Monday, March 10, 2025

Government spending and mass inflation


OK since the Liberals are so happy Trump's trade war is distracting everyone from their last colossal budget deficit that got Chrystia Freeland fired, let's talk about it and let's talk about Mark Carney's love of spending money. Tax prayers money.

To begin, let's dial it back to December 16 2024 when Chrystia Freeland was supposed to announce the 2023/24 fiscal budget but didn't. Instead of announcing the $62 billion single year deficit, she launched a smoke and mirrors resignation from Cabinet and the fake news ate it up. 

She resigned because Justin Trudeau intended to fire her so she would take the blame for the budget overrun just like Bill Morneau took the fall for the We charity scandal. 

The fake news tried to make her look like the victim and exploit the public disdain for Justin Trudeau. CBC reported that "In her spring Budget 2024 speech, Freeland laid out guideposts she said would demonstrate the government's continuing commitment to fiscal responsibility. The first was a promise to keep the 2023-24 deficit at or below $40 billion."

Isn't it amusing how Chrystia Freeland thinks going $40 billion over budget in a single year is being fiscally responsible. Remember that. "The federal government has blown past that benchmark; Monday's update posts a deficit of nearly $62 billion for last fiscal year."

That's a big deal and that fact was lost in the circus side show. Even after Justin Trudeau "resigned" and shut down parliament he kept spending more money without any accountability whatsoever. Keep in mind that Mark Carney and Christia Freeland are BFFs. They both are completely fiscally irresponsible. Some people claim that Mark Carney is getting rid of the carbon tax. He is not. He is hiding it and replacing it with more taxes that will continue to drive up inflation. 

Let's not forget that Mark Carney and Justin Trudeau were also BFFs. Mark Carney became Justin Trudeau's "economic" advisor and applauded Justin Trudeau's spending. 

The public has finally clued in that you can't keep printing money and running deficits forever. Eventually that will catch up with you and cause mass inflation which we have seen. 

In 2015 Thomas Mulcair was the only candidate than ran on a balanced budget. That's why I voted for him. Justin Trudeau came right out and said no, we're not going to balance the budget. He's been spending his kids money ever since. 

Stephen Harper talked the talk but he did not walk the walk. Harper would have austerity measures on one hand and mass spending on the other. Harper was not a Conservative. He was a tax and spend pork barrel politician just like his idol Lyin Brian Mulroney. As Edward Snowden pointed out Harper was an enemy of civil liberty. Right wing extremists use false flag attacks to rob your freedom. Conservatives don't.

The fake news claims that Canada chose Mark Carney to lead them in their trade war with Trump. That is not true. Canada didn't chose Carney. The corrupt Liberals who didn't let Ruby Dhalla run did. Canada wanted an election. 

The fake news is also grossly misrepresenting Mark Carney saying he is more right wing. That is a bold faced lie. Ruby Dhalla wanted to bring the party back to left of centre. The corrupt party that Klaus Schwab said he owned didn't want that to happen. That's why they let their two favorite leftist extremists run, Chrystia Freeland and Mark Carney. Two peas in a pod.

The fake news is still fake. They're still misrepresenting the truth and are pushing Agenda 2030, the UN's New World Order of Communism driven by fake environmentalism.

Having said that, we don't need to go from one extreme to the other. We don't need to go from reckless spending to reckless cuts. We need to balance the extremes and stop wasting so much money on stupid things. We need to stop sending money to the Ukraine. The money isn't going where it's supposed to go. That war never should have happened.

We spend a lot of money on stupid thing. Like promoting transgenderism in Pakistan. Those are the kind of things we need to stop funding. We need to once again admit that deficits are bad and start working towards balanced budgets.

Conservatives will do that. Right wing extremists like Harper and Mulroney won't. The sad thing is, the fake news billed the Reform party as right wing extremists. That was not true. The Reform Party was left of Harper. The Reform Party were Conservatives. Harper was not. Harper was a Globalist.

If what the fake news said about Mark Carney was true that would be awesome. Only it isn't true. Mark Carney has the exact same agenda as Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau only he's a better liar. Don't be fooled by another distraction.  

Another way we can reduce spending deficits is by stop giving SNC Lavalin government contracts. We all know their MO. They under bid and over charge government contracts. Then they give politicians kickbacks in the form of campaign contributions. 

The Site C Dam is billions of dollars over budget because they gave the contract to SNC Lavalin. Now SNC Lavalin has a new partner that does the same thing called Acciona. They went $3 billion over budget for a North Vancouver Wastewater Treatment Plant. That is organized crime. That is what we need to address.

Trans mountain pipeline overruns are because of SNC Lavalin. Ottawa light rail overruns are because of SNC Lavalin. We don't need to fire all the government workers. We need to fire all the politicians that keep giving SNC Lavalin new contracts. That will help balance the budget


  1. So now this guy is our PM?

    1. As soon as he's sworn in. I guess that means they can reopen parliament for a confidence vote but Jagmeet Sleazebag said he's going to prop up the Liberals $62 billion deficit again.


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