Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Peace

Merry Christmas. Sometimes simpler is better. Dealing with death at Christmas is challenging. Murders are still being committed all around us. The United States supports the death of democracy in Honduras. Again. Don't support the CIA's drug trafficking network any more.

In my Christmas Epiphany on Greed I linked to a poetry slam by Tal Zentmeyer on Christmas Peace. I thought it was very timely and appropriate. However, I would like to make one clarification. In the end of his video he says that peace isn't found in a feeling but it is.

Galatians 5:22 states "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." These are the fruits of the spirit. They are evidence of it's presence. It's like the wind. We can't see it but we can feel it and we can see the effects of it's presence. When we experience love, joy or peace we are experiencing the presence of God. He who knoweth not love knoweth not God for God is love.

Although I am a passionate supporter of religious freedom, I am cynical of religious extremism. I believe in the supremacy of God and the rule of law. I believe Christ was indeed who he said he was. He is the Messiah who atoned for the sins of the world. Yet that knowledge does not save me. The devil knows who Jesus is and that knowledge does not save him.

Christ said on judgement day "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Talking the talk isn't good enough, We have to walk the walk. Consequently, there are many things in the Catholic faith that I do believe and support. Yet there are some things in the Catholic faith that I do not believe or support. There are many things in the Mormon faith that I believe and support. Yet there are some things in the Mormon faith that I do not believe or support. In contrast there are some things within born again Christianity that I believe and support but there are many things within born again Christianity that I do not believe or support.

I do not believe that once we profess a belief in Christ it doesn't matter what we do, we are saved no matter what. I believe that doctrine mocks God. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that is a doctrine of the Devil. Satanism teaches do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

I don't claim to be a good Mormon, Catholic or Christian. I believe in Christ. Whether or not I live his teachings will be determined by how I live my life. Getting to heaven doesn't concern me. Being at peace with myself does. As far as I'm concerned, that's all that matters. Peace.

Lindsey Stirling explains the meaning behind Gavi's song.

It's the last song on her album Brave Enough.


2014 Christmas Sorrow

2013 Christmas Reflections

Agent K's Christmas Message 2011

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Outlaws President in Florida was shot dead Thursday

Time magazine is reporting that "Authorities outside Tampa, Florida, are rushing to stop a potential war between rival motorcycle clubs after a local leader was assassinated on Thursday night. Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco announced the arrest of three suspects Friday in the slaying of Paul Anderson, the 44-year-old president of a local chapter of the Outlaws motorcycle club. Authorities believe the president of a rival club, the 69ers, tapped on the window of Anderson’s truck while it was stopped at a red light and then opened fire, killing Anderson."

The Tampa Bay Times is reporting that "Detectives arrested three motorcycle gang members on charges that they executed the leader of a rival gang, saying they fatally shot him in his truck as he sat at a red light in the middle of rush hour traffic. Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco said he fears that Thursday’s public burst of violence could ignite a war between local chapters of two infamous motorcycle gangs: the Outlaws and the 69ers Motorcycle Club."

Life of a Rider is reporting that Paul Anderson was president of the Cross Bayou Chapter of the Outlaws. "Anderson was shot by Christopher Brian Cosimano, 29, the president of the 69’ers, the motorcycle club. Michael Dominick Mencher, 51, the other motorcyclist, did not shoot Anderson. He was only there to help in case something went wrong. Allan Burt Guinto, 26, the third member of the club, was present to ensure a clean getaway." Sh*t be cray.

Russian Propaganda on Facebook

Breaking news. is reporting that "Here’s how to check if you interacted with Russian propaganda on Facebook during the 2016 election." It's pretty simple. If you visited any website rationalizing Hilary Clinton's drug dealing in Operation Fast and Furious or her Arms dealing in Quatar then you're safe, those weren't Russian propaganda. Those were true.

If you came across any websites about how the Clintons sold Russia weapons grade Uranium to make nuclear missiles, that wasn't Russian propaganda either. That was true.

If you want to say Donald Trump is a dick. Go ahead. If you want to say Donald Trump is doing the same thing Hilary Clinton did in Honduras and in Quatar, then go ahead. Just don't say Russia hacked the election because that is absolutely ridiculous.

God Bless the United States of America and God Damn the CIA.

Shooting in Surrey Saturday night

The Peace arch News is reporting that "Police in Surrey are searching for a suspect after they say a man was shot in Whalley Saturday night. Surrey RCMP say shots-fired calls came in around 8:50 p.m. in the 13500 block of 105th Avenue. One man was taken to hospital with serious injuries, police say. A witness at the scene says the man was shot several times."

Why that is right by the lethal injection site where the RCMP provide police protection for the drug dealers on the Surrey Strip. Tell them to be more careful with those guns after you shoot them up full of drugs. Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fool that enables the fool? You tell me.

Gavinder Grewal was shot dead in North Vancouver Friday night. Someone was shot dead in Maple ridge Saturday morning and some crack head starts popping caps off the Surrey Strip Saturday night. So this is Christmas. Bloody idiots. Viva La Vida.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Steve Bragg charged with second-degree murder of Victoria Head

OMG what is wrong with the people on this planet? CBC is reporting that "A man from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland has been charged with the murder of Victoria Head. Steve Bragg, 35, has been charged with second-degree murder of Head,, whose body was discovered Nov. 11 near Oxen Pond Road in St. John's. She was a 36-year-old mother originally from Placentia Bay who was living in St. John's."

"Head’s sister in law, told reporters outside the courtroom the family is in mourning this Christmas; Head’s favourite time of the year, according to the family. Dinn describes her sister in law as a wonderful person and mother, and says she cannot stop thinking of her last moments."

Gavinder Grewal shot dead in North Vancouver

The Peace Arch News is reporting that "The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has been deployed to an apartment in North Vancouver where a man was found dead. In a statement Saturday, IHIT said 30-year-old Gavinder Grewal was found dead in the 1500 block of Fern Street. His death is believed to be targeted." CBC is reporting that he was killed Friday night.

Christmas Message from TBM Scandinavia

Michael Green, the International Spokesman for TBM recently made a wise statement in a closed facebook group. TBM Scandinavia suggested I post in on this blog and give a shout out to the Canadian, American and Australian bikers who read this. Peace.


2017 have been a terrible year for many MC Club's around the World, and WHY?

Because many Club's have fucked it up and given Government's around the World the tools and more power to destroy the life of Brotherhood and Ride To Be Free.

If we don't STOP fighting each other and UNITE our MC World will be totally destroyed within a few years from NOW.

Bring back THE OLD SCHOOL, bring back the code of HONOR and RESPECT, bring back the REAL BIKER LIFE and BRING BACK THE PEACE BETWEEN ALL CLUBS.

Our BIGGEST ENEMIES ARE THE GOVERNMENT'S, and as long as we can't and won't UNITE and WORK together - we only will provide more tools for them to DESTROY what we believe in and LIVE and RIDE for.


Let 2018 be the year where we together can turn it around and bring THE OLD TIMES BACK - JUST THE OLD WAY WE ALL LOVE IT.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Biker Year.


Michael Green


Free naloxone kits and a double homicide

Here it is, the Great Canadian Pharmaceutical Fraud. Global is reporting that "The B.C. government has made free naloxone kits available at pharmacies throughout the province. The kits will be available to people who use either use opioids or are likely to witness an overdose." They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Well this time they are absolutely right.

I have continuously expressed my objection to the corrupt or stupid lobbyists that took the four pillar program and threw away three of the crucial pillars and turned harm reduction into harm promotion. What we are doing is spending billions of tax dollars to promote addiction and organized crime. Treatment saved Kati, lethal injection sites did not.

Yet there is another aspect of the Great Canadian Pharmaceutical Fraud that is tied to the recent murder of a generic drug tycoon in Toronto. I have said before, the criminal activity of the CIA makes the Hells Angles look like boy scouts. Likewise, the criminal activity of the big Pharmaceutical companies makes the Hells Angels criminal enterprise look like small potatoes.

In one breath we read that the provincial government of BC is spendingd massive amounts of tax dollars to hand out free naloxone kits. In the next breath we read that "The price of the antidote to the overdose crisis is skyrocketing." Which leads us to ask Naloxone Stocks: Who’s Really Winning the Battle Against the Opioid Epidemic?

EAF said the reason the government refuses to spend a penny on treatment is because its too expensive. However, that is simply untrue. When you look at long term investment, treatment is a whole lot cheaper than turning people into life long methadone addicts.

Macklemore put out a powerful music video about addiction naming the Perdue corporation claiming my drug dealer was a doctor. In September Reuters reported that "Washington state on Thursday sued OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma LP, becoming the latest state or local government to file a lawsuit seeking to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for a national opioid addiction epidemic."

The government class action against Perdue is somewhat hypocritical. The government helps the pharmaceutical companies make billions from tax dollars because they receive kickbacks in the form of campaign contributions, then sues them for another piece of the pie they created.

Recently the pharma greed escalated to a new level when generic drug tycoon Barry Sherman and his wife were murdered in their own home last week. Providing cancer treatment and medicine to terminally ill patients is indeed lifesaving work. Yet exploiting people on their death bed by jacking up the cost of medicine through rigid drug patents is organized crime. So is murdering a generic drug tycoon who provided Canadians with affordable medicine.

Why Chemotherapy That Costs $70,000 in the U.S. Costs $2,500 in India

Brand name drug sales soar in Canada

Martin Shkreli buys rights to AIDS drug and promptly raises price from $13.50 to $750.00 per pill

Friday, December 22, 2017

Murder in Maple Ridge

The Agassiz Harrison Observer is reporting that "A man was shot and killed in Maple Ridge early Friday." The shooting took place arund 6:00 AM this morning. The victim was driven to the Ridge Meadows hospital but succumbed to his injuries.

CBC is reporting that "At a media event at the Maple Ridge RCMP detachment on Haney Place, police did not reveal the age or identity of the victim, saying only that he was known to police."

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Three found dead in Kelowna home

Global is reporting that "Kelowna’s RCMP Serious Crime Unit is investigating after three people were found dead in a home in the Rutland area of Kelowna. One male is in custody." A family of four lived in the home. Three members of the family are dead and one man is in custody. Right before Christmas. It doesn't get any worse than that.

Kelowna, B.C. man charged with killing wife, two young daughters

The Columbia Valley Reporter is reporting that Jacob Daniel Forman, 34, has been charged with three counts of second degree murder for allegedly killing his family at some point between Sunday and Tuesday, according to court documents. His wife Clara, and daughters Karena and Yasenia have been named as his alleged victims.