Monday, November 2, 2020

Three bodies discovered in gravel pit on Vancouver Island

CTV is reporitng that "Mounties and the BC Coroners Service are investigating after three people were found dead and another critically injured in a targeted killing at a Vancouver Island gravel pit Sunday. The grisly discovery was made around 2 p.m. in a remote area near Whiskey Creek, approximately 50 kilometres west of Nanaimo."

"Two ground ambulances and one air ambulance were dispatched at 2:20 p.m. for "what was initially reported as a vehicle incident," according to a B.C. Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) spokesperson. The unresponsive man was pronounced dead at the scene. First responders also found a burned-out travel trailer with two dead adults inside. Another man, who appeared to have been shot, was found clinging to life in another trailer, Oceanside RCMP said in a statement Monday. Residents tell CTV News the gravel quarry is a popular place to ride dirt bikes and shoot guns."

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Surrounded by the colours of Fall

What a magnificent day. Last night was perfect weather for Halloween. It was a clear night with a full moon and this morning the bright sun illuminating the kaleidoscope of fall colours was heart warming. Fall is a spectacular time of year. It represents change and growth. The fall leaves change colour in preparation for winter in anticipation of spring. The circle of life. The colours are breath taking. On some streets the leaves are all red while most are Halloween orange.

The Canadian flag contains a red maple leaf symbolic of Fall and the transformation it brings.
Lynyrd Skynyrd's song Simple Man states troubles will come and they will pass. Indeed they will. No storm lasts forever. Seasons change. Summer yields to fall, Fall yields to winter and Winter yields to Spring. It's like the tides of the ocean. I remember going through a very difficult time many years ago and read a scripture in Job that said "thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that pass away. " At the time I didn't think that was possible but the image of writing the pain in the sand only having it to be washed away with the tide stuck with me. Eventually it became completely true. All the pain was gone and only the good remained.

There has been a lot of people struggling with depression during the lockdowns and some talk of suicide. I would never judge someone for giving up. I would simply encourage them to hang on. As Dr Schuller would say "Toung times don't last but tough people do."

I do a lot of hiking and snowshoeing. Or at least I did. I remember one year I paused before summitting Hollyburn ridge. A young girl came barreling up the mountain and said OK that' it. I'm done. I smiled and said to her you're almost there. If you take a break and summit that one last ridge, the view is spectacular. You can see the city, the Lions and mountains in the back country as far as the eye can see. It's well worth it. She jokingly said OK, whatever, lets listen to the mountain man and charged ahead one last time.

I caught up with her at the top and said see, it was worth it wasn't it? Yes it was she replied. I said did you see the Lions? No, she said so I pointed them out to her. She said oh I thought you lied about that. My point is often in life we give up right before we reach the summit and never get to see the view we were meant to see. When things would go wrong my mother always used to say tomorrow will be a better day. I would grit my teeth and say no it won't yet sure enough, the next day things would be better. It's always darkest before the dawn. If we quit in the darkness, we never get to see what the new day brings.

Hard work is the means of all accomplishment. There is no joy in life without it. Every goal has obstacles. If we focus on the obstacles instead of the goal, we miss the accomplishment.

Fall also represents the anticipation of new hope. Recently I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hip. Arthritis? Me? I climb mountains. I'm forever young. The doctor says there's no cartilage left. It's bone on bone and then asks me how's the pain? I said it was like someone was using a dental tool on the ball socket but it has eased up a bit. Then he asks on a scale of 1 -10 how painful is it? I'm like compared to what? Childbirth? I'm a big guy and it was painful.

So now I have to decide if I take the quick fix and get back climbing mountains or do I struggle with reduced mobility for the rest of my life. I suppose it's a no brainer. I guess kicking the tire with my shins all those years was really bad for my hip. I'm going to have to change. Make a few adjustments. I'm going to have to evolve. Embrace the change. Good things are coming.


Wanted Season Three with Rebecca Gibney and Geraldine Hakewill

Season Three of Wanted is now on Netflix. This is that awesome series set down under. Two strangers witness a murder in Australia and go on the run after they are blamed for it. The character development is the pivotal part that makes the series work. I'm thrilled they made a third season. I haven't been doing much with Netflix after that Cuties fiasco and I see they have just raised their rates because everyone was unsubscribing due to their endorsement of child porn. Wanted with Rebecca Gibney and Geraldine Hakewill is very well done.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween - Full Moon

There's a full moon tonight for Halloween. The second full moon in the calendar month making it a blue moon. Getting back to the real normal. No fear. Just fun. Don't let life pass you by. You don't need drugs to have fun. In fact, you can't fun if you use drugs because drugs don't make you happy, they make you miserable. Good clean fun is real. Those memories last forever.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Misson Hells Angel busted with 90 kilos of crystal meth

The Free Press is reporting that Jason Arkinstall, a full patch hells Angel from the Mission chapter, was caught with 90 kilos of crystal meth and 38 kilos of cociane at the US border out near Creston BC beside Idaho. They dumped it on the US side of the border and came back to Canada. Usually the cocaine comes from there to here. They must have got spooked and came back without it. Jason of course was busted with 500 kilos of cocaine in Spain. This recent bust was obviously thanks to US law enforcement and border patrol. Trump 2020 - Yeeeaahh!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Fentanyl lab bust in Lumby, B.C. Two Years ago

The Globe and Mail is reporting that "Six people are facing charges after a major fentanyl and meth lab bust in the North Okanagan. The RCMP says while the raid took place on Trinity Valley Road in Lumby, B.C., more than two years ago, charges were recently approved." WTF? "Police executed a search warrant at a home which allegedly contained a massive clandestine laboratory on Oct. 19, 2018. Large quantities of drugs, precursor chemicals and waste materials were located, police said. Michael McMorris, Robyn Bryson, Trent Fussi, Michael Harvey, Tyson Kopp and Michael Piggott all face several counts of drug production-related charges."

Two years for them to lay charges after the bust? That's rather bizarre. "McMorris, Harvey, Kopp and Piggott are scheduled to appear in Kelowna court on Oct. 27."

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Candace Owens and the Hodge Twins defend 50 Cent

NDP Offers corporate tax breaks for LNG - Ireland benefited from lowering Corporate tax

Cancel Culture has become a Cancer Culture. Don't walk away mad. Just walk away.

Borderland Beat blog sued by a Capo

The Borderland Beat Blog is reporting that they will be shutting down October 26 2020 until January 2021 to deal with a lawsuit. They are being sued by a famous capo. The Borderland Beat has been around for many years and has fearlessly blogged about the insanely violent world of the drug cartels in Mexico. That is certainly beyond me. I wish them well.

Redemption with Jason Statham

Redemption with Jason Statham is now on Amazon Prime Video. It's a little sad, a little profund and very well done. As always, Jason Statham delivers. Striving to do something good.

BC Projected Election Results

The preliminary results are in on BC's snap election. The NDP received a majority government. Final results will be delayed due to all the mail in ballots but this is the projected results. Elections BC has posted the preliminary results by candidate and by political party.

The Vancovuer Sun is reporting that "Preliminary results at press time estimated the NDP was elected or winning in 55 seats, the Liberals 29, and the Greens three, but not all polls had been counted, and some seats had razor thin-margins. In addition, a record 500,000 British Columbians voted by mail during this pandemic election, and those ballots won’t be counted for at least 13 days — so how they will change the final outcome won’t be known for some time."

The NDP are projected to gain 14 seats while the Liberals are projected to lose 12 seats.
I didn't like the snap election. I thought that was sleazy. However, the BC Liberals pulling a Botox Betty and pledging to screw Surrey over its Municipal police force was a bad move. The NDP's decision to proceed with the Natural Gas pipeline to Kitimat was a good thing. Natural gas is clean burning. Industrial coal is not. We need to rise up against fake environmentalism.

I don't know how much the Green party were trying to stop cleaner energy projects but if they were opposing that, then giving the NDP a majority to proceed with those without them was a good thing. Andrew Wilkinson won his seat soundly. I endorsed him over Botox Betty for obvious reasons. He is competent and capable.

I do not trust Bonnie Henry and Adrian Dix at all. Yet look at Doug Ford. Destroying the economy more than any terrorist over the fraudulent misrepresentation of asymptomatic test results is evil. That is what we have to face. BC has done better than some of the other provinces with regards to preserving civil liberty during the Covid fraud but we can do better. Much better. Bonnie Henry is the soft sell for the World Health Organization, which is not lead by a medical doctor, it is led by a leader of a violent Communist paramilitary organization. That is the truth.

The NDP's pledge to attain zero carbon emissions is part of the UN's Agenda 21 which the Oath Keepers have exposed. Banning natural gas in home heating is not a step forward for the environment. Burning industrial coal to generate electricity does not represent zero carbon emissions. It represents a toxic carbon nightmare. Banning cars and motorcycles is a direct attack on individual liberty and must be opposed. For now, this election represents a step forward but Buyer Beware. The fake environmentalists are trying to take us down a road to East Berlin.