Sunday, March 16, 2025

More Netanyahu protests in Israel

Jordan Peterson is antisemitic because he doesn't want you to hear these Jews in Israel protesting Netanyahu and the war in Gaza. "What's left to destroy there?" 1:10:18 

"The public in Israel is willing to end the war in Gaze and the only people not willing to do that our our government and our Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu." 2:25:50


  1. Protests are useless unless you have guns! Look at Canada!

    1. That is not true. The Convoy was highly effective. Justin Trudeau's approval rating dropped below 16 present forcing him to resign. Protesting with a gun is exactly what they want you to do to justify taking away your right to protest.

  2. The convoy was a rare even, that was a brilliant! God bless our Truckers!


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