I just want to point out the obvious. The fake news is still fake. Despite the fact that Donald Trump has lost his mind over Gaza and the Canadian Trade war, it's important to remember how absurd the fake news was before he was elected for a second term. As I said in a previous podcast, we need to look at where we were, where we're going and where we want to be because those are three different things.
The fake news is rambling about "Trudeau reduced to tears after ‘colourful’ phone call with Trump over tariffs Canadian prime minister urges nation to ‘stand up’ to US in one of his last public appearances as leader." STFU and resign. This it your fault. Justin Trudeau's far left World Economic forum insanity created an overkill push back. Trump's an a*shole and Justin Trudeau is an idiot. Sit down, shut up and leave. We hate you and Trump.
As they say in Quebec je me souviens. I remember. I remember the Convoy and how that power hungry wannabe dictator froze bank accounts of single parents who simply donated to the convoy. I remember how Justin Trudeau had Tamara Lich and Andy Lee arrested right before the Calgary Stamped just so they couldn't ask him any questions at his press conference in Calgary. That was deplorable.
So as for Justin Trudeau's departure, get lost. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Thanks for nothing you selfish freak.
Now that he's finally out of the way, we do need to look at the clear agenda the fake news had so we're not decided by their subsequent propaganda campaigns because it's all tied to the same Agenda 2030. Fake environmentalism, mass inflation and global poverty. Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland and Jagmeet Singh are primed and pumped to bring crazy back.
Fake environmentalism is a big part of Agenda 2030. I'm not talking about Climate Change deniers. I'm talking about straight up fake environmentalism that Michael more talked about in his documentary planet of the humans.
Powering electric cars from electricity generated by Industrial coal is not Green it's obscene. Blowing up the Nordstream pipeline was an attack on the environment.
Natural gas is clean burning. Industrial coal is not. Industrial coal is the largest source of CO2 emissions on the planet. China is a big offender. If China and Germany replaced with Industrial coal plants with natural gas that would create a huge reduction in air pollution and greatly improve air quality around the world.
Joe Biden tried to ban gas stoves. Locally various City councils have or have tried to ban the construction of new homes heated by natural gas. Why is that? Because heating a home with natural gas is a lot cheaper than electricity.
Agenda 2030 strives to drive up the cost of energy through manufactured shortages. That was another reason for the provoked conflict in the Ukraine. To justify boycotting Russian oil and gas to jack up the price through the Saudi monopoly.
When that provoked conflict created a manufactured energy crisis in Europe Iran released some oil reserves to bring the price down. That's why Saudi lost it and the CIA started to defame Iran to start another oil war. Now we see Tucker Carlson's CIA whitewash trying to start another war with Iran to cut oil production and jack up the price at the pumps.
Speaking of fake news, There are tons of video clips of Chrystia Freeland nodding her head continuously and erratically like she's on drugs but Google and YouTube have buried them.
I distinctly remember one during Covid of her bobbing her head with a mask on beside a chicken doing the exact same thing. It was bizarre similar but that video and almost all the others have been completely buried. We all saw how Chrystia Freeland resigned in a huff when Justin Trudeau fired her trying to lay the blame for a $61.9 billion deficit for 2023/24.
Justin Trudeau's approval rating fell below 16% for just cause. Chrystia Freeland and Jagmeet Singh were tied directly to that deficit and every insane act Justin Trudeau did to drive the Canada economy into the ground. History has recorded that. The fact that the fake news actively strives to rewrite history and paint her in a positive light is absolutely insane and once again reveals how real the WEF's Agenda 2030 is.
Chrystia Freeland was the finance minister who approves such an outrageous budget because of her agenda. She had no fiance experience. She simply exploited every opportunity she could he participate in World Economic forum events.
When inflation hit she told workers they need to take a roll back. Why? Because she wants everyone to be poor. Leftists are supposed to support trade unions that raise the standard of living for workers not roll back their wages and enslave them with poverty. Chrystia Freeland is not an advocate for workers neither is Mark Carney. Mark Carney is another World Economic Forum clone. All the fake news calling the Convoy Nazi's while Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a literal Nazi in the Ukraine. All that true information is still being buried by the fake news. Ask yourself why.
The Oath Keepers exposed the UN's Agenda 21 and Anonymous have exposed the UN's Agenda 2030 of Global domination. They keep coming back with the same agenda.
Both Canada and the Americans can be out of the UN and save a lot of money.