Saturday, March 8, 2025

Gays Against Groomers interviews Dr. Simone Gold

This is Robert Wallace from the Arizona chapter of Gays Against Groomers interviewing Dr. Simone Gold. I interviewed Robert June 2023. This new interview helps us remember where we were with all the Covid lockdowns and gender ideology being pushed on kids. We really don't want to go back there but that is exactly what the WEF wants. Mark Carney is conflicted


  1. Yeah keep pushing this Trumpian garbage. You and the nutjob MAGA wannabe conservatives are gonna lose the election pushing this shit. Trump has turned Canadians off this kind of toxic fascist politics. So go fuck yourselves, traitors.

    1. Donny McWhirter you are a f*cking idiot. You spam my blog 24/7. You don't have a life. Using multiple fake usernames pretending to be different people saying the exact same thing. Using old profiles you were caught using in the past. You love Justin Trudeau, lockdowns and vaccines. We get it. You hate the Convoy and spend every waking hour trashing the freedom movement. We get it. We just don't care. The subhumans wrote a song about that.

  2. Unfortunately I fear more of the same from our elected masters, we don't have a Canadian Trump or a band of merry men who want to tear down the systemic corruption. So we have at least one more round of f**kery before we get there, and it might take longer because the present crown will attempt to convince us they have changed their stripes to stay in power and to maintain their place in line.

    In other news, it seems there is a shortage of people who are willing to join the RCMP.


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