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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Brody Paterson charged in Craig Widdifield's murder
The Vancouver Province is reporting that Brody Robert Paterson has been arrested and charged in connection with the April 2013 murder of Craig Widdifield at Morgan Crossing in White Rock. The timing of the murder is interesting because it is around the same time the White Rock Hells Angels "pretended" to do a hit for Silk Road and extorted money for the murder from him.
According to US court documents someone in White Rock was extorting the owner of the Silk Road web site and Ross Ulbricht, the owner of Silk Road, paid the Hells Angels to kill him. The Hells Angels admitted to collecting the money for the hit but claimed they never executed the hit. The Canadian police told the US authorities at the time there ws no murder in Canada around that time that they were aware of. Yet this one was.
Silk Road Indictment
The US indictment is actually a very good read. Page 5 Murder for Hire # 2 is about the Hells Angels. Murder for Hire #3 through #6 is about how they tried to make him pay for another hit as well as the three people he lived with. Randy Jones' brother Trevor used the name red when dealing with the Washington state drug ring. In this case the guy uses the name redandwhite which obviously represents the Hells Angels.
Inversion on Cypress
After about a month of rain I took a break and hiked up Sky chair on Cypress today. From there you can see one of the routes to the Lions. St. Mark's summit to Unnecessarily mountain then along the ridge right to the back of the West lion. I did that route this summer. It's best to go at the end of summer as there is no way I'd cross the West lion to the point between the two Lions in winter with snow. It'd be way too dangerous.
There was some inversion happening in the mountains today. We were above the clouds.
You could see a sea of clouds all the way to Baker.
Soon the snow will be here and the new season will begin.
Barinder Rasode begins to shine
Although I'm not voting for Barinder Rasode, she's my second choice of the three main candidates. Linda Hepner would be my last choice among all the candidates simply because Surrey First proved without a doubt to be Surrey's Worst. Ever. The bullying, the sweetheart deals, the tax and spend trips galore, the refusal to enforce the law and arrest crack dealers was unprecedented.
This morning I was driving down 108th at King George and I finally saw the back of one of Barinder Rasode's campaign signs. It says one tough mother. I had to smile at the slogan. Evidently that's been her slogan since she announced her candidacy.
I am told that there's no bickering going on between McCallum and Rasode. The only bickering is between Hepner and Rasode but it's not really bickering it's more like bullying. Dianne Watts and Linda Hepner has consistently bullied their former running mate ever since Barinder came clean after the murder of the hockey mom in Newton and said you're right we haven't done enough on crime and need to do more. Instead of supporting her on making this needed course correction they devoted all their energy and resources into bullying her. Sad.
I have one friend who said they're not voting for her because she's brown. They claim the Indo Canadian gangs are way more violent than the Hells Angels and if she gets elected they will be out of control. I was dumbfounded. I can't believe someone said they're not going to vote for someone because of the colour of their skin. If she does what she claims if she's elected she will combat crime not promote it.
My only concern is that Dianne Watts said the same thing and did the exact opposite. Yet that's kind of like being in a bad relationship and then saying all men or women are like that. Everyone is different. However, my concern with Barinder is her position on the Gatewy casino fraud and the Campbell Heights Industrial centre sweetheart deal. She was involved in all the dirty deals Surrey First was and we have yet to see anything other than talk to prove otherwise.
One blog reader who doesn't trust Barinder as far as she can throw her sent me a link to a mayoral debate and conceded Barinder won the debate saying the others sounded like air heads. I don't think public speaking is one of McCallum's strong points. Some people are talkers others are doers. I'm not saying he is either I'm just saying that just because he might not be a great speaker doesn't mean he wouldn't make a good mayor again. Even Moses wasn't a very good speaker and had Aaron do the talking for him.
Although I am voting for McCallum I can't say I can throw my full endorsement behind him like I can for Kirk LaPointe and the NPA in Vancouver. McCallum won't answer what his position on the Gateway Casino fraud is and that concerns me. However, I do think he is capable of following through with his promise to address crime in Whalley and Newton and I do think he will disband the Surrey Development Corporation so that's why I'm voting for him.
I think the selection of the Councillors to fill City Hall are even more important than the mayor's role because the mayor only has one vote and not even that if they sit as the chair. I have three questions for those running for council: 1) Will you sell the new City Hall and go back to the old one? 2) Will you get rid of the SCDC? and 3) Will you oppose any Gateway casino bid?
I hear Grant Rice is another candidate for mayor. They say he's a great guy but has no money. And why should that mean he doesn't have a fair shot at mayor? Something needs to be fixed.
Advanced ballot error
The Surrey Now is reporting that there was an error on the Advanced ballots. They failed to put the name of the political party beside two of the candidates councilors. That basically invalidates the ballot. Great going guys. Nobody remembers all the names for councilors. they often just go by party name.
Canadian Pride - Hamilton's in
On a much more positive note, we have some refreshing news coming out of Hamilton, the city where the soldier who was shot in Ottawa is from. As tempting as it is to kick Rob Ford and Toronto Ward 2 out of Canada, Hamilton is definitely in. The Vancouver Province reported that two actors and a cameraman conducted a social experiment recently in Hamilton. They wanted to see what bystanders would do if someone was being racist towards a Muslim in public.
One actor tells another actor dressed in a traditional Muslim gown to get another ride, suggesting he could have a bomb. The actor is immediately rebuked by a middle aged man who says “You can’t stereotype and judge people by their clothes,” the man says. “Or their nationalities or anything else, you know what I mean? What happened there was an incident of fanatics.”
In another scene, a young woman says the Ottawa shooting was “awful and tragic but I don’t think that’s any reason to persecute someone because of what they are wearing.” Two other men take great offense to the actors racist remarks to the other actor dressed as a Muslim. One says to the guy “If we got such a problem, bud, we can go upstairs and deal with it,” then the other guy walks up to him and punches him in the head. “It’s a social experiment!” the actor cries, putting his arms up defensively. “Get the f— out of here,” comes the response. Now that's what I'm talking about. Hamilton wins for remaining true to Canadian principles.
The other day my mother called me up with a question. She's quite elderly and lives in a seniors home. She said one of the men there wrote a very mean letter about Muslims and read it out to two young Muslim women who were volunteering at the seniors home. He went on about how horrible Muslims are and said now take the towels of your head.
My mother was confused and asked me what on earth this guy was on about. She said I thought Canada meant we are from all different religions and cultures. It does I said. The guy has lost it. Sadly there are some in Canada who aren't old and senile that feel the same way. I mentioned about the shooting and said it was an isolated incident. She said she and the other ladies said they weren't going to sit with him if he reads that letter out. Good for them. There are still good people in Canada who remember our values.
Which reminds me, did I ever tell you the parable of the Good Muslim? Christians are familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan but do we really understand the context that parable was given in? Back then the Samaritans were hated. They were half breeds from another religion. Christ chose a Samaritan as one to hold up as an example of what being a good neighbor really means. He was kind of throwing it in their face. Today we could just as easily tell that same story as the parable of the Good Muslim. How we live our life is more important than what we claim to believe.
My parents raised me to respect diversity not to fear it. That's what being a Canadian really means. That's what Canadian soldiers represent. Bill turner was a reservist from Ontario who went to Afghanistan with a regiment from Edmonton. He was killed by a road side bomb. Yet his eulogy shone a light on his true nature. "Hi, my name is Bill, and I'm here to help you." That was Lt. Bill Turner's favorite way of introducing himself to the locals he was sent to serve. He would sometimes sit down with local elders and brought kites for the kids. He was a real Canadian we can be proud of like Terry Fox. He is someone who did something positive and died for those values.
Trevor Greene is another. He was a Canadian soldier who was paralyzed after being hit in the back of the head with an axe while sitting down at one of these meetings with local elders and said he would go back and do it all over again. He is a courageous soldier with values. He previously wrote a book about the missing women from the DTES called Bad Date. He also wrote a book about homeless people in Japan called Bridge of Tears. His book March Forth relates to his determination to press forward after his March 4th 2006 attack.
On his blog he expressed his horror that Stephen Harper all of a sudden classified environmentalists as terrorist. "I am shocked, outraged, and embarrassed by the government’s proposal to prosecute environmental protesters as terrorists. Embarrassed because I fear that our country’s stellar reputation among nations—which dates back to Vimy Ridge in 1917 and burnished by Lester B. Pearson, who won the Nobel Peace Prize 40 years later for basically inventing peacekeeping— would be irreparably damaged if the cherished democratic ideal of peaceful protest were to be criminalized."
"Undeterred, CSIS and the RCMP have identified Greenpeace and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as ‘ multi-issue extremist groups’ and a threat to Canadians, according to the Globe and Mail. Putting Greenpeace and people like David Suzuki on a par with Al-queda and the brutal thugs of the Taliban is an act I would expect from a Margaret Thatcher or George W Bush, or, for that matter, Moammar Kaddhafi." Indeed it is. Trevor Greene is a true patriot. Stand True.
Friday, October 31, 2014
New Westminster shooting
The New Westminster Leader is confirming a Scan BC report that A 39-year-old man was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries following a targeted shooting in the 800-block of 12th Street New Westminster 7:30 PM Thursday evening.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Jay Hall's prison beat down
Someone sent me a copy of the video of Jay Hall's prison beat down last year. I'm not going to post it because it is very disturbing to say the least. I will comment on it and post screen caps. First it's from a surveillance video that was played in court. No one video taped it on their cell phone. The video was posted on one of his attackers facebook bragging about it which is somewhat ironic. Two guys snuck up from behind and gave him the boots. There is nothing more cowardly and deranged.
Fist Brandon Badger sits down and waits for Jay Hall to enter. When he sees him he stands up to make sure he's right in front of him in line.
Then this other guys circles around behind him.
And sucker punches him in the back of the head when he isn't looking.
As soon as he does that the first guy jumps in and they both give him the boots.
As soon as he hits the ground the smaller guy starts kicking his head over and over again like a soccer ball. That is very disturbing. That is how the man who tried to break up,that house wrecking party in Squamish died. This wasn't an assault. This was a premeditated attempted murder.
As they continue to take turns punching and kicking him in the head when he's on the ground he lies motionless on the floor and starts to twitch as though he's having a seizure. While he's lying motionless on the ground the second guy foot stomps his head several times.
There is nothing manly about this deranged act. I don't care who Jay Hall was or what he did. This was a bitch move. The two guys that jumped him and gave him the boots go down in history in the POS hall of shame. The rest of us who glorify in this kind of deranged violence need to stop and take a look at ourselves in the mirror. We need to ask ourselves what is wrong with us? We have mental problems and even Dr. Phil can't help us until we recognize that.
In the mean time Jay Hall has every right to sue these two POS as well as the prison system. This kind of prison violence is not acceptable and has to stop. In the words of Raiden from mortal combat Enough! If we don't prevent this we are no better then they are. A civilized society does not let this happen. Brutality is a sign of low self esteem.
Speaking of suing the prison system, a member of the UN is doing exactly that. The Vancouver Province reported that Michael Newman is suing the federal government for allegedly failing to protect him from being severely assaulted in a federal prison. Newman was identified as being “incompatible” with Jamie Bacon. No kidding Jamie Bacon is a POS that did the Surrey Six and ordered the hit on one of his own guys. Nobody in Surrey likes him.
Newman was forced to attend a mediation with Jamie POS Bacon and Newman was handcuffed while Jamie Bacon wasn't. That is really messed up. Jamie Bacon getting special privileges in prison? Don't get me started. If the guards set up the fight where Newman was assaulted then he does have a case. It's rather bizarre that they were watching the outrageous brutality of the Jay Hall assault without intervening. That shows there is a problem.
Everybody thinks I believe all these guys should be locked up forever and they should be tortured in prison but that is not the case. No one should be tortured in prison. If we didn't torture the Germans in prison we don't torture anyone in prison. Period. 30 year or 300 year prison sentences won't solve anything. Prolific offenders need three months in jail with no crack. That is not excessive. No one should be raped or assaulted in prison. Period.
Motive: Doing the math
Putting this in perspective we need to remember that Jay Hall used to be the president of the Renegades which was a puppet club for the Hells Angels that sold drugs for them in Prince George. The Renegades over saw the Crew then the GTS who in turn were finger puppets for the Hells Angels that sold crack and tortured addicts in crack shack basements for drug debts.
The Renegades got some bad press so the HAs pulled the plug on them and Jay Hall put his motorcycle up for sale. He started to fall from grace and became a bit of a meth head. If Jay Hall was still president of the Renegades, this prison assault never would of happened. The guys who did it would be dead.
We are forced to ask if this was a paid hit since the Hells Angels are the only ones that could pull something like that off and they sure weren't afraid of getting in trouble since they were bragging about it and posting the court video on facebook. We remember what happened to Billy Moore. They killed him and burned his house down.
Billy Moore was the Renegades president in Prince George. Cedric Smith was a member of the Vancouver Hells Angels. They unknowingly introduced their suppliers in the Vancouver chapter to two under cover police officers which resulted in Norman Krogstad, the Vancouver president and several others pleading guilty to drug trafficking. After that Billy Moore was murdered and Cedric Smith disappeared. Permanently.
They also shafted Joey Arrance. Joey was from East Van and sold drugs for the Hells Angles in Prince George. Something happened and the Hells Angels put him under suspension saying he was not allowed to sell drugs any more. Yet he did anyways. For that crime they burned down his tattoo parlor and his girlfriend's home which ended up killing his girlfriend's wheelchair bound mother. August 2013 Joey was finally shot dead in Coquitlam.
Mercy is not a sign of weakness, Brutality is
In the movie a Knight's Tale, the hero showed a fellow jouster mercy and the villain said mercy is a sign of weakness. I beg to differ. Brutality is a sign of weakness not mercy. It's like the saying he who loves his wife loves himself. Which implies he who beats his wife has low self esteem. The same goes for brutality.
Anciently Cormac Mac Art was a high king of Ireland long before Brian Boru. Comrac was the grandson of Con of the Hundred Battles and a forefather to Niall of the Nine Hostages. Cormac wrote a book for his son called Instructions to the King. In it he talked about similar things that Solomon did. Mercy, truth justice, a Jedi forsakes not these things. Solomon said withhold not good from them to whom it is due. Cormac said crush not the miserable. After you have conquered an enemy there is no need to crush them.
Torturing crack addicts for drug debts is deranged. Don't front them the drugs. The Jay Hall prison beating was also deranged. There is no honour or manliness is swarming someone and giving them the boots. None whatsoever. It's a sign of low self esteem.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Cloverdale Grow op shooting
Turns out there was a shooting at a grow op in Cloverdale 5:00 AM Tuesday morning and the victims ended up in the parking lot across from the Surrey Memorial hospital. Today's Vancouver Province ran a pretty disturbing picture of one of the victims lying on the ground before he received medical aid. I just want to point out one thing - I don't do that. The Kelowna Now posted a picture of the crime scene.
I don't post pictures of dead people or people after they've been shot. That's not the way I roll. I didn't post that picture of Larry Amero lying on the ground after he was shot in Kelowna either. The papers in Mexico are far worse for posting graphic images of dead and mutilated bodies. I think we as a people should be above that. I think we should have a little more respect for the dead. That sentiment is going to tie in with my next two posts about brutality.
Pitt Meadows Shooting - Follow up
OK so remember the Pitt Meadows / Maple ridge shooting where Louie Sparvier died of gunshot wounds? The other guy was stabbed and it appeared that it was a fight between the two. One guy was stabbed and the other guy was shot dead. Now it appears that the two guys that were injured were friends. The top picture is another one of Louie. One source claims this in another picture of him in a robbery surveillance video wearing the same shorts.
Seemingly Louie's GF is claiming it was two other guys who were involved in the fight. Interesting to note that Louie Sparvie was on Larry Mizen's friends list.
Two gang associates with Vancovuer ties arrested
Victoria News is reporting that "Two men with Lower Mainland gang ties have been arrested by police on gun- and drug-related charges. Isaac Drennnan, 32, was arrested Oct. 9 at his Esquimalt home, where officers seized heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and two handguns. Dustin Wadsworth, a 32-year-old associate of Drennan's, was also arrested with several ounces of cocaine on Oct. 22 at his 3500-block Turner Street home in Vancouver."
Again a Vancouver Island gang with ties to Vancouver but the gang is not named. The CFSU appears to be doing a great job but someone upstairs still seems to be running interference for the Hells Angles in the press. Sgt. Lindsay Houghton has taken over Pat Fogherty's job of spinning the truth away from the Hells Angels. Sadly it doesn't appear that they're just avoiding using the Hells Angles name in case of legal challenges. It looks like a premeditated spin away from them. Thus the previous 180 ways to say Hells Angels discourse.
Previously they would name the Vancouver Island gang. It was the Independent Soldiers. When I pointed out the Independent Soldiers work for the Hells Angels, they stopped naming the gang. Isaac Drennnan was under a lifetime firearm ban after being convicted of attempted murder for shooting two police officers in 2003. So what's the consequence for breaking a lifetime firearm ban? House arrest?
CTV is reporting that Drennan's associate Dustin Wadsworth was arrested in Vancouver for breaching bail conditions. He was found in possession of drugs and $58,000 cash. That's a fair chunk of change. This bust still points towards being Hells Angels associates. Heroin, cocaine and crystal meth. Remember that. How many times a day could they seize 178 grams of heroin from a drug dealer in front of Main and Hastings? Please advise.
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