Thursday, March 6, 2025

16 year old male shot dead in Hamilton

CP 24 is reporting that "A 16-year-old boy critically injured in a shooting in Stoney Creek early Thursday morning has died, Hamilton police say. It happened in the area of Highway 8 and Fruitland Road at around 4:20 a.m. Police say multiple shots were fired during the incident, and “several vehicles” were involved, including two that remained on scene."

"A male victim suffering gunshot wounds was transported to the hospital, where he later died. His identity has not been released. The homicide unit is now investigating. It is not immediately clear what led to the shooting. Police say they will provide an update on Friday."

Scott Moe and Daniel Smith understand that counter tariffs are not the answer. Supply and Demand is.

Counter tariffs on food hurt American farmers and Canadian consumers.

Theo Von and Candace Owens on Pedophiles and Gaza

Candace Owens and Theo Von talk about the inhumanity of Gaza and Trump's support of it. This is the whole interview. 42:49 talks about pedophiles. Gaza starts at 38:35.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Balancing the Extremes and Dialing back the crazy

Today we're going to talk about where we were, where we're going and where we want to be. We are going to talk about the need to debate issues honestly without being blindly partisan. Rand Paul gets it. Zombies don't.

Former NATO Сhief Blasts ‘Shameless’ Trump and Calls for a European Nuclear Deterrent - that is literally mentally deranged. This is why we should withdraw from NATO. It's been hijacked by wackos. Elon Musk publicly supports call for US to exit NATO, UN. He's right. This is what I talked about in this podcast.

David Brooks uses his brain. Trump is not a Conservative.

4:55 "They (DT, EM, JD Vance) represent the educated elite and the key factor of the educated elite is that they're not pro conservative they are anti left. They don't have a positive, conservative vision for society they just want to destroy the institutions that the left now dominates."

"Elite narcissism causes them to eviscerate every belief system they touch. Conservatives believe healthy societies are built on healthy institutions. They're anti institutionals. Conservatives believe is steady and gradual change. Edmund Burke. They're  disruption. Conservatives believe in Constitutional government. Donald Trump says I alone can fix this. Conservatives believe in moral norms. They're destroying moral norms. The other beliefs system they are destroying is Judaeo Christian faith. Judaeo Christian faith is based on service to the poor, service to the immigrant, service to the stranger."

I disagree with David Brooks on the Ukraine. Zelensky is a sleazebag but so it the CIA and the bipartisans who supported the coup that put Zelensky in power to cleanse the Ukraine of all it's ethnic Russian citizens. Justin Trudeau is bad. Mark Carney is bad. Joe Biden and Kamala Haris are bad. Donald Trump's report card is As and Fs. He is embracing Globalism and Colonialism and that I reject. The New York Times and the Washington Post are Globalist tabloids.

The same thing with South Korea. Trump can make peace there too. The CIA keep provoking North Korea because they want never ending wars. The war in the Ukraine never should have happened. NATO and the CIA caused it. If they can't have war in the Ukraine, they'll start it somewhere else. 

Adam Schiff explains the reality behind Trump Tariffs

As I said in my podcast about Trump's Tariffs, Canada doesn't pay those tariffs American consumers do. Tariffs raise the price of everything you buy. I don't want to tariff Guinness because it raises the price of Guinness. Tariffs are taxes. 

They drive up inflation and the cost of goods and services. Just like raising the price of fuel. Trump understands the importance of affordable energy. Someone just needs to explain to him about the Globalist Tariff trap he has fallen for. 

Justin Trudeau is an idiot. What he says doesn't matter. Our response to Trump's Tariffs is no response. If Trump tariffs Canadian goods American consumers pay that we don't. 

If he tariffs Canadian goods we simply sell our products to other countries. We don't impose counter tariffs because that drives up inflation and makes things more expensive for us. 

That is a globalist trap Justin Trudeau is eagerly wanting to jump into head first just like he eagerly cut energy production to drive up fuel costs and inflation. Globalism sucks. Don't fall for their next trap like Donald Trump has. 


Monday, March 3, 2025

Surrey RCMP grabs a coworker's a*s

The Dirty News posted a surveillance video of a cop in Surrey grabbing another cop's a*s in uniform. Notice the yellow stripe. Looks like the Surrey RCMP are passing on their long-standing tradition of inappropriateness to the SPS. The more things change the more they stay the same.

The Dirty News also has a video of that Langley/Surrey House fire caused by an explosion which implies it was a drug lab

Fatal shooting in Surrey

Update: The Dirty Newz is reporting that the victim was Jaskaran Minhas which has been confirmed by the IndoCanadian Voice. The Dirty Newz is also reporting that "Some have alleged that he was affiliated with the brothers keepers, and that this may have been a retaliation hit for Uppal (innocent DJ who was shot to death)"

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that "One man is dead after a shooting near the intersection of Scott Road and 80th Avenue in Surrey on Monday afternoon. According to Surrey Police Service spokesperson Staff Sgt. Lindsey Houghton, emergency services received several calls from the “very busy” location at around 5:30 p.m."

"Houghton said that one person was shot while inside a vehicle in the outdoor parking lot at the southeast corner of the intersection. Article content Photos from the scene showed a grey VW SUV with several bullet holes in the windshield crashed into a small tree in the parking lot. A person’s body was laying behind the vehicle covered by a blanket."

"A red Dodge Charger was later found on fire on Westview Drive in Delta. The blaze was extinguished by firefighters." The Dirty Newz has pictures and videos from the scene.

Robert Crimo and MK Ultra

UPI is reporting that "Robert E. "Bobby" Crimo III, pleaded guilty Monday at the start of the trial accusing him of carrying out a deadly mass shooting in Illinois on July 4, 2022. Crimo, changed his plea to guilty on 21 counts of first-degree murder and 48 counts of attempted murder in a surprise move at the start of the trial as opening statements were due to begin."

When I saw the suspect's picture the first thing that came to mind was MK Ultra and I don't even know what that means. The kid looks crazy. His mother doesn't sound like she's playing with a full deck either. Some of this looks staged.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to ascertain that something fishy is going on. I'm not going to fuel conspiracy theories on this I'm just trying to make sense of it because there's no sense to be made. Every crime has a means and motive. 

The world is full of crazy extremism on both sides of this issue. The fake fact checkers pushing for more and more gun control are quick to quote QAnon and Alex Jones but does QAnon even still exist? The CIA created that insane movement for a purpose.

I recently made a podcast about mass shootings after a heartbreaking incident where a mother killed her kids then shot herself. My concern was the availability of guns to people with mental health issues. Although I do believe many mass shootings are orchestrated, I don't think they all are. 

Mental health is a very common problem. If one in four people have a mental health problem, should they have the right to own and carry a firearm? That is debatable. In my podcast I talked about Sonny Barger's ex Noel who was on bipolar meds and had a permit to carry. When we saw how she behaved with a firearm common sense would argue that wasn't a smart thing. 

When I look at the mass shooting at the 4th of July parade I'm forced to ask myself why? Even Wikipedia can't come up with a motive. I'm not saying it was a hoax and didn't happen. It was horrific. Like the Las Vegas mass shooting which was highly suspicious. He didn't target a specific race or religion. He shot women and children. It was insane. 

Alex Jones got in trouble for saying Sandy Hook never happened. That was crazy. That's like saying 9/11 never happened when we all saw it. Just because Anderson Cooper used a green screen in one of his interviews doesn't mean Sandy Hook never happened. It means he pretended to be on scene when he was actually in the studio which isn't a big deal.

A lot of things Alex Jones has said is crazy. He put out a very good documentary on the attack on the USS Liberty. Yet some of his other stuff is a bit too extreme for me to digest. That's why the fake fact checkers love to use his name whenever they are trying to discredit gun control concerns.

One fake fact checker on the 4th of July Parade shooting mentioned Marjorie Taylor Greene then said "An adjacent theory is that the Crimo was a product of MK-ULTRA, a secret (but real) government program from the 1950s until 1973, in which unethical experiments were conducted on participants to explore mind control, often involving exposure to LSD, psychological torture and more. MK-ULTRA theories also followed the May 2022 school shooting in Uvalde, Texas."

OK so since they brought it up, what the hell is MK Ultra? They claim MK-ULTRA is a secret (but real) government program that ended in 1973. OK so it was secret but real. What was it?

NPR is reporting that "During the early period of the Cold War, the CIA became convinced that communists had discovered a drug or technique that would allow them to control human minds. In response, the CIA began its own secret program, called MK-ULTRA, to search for a mind control drug that could be weaponized against enemies."

Here we go again, during the early part of the cold war the CIA... These same clowns againAllen Dulles, Felix Rodriguez and Operation 40. The CIA claim that "Ultimately, Gottlieb concluded that mind control was not possible" and MK-ULTRA shut down in 1973. 

Kind of like China's organ harvesting program. Oh we don't do that any more. Oh really? So MK Ultra was an era where the CIA would conduct mind control experiments on unsuspecting patients using LSD and torture. 

That's what we know. We don't know that it actually stopped and we don't know that it wasn't actually unsuccessful. That is what we don't know.

We do know that there are an insane number of mass shootings in the US. A coworker was arguing with an American about the Hockey series who was mocking Canada for becoming the 51st State so my coworker said don't you have a mass shooting to attend? Again the number of mass shootings in the US is concerning.

I do believe the Orlando mass shooting and the Las Vegas mass shootings were both orchestrated because of the number of rounds fired. I believe there were more than one shooter in both of those incidents and the motive for those shootings was gun control.

Yet this 4th of July parade shooting appears to have been once crazy kid and the only known motive for that shooting is gun control so we're forced to ask ourselves does MK Ultra still exist? Did the CIA influence this kid or any others to conduct a mass shooting?

Montreal MKULTRA Experiments - evidently the CIA conducted some of these experiments in Canada. The BBC mentioned the program as did the CBCThe CBC produced a podcast called Brainwashed a six-part series co-produced with The Fifth Estate that investigates the CIA's covert mind-control experiments.

"It’s the story of how a renowned psychiatrist used his unwitting patients as human guinea pigs at a Montreal hospital, and the ripple effects on survivors, their families, and thousands of other people around the world. It also examines the cultural impact — how the CIA brought LSD to America and inadvertently created counterculture influencers such as author Ken Kesey and poet Allen Ginsberg. It’s an exploration of what happens in times of fear, when the military and medicine collide."

"The CIA brought LSD to America." Isn't that interesting. Just like they created the Golden Triangle and created the US crack epidemic in the /80's. It's time to disband the CIA. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Robert Morrow and the JFK Files

Since phase one of the Epstein file publicity stunt has come and gone I assume we can expect a similar result from the release of the JFK files. As with Air India, the CIA have destroyed everything they don't want us to see. They learned their lesson from the declassification of Operation Northwoods. Never again will they release those kinds of documents to the public.

When we first heard the promise of Trump declassifying the JFK files I chuckled and said yeah right. We all know the CIA did it. RFK even admitted it on Tucker Carlson. So I ordered two old books by Robert Morrow. One called Betrayal published in 1976. The other called First Hand Knowledge published in 1992. Often you can find truth in old books that have been buried. Like Compromised by Terry Reed or the Politics of Heroin by Alfred W. McCoy.

Robert D. Morrow claims to have been a contractor for the CIA involved in a secret assassination squad tied to the Mafia and joined the CIA in 1961. When you Google his name all the search results have been carefully expunged. 

All the redacted results are from government or CIA sources. One of the declassified documents that comes up on a Google search is a letter from former CIA director Robert William Gambino. The letter states that Angus M. Thuermer, who was an Assistant to the DCI, Director of Central Intelligence, claimed that a reporter had contacted him about Robert Morrow's book Betrayal that was to be published May 1976 saying it contains statements critical of the Agency. 

The reporter wanted to verify that Robert Morrow had at one time been involved with the CIA. Robert Gambino confirmed that the CIA did have a file on Robert Dietz Morrow and that he had worked with the Agency and was granted a secret contractor clearance. They asked him to make a prototype of a radio receiver that didn't work. That's what the CIA claimed. Now they'd just pull a Rainbow Ricky and say he's not with us. 

The letter also states Mario Garcia Kohly was a Cuban exile leader accused of flooding Cuba with counterfeit money. Gambino claimed that Robert Morrow was accused of making the plates for the counterfeit money for Kohly. 

Gambino concluded that there is no evidence in that file verifying Kohly's claim that he got the counterfeit money from the CIA. ROFL. I guess not.

So what does this letter confirm? Gambino's letter confirms that Robert Morrow did have secret contract clearance and was tied to an exiled Cuban leader connected to Operation 40 which was an assassination squad connected to Alan Dulles, Barry Seal, Felix Rodriguez and the Mafia who also killed JFK.

In court it's always nice to use the other party's evidence to build your case. They can't deny the facts they submitted. Robert Morrow claims this assassination squad was tied to the Mafia. Take a look at the CIA Director's name. Robert Gambino. ROFL. Gambino is one of the Five Crime families in New York.

I haven't read Morrow's books yet but he is credible and we all know the CIA did it. Just say'n. The other declassified document that comes up when you Google Robert Morrows is an old news report about Morrow's book

The report states that Morrow's book claims he bought and customized four MM Mannlicher rifles the CIA used to assassinate JFK. He assumed they were going to be used on a head of state in Central America. Morrow claimed two weeks before the assassination he heard a rumor that the CIA was going to kill Kennedy but he disregarded the rumor. Until he saw one of the rifles he had supplied them on the news. 

Morrow states he was a contract employee not an agent. Morrow claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy, a claim Oswald himself made before he was killed and that Oswald was a low level CIA Agent who had been sent to Russia. 


OK I've glanced throguh the first book Betrayal. Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Author's note before the forward states the book is based on his experiences. All the names of the characters are real except for those agents who were still alive in 1976. To protect their cover he used fictitious names for them. 

"To help the reader grasp the complex plot and the motives behind it, some dialogue has been improvised." As sincere as that statement may well be, it kind of crosses over into the realm of crime fiction. Yet his account does have immense value.

The primary fact is that he provided the snipers rifles to be used in the JFK assassination as well as a radio device that allowed operatives to communicate off police scanners.  

I have found two minor discrepancies. In once account he claims he started working for the CIA in 1959 while another account he said it was 1961. I suppose that could be explained by the definition of associating with and working for. 

The other discrepancy was the claim that he provided four rifles in one account and three rifles in another. That could be explained by the fact that he provided 4 rifles but only three were used by the three separate assassination squads. 

The conclusion of the book Betrayal recreates the scenario with three teams prepared to complete the assassination if the other teams missed or were unable to execute the shot.

That sounds plausible and organized. The cover of the second book published in 1992 states "A senor CIA agent" yet he claimed he was a contractor not an agent. That statement on the cover sounds more like a ghost writer or a third party. The introduction to the second book was written by John H. Davis who wrote several books about the Kennedys and the Mafia.   

Two statements in the second book I find disturbing. In the Author's Note of the second book he states that "I agree, the act of murder can never be justified... unless its' done for the good of the country. This was one of those instances." No it was not.

The other statement found in the Preface is "To comprehend why the CIA found it necessary to commit the seemingly treasonous act of murdering the country's Commander in Chief, one must understand the political climate of that age." Not.

The purpose of the second book appears to be a rationalization or a justification for the assassination. Perhaps not. Perhaps it just provides a motive why the CIA did it. Yet the real motive is clear. Kennedy vetoed Operation Northwoods while Lyndon B. Johnson ordered an Operation Northwoods on the USS Liberty. There is no justification for that.

The CIA did not kill JFK for not sending air support for the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA are the ones that sabotaged that invasion. The CIA killed JFK for vetoing Operation Northwoods.