Tuesday, March 4, 2025

David Brooks uses his brain. Trump is not a Conservative.

4:55 "They (DT, EM, JD Vance) represent the educated elite and the key factor of the educated elite is that they're not pro conservative they are anti left. They don't have a positive, conservative vision for society they just want to destroy the institutions that the left now dominates."

"Elite narcissism causes them to eviscerate every belief system they touch. Conservatives believe healthy societies are built on healthy institutions. They're anti institutionals. Conservatives believe is steady and gradual change. Edmund Burke. They're  disruption. Conservatives believe in Constitutional government. Donald Trump says I alone can fix this. Conservatives believe in moral norms. They're destroying moral norms. The other beliefs system they are destroying is Judaeo Christian faith. Judaeo Christian faith is based on service to the poor, service to the immigrant, service to the stranger."

I disagree with David Brooks on the Ukraine. Zelensky is a sleazebag but so it the CIA and the bipartisans who supported the coup that put Zelensky in power to cleanse the Ukraine of all it's ethnic Russian citizens. Justin Trudeau is bad. Mark Carney is bad. Joe Biden and Kamala Haris are bad. Donald Trump's report card is As and Fs. He is embracing Globalism and Colonialism and that I reject. The New York Times and the Washington Post are Globalist tabloids.

The same thing with South Korea. Trump can make peace there too. The CIA keep provoking North Korea because they want never ending wars. The war in the Ukraine never should have happened. NATO and the CIA caused it. If they can't have war in the Ukraine, they'll start it somewhere else. 

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