Sunday, November 3, 2024

Ujjal Dosanjh cites Sikh extremism in Canada

The National Post is reporting that “A silent majority of the Sikhs do not want to have anything to do with Khalistan. They just don’t speak out because they’re afraid of violence and violent repercussions,” reports Ujjal Dosanjh, as a Sikh living in Vancouver, B.C.

I'm not sure that's true. It makes me wonder if he and I are living on different planets. He's in Vancouver, I'm in Surrey. By far the vast majority of rank and file members of the Sikh community want to separate from the persecution of the Modi government. When I covered the Khalistan referendum in Surrey there was an overwhelming support from regular members.

"The call for a separate Sikh homeland in Punjab, India — to be called Khalistan — has been brewing since the 1930s, when British rule in India was nearing its end. Although the movement now has marginal support in India, it has taken wings in Canada and escalated into the present derailing of relations between two friendly Commonwealth democracies, India and Canada."

WTF? No really. Who the hell is writing this and what is their agenda? The Modi government is persecuting Sikhs and Muslims in India. That persecution is real. He is a right wing extremist who wants to make India exclusively Hindu again and call it Hindustan. He'll demolish Mosques in North Eastern India then order the troops to shoot protesters. It's serious. These concerns are real. Brushing them under the table claiming no one cares about this is highly suspicious.

My primary concern is the intentional flooding of Punjab. That is a huge concern the fake news isn't even covering. They are using the Dams to increase flooding by holding back water in the dry season and releasing it in the wet season. Then blame it on climate exchange. That is absolutely criminal. So again to say no one in Punjab cares about that is delusional.

This is all part of the problem, reaction, solution paradigm. Modi creates a huge injustice, the Five Eyes stroke extremism, then the Five Eyes denounce and eliminate extremism over an injustice they created. Then there was Surjan Singh Gill, the CSIS mole that provided the explosives for the Air India bombing. If we talk about Sikh extremism we need to talk about that.

It's like Modi's globalist attack on farming in Punjab. This globalist attack on farming isn't just in the Punjab. It's in Holland, Europe and Canada too. To say no one cares about the WEF's attack on farming just isn't true. It's suspicious. The fake news has an agenda.

It's sad because the ideal is a free Republic where religious freedom and civil liberty are protected by law. As I keep saying, religious freedom protects the right to be atheist. Removing religious freedom is one of the first things they do before they take away every other freedom like free speech, lawful assembly and due process.

Quebec fugitive arrested in Alberta for human trafficking

The Alberta Law Enforcmeent Team is reporting that "A Quebec man has been charged with numerous offences relating to human trafficking. The suspect allegedly forced two young women into the sex trade through violence. ALERT’s Human Trafficking unit arrested Xavier Godbout on October 24, 2024 with help from the Calgary Police Service."

"The 22-year-old man was also wanted on warrants stemming from Quebec. Godbout had allegedly met the two women via social media. He recruited them to travel to Calgary under the pretense of a job. Upon arrival, Godbout allegedly attempted to force them into working in the sex trade. When one of the victims resisted, she was violently assaulted, being punched several times and had a gun held to her head." That is seriously messed up.

Hodge Twins fact check lies about Trump

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Gangsterism out is not Gangsters out

On a matter of personal privileged, I will once again clarify that I run not The Maple Ridge News is reporting that "After eight months of alleged online defamation, the man behind the blog 'Gangsterism Out' has been ordered to stop publishing content about the Sandher family – owners of an orchard and fruit packing facility in and around Kelowna. The family who owns and operates Sandher Fruit Packers Ltd., filed a civil claim in the Supreme Court of BC against Daryl Grant MacAskill, the man behind what the family calls a campaign of defamation and harassment, which has spanned months."

Daryl has been named once again so it's clear he and I are two very different people. He hates Trump I do not but I really don't care about that because Trump is a very animated figure. People are allowed to hate him and express their opinion about him.

Candace Owens recently pointed out that Trump was speaking and said some people thrive under pressure while others crack under pressure. He then said Kamala was a cracker. As in someone who cracks under pressure. Which is somewhat humorous because cracker is a derogatory term for a white person and Kamala is more white than she claims. Which obviously doesn't matter. It's just why lie about that. My point is if someone hates Trump I don't care.

Not long ago Daryl's blog was shut down and people asked me if I knew why. I said yeah I know. Because he's too proud to obey a court order. At that time he was ordered by the court to stop defaming and criminally harassing a lawyer named Suzan El Khatib. Someone I went up against in my high profile trial. He was found guilty of defamation and criminal harassment. He ended up serving short stints in prison over it twice. How do I know that? I was there on both occasions.

That file is sealed but I'm pretty sure there isn't a publication ban on the result of the trial just on the defamation about Suzan he was repeating. So she had obtained a court order, actually more than one, and he refused to obey that court order. That's why Blogspot finally shut his blog down. I said all he had to do was stop talking about her and he could have his blog back. He refused to stop. After a few weeks of having his blog offline he caved in and removed the posts about her. After he did that he got his blog back. It was that simple. So here we are again, Déjà vu.

Daryl hasn't complied with the new Sandher court order yet and probably won't until they go through the long and painful effort of taking that court order to Wordpress to get his blog shut down again. Then he will hopefully comply and get it back. I don't want to shut him down. He has a right to speak as long as he stops lying when the court steps in.

Daryl got carried away again. He got obsessive over the Sandhers and started blaming them for everything under the sun. He claimed the Sandhers were responsible for Don Lyon's murder and were manufacturing sarin nerve gas for chemical weapons in a bunker. Only they had never been charged with either so he once again started simply making things up.

The recent article in the Maple Ridge News states that "In addition to payment for damages caused by defamation and emotional damage stemming from the posts, the Sandhers have also requested that an order be imposed, prohibiting the publication of content relating to the family, before the resolution of the case. On September 19, a Justice in the Supreme Court of B.C. granted an interim and interlocutory order stating that MacAskill – also known as Ace Ventura – must remove and stop writing posts or creating content about the Sandher family."

We know that whenever the court makes a monitory award for damages he refuses to obey that order and claims that he doesn't have to because he is unemployable whatever that means. That's why he doesn't have to pay court fees. I think the key thing is for the Sandhers to take their court order to Wordpress so they force him to obey it because he won't unless they do that.

This is not the first defamation order Daryl has received. The first one that I was aware of was for posting on Stock house under the username Stoxxman. This is a copy of that order.

I see Surrey, BC based Canada Easy Investment Store Corp. and its chief compliance officer Ralph van der Walle won a defamation case against Daryl that included $190,000 in damages. Not to laugh but I'm sure they never saw a penny from that.

So anyways, not to flog a dead horse. I just want to once again clarify that gangerism out is not me. Some people still get that confused. A few years ago Nino from Haney contacted me about stuff on his site and I was like yo man that's not me. I can get in enough trouble all on my own.

During the history of my blog I've had three trolls. Blaze has been by far the most obsessive and relentless for 10 years straight nonstop. Daryl was one but we've since made the peace. I had another troll who thought Daryl was me. Every time Daryl would defame him, the guy Daryl was defaming would defame me on a specific social media platform. I told Daryl to leave the guy alone but he refused. Now at least that guy can see Daryl and I are not the same person.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Infotel posted Daryl's picture. You can see my picture on my vlog. Daryl and I are not the same person. Daryl's blog originally was the Neer do well hall of infamy. When I started he began impersonating me to get more traffic. I'll admit, Daryl has skills. People read his blog. He just needs to calm down and take his meds. He needs to stop getting swept away in these bizarre delusions. The Sandhers are nice hard working people. They're farmers supporting orchards in the Okanagan. That's a good thing. Peace - Sat Sri Akal.
Update: Wow, the CSO documents for the Ralph van der Walle case against Daryl goes on for 7 pages. Evidently he did jail time for that one too. Order for damages Feb 2nd 2022.
Order imposing 15 days jail time Aug 15th 2023.
OK so it appears that Daryl is once again defiant as ever. This is the fourth defamation case he's lost and defied that I know of. Suzan's case he did jail time twice and Ralph's case he did jail time once. The courts have deemed the pattern of defiant defamation criminal harassment.

I get the feeling that the Dirty Newz is of the opinion that Daryl made up that fake top secret CFSEU document. Perhaps but I'm not entirely sure he did. I'm not saying he wouldn't, I'm just saying I don't think he did. Perhaps he took an existing document and added a few things to it. The document is pretty long-winded and is written in the format of law enforcement investigation.

I'll admit the stuff about the Sandhers appears somewhat disjointed from the rest of the document as though someone just threw that part in there. However, that document seems to target the Sandhers simply because they are Khalisatn supporters like pretty much ever other Punjabi living in Surrey. The document claims that the defamation about the Sandhers came from the Consulate of India and therefore came from India's intelligence agency. The same agency who defamed Hardeep Singh Nijjar before they assassinated him.

So for me, the claim that defamation came from India's intelligence agency not Daryl falls within the realm of believability. Remember, if we repeat defamation from someone else claiming it is true, we are also legally liable for defamation. The Don Lyons claim and the sarin nerve gas claim is just way over the top. I do think he simply made that up. It's kind of like the boy who cried wolf.

In the defamation case Daryl had with Ralph van der Walle, the court pointed out Daryl made a significant amount of racial slurs against his lawyer simple because that lawyer was Indo Canadian. That's kind of why he's jumped on the general defamation of Indo Canadians erroneously claiming they are all terrorists.

Daryl's latest Seriously Bert profile has a Khalistan Tiger Force avatar and links to three of his blogs, Gangserismout and two new mirrors Seriously Bert and Khalistan Tiger Force. He will obviously use these mirrors when they get Gangsterismout shut down.

Ya got to admit, Daryl is quite a character. In the Infotel article they stated that BC Supreme Court Justice Paul Riley said "MacAskill had taken a kernel of information that might be true and twisted it without any effort to investigate or understand it. MacAskill was found to have used the litigation as a means of pressuring or extorting van der Walle to pay him to go away."

“'Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case,' the Justice said. MacAskill had said for $5,000 he would remove the material. He later used a racist slur referring to van der Walle's lawyer of East Indian origin and upped the figure to $10,000. van der Walle refers to the language as pure hate speech. The number jumped to $40,000 and at one point MacAskill said he'd better see some money or he'd run up the executive's legal bills to $100,000."

OK so how did that extortion attempt work out for you? Not very well it would appear. I have a proposal. I have heard that Daryl has tried to extort people before. Instead of criminally harassing people and asking them to pay you to leave them alone, why don't you just put a donate button on your blog. When people realize you're borderline homeless and use Coast Mental Health as an address for service, I'm sure some people will donate to you because a lot of people do read your blog. They find it entertaining kind of like your pal Donald Trump.

The question we need to ask is why the hell is the CFSEU leaking false Five Eyes documents to a guy like Daryl? The same reason they paid Blaze so much money to lie in court - because they are dirty. That's why that work needs to be contracted out like it is in Alberta.

Jaimee and Sasha discuss Gay Rights

Lucy Komisar analyzes Anti Russian Propaganda

Lucy Komisar, life long activist and award winning journalist from the Komisar Scoop exposed the Bill Browder Hoax. Now she analyzes the anti Russian propaganda play by Erika Sheffer called Vladimir. Right now, the CIA's war mongering globalism is a bigger threat to our civil liberty than Russia or China. The UN's quest for world peace isn't about world peace just like it's quest to eliminate poverty isn't about poverty. It's about lying to destroy civil liberty. That's what it's about.

Lucy's article states that US authorities funded the Islamic terrorists in Chechnya. Just like the CIA created ISIS K in Pakistan to attack Russia and ISIS in Syria. However, at that time the CIA was also supporting Putin. As I previously said the movie November Man with Pierce Brosnan was based on a true story. It also ties in with the pressure cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon.

The brutalization of Gaza has lasted for a full year. The war in the Ukraine for longer than that. Billions of tax dollars have been laundered through those manufactured conflicts supporting inflation and the Saudi oil monopoly. It's time to end the suffering. No lie can live forever.

BC Lawyer disciplined for money laundering

BIV is reporting that "Neal Burton Wang faces discipline from the Law Society of BC after being caught moving millions of dollars through his trust account, to a company in Dubai, according to a tribunal ruling. Wang deposited $2.9 million from client “WW” by September 2017, without having provided legal services. He was then told of the securities investigation by another client and associate of WW. Wang moved various smaller sums of money for WW and their spouse NW, via his trust account, until NW instructed Wang to wire much of it to a company in Dubai."

William Majcher's affidavit described how easy and common it was for Canadian lawyers to launder money for organized crime. These same lawyers become judges. It's interesting to note that Wang's client WW who was under investigation was never named. It's also interesting to note that this was a disciplinary hearing not a criminal investigation.

"Canada's legal industry is self-regulated by provincial law societies. Distance from government intervention is important to maintain an independence in the judicial system and protect solicitor-client privilege. As such, to protect that privilege, lawyers are under no obligation to report large and suspicious transactions to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), the country’s financial intelligence and anti-money laundering analysis agency."

This is a copy of the Decision of the Review Board.

[13] The Law Society submits that although the hearing panel correctly found the Respondent breached the relevant Rules, the Panel incorrectly found that those breaches did not constitute professional misconduct. The Law Society says the Panel erred by failing to properly analyze the factors referred to in Law Society of BC v. Huculak 2022 LSBC 26.

Rules smules. Was he laundering money or not. Who is his client?

"Insp. Majcher said Mr. Rosenfeld told him it was "twenty times" easier to launder money from Canada than the United States. He was also told during the investigation that five lawyers in Vancouver regularly laundered $200,000 a month through trust accounts in return for a 7-per-cent commission. Other lawyers used offshore accounts, stock market scams and foundations to hide illicit cash, Insp. Majcher testified." Now William Majcher is facing his own kangaroo court.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Diwali 2024: Festival of Lights

I wasn't sure if Diwali was yesterday or today because one news report said both but Google clarifies it's from Thursday Oct 31, 2024, 3:22 AM – Friday, November 1, 2024, 5:46 AM.

Sikhs and Hindus both celebrate Diwali but for differnt reasons. The Detroit Free Press is reporting that "One of the most-celebrated Hindu festivals, Diwali, or Deepavali, commemorates the victory of good over evil during the course of five days."The word refers to rows of diyas — or clay lamps — which are put all around homes and places of worship."

"The word Diwali is derived from the Sanskrit word Deepavali, which means row of lights, that devotees light outside their homes during the festival to represent the light that guards against spiritual darkness and symbolize good over evil. The light from these lamps symbolizes the illumination within all of us, which can overcome ignorance, represented by darkness."

"The festival, that is spread over a period of five days, also marks the beginning of the new year in the Hindu calendar, and celebrates the year’s last rice-crop harvest. For Sikhs, meanwhile, Diwali celebrates sixth Guru, who serves as a source of inspiration and a symbol for freedom. The guru was in prison and refused to leave prison without the other 52 political prisoners being released. The day of Diwali celebrates his release, along with the other political prisoners he fought for. While the reason behind the celebrations may be different, to commemorate the festival, Sikhs will also go to the Gurdwara to pray and meditate, light diyas and set off fireworks."

In Surrey we know it's Diwali when we hear fireworks all night. Evidently they're still banned.

Canada's largest drug lab busted in BC

Update: Postmedia News is confirming that Gaganpreet Randhawa is asociated with the Wolf Pack

CBC is reporting that "Residents of sleepy Falkland, B.C., are still wrapping their heads around the news that their tiny town was home to what police have described as the largest and most sophisticated drug superlab in Canada. On Thursday, the RCMP announced it had busted the lab operation. CBC News has learned it was located on a remote 66-hectare property on Hoath Road. Investigators seized 54 kilograms of fentanyl, a large volume of precursor chemicals, 390 kilograms of methamphetamine, 35 kilograms of cocaine, 15 kilograms of MDMA, six kilograms of cannabis, along with 89 firearms including handguns, AR-15-style rifles and submachine guns."

So this is what everyone is talking about. This is a huge bust. 390 kilos of crystal meth is staggering. We see addicts smoking crystal meth pipes all over Surrey now. 54 kilos of fentanyl is also huge because fentanyl is so poweful. We also see adicts all over Metro Vancovuer displaying the fentanyl fold. Crystal meth is a horrible drug that will eat you alive but fentanyl is even worse.

To claim that this volume of harmful drugs in BC belonged to anyone but the Hells Angels is ridiculous. Falkland is northwest of Vernon on the way to Kamloops. Kelowna is red and white. So is Vernon. Vernon had the Vernon Greeks who sold drugs for the Hells Angels. We've had super labs in the Okanagan busted before that were tied to the Hells Angels. We've seen numerous Hells Angels puppet clubs operating out of Kamloops. The number of illegal firearms seized is also staggering. We remember that bag of guns found in Surrey was tied to the Hells Angels.

"Janice and Kevin Evans manage the Falkland Faith Mission Retreat Centre, located just down the road from where the drug lab was raided. According to the couple, police carried out a major raid on the same property approximately 10 years ago — before marijuana was legalized — shutting down a large grow operation. The Evans said the damaged greenhouses shown in the police-issued photos were previously used to grow marijuana." So this is not a new crime group.

"Only one man has been arrested so far. According to court records, Gaganpreet Singh Randhawa is facing seven criminal drugs and weapons charges for alleged offences in Surrey and Richmond.Online court records show that a person with the same name and birth year was sentenced to 90 days in jail and handed a 10-year firearms ban in 2017 after being found guilty of drug possession for the purpose of trafficking in Burnaby." I guess that firearm ban was useless.

Post Media News is reporting that "Of particular concern were tonnes of precursor chemicals used to make crystal meth according to the Mexican cartel P2P formula which has not been seen in Western Canada until now. A search warrant was also executed at a Surrey property connected to the Falkland lab. The synthetic drugs being produced were destined for both the domestic market and export, although he wouldn’t say the likely destination countries." Now they have a new meth cook and a new recipe which is not surprising.

Notice the spin. The old dogs are using a new formula. Ryan was a long time Surrey meth cook that worked for the Hells Angels. We remember after Larry Amero was shot in Kelowna with Jonathon Bacon, he was busted trying to bring massive amounts of precursor chemicals to make crystal meth into Australia which has a huge market tied to bikers.

Gaganpreet Randhawa is obviously Indo Canadian. The Brother's Keepers are an Indo Canada gang in Surrey that work for the Edmonton Hells Angels. BC is red and white. They don't have the same rivals here that they have in Ontario or Eastern Quebec.

Last month police seized 30 tones of precursor chemicals were seized from a rural property in Enderby, BC north of Vernon not far from Falkland. At that site a car registered to Don Lyon was found there trying this Operation to the Hells Angels. Around that same time the Alberta Law enforcement Team busted a fentanyl lab in Vallyview Alberta just outside of Edmonton.

Edmonton is Red and White. That lab was run by the Edmonton Hells Angels who also run the Brother's Keepers in Surrey so let's not try and complicate this with bullsh*t. In 2018 the police raided a meth lab north of Vernon. In 2012 police busted a drug lab in Coldstream just east of Vernon. All six arrested in that bust had ties to the Hells Angels and were involved with a meth manufacturing and trafficking operation that had connections to Vancouver and Calgary.