Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Trump SHREDS Constitution For Mass Deportations

A lot of people who supported Trump are saying  WTF? Trump was supposed to defend the Constitution not throw it away. Due process is important. As one coworker observed, all that's going to happen now is that the Democrats are going to take back the House and the Senate in the Midterms making Trump powerless. Then in two more years he will be gone. That circus side show was a complete waste of time. We don't need to go from one extreme to the other then back again. We need to balance the extremes. Civil liberty matters. 

Just to clarify, although Trump has lost his mind, that doesn't make Joe Biden and Kamala Harris good because they're not. They're all crazy. We need to balance the extremes. It's not rocket science. Due process is really important. 


  1. Trump is clearly out for his own self interests. People complain he is removing oversight by eliminating Inspector and Auditor General’s. But interestingly the BC NDP shut down the Auditor General for Local Government in BC in n March of 2021 and no one seemed to care or notice. Who was in charge of that office that facilitated its closing? No oversight of Local Governments in BC for 4 years now.

    1. Oversight is at the ballot box by the people affected. When you abrogate that responsibility, you get what you get. I'm completely aware that a lot of people won't like that answer, but it is what it is. Was the Auditor General doing their job anyway? You can't possibly say they were.

  2. Due process doesn't mean if you are in the country illegally you get to go to court endlessly and tie up the system which activist Dem judges help you with that. There is no legal requirement to do anything other than confirm your status or lack of it, then deport you. THAT is the due process to which you refer. The fact that you don't like it means nothing.

    1. If you are in a country illegally you are deported. Sent back to the country of origin. Not incarcerated without a trial in a foreign prison that has horrific conditions. That is mentally ill.

      Due process means you can't send American's to a foreign prison period let alone without a trial. Jimmy Dore supported Trump. He disagrees with Trump on this issue for good reason. Trump has already broken his oath to defend the Constitution. Trump threw it out.

      Candace Owens supported Trump. She disagrees with Trump's position on Gaza for good reason. That Trump Gaza video is mentally deranged. We need to rise above blind partisan stupidity. Just because Trump has lost his mind doesn't mean AOC was right. It simply means they're both crazy.

    2. While you have a point, recall that Venezuela initially decided they were not going to accept their own citizens back. A lot of the initial wave were actual gang members and criminals, such as the ring that was burglarizing NFL players homes on game day. Ideally they would go back to their country of origin as you say, but it's just not realistic to think that Trump is going to allow various obstacles thrown up by the usual suspects to stand in his way of getting the job done. There are those who think they are just going to obfuscate and delay for 4 years, like last time. That's just not accurate.

    3. That's not true. Venezuela said they'd take them back but for some it's not safe to return there. Their is no possible rationalization for any of this. It is wrong. Threatening to send Americans there is insane. Trump is not a defender of the Constitution. He has become a right wing extremists promoting the kind of Nationalism that's the same as Fascism less the gassing of Jews.


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