Fredericton, and Donald Martin, 48, of Miramichi, have both been charged with distributing child pornography.

According to C2C’s Investigative Report ““The media don't know anything about it. The Crown attorneys have all moved on to bigger and better things. The police officers have all changed. The political will has changed. So now it’s Canada's deep, dark secret if you will. The Russian mafia runs girls, the Hells Angels runs girls. There's a lot of Asian human trafficking going on, locally and from abroad. It's everywhere now.” Why that’s yet another source that claims the Hells Angels are involved in forced prostitution in Canada. How does a nice family man with young kids rationalize that? Kinda makes ya wonder what was really going on at the Pickton farm. Last September they had a human trafficking awareness walk in Toronto.

Spotlight on the BC Investment Management Corporation

I’m going to need more time to dive into this case more thoroughly but since two different bloggers have expressed a concern about it, I think it’s worth mentioning and looking into the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation.

A blogger at Northern Insight states that ethical performance is lacking at the BCIMC. He points out that the BCIMC is a substantial Enbridge investor ($657 million) and holds major positions in the world's nine largest tobacco sellers ($553 million). They are also arms dealers and have spread over half a billion dollars among almost every one of the top 20 public companies involved in the international arms trade. I’ve seen this blog before and the guy is pretty knowledgeable.

The other blogger owned a pristine campground in Tofino right by Long Beach. On May 25, 2010 they suffered a triple arson. Since then there has been numerous acts of arson and vandalism. Even the resort water system was destroyed. All of this made it impossible to run the campground and maintain a revenue to continue mortgage payments. Meanwhile, a dirty investment company kept wanting to know if he’s ready to sell yet. That investment company is BCIMC. The bank foreclosed the resort and gave the pristine campground to the BCIMC at a fire sale price.

If the owner did it himself, he would of had insurance. The last arson was on was Mar 9, 2013. A couple days later, this graffiti was written on a telephone pole outside the fire. Here’s the thing – the graffiti are characters from a First Nations alphabet. The middle character looks like a modified O used in the IPA (alphabet that's used to spell First Nation names).

There are many First Nation dialects and they are oral languages. This alphabet was created by French and British linguistics to record the oral native languages. It’s not a local alphabet. The person who wrote it must have known someone who had taken linguistics at University. Not something your typical crack head vandal would know.

There’s lots more for me to look into but for now I leave you with links to the Northern Insight and the Citizens United Against BCIMC blogs. More gang news on it's way.

Justin Bieber tours BC

It was nice to see Justin Bieber touring BC with his family in a RV recently. Justin Trudeau I mean, my bad. It’s hard to tell those two apart nowadays. Since Justin Trudeau voted in favor of doing away with the Charter of Rights his father left us with, it’s hard to tell who that guy is any more. I guess it’s all about the photo shoot now since no one cares about a politician’s polices. It’s all theatrics. Just a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage then is heard no more.