Saturday, March 1, 2025

Police on Guard celebrate Convoy's 3rd anniversary

Police on Guard made a blog post sharing a video commemorating the 3rd anniversary of the Tuckers Convoy to Ottawa in protest of lock downs and vaccine mandates. 

Someone recently posted a video of an Edmonton cop being a dick to a woman with a service dog on her own property. I said it reminded me of that viral video of two female cops in Calgary awkwardly taking down a peaceful citizen who was simply ice skating outdoors without a mask on. Several Police on Guard members said that video made them want to get involved and resulted in the creation of Police on Guard.

Well the Police on Guard's tribute video actually starts off with that Calgary video clip I mentioned. This brings us to law enforcement and the Canadian Charter of Rights. 

Canadian Law enforcement officers swear an oath to defend the Charter of Rights. Every time they make an arrest they have to Charter someone. They have to tell the suspect they have the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay. When I was with the Guardian Angels we had to say the same thing when we made a citizens arrest in Canada.  

The right to legal representation and a fair trial is a fundamental right within the Canadian Charter of Rights. There are many other rights protected by the Charter as well. Free speech and the right to lawful assembly is one. Mobility rights are another. 

The Canadian Charter of Rights is the highest law of the land. When a federal, Provincial or Municipal government makes a law that violates the Canadian Charter of rights, that law is illegal. Law Enforcement officers swear an oath to defend the Charter of Rights not a lesser law that violates the Charter. 

That's pretty much the Police on Guard's gig and I completely support it. I realize that criminals hate all cops. I get it. Yet every civilized society has laws to keep the peace and maintain order. If you can steal from me, I can steal from you. If you can murder me, I can murder you and anarchy is the result.    

I also realize a lot of law biding citizens hate power tripping cops that enjoy bullying people like the Edmonton cop harassing the woman with a service dog. Police on Guard aren't like that. Daniel Bulford isn't. Clay Farnsworth and Chris VandenBos aren't. They are all noble law enforcement officers I respect. 

Spooks who work for CSIS or the CIA try to infiltrate all political movements to promote extremism and hate for law enforcement. If a political movement has the police on their side, CSIS and the CIA see that as dangerous so they try to infiltrate those movements to prevent that from happening.

While the media was actively trying to misrepresent the convoy, an Ontario Police supervisor was cross examined at an inquiry. They asked him what he saw. He said I saw a lot of families with children and I also saw a lot of crest fallen police officers. 

He meant he saw a lot of current and former police officers who participated in the protest not to disrupt it but to support it. When he said crest fallen he meant officers who were discouraged with the government's attack on the Charter of Rights. 

So what he saw contradicted the image the media and Justin Trudeau were trying to portray. Just as the Convoy was about to arrive in Ottawa, a video went viral of a female police officer in uniform endorsing the Convoy. That really helped preserve the public's confidence in law enforcement. Yet she was severely disciplined for doing that as were many other police officers who expressed their support for the convoy.    

I realize the police are supposed to stay neutral at a protest yet police officers, like doctors, nurses and firemen all have a right to hold and express their political opinions on their own time. Perhaps she shouldn't have made the video in uniform. That was a minor error. The truth is the government punished her for holding what Justin Trudeau referred to as unacceptable views which was outrageous and offensive. If you disagree with Justin Trudeau's violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights you hold unacceptable views. I think not. 

Some police officers were disciplined for donating to the Convoy. That was an outrageous violation of the Charter as was freezing bank accounts of people who donated to the convoy. That defiant violation of the Charter of Rights was the very reason the convoy was necessary. 

Detective Helen Grus was severely disciplined for simply inquiring about the vaccination status of the mothers whose infants died after a spike in infant deaths. One would think that was a reasonable question an investigator would ask. The witch hunt to destroy her has been insane

Donald Best, a retired Toronto Police detective is covering that case closely. He has quite a history himself as an anti corruption whistle blower. So, a salute to the Convoy, Police on Guard and the Canadian Charter of Rights. Je me souviens.

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