Sunday, January 12, 2014

News from Mexico

Two kinda stranger stories from Mexico. First there's the group of armed vigilantes seize a town outside Acapulco and arrest local police officers after the leader of the vigilante group was murdered and dumped in the street. It sounds like a complete mess.I can understand the local concerns. Mexico is in chaos right now with the brutal violence related to the drug cartels fighting each other. The same cartels that the US government supplied in Operation Fast and Furious and the HSBC were laundering drug money for.

Equally absurd is the fact that heavily armed marines and government tax agents stormed eight marinas on Mexico's Pacific and Caribbean coasts and initiated seizure orders against 338 boats it accused of lacking a $70 permit. The office says it has four months to decide whether to release the boards or sell them at auction. These weren't boats that had drugs on them, they were tourists who didn't have some crazy permit. You can't get any more corrupt then that. I guess when you look at the rest of the world things here don't seem so bad after all.

Being Uncle Charlie: A Life Undercover with Killers, Kingpins, Bikers and Druglords

Former OPP undercover police officer Bob Deasey has put out a new book called Being Uncle Charlie: A Life Undercover with Killers, Kingpins, Bikers and Druglords available on Amazon. I understand he will be in Vancouver on January 20th and 21st to promote his book.

I understand the book is mostly set in Ontario which would give a good background into the Hells Angels / Outlaws struggle for the drug trade there and the respective alliances with various other mafia groups which as we see are also tied to the Montreal violence.

In Chapter 11 Outlaw Bikers, he states "For people who don’t live in Canada, it’s hard to convey the significance of outlaw biker gangs and the criminal influence they exert here. A biker gang like the Hells Angels is quite possibly the most efficient criminal organization in the history of the world. Their presence in Canada is ubiquitous, which means that they show up in almost every project I’ve ever been a part of."

One old timer who opposed the Para-Dice Riders patch over who had been a biker his whole life, tried to tell the younger guys they had no idea what they were in for; once the HA rolls in. He said it’s all about them and not about you. Very true as we see the slash and burn trail of people they have used and tossed aside like an old shoe.

For me, the most important thing about this book is how it explains the inner working of the Ontario Biker Enforcement Unit which has been very active and successful in dealing with the drug trade associated with the Hells Angels in Ontario. One of the things he says is that a constable walking a beat will get to know his constituency. I cannot emphasize how true and how important that statement really is.

That is one practice the RCMP have generally abandoned. Back in England Bobbies walk the beat. That historical tradition is longstanding. It is the most proactive form of crime prevention known to man. If a drug dealer is selling drugs outside a business and refuses to leave, watch what happens when a cop stands on the corner beside him making a note of every car that drives up and person that talks to him. It makes a huge difference.

I remember one law enforcement officer explaining that the RCMP changed that tradition and adapted a new reactive policy. They distanced themselves from the public and became reactionary. They storm in after the fact to deal with the emergency and then remove themselves from the scene. It's kind of the robocop mentality. Personally I think it's a tragic policy change that weakens public trust as well as police effectiveness. Walking the beat is a good thing. I have seen it work.

You get to know the public and they begin to trust you. If you're not an arrogant prick that is and you do in fact build a relationship of trust with the people you serve. Once that trust is established and maintained, crime is dealt with much more effectively. An increased police presence in Newton and outside the Front Room would do wonders at curbing the drug trade there and the subsequent trickle down violence it creates all over the city.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Alex Tsakumis called Barinder Rasode a whore

On a matter of personal privileged, I will clarify that Alex Tsakumis did indeed call Barinder Rasode a whore. That is a true statement. He defamed her. In my opinion he is a bully because not only did he refuse to apologize for making the statement, he boldy wrote into the paper saying he stands by what he said. I guess since his facebook contains adult content he's going to need to put a Warning attack poodle sign on it. Say Hi to Cameron Ward for me. He did a great job with the Pickton file. He and Grant are getting erroneously sued for defamation by yet another bully.

Step Back Baby G - Let's give it up for New York.

Newton Rally

There was a noon rally at the Newton Exchange today in Surrey in response to the increased crime and the murder of a hockey mom in the area. This one was planned by a regular citizen who said it was the first time she ever planned a rally. Several local residents are concerned about the increased crime in their neighbourhood.

Many local residents expressed their concerns about the cost of the new extravagant city hall and think it's a waste of tax dollars compared to proper policing.

I spoke with Harry Baines and I think I saw Barinder Rasode trying to be inconspicuous.

This stalwart longtime resident of Newton sporting the latest Surrey Shirts design had a lot of concerns about political corruption and was very informed. Surrey Strong is a positive message from people who care about their community.

Steven King in court on crack charges

The Pentiction Western News is reporting that Steven King was in court for possession of crack back in 2010 when he was a member of the Game Tight Soldiers striking for the Renegades.

This is another example of a flaming idiot. Take a look at his new facial tattoos. They're all over the map and look stupid. He claims he's innocent and that he has left his old life behind. Oh really? Like when? In 2012 he was with the Rock Machine kissing Outlaws ass. So just when did he leave his old life? When they kicked him out of the GTS and shot at his fat ass? Or when the Rock Machine and the Outlaws tossed him to the curb?

If he has left his old life behind then he was dealing drugs in 2010 when he was charged. Some girl is trying to take the fall for the loser. In court he claimed he wasn't the leader of the GTS but that's not what he told Kim Bolan and the police when he was striking with the Renegades. This guy definitely gets loser of the week. He's the Sofa King alright. He's sofaking stupid it's hilarious.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Newton Crime: Are Judges the Problem?

It was nice to see Verne Penner front and centre in the media sporting his Revolving Doors Makes Judges Accomplices T-shirt at the Newton rally. I’ve seen him a couple times at local rallies. I agree judges are part of the problem in Newton but I wouldn’t say they are THE problem like they are in Aldergrove where Verne is from.

Verne started his campaign when he and his neighbors were plagued by a prolific offender name Jamie Pool. He was stealing from them to support his drug habit. Every time the police would arrest him, the judges would let him out right away and he would go right back to stealing from them again.

The VPD launched a campaign expressing their frustration with prolific offenders. The more property crime they committed, the less time in jail they served. It was completely backwards. No doubt that is part of the problem in Newton. Prolific offenders just going through a revolving door judicial system. The half way houses in Newton for criminals as they get out of jail are another part of the problem. We need to make those half way houses drug free. Helping addicts sell drugs and steal to support their habit isn’t doing anyone any favors.

The problem is the police allowing the drug dealers to sell crack there. Pot isn’t the problem. Crack and crystal meth are the problem. We need to get our priorities straight. Dianne Watts claims the city needs more police and she would hire them today but there just isn’t enough money.

This is one of those times where she should just say nothing. Like the old adage declares, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

One Newton resident responded in a letter to the Vancouver Province: “A few years back, Surrey spent $19 million upgrading city hall, which has been at the same location since anyone can remember. It has served us well and should remain where it is. But Watts just flushed $95 million on a new city hall that was not needed and is a waste of our taxes. That money could have gone a long way toward extra policing and cleanup of Newton. It might have even saved the life of Julie Paskall.” Indeed.

Dianne Watts’ life of the rich and famous has been anything but fiscally responsible. She is the last person to say there’s no money left for police. Alex Tsakumis, the latest raging lunatic to join the Surrey Monster Mash, boldly declared that city hall can do nothing about crime in Newton that’s the police only and called Barinder Rasode a whore for claiming the city should look at new ideas to solve the problem.

Strange, since he’s one of Dianne Watts registered attack poodles. That’s not what Dianne Watts said when she ran against Doug McCallum for mayor. When she ran against McCallum she rode into town on a red carpet with a full fanfare talking about a crime prevention coalition. At the time it sounded magnificent. Unfortunately she promised us the world and delivered nothing.

Now all she says is it’s not my fault, it’s not my problem. While Barinder is saying we admit something isn’t working. Let’s look at some possible solutions to solve the problem. Can you see the difference?

The problem is policy. The Vancouver Province wrote about one business owners struggle with as drug dealer selling crack outside their business and refused to leave. If a business owner calls the police and reports a drug dealer selling crack outside their business and the police do nothing about it, it doesn’t matter how many more police you hire. You need a change in the policy.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Surrey Rape

On Sunday, January 5th a 25-year-old Surrey woman was physically and sexually assaulted in the Fleetwood Park area in the 15700-block of 80 Avenue while walking home from a local restaurant between 5 and 6 p.m. The sketch of the suspect looks a lot like a high risk sexual offender recently released in Surrey last June.

Update: Two sexual assaults on High School students in Delta 8:00 AM Friday morning on their way to school. The suspect is described by police as a white man in his 40s, with long blond hair and a scruffy blond beard. At the time of the incidents, he was wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and a black and white toque with a hint of red.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dianne Watts vs Barinder Rasode

Well, well, well, trouble in Paradise I see. In case you missed it, the front page of the Surrey Now is about how Dianne Watts apologizes for clicking like on a facebook comment calling her fellow Counselor a coward. Only the original comment didn't say coward it said something else.

One would think that no one would care who does what on facebook. I don't. However, this is rather significant because it shows two things. It shows that there's trouble in paradise and that Team Godzilla contains a split. It also shows Dianne Watts perpetual bullying outside of her denial. Vancouver 24 hours is now reporting that Surrey’s mayor looks vulnerable. Perhaps that's why they are so nervously attacking others.

What Dianne Watts did was click like on an act of cyber bullying. Isn't that ironic? Insert I told ya so here. Not only was it attacking and bullying a fellow city counselor, but an independent blogger as well. I wish I could say this kind of conduct is shocking but it's not. When an independent blogger stands up against the main stream propaganda, they often set themselves up for bullying and character assassination. Why just ask Gary Webb.

What I'm shocked about is that the comment originally came from Alex Tsakumis. I didn't know much about his background but I've heard his name as a local blogger. That kind of cyber bullying from another blogger is shocking and disappointing. Don't get me wrong. I do think Barinder Rasode is a raging lunatic and I will explain why after we get this all out in the open first.

The attack on Laila Yuile is not only a blatant act of cyber bullying it was done under false pretense. From everything I've read, I can't see Laila supporting Rasode. Laila was against the mega casino and Rasode is for it. So the fear based bullying is unwarranted. Tsakumis' credibility has been diminished.

The Vancouver Sun is reporting on part of the facebook post Dianne Watts clicked like to. Only it's missing the coward part which didn't say coward it said whore. That's right folks. Dianne Watts clicked like on a Facebook comment calling her fellow counselor a whore. That is what it originally said. First it said whore then it was changed to read media whore. I have several blog readers that have sent me copies of the original post.

This is the original facebook post Dianne Watts clicked like to:

"So very disappointed by Surrey Councillor Barinder Rasode's histrionics, division and lack of leadership. For the latter part of this week, since the utterly tragic death of Newton hockey mom Julie Paskall, Rasode (shamefully aided and abetted by Surrey gadfly, 24hrs columnist and avowed Dianne Watts hater Laila Yuile) has been using the death of a woman whose body isn't even cold, to score points for herself. Surrey has a crime problem, today, no differently than Abbotsford did years ago and Vancouver before that. This is the drug business correcting itself. There is NOTHING anyone but the RCMP can do to help. But leave it to two shameless women (Rasode and Yuile) to use the death of a hockey mom in an attempt to advance their respective careers--and take veiled, cowardly shots at Watts and the rest of Surrey council in the press. As a former resident of Surrey and long time (current) Surrey business owner, I think both Yuile and Rasode (particularly Rasode) should be held with the utmost contempt for their disgusting conduct and outrageous statements. Making positive statements based on fact is one thing, but being a whore is quite another." by Alex Tsakumis, liked by Dianne Watts.

One of the blog readers that sent in the original quote asks: "If Dianne Watts apologizes for clicking like on a facebook posts that called Rasode a coward, does that mean she's not sorry for liking the post that called her a whore?" Please advise.

I will add that I don't even know Laila other than having noticed she supported Ross Buchanan in the last civic election and that her blog is very well written and well researched. That's why I linked to it on my blog a long time ago. Her being bullied is further evidence of what I was saying about Dianne Watts' bullies. Catherine Austin Fitts refers to them as the attack poodles.

Update: It's rather stunning to see Alex Tsakumis boldly declaring in writing he stands by his post calling Barinder Rasode a whore. This guy is a bully and a freak. Since he blindly endorses Dianne Watts that means he supports the public scam involved in Campbell Heights. That not only puts his credibility into question but his integrity as well. Welcome to the Surrey Monster Mash.

Shooting at Macs in Surrey: Updated

There was a shooting last night at Macs in Surrey on 152nd Street and 100th Avenue around midnight. Not to make light of the situation but this one is kind of funny. Two guys walk into a Macs. They start looking around then all of a sudden one of the guys gets shot in the leg. The guy's friend who shot him takes off and leaves. The police are reporting that an altercation broke out and that the victim was shot in the back. The Vancouver Province is reporting he was shot in the pevlis and groin. OK that's nasty. Maybe it was a "domestic" dispute.

I'm not disputing that version much but that's not what I heard. I spoke with someone who works there and saw the surveillance video. They said they were friends, one guy had a gun in his hoody and the other guy got shot in the leg. They seemed kind of baffled by the motive and thinks it may have been an accidental discharge. Which if true would be rather amusing. Two Surrey guys shoot themselves in the leg by accident. Not very bright.

No doubt with further investigation it will determine whether or not an argument did in fact break out and the shooting was in fact intentional. One would think that if an argument broke out, that would be seen on the surveillance video. Maybe it was just an argument about buying Coke or Pepsi? If it was an intentional shooting, why would he shoot the guy without a mask on knowing he was on surveillance video? Either way it wasn't very bright. Surrey what?!

Update: The Vancouver Province is reporting that Surrey RCMP have released the name and photo of a suspect wanted in connection with a convenience store shooting that took place earlier this week. Harpal Dhaliwal is wanted on outstanding warrants for criminal negligence causing bodily harm, carrying a concealed weapon, unauthorized possession of a firearm, careless use of a firearm and possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm with ammunition in connection with the Jan. 7 shooting.

He's described as a 30-year-old South Asian man who stands about six feet, weighs about 160 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. He may be sporting a beard and has tattoos of a spiderweb on his right elbow and flames on his upper left arm. CTV is reporting he has now been arrested. He looks a lot scruffier and dopier in the surveillance video.

Careless use of a firearm? I don't see attempted murder in the list of charges. If he really did shoot his friend in the groin by accident he might as well keep on running. That is one complete idiot. He must be a clin klun prospect. Since he was in possession of a restricted firearm, we better check what else he was invoked with. Remember that Kelowna copy cat shooting in Surrey? The one where the guy tried to torch the car he used in the drive by but burned himself instead. That sounds like it's right up this brain surgeon's alley.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Suspicious death in Surrey

The Surrey Leader is confirming reports that a woman's body was found inside a home at the 14300-block of 115 Avenue about 9:45 p.m. last night. It was determined the death was sudden and suspicious and the coroner was called in to investigate.