Sunday, March 23, 2025

Netanyahu's Qatar-Gate investigation haulted

I was trying to figure out what this Qatar-Gate was all about that Netanyahu doesn't want investigated. The Times of Israel is reporting that "Israeli authorities approved on Friday the publication of the names of the two suspects who work for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and were detained for questioning in the ongoing police-Shin Bet investigation into the premier’s office’s ties to Qatar."

Why does this matter? "Urich and Einhorn did public relations work for Qatar ahead of the 2022 World Cup there." So? Qatar was paying Netanyahu money to promote them while they fund and arm Hamas. Big surprise. 

Hillary Clinton armed and funded ISIS through Qatar. The CIA created ISIS. Mossad and the CIA used Al Qaeda to overthrow the president of Syria to stop the rival pipeline from Iran in support of the pipeline from Qatar. All the rockets that Hamas fired at Israel from Gaza came though Qatar. 

Syrian Rebels Describe U.S.-Backed Training in Qatar

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that "Qatari funding of the terrorist organization Hamas – and also the Israeli government and its partners – has been a consistent rumor. Indeed, a large portion of the criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when it comes to the current war is a consistent claim among his detractors is that he allowed this war to come about by permitting the transferring of Qatari funds, better known in Israel as 'briefcases of money,' through Israel." 

"Now, the story we know as Qatargate has been blown wide open, and what was once a small point of contention is now one of the biggest stories of potential governmental corruption in the modern State of Israel." Grant Wahl's sudden death in Quatar.

Eli Feldstein is also accused of leaking confidential documents to the press to promote Netanyahu's falling public support. 

Alleged ties between Netanyahu aides and Qatar prompt calls for investigation - It's Treason.

How did Qatari money reach the prime minister's office?

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that "The chief instigator of chaos and misinformation in Jewish history, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, released another video statement on Saturday evening - calling it a dramatic revelation and a presentation of facts that will shake you.”

"As if anything could still shock Israelis after the disasters he has orchestrated - from the judicial overhaul to the October 7 catastrophe, budgetary plundering, and the deepening exemption of ultra-Orthodox men from military service."

Did you see what the Jerusalem Post just said? "after the disasters Netanyahu has orchestrated including the October 7 catastrophe." Did Netanyahu orchestrate the October 7th attack? Of course he did. Hamas could not have crossed the border unless Netanyahu took all the soldiers guarding the border off that post. Everyone in Israel knows that.

The Hamas operatives could not have gotten in and out with hostages unless Netanyahu issued a stand down order. Notwithstanding that stand down order, he ordered the IDF to fire on Israelis to increase the casualty count. 

"Netanyahu grants interviews only to foreign media or his privately-backed Channel 14, evading tough questions, bypassing Israeli media, and resorting to video releases - little more than compilations of distortions. So, what’s the so-called drama this time? Let’s analyze it, claim by claim."

Israeli officials ordered removal of anti-Qatar content during war.

"Israel Hayom has learned of two specific incidents where demands came directly from the Prime Minister's Office to cease damaging the image of the Gulf emirate, which has close ties to Hamas, through social media publications."

"The first incident took place approximately three weeks after the outbreak of the war. The official English-language account of the IDF spokesperson posted a strongly worded video against Qatar on X, portraying the Gulf state as a financial backer of Hamas that facilitated the organization's military growth."

"Within minutes, an urgent phone call reached IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari's office. On the line was a senior representative acting on behalf of Mossad Chief Dadi Barnea. 'Remove the video against Qatar immediately,' came the request – which essentially functioned as a demand."

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