Monday, March 3, 2025

Robert Crimo and MK Ultra

UPI is reporting that "Robert E. "Bobby" Crimo III, pleaded guilty Monday at the start of the trial accusing him of carrying out a deadly mass shooting in Illinois on July 4, 2022. Crimo, changed his plea to guilty on 21 counts of first-degree murder and 48 counts of attempted murder in a surprise move at the start of the trial as opening statements were due to begin."

When I saw the suspect's picture the first thing that came to mind was MK Ultra and I don't even know what that means. The kid looks crazy. His mother doesn't sound like she's playing with a full deck either. Some of this looks staged.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to ascertain that something fishy is going on. I'm not going to fuel conspiracy theories on this I'm just trying to make sense of it because there's no sense to be made. Every crime has a means and motive. 

The world is full of crazy extremism on both sides of this issue. The fake fact checkers pushing for more and more gun control are quick to quote QAnon and Alex Jones but does QAnon even still exist? The CIA created that insane movement for a purpose.

I recently made a podcast about mass shootings after a heartbreaking incident where a mother killed her kids then shot herself. My concern was the availability of guns to people with mental health issues. Although I do believe many mass shootings are orchestrated, I don't think they all are. 

Mental health is a very common problem. If one in four people have a mental health problem, should they have the right to own and carry a firearm? That is debatable. In my podcast I talked about Sonny Barger's ex Noel who was on bipolar meds and had a permit to carry. When we saw how she behaved with a firearm common sense would argue that wasn't a smart thing. 

When I look at the mass shooting at the 4th of July parade I'm forced to ask myself why? Even Wikipedia can't come up with a motive. I'm not saying it was a hoax and didn't happen. It was horrific. Like the Las Vegas mass shooting which was highly suspicious. He didn't target a specific race or religion. He shot women and children. It was insane. 

Alex Jones got in trouble for saying Sandy Hook never happened. That was crazy. That's like saying 9/11 never happened when we all saw it. Just because Anderson Cooper used a green screen in one of his interviews doesn't mean Sandy Hook never happened. It means he pretended to be on scene when he was actually in the studio which isn't a big deal.

A lot of things Alex Jones has said is crazy. He put out a very good documentary on the attack on the USS Liberty. Yet some of his other stuff is a bit too extreme for me to digest. That's why the fake fact checkers love to use his name whenever they are trying to discredit gun control concerns.

One fake fact checker on the 4th of July Parade shooting mentioned Marjorie Taylor Greene then said "An adjacent theory is that the Crimo was a product of MK-ULTRA, a secret (but real) government program from the 1950s until 1973, in which unethical experiments were conducted on participants to explore mind control, often involving exposure to LSD, psychological torture and more. MK-ULTRA theories also followed the May 2022 school shooting in Uvalde, Texas."

OK so since they brought it up, what the hell is MK Ultra? They claim MK-ULTRA is a secret (but real) government program that ended in 1973. OK so it was secret but real. What was it?

NPR is reporting that "During the early period of the Cold War, the CIA became convinced that communists had discovered a drug or technique that would allow them to control human minds. In response, the CIA began its own secret program, called MK-ULTRA, to search for a mind control drug that could be weaponized against enemies."

Here we go again, during the early part of the cold war the CIA... These same clowns againAllen Dulles, Felix Rodriguez and Operation 40. The CIA claim that "Ultimately, Gottlieb concluded that mind control was not possible" and MK-ULTRA shut down in 1973. 

Kind of like China's organ harvesting program. Oh we don't do that any more. Oh really? So MK Ultra was an era where the CIA would conduct mind control experiments on unsuspecting patients using LSD and torture. 

That's what we know. We don't know that it actually stopped and we don't know that it wasn't actually unsuccessful. That is what we don't know.

We do know that there are an insane number of mass shootings in the US. A coworker was arguing with an American about the Hockey series who was mocking Canada for becoming the 51st State so my coworker said don't you have a mass shooting to attend? Again the number of mass shootings in the US is concerning.

I do believe the Orlando mass shooting and the Las Vegas mass shootings were both orchestrated because of the number of rounds fired. I believe there were more than one shooter in both of those incidents and the motive for those shootings was gun control.

Yet this 4th of July parade shooting appears to have been once crazy kid and the only known motive for that shooting is gun control so we're forced to ask ourselves does MK Ultra still exist? Did the CIA influence this kid or any others to conduct a mass shooting?

Montreal MKULTRA Experiments - evidently the CIA conducted some of these experiments in Canada. The BBC mentioned the program as did the CBCThe CBC produced a podcast called Brainwashed a six-part series co-produced with The Fifth Estate that investigates the CIA's covert mind-control experiments.

"It’s the story of how a renowned psychiatrist used his unwitting patients as human guinea pigs at a Montreal hospital, and the ripple effects on survivors, their families, and thousands of other people around the world. It also examines the cultural impact — how the CIA brought LSD to America and inadvertently created counterculture influencers such as author Ken Kesey and poet Allen Ginsberg. It’s an exploration of what happens in times of fear, when the military and medicine collide."

"The CIA brought LSD to America." Isn't that interesting. Just like they created the Golden Triangle and created the US crack epidemic in the /80's. It's time to disband the CIA. 


  1. I'll offer a parallel. When it was announced that the SR-71 Blackbird was being removed from service, everyone wondered, "What will they replace it with?" The explanation given was that "nothing, we don't need that anymore, our satellites are so much better than years ago." Which of course turned not to be true. The idea that the CIA stopped doing such research because MK Ultra came to light.....well, it doesn't match up with their history, with the way they do things. They just deny, change the name, and carry on.

  2. I don’t think they ever stopped with MK Ultra. Maybe changed the name. The greyhound bus killing in Canada is suspicious. If you look alittle deeper into that incident, evidence that there is more to the story really starts to stack up. False flag at the least. There was a stand down order that day. The killer’s doctor is suspicious, I think he had previously worked at the MKUltra school in Montreal. I could be wrong about what makes him suspicious but he is, it’s been awhile since I’ve read up on this story. Witnesses saw the Killer had secret conversations with a woman on the bus. Shortly before the attack. Theres no record of the woman except for an interview on 5th estate

  3. The second assassination attempt, the guy they rolled up had spent previous weeks in the Ukraine getting himself video'd carrying a sign in support of the Ukraine. The people who saw him thought he was a bit over the top, but after somehow having the funds to travel there, he comes back and gets himself arrested with all his gear. Does this sound a bit like Lee Harvey Oswald wandering the streets handing out "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets?

  4. Trudeau has made statements to the effect of "We stand with Ukraine". What I'd like to know is, does that include sending our troops to Ukraine to fight against Russia? He's a Globalist puppet and so is Chrystia Freeland, whose grandfather was a Ukrainian Nazi collaborator during the war.

    1. Yeah it's interesting to see how these far left globalists are so pro war. Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi but she is far left. Just shows how close Fascism and Communism really is.

  5. Whitey Bulger and Theodore Kascinski were targets and subjects of MK-Ultra.

  6. The goal of MK-Ultra was to see if ‘mind control’ could be achieved. To test effectiveness of techniques they wanted to see if they could make someone do or believe they had done something ‘unnatural’ like kill parents, change sex or sex orientation, etc.

  7. Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb of the CIA was the chief chemist for the MK-Ultra project.

  8. The assistant director in charge of the New York Field Office for the FBI was made to resign today. He was instructed to do so late Friday night. There had been previous clashes with Washington, D.C., but the Epstein stuff seems to be the final straw. ABC 7 New York is reporting this.


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