While we wait the results of the rigged Liberal leadership convention and find out who our new interim Prime Minister will be, let's review where we were and what caused Justin Trudeau's approval rating to drop below 16%, the lowest in recorded history. Let's start off with the Convoy.
Police on Guard recently put out a video about the third anniversary of the convoy. That video has a clip of former police officer and Police on Guard co founder Chris VandenBos driving to Ottawa in support of the convoy. He gets emotional as he shows you a familiar sight. The side of the freeway and the overpasses were full of Canadians holding signs and waving flags in support of the convoy. This is what we all saw.
We also saw how the mainstream media misrepresented the Convoy and their massive public support. Justin Trudeau erroneously claimed the Convoy represented a fringe minority as he boldly disregarded any concerns they expressed.
The mainstream media did everything in their power to misrepresent the Convoy and promote that false narrative. On one occasion a Convoy supporter saw a CBC reporter and news camera set up at the edge of a Convoy support protest pointing away from the protest. The guy pulled out his phone and started filming.
He said look at this everyone. This is CBC doing a report on the Convoy pointed away from the rally claiming they have no support. Then he fanned his phone in the other direction and said this is what I see here that they don't want to you to see. It was a huge support rally CBC was intentionally trying to misrepresent.
In my interview with Tamara Lich, I said that is when the light went on for Canadians. People saw how the media misrepresented the Convoy and said if the media lied about that, what else have they lied about. A lot.
Let's talk about death rates during Covid. Local YouTuber Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson was kicked off of YouTube for telling the truth. She quoted a CTV report that said at that point 10,947 people had died from Covid in Canada.
Then she crossed referenced that stat with another stat. CTV also reported that the number of seniors in long term care who died of Covid at that same time was 10,781. That's when Laura Lynn started to do the math.
The intent of the news report was to say seniors are dying of Covid in long term care facilities. We need to do something about that. Yet in so doing, they let the cat out of the bag.
If 10,947 people in Canada had died from Covid and 10,781 of those deaths were seniors in care homes, why on earth are we having lock downs which destroy lives and our economy for 166 deaths across Canada?
Her observation made complete sense and for making that observation she was kicked off YouTube. Which tells you all you need to know about YouTube censorship and the mainstream media.
Did CTV make an error or did they lie? Who knows. The point is the media consistently lied about and misrepresented Covid cases and deaths throughout the entire pandemic.
Since seniors were at the highest risk to die from Covid or the flu, it would make sense that the largest number of people who died from Covid were seniors. Yet the same number of seniors died that year as did each year previously. One would assume that if we were in a pandemic and seniors were dying from Covid not with Covid, then more seniors would have died that year then in previous years but that was not the case. That science based data showed something fishy was going on.
The same with overall death rates. All cause mortality did not rise during Covid. The same number of people died during Covid as did in each year previously. That was the smoking gun. One doctor boldly declared that Covid does not cure cancer and lock downs don't cure heart disease.He noticed that during Covid overall deaths did not increase but deaths from Cancer and heart disease dramatically decreased. He then said that shows you they were labeling deaths due to cancer and heart disease as Covd deaths. Clearly demonstrating the difference between dying with Covid and dying from Covid.
Dr Vernon Coleman made a similar observation. He said during Covid there were virtually zero deaths from the flu. Every year many seniors die from the flu but during Covid they did not. That also shows how they were attributing deaths from the flu to Covid. On Saint Patrick's Day 2020 I reported that in the winter of 2018 80,000 people died of the flu in the US.
So they clearly falsified the death rates but they also falsified the case numbers. Dr Simone Gold explained the confusion about case numbers. The PCR tests were unreliable. Renowned UK Virologist Dr Alan Mordue declared that for a case to be a case to you need two things - symptoms and a positive test result. One without the other is not a case. There is no such thing as asymptomatic cases.
During Omnicron we saw a ton of people who had a positive test result but had no symptoms. Yet the media kept using those fake numbers to promote a false narrative. When viruses mutate they get weaker not stronger. Omnicron was weaker than the seasonal flu. Locking down over Omnicron was a criminal offense. Yet during Omnicron the media intentionally misrepresented hospitalization rates.
During that outbreak they started testing again. If you start testing when you weren't testing at all prior to that, you're obviously going to get an increase in the number of test results simply because you weren't testing anyone before that.
My daughter got Covid early on. She had all the symptoms but when she called the line they said they were only testing health care workers. Just assume you have it and self isolate.
I dropped off some groceries to her basement suit and she said aren't you afraid of dying from Covid? Nope I said. I did get Covid and it was a very bad cold. A cold mist vaporizer helped me sleep at night. I also got Omnicron and that was virtually insignificant. During Omnicron they started testing again.
They gave an unreliable PCR test to everyone in the hospital who was admitted for any reason. If you had no symptoms and went in for an unrelated surgery, they would test you for Omnicron. Since the test gave a huge percentage of false positives, many people with no symptoms texted positive. Not only did they count those asymptomatic results as cases, they also counted them as hospitalizations.
That shows you how the media intentionally misrepresented the numbers. They lied and said Omnicro hospitalization rates have increased. They made it sound like people were put in the hospital for Omnicron symptoms when that was simply not true. They had no symptoms and were in the hospital for something completely unrelated.
So here's my point. If the media lied about that, what else will they lie about? If the media misrepresented that, what else will they misrepresent? That represents the difference between where we're going and where we want to be. On that note, no other media outlet has reported that the fake charges against Bill Majcher have been stayed. Ask yourself why.
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