Tuesday, April 4, 2017

President of Surrey Creep Catchers arrested for assault - 2nd Update

Speaking of scams, since this local fraud is in the news again I will comment on it. CBC is reporting that Surrey RCMP have confirmed the president of a controversial vigilante group in the city was arrested for allegedly assaulting a target during a "sting" on Monday evening. Ryan is nothing but a Surrey drug dealer. He was convicted of possession for the purpose of trafficking in Surrey 2009. Three years before the brutal drug related murder of Janice Shore. As I said from day one, his "crew" look like a bunch of Surrey drug dealers and his criminal record confirms it.

If Ryan was selling drugs in Surrey in 2009, we all know who he was selling for. W 5 exposed Ryan for what he is. A drug dealer committing fraud to scam money from the public.

Ryan now has a second defamation lawsuit going. The second one is someone he targeted for simply disagreeing with him. The guy disagreed with the Surrey chapter's tactics so Ryan posted his picture and said this is what a pedophile looks like. That is dishonest and illegal. Many others have complained about being targeted for simply disagreeing with them. Like I said from the beginning, it is exactly how the drug dealers on the Whalley strip operate. You help us give someone the boots or else we will give you the boots. Now they are running around pretending to be heroes so they can collect money from the public when in reality they are just as bad as the pedphiles they claim to target.

People in Surrey know how the drug dealers on the whalley strip operate. On that strip, the drug dealers are the pimps. They give the sex trade workers drugs then take all their money when they get a trick. Janice Shore was beaten to death and dumped beside the very tree that the Surrey drug dealers demand free service from their sex trade workers as a warning to the rest of the sex trade workers to pay up or end up like Janice. Janice was sexually assaulted and had her head caved in from blunt force trauma all for a nominal drug debt. Like I said Ryan and the Surrey Creep Catchers are no better than the pedophiles they are pretending to save the world from.

So let's look at the latest scam. They "catch" a guy who agreed to have sex with a Surrey girl. How young? Old enough to have a 6 year old daughter so she wasn't a minor. So Ryan gets one of his "girls" to proposition a guy for sex online and he says yes and goes out to meet her. Then Ryan and the Surrey girl say hey you just agreed to have sex with a mother and her six year old daughter. The guy is like WTF no I didn't. I agreed to have sex with the mother not her daughter. The mother said she was a service provider. Yes you did. It's our word against yours.

Oh really. I'm sorry but their claim fails the test of believability. What is believable is that Ryan is so desperate for money to help cover court costs for lying about people he made up a desperate scam to raise more money. He steps it up and starts pushing the guy and making death threats so he gets arrested then plays the victim trying to raise more money for his scam.

One of the comments left on another thread claims "Ryan took my money when i was a prostitute and used me. I haven't been a prostitute for 7 years now. He threatened me for leaving when i was too sick to work anymore. I ran away. His brother punched me in the head and split my head open." That is believable. If you have money to burn, give it to someone else.

Ryan is just another Jimmy leading a parade of misfits selling snake oil to the public. I dont buy it. Many will. There will always be plenty of suckers that fall for any con. That's why they are so profitable. I'll just sit this one out and let that parade pass me right by. Peace.

Examining the Evidence

Update: In the video they posted as "evidence" the Surrey girl asked him how he felt and he said he was hesitant. He said this isn't my regular gig. This is your idea. That's all I'm going to say about that. He was continuously expressing concerns and the Surrey girl was continuously trying to encourage him. I will agree the whole thing is creepy as f*ck but the point is the guy wanted to have sex with the mother and she was the one that insisted it was a threesome. He didn't want to but she kept pushing it so that if he wanted to have sex with the Surrey girl it had to be a threesome. They didn't save the world from a pedophole, they created one.

The problem is catching predators who are preying on minors. As soon as Ryan said they caught someone trying to have sex with a 6 year old I knew he was full of sh*t. It's is very possible someone would try and prey on a 14 year old and coax them to leave their home and meet for a hook up. That is believable. Someone trying to lure a 6 year old kid online is not believable.

In Edmonton the Creep Caches targeted a mentally challenged young man/woman, went to their place of residence and confronted them claiming they just agreed to have shower sex with a minor. Three points arise. First they went to her residence. They preyed on him/her. (The target had gone through a sex change) Second they said she agreed to have shower sex with a minor. She wasn't the one that suggested it. After being coaxed she agreed to it. The third point is that their mark was obviously mentally challenged and was not capable of instigating a plot to prey on anyone. They took advantage of someone who was mentally challenged to try and make themselves look like heros. As a result the target committed suicide. That whole scenario was disgusting and shameful. There was nothing noble in it.

In the Ryan and the Surrey Girl case the whole hype and drama obsession is toxic. They insist on live streaming their takedowns. The Surrey Girl starts off by saying OK everyone share share share. We want to get lots of views on this. This guy is going to get f*cked up. She admits her need to be a drama queen and she admits that their assault was premeditated. Feeding off the drama like that is unhealthy. Good luck with that.


Then there's the entrapment argument. If an undercover cop walks down the Surrey strip outside the Front Room and a drug dealer gets in his face and says crack!? Crack?! Wanna buy come crack?! If the undercover cop says yes and buys some crack, or fentanyl or crystal meth from the dug dealer then that is fair game for an arrest. If however, the undercover cop goes somewhere else and finds someone who isn't normally selling drugs and says to them you can have sex with this trailer trash Surrey girl if you sell these drugs and the guy says OK, then that's entrapment. He wasn't normally selling drugs and only did so because the cop enticed him to do so.

As for Ryan's Surrey Girl who desperately wants to be a reality tv star and posted a video of her trying to convince someone to have sex with her 6 year old daughter, she has a criminal record for fraud and theft. Big surprise. In the video she made reference to her dealer. It certainly doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who her dealer was.

Justin Payne is good. Ryan Laforge is not.

Here's a mentally challenged kid that lost his job because Ryan and his Surrey girl with the criminal record for fraud and theft lured him in. The kid met a girl on a dating app that said she was 19. She contacted him. After getting to know her she then claimed she was 14. He invited her to his work to meet her and go on a date not to have sex with her and he lost his job over it. There were no conversations about sex at all. Ryan exploited him for his own personal gain. Ryan is a piece of garbage. He is what we refer to locally as Surrey trash.

Now Ryan is admitting that the previous guy they tricked agreed to pay for sex with his Surrey girl. She "posed" as a sex trade worker and said if you want sex with me you have to have sex with my daughter too. That's not a citizen's arrest you dumb f*ck. You don't even know how to make a citizen's arrest. You didn't observe him commit a crime and you didn't charter him. In their evidence the Surrey girl admitted their mark told them he had never done anything like that before and was simply agreeing with what the sex trade worker demanded. Ryan and his Surrey trash call the cops but refuse to hand over the evidence that might convict their mark.

Then trailer trash Surrey girl posts on facebook with the hashtag #gooflivesdontmatter and #fuckthepolice. She's right about one thing. Their crew of Surrey trash don't matter, the police do.

Ryan Laforge video soliciting donations from mark

I have a copy of a video Ryan posted soliciting donations from their mark. Ryan says to the mark why don't you do something posative like make a huge donation to sexually abused children or something like that. At 14:00 in the video Ryan says you are going on facebook. If you are really really serious about this being wrong our organization we need all kinds of things man. We need cell phones. I'm just saying. If a donation of cell phones came that would help us find more guys, that would be something posative. That's not extortion. (Yes it is) You asked what you could do. The mark replied and said I'll help you guys out. Then Ryan goes on more about how donating to his organization would be a good thing. W5 exposed Ryan for what he really is.

Party hardy toy soldiers. Pride cometh before the fall so it does.

Another "terrorist" attack in Russia with no motive

Speaking of the recurring deception, we hear news of another horrific bombing in Russia with no apparent motive. In 1999, the Russian KGB allegedly conducted a wave of bombings in Russia in order to justify war against Chechnya and put Vladimir Putin into power. This was apparently a false flag attack wrongfully blamed on Chechen terrorists. September 22, 1999, locals in the regional town of Ryazan saw three men emerging from the cellars of a block of flats who later turned out to be FSB officers. When local police checked the cellars they found sacks of high explosive wired up to a detonator. The FSB later attempted to explain away the incident by claiming that the entire operation was a training exercise.

The November Man with Pierce Brosnan was based on a true story. Graham Fuller was involved with Iran contra. Investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker demonstrated that the address for the terrorist group known as the Congress of Chechen International Organizations just happened to be the home address of Graham E. Fuller, formerly Vice Chairman of the Reagan-era CIA's National Intelligence Council. James Corbet and Sibel Edmons talked about CIA contractor Graham Fuller’s ties to the Boston bombing. The recurring deception continues.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hells Angels pride parade at Devil's Rejects clubhouse

The Goldstream Gazette is reporting that over 100 Hells Angels converged on the devil Rejects clubhouse in Langlford Saturday and that members from Quebec and Ontraio were present. "A group of non-riding members also arrived via stretch limousine."

I thought the city closed that cubhouse down. I have no problem with members honouring the death of an associate but that is not what this is about. It's a gay pride parade at the Devil's rejects clubhouse. L&R is not what they are promoting. They're promoting something else.

I used to work with a guy called Dutchie who was a talented musician. He cut a CD called Retro with some of his own songs on it. One of them, number 14 called Parade started off with the line "I once saw a Jimmy leading a parade." He was referring to three Jimmy's - Jim Jones, Jimmy Baker and Jimmy Swaggart. Three idiots who rallied mobs and deceived them just like these clowns. His cynical conclusion was he wished they take their side show from his front door.

Grown men calling themselves the Devil's Army is just plain stupid. It's doing the time warp right back to Rainbow Ricky's Satan's Angels. The group that was convicted of kidnapping hippies and sodomizing them with broomsticks. It's all in chapter 7 of my free E-book.

They were caught on wiretap saying we caught "another" butler. They made him stand in a bucket naked and masterbate to the music before sodomizing him with a broomstick. That is the documented history of the Satan's Angels who patched over and became the Vancouver Hells Angels. No heterosexual man wants to see that kind of stuff. That's because there wasn't any men or heterosexuals in that group. Just a bunch of deranged misfits. Like I said, the Gypsy Wheelers in Whiterock were fine but the Satan's Angels in Vancouver always were f*ck ups.

Fatal shooting at Langley Hotel - Update

The Langley Times is reporting that "One person is dead following a shooting at a Langley hotel. The male victim was in an SUV in the parking lot of the Sandman Signature hotel at 8828 201 St. around 2 p.m. this afternoon (Saturday) when shots were fired. He died of his injuries at the scene." Global posted a news video about the incident.

The Langley Times is reporting that IHIT announced that the victim in the shooting was 20 year old Tyrell Michael Sinnott from Surrey. He had a criminal record and was involved in the drug trade.

Hollyburn Lodge Restored and Revitalized

It's nice to see Hollyburn Lodge restored and revitalized. It's only open for two more weekends before the season closes but I'm glad they were able to save and preserve that nostalgic piece of history. The snowpack on the mountain is huge right now so it will be a snowshoers' paradise when the ski hill closes snowshoeing in the sunshine and the melting snow.

Whitecliff is always a nice place to visit too. My father used to take me there when I was a kid to watch the sun set. This is my home. This is where I grew up. I was never a part of the gang life. I'm from a different world. There is nothing in their world that interests me. Absolutely nothing.

Fire engulfs skyscraper in Dubai

The Telegraph is reporting that "an inferno burned early Sunday in a high-rise tower complex being built alongside Dubai's largest mall, its thick black smoke shrouding surrounding buildings in a desert metropolis where skyscraper blazes remain a worry. Though authorities said the fire caused no injuries, the blaze happened just a block away from the 63-story The Address Downtown Dubai tower, which burned in an inferno seen around the world on New Year's Eve on 2015." The 2015 fire was referred to as an inferno. There have been many others.

Remember the movie the towering inferno? All these steel framed towers catch on fire and none of them collapse. Imagine that. The third tower collapsing into it's own blueprint at freefall speed was unprecedented. Experts in the field boldly declare the only way that can happen is if the load bearing beams are blown out just like in a controlled demolition - The Recurring Deception.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The end of the Surrey Leader creates an opportunity

Well this is nostalgic. It represents the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. After all, every end represents a new beginning so it does. My Goddaughter was telling me she heard the Surrey Leader and the Surrey Now are merging. They are no longer going to exist as separate papers. Instead of two papers there's only going to be one now instead.

Sure enough, I pick up the paper off the ground and the headline reads July 17 1929 - March 31 2017 "Here lies the last edition of the 88 year old Surrey Leader. Join us inside for a celebration of life for this storied newspaper of record." It's kind of sad but it kind of makes sense too. Having one local paper instead of two reduces duplication, cuts costs and can reach a bigger market. I just thought it would have made more sense to keep the Leader and get rid of the Now.

Without the Surrey Leader the quality, credibility and objectivity of the local media will be greatly diminished. That in turn affects our democratic system. When big business kills small business it also kills the freedom of the press because centralized news becomes much easier to control. Now, I'm afraid the market isn't going to expand it's going to collapse and we are entering the Brave New World of corporate propaganda.

This leads us to ask, in the world of globalization and corporate mergers, is there still a place for local news? I boldly declare yes there is and I'll tell you why. Because there is money in it. There's still a place for television which is paid for through commercial advertizing. Wherever there is a market, there will always be people wanting to target that market and advertise their products and services. Not to mention the freedom of the press represents a democratic system.

Small business is local. They want to reach out to local consumers. That's why there will always be a need for local news. Jimmy Pattison and your man John Volken from Price Pro understand this concept. Price Pro regularly advertises in the local papers because they want to reach local consumers. Price Pro is a nonprofit supermarket in Surrey. It wouldn't make sense for them to pay for advertising in Toronto when they are located in Surrey. Hence the need for speed in local media. After all, small business represents the free market.

Local media benefits consumers too. In every small town, locals know each other. Local reporters get the inside scoop on local stories because they have local sources. Take Kevin Diakiw. He is a local reporter with the Surrey Leader that stands out as a leader in his community. Kevin broke the Janice Shore story when everyone else was too busy to notice.

He also got the inside scoop on the Larry Mizen story from doing his own footwork on the Whalley Strip. I myself gave Kevin an exclusive interview during my overly publicized court case because of the respect I have for him as a journalist.

I've seen Kevin at press conferences where the politicians all line up to acknowledge him and kiss his ass because they respect his credibility. This means there's still a need for local talent. As we speak the Surrey Leader has a timely article about the shocking not guilty verdict in the Craig Widdifield murder trial. Clearly we still have the need for speed in local media.

Yo Kevin, let us know when your new blog is up and running.

We're also waiting to hear with what Paula Carlson and the others come up with next as well.

Video killed the radio star but digital heroes live. Patrick Lamontagne's political satire continues.

The end of the Freedom of the Press

The more I think about it the more scary this becomes. This wasn't a merger of two local papers. With one sweep of the pen some pencil neck corporate hack just wiped out the most credible media outlet in the City. Surrey is a pretty big city to not have it's own local media. Yes the Now exists but they didn't keep on the employees from the Leader they fired the whole team.

So who's next? Since Postmedia News own the Vancouver Sun as well as the Vancouver Province are they going to get rid of one of those papers? We have Kim Bolan from the Vancouver Sun writing for both papers now and Keith Fraser from the Vancouver Province doing the same. Since the take over all the local papers sound the same. Is the Press still free? Where is the room for different opinions? What about supply and demand? Don't different papers appeal to different readers? Does one paper lean slightly to the left while the other lean slightly to the right? Are we all now going to be force fed one homogenous cloned propaganda driven by the big corporations because they pay the most for advertising?

The biggest concern is that this media blackout has happened right before a provincial election. An election driven by massive campaign contributions from the Communist party of China to a political party so corrupt it made the New York Times but barely mentioned in the local media. A political party being sued for fraud for using tax dollars on advertising and political contributions to pay themselves a wage. Perhaps the timing of this media blackout has been well planned.

My beef with corporate monopolies is that it leads to the wrong place. I believe in free enterprise and small business. That is what a right wing conservative party is *supposed* to support. Yet corporate monopolies are more profitable since they destroy the free market and gouge consumers. As a trade off the corporate monopolies bribe the politicians through political contributions and control the media through advertising dollars. Remember the Rothschilds used hostile takeovers to gain a monopoly on the oil industry. They also funded the Communist revolution in Russia. This is where the right goes wrong and ends up extreme left. Communism is not good. Neither are corporate monopolies and the political parties that endorse them over small business and the free market. Buyer Beware. The BC Liberals are more left than the NDP.

Free Enterprise can protect the Freedom of the Press

Here's an idea. Since the end of the Surrey Leader has created a vacuum in a viable market how about free enterprise respond to the opportunity? We all complain about corporate mergers and the fall of the mainstream media but are we willing to do anything about it? Are we willing to seek out alternate media sources? Now that all the staff at the Surrey Leader have been laid off and are free agents, how about them forming their own company and creating their own digital newspaper online for not only Surrey but the rest of the world to read as well just like the White Rock Sun? I'd read it. Behind the dark clouds the sun is still shining. Peace.

David Giles recives 18 year prison sentence for cocaine trafficking

Kim Bolan is reporting that Skeletor received a 18 year prison sentence for cocaine trafficking. Finally. This is the long time member of the Hells Angels that was directly involved in numerous drug busts including the Western Wind drug seizure but always seemed untouchable. That's why I referred to him as Skeletor lord of the underworld. He looked just like him.

I've been writing about him for a long time. People in Kelowna would send me pictures of him on a regular basis. I'm glad Postmedia News is a little more open with the sharing of pictures of known criminals now. I do believe that's in the public's best interest. I have on occasion used some of their pictures of criminals to raise public awareness. Likewise they regularly use this one of Giles from my web site. That kind of information sharing is in everyone's best interest.

Giles was originally from the 13th Tribe and first became a member of the Hells Angels in Halifax. I wrote about his first stolen motorcycle that he received from the Lennoxville massacre. Members of the Hells Angels in Quebec wiped out one of their own chapters and gave him one of their dead brothers motorcycles as the spoils of war. That kind of selfishness and greed exemplified his tenure with the club. To understand the future you have to go back in time.

Giles was caught on wire stating that his friendship is for sale and that he was only interested in friends that could benefit him and the club. That is what he was taught and what he learned from Mom Boucher himself in Quebec. I saw a picture of Giles beside Boucher when he got out of prison on the history channel. Still ugly as f*ck. Not like back in the day when he visibly looked like an active member of the Village people.

They say Giles is terminally ill. That's too bad. What's worse is the disappointing legacy he has left behind. As Gladiator once said, what we do in life echos in eternity. Choose wisely. Peace.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Vancouver Hells Angel Meltdown

Kim Bolan is reporting that the New Hardside chapter of the Hells Angels is located in Vancouver BC. God help them. Hooking up with a brown guy certainly doesn't make them look cool. Nothing could help these two rejects look cool. Look at the picture they posted. It's like a picture of Huey, Dewey and Louie. Mental midgets trying to look scary. Well it certainly backfired. Now they all look like idiots. No wonder the other chapters didn't want them. What happened to Larry Naicker after he posed for a picture with Larry Amero? Oh right, he was shot dead. Cub pack.

Surminder even looks embarrassed standing beside the fro hoe and the duck dynasty decoy. He's thinking they dont pay me enough for this sh*t. We used to make fun of clowns like this back in college. Surminder has more IQ in his toenail than the other two clowns put together. Poor guy. What people will do for money. Some people just have no self respect any more. Pity.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Justice for Hudson Brooks - Cop shot herself

The Peace arch News is reporting that "A police audio recording from the morning Hudson Brooks was shot and killed by the RCMP in 2015 confirms that the South Surrey man “did not stand a chance,” his mother says. “Within four seconds of them approaching Hudson he was shot! You can not hear a word from Hudson. The officer did not say a word, not stop put your hands up nothing! Just shot him down!” Brooks’ mother wrote on the Justice for Hudson Facebook page Wednesday. Last Friday, a YouTube user posted an audio recording identified as an exchange between emergency officials on the morning Brooks was killed. The recording includes a statement by a female officer indicating (I) think I shot myself.”

This confirms what I originally reported when it happened. Hudson was running to the police for help. He wasn't saying kill me he was saying Help! They are trying to kill me! He was running from a mob at the same park where a mob beat Dario Bartoli to death. The female officer admitted on the radio she shot herself. Hudson was unarmed running to the police for help. A female officer drew her gun and shot herself by accident and everyone else just heard shots fired officer down and shot Hudson dead. It was a heart wrenching tragedy.