Tuesday, February 7, 2012

BC Liberals place Super Bowl Ad

The flailing BC Liberals are getting so desperate, they're using tax dollars to run adds promoting them during the Superbowl according to this recent article in the Vancouver Province. That's even worse than spending tax dollars on adds trying to convince us to vote for the HST.

Here's the problem: a conservative believes in democracy and free speech. A neo con believes in censorship and propaganda. Remember back in the day the Reform party was talking about free votes in caucus and encouraged MP's to poll their constituents before voting on an issue? Imagine that. That is what Chuck Cadman did and the exact opposite of what Stephen Harper does.

This whole concept of using tax dollars to run advertising for a political party or agenda is very disturbing. A neo con is not a new conservative. A neo con is a new con or scam. The do not believe in grass roots democracy. They hide their agenda with censorship and twist it with propaganda. That's the whole point of Harper's Fox News North. He wants to tell us how to think when he should be listening to the public who pays his salary.

Don't fall into the trap for B.C. conservatives. If B.C.'s overburdened courts are in crisis, then we need to fix that problem before we make it worse. Harper didn't give us any more money for the courts. His unbalanced bill makes it impossible for us to address violent crime by sending the overburdened system into disarray by crashing it with non violent offenders.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dustin Paxton convicted of assault, not confinement

Dustin Paxton has been found guilty in a Calgary courtroom of aggravated assault against his former business partner and roommate, but not of unlawful confinement.

Justice Sheilah Martin still has to rule on a charge of sexual assault, but said there was overwhelming evidence that Paxton treated the man as his personal servant and "whipping post."

Paxton's victim was dropped off at a Regina hospital in April 2010 weighing 87 pounds, suffering from numerous broken bones and a mutilated face.

Martin said the man, who cannot be identified under a publication ban, was repeatedly assaulted by Paxton in Calgary and Regina and that the list of injuries is lengthy and grotesque.

She is currently discussing the unlawful confinement charge against Paxton, saying she accepts that Paxton's abuse included economic manipulation — often a factor in forcible confinement.

The tragedy is that he tortured the victim and the criminal code doesn't cover torture it just covers assault. So in Stephen Harper's world a pot grower will get more jail time than someone who commits acts of torture.

Journalists on Twitter claim Paxton has now also been found guilty of sexual assault.

We know the victim had previously been an insignificant witness in a Hells Angels murder trail. We know that drugs and crystal meth was involved. If Dustin Paxton sold crystal meth, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who his supplier was.

The unlawful confinement aspect of the case was tragic. The victim could have left but didn't. That leads us to wonder why he didn't leave as though some larger threat was being held over him. We did read in the trial that the victim claimed in police reports that his assailant would drive him to other places to be beaten which does imply more than one person was involved. We did hear the hospital where the victim was dropped off made a public apology for mistakenly releasing the victims family information for a large tattooed man who showed up at the hospital where he was dropped off asking about him. We know the large tattooed man was no Paxton. He was skinny and scrawny.

Stop The Cell Phone Squeeze

Cell phone companies need access to wireless spectrum to provide mobile services. On the eve of a critical new wireless spectrum auction, the Big Three cell phone giants (who already control almost 94% of the market) are trying raise prices by tricking the government into shutting independent competitors out of the market.

They want to block smaller independent cell phone providers from being able to use essential wireless spectrum. These giant phone companies are going so far as to use high-priced lobbyists and one is even using a fake grassroots campaign.

"Conservatives" support small business and free enterprise. Neocons say they support small business but don't. They support large corporations overpowering small business. That is not a free and democratic society. Stephen Harper is not a conservative. He is a neocon.

Pot growers get more jail time than Pedophiles

Senate hearings began last week over Bill C-10 and why its mandatory minimum sentences gives pot growers more jail time than pedophiles. People wonder why I call Stephen Harper a traitor. Nothing else needs to be said. This is not Law and Order legislation. This is over burden your flailing jails and prevent violent crime from being addressed legislation.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Peak of Inversion: Oh Holy Night

Now that’s what I’m talking about. I made it up to third pump on Saturday and what a magnificent day it was. The sun was shining and the inversion was peaking. Inversion is when it’s warmer up in the mountain than down in the city. It’s when the fog and low lying clouds roll in so that when you’re in the mountain it looks like you’re in an airplane looking above the clouds. We saw it start on Thursday but it was starting to peak by Saturday. It was awesome.

I'm working on a couple of video clips but sunset above the inversion with the mountains of Vancouver island in the back ground, it doesn't get ant better than that.

David's Ho

David Ho has certainly made the news. Shamed tycoon avoids trial with a whole overview. Somewhat bizarre. I recall several years ago hearing on the radio about a David Ho being engaged to an Ima Lee. The radio claimed they were having problems in their engagement and went for counseling. turns out his fiancee was having cold feet. The counselor sat them down and tool one look at his fiancee and said Does any of your concerns about getting married have anything to do with changing your surname? then burst out laughing. Must have been a different David Ho :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Billy Bowden Arrested

Billy Bowden has been arrested in another drug bust.

More news: Looks like they put out a video of their own. Men arrested in drug bust brag about the lifestyle. Interesting to note he also attended Trevor Savoy's funeral.

Jarrod Bacon found guilty

Jarrod Bacon and the father of his girlfriend were found guilty of conspiracy to import cocaine. The next question is will his parents be charged since they were caught in evidence as being active participants.

We they set up? Of course they were. It was an under cover sting operation? Was it entrapment? Of course not. Getting them in an under cover sting operation was the only way they could convicted them and get the bacon brothers off the street without convicting their suppliers and charging Larry Amero’s bowling club.

Kyle Nelson is a Punk

I can’t believe the strange extremes we’re finding with regards to police and gangs, especially in Kelowna. Recently another Kelowna police officer was in the news and was found guilty of committing assault. The conditions of that case were very different from the Geoff Mantler disaster.

In this case a drunken punk gets out of a nightclub and starts yelling at a cop trash talking him being very rude. The cop gives it right back to the guy and gives him the finger. The guy keeps beaking off. The cop walks up to him and the guy runs away. The cop chases him into an alley and is like what do you have to say now?
There is no recording of the subsequent conversation but the bottom line is the guy was beaking off in front of a crowd and when the cop got him alone and punched him in the head once, the guy rolls over and plays the victim.

Compare that to Mantler who drags an innocent suspect out of his vehicle before it comes to a complete stop, punches him repeatedly in the head as he takes him to the ground and grinds the suspects face into the pavement with his knee. The suspect lost a tooth and the road rash on his face was very visible. The picture of Kyle’s face was like is that a bruise or a freckle. It was not noticeable at all.

Compare that with Mantler kicking a compliant suspect in the face while he was on his knees in the process of lying face down on the ground. These are two very different situations. Right now the gang mentality and the Hells Angels are completely out of control in Kelowna. Robert Thomas and Norman Cox beating a father to death with baseball bats and hammers is a prime example. A Mission city Hells Angel and another local Hells Angel jumping a cop from behind while the cop was breaking up a fight outside a Kelowna nightclub is another.

Justice is not a complicated mystery. The reason a scale is used to symbolize justice is because justice requires a logical balance that reflects common sense. Mauling a suspect’s face after he is on the ground is excessive. Giving someone the boots and caving in their face when they are on the ground is excessive. Tasering someone after they are on the ground or hogtied is excessive. Punching a loud mouth punk in the head once when he’s alone in the ally really isn’t a big deal. Why would we make a big deal about that but not the other? Common sense appeals for balance.

The BC Liberals failed energy policy

Christy Clark made the news again claiming when she got in office she changed ten years of policy and raised minimum wage. (Right before an election I might add) She wasn’t quite looking like the dishonest Sith Lord she has of late yet an analysis on the news raised a good point. He said it was a bad day for BC Liberals because it showed ten years of failed energy policy with regards to BC Hydro.

It appears they were talking about privatizing part of BC Hydro and forcing BC Hydro to buy power from these private independent power companies that charge BC Hydro an above market inflated rate to satisfy the demands of their shareholders to make them a profit by ripping off taxpayers.

It appears that Christy Clark has reversed the longstanding Campbellized Liberal policy of forcing BC Hydro to buy power from these private power sharks. I’m not sure how she claims to have fixed the problem but changing the policy is indeed both a step forward and an admission of guilt. It is the source of the fraudulent ballooning debt they are going to try and scam taxpayers into covering.

The real solution is to disband the independent power companies that are ripping off BC Hydro and bring that work back into BC Hydro as a public company. By cutting out the middleman they will save taxpayers money. Those are the real shareholders of a publicly accountable company.