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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
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Friday, May 4, 2012
Nicholas Lucier busted in Mexico
Nicholas Lucier who was wanted by police in connection with a lage cocaine bust in Victoria back in 2009 has just been arrested in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. This is the same town where his associate Tom Gisby was gunned down last week.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Another Vancouver gangster bites the dust
The Vancouver gang war has reignited and there is a lot of new information coming in. Long time gangster Ranj Cheema was shot to death in front of his parents’ East 61st Avenue house Wednesday. The 43-year old was once an ally of the late Bindy Johal, before turning against the admitted trafficker. He was also an associate of the late Tom Gisby and others who have been shot and/or killed in recent months. Cheema was a one-time associate of Tom Gisby, killed in Mexico Saturday. He also was close to Billy Woo, killed and dumped near Squamish last fall.
It's hard to pin down who is who in all the former Indo Canadian gang violence. For many years they were killing each other. That was in the days of Bindy Johal. Things have changed considerably since then. Now the Hells Angels control everything. The Independent Soldiers are no longer Independent. The common thread in all these recent murders is an association with the Dhures and a former association with the Hells Angels. Being close with Billy Woo would also imply a Hells Angels hit list connection since Billy Woo used to be affiliated with the Hells Angels but was likely executed for his Dhak connections.
Yet Kim Bolan is reporting that before Cheema went to jail in 2008, he was a rival of Sandip (Dip) Duhre, who was gunned down at the Wall Centre in January. That one doesn't fit the puzzle. The common thread is that the Hells Angels are wiping the Dhure and Dhak group off the face of the earth to secure their violent monopoly on the Vancouver drug trade.
A Balance between the Extremes
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I really think it’s important that we see through the ridiculous stereotypes and find a balance between both dramatic extremes so we don’t get led astray by either side or rather either extreme.
There was some discussion in the Vancouver Province today about how the minimum wage has finally been raised to a humane level after being frozen by the Campbell government for so long. One person wrote in with the ridiculous perception that minimum wages are a Marxist ideal and we need to pay people what they are worth. Don’t get me started. Human beings are worth a lot more than ten dollars an hour. Greed redefines worth in terms of how much money we make which is absurd. Here we have a coveting Capitalist who wants to get rich by employing slave labour. Saying a minimum wage is Marxist will create a knee jerk reaction. People will say, well if that’s Marxism then I guess I’m a Marxist. Only it isn’t Marxism, it’s common sense.
Many people define capitalism as democracy. However, that isn’t necessarily true. Capitalism can also be described as greed. Always wanting more than someone else. Technically, imperialism could be defined as capitalism. The old era of colonization where you conquer a country and exploit them with taxation without representation. That is what the Boston Tea party and the American Revolution was all about.
The purpose of the American Revolution was not to say we don’t want England to tax us, we want to become our own empire so we can conquer and tax others. The purpose of the American Revolution was to establish a free republic where democracy, free speech and human rights are protected. Provide for the common defense meant to help others find democracy and freedom. It didn’t mean exploiting others through greed. The oil wars have started to change that. That is why the constitution is in jeopardy.
It’s not about the poor being jealous of the rich. It’s about protecting the poor from being exploited by the rich. When the rich steal from the public purse by committing investment fraud, that is wrong. When the rich pay zero income tax while the poor pick up the tab, that is wrong. Those are valid concerns. Yet throwing out the baby with the bath water is not the answer. Waving the Communist hammer and sickle is concerning.
My father used to say Communism works in theory but it doesn’t work in practice. That’s because historically we have always seen some rich elitist take over the workers revolution and change the agenda by poisoning the dream. Under Stalin, the striking university students would face riot police using live ammunition. People could argue that the striking students in Montreal wouldn’t be striking in a Communist dictatorship because university would be free. Yet if you’re grades weren’t high enough you wouldn’t be let in. The bottom line is that free speech and lawful assembly did not exist in Stalin’s empire. It wasn’t a free republic. In East Berlin, when the Berlin wall was still up, the machine guns pointed inward. To prevent it’s citizens from escaping.
Stephen Harper likes to throw around the socialist word a lot. He said if you don’t vote for me, you’re a socialist or a separatist. Again that’s counter productive. I don’t agree with Harper so I guess that makes me a socialist. Yet there is a better way.
Instead of saying Capitalism represents democracy because that isn’t necessarily true, we need to establish that a free republic represents democracy. Empires or dictatorships don’t. Within a free republic you can define boundaries. You can protect individual rights and aspire to collective rights at the same time. This is within a constitutional government. Like Maximus helped set up for Rome in the movie Gladiator.
This whole nonsense of breaking windows and vandalizing things concerns me. If that is your quest you can not only count me out, but you lose my support as well as a great deal of public support. Responding with a clenched fist that says, I don’t care what the public think. I will break things and hold them at ransom, is wrong. That’s no different than the capitalists. The only difference is that you want to be the one on top exploiting others.
I will however say this: Neocons always run around like chicken little and cry the left will tax and spend, the left will tax and spend, the sky will fall if we vote for the left. Yet their own pork barrel politics is taxing and spending more than the left ever did. The only difference is they spend it on different things. Neocons spend the money on their rich friends who give them kickbacks by donating to their campaign. The left spend it on the elderly, the disabled and the homeless. The left builds the kind of world I want to live in.
Harpers obsession with big business and oil monopolies is anything but a free market where small business can participate. Big business squeeze out small business and prevent them from existing. Historically it was big business which funded and high jacked Communism in the past. We need to remember that. Stephen Harper is on the wrong road. He is not a Conservative.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Mayday Madness
A lot of madness going on this May Day across the globe. I would like to clarify that although I have a special place in my heart for Quebec, I am concerned about the nature and scope of the University Tuition protests in Montreal. Everyone would rather spend tax dollars on schools and hospitals instead of on investment fraud, wars and prisons. Yet tuition in Montreal is the lowest in the country. Planning protests at night can’t be blamed on government infiltrators who cause violence to discredit the cause. A political protest shouldn’t look like a Vancouver Cannucks riot. We in Vancouver are ashamed of and furious with the senseless looters in the Stanley cup riot. Likewise, I understand the majority of Quebecers support Charest in the tuition dispute.
Again, I do think the concerns about tuition have merit and should be discussed. I just don’t support the use of vandalism to jump that cause before other important causes in the queue. I don’t see Australia as a Communist country. Yet their university education is paid for. Other countries in Europe, the same thing. I don’t think that is a goal within immediate reach for Canada but I think it is important to acknowledge and is a worthy goal to aspire to. Education is good.
The Greek protests are especially concerning. The Greek financial crisis was the result of investment fraud. What was once public money became private money and then disappeared. We are seeing the same thing happen here with BC Hydro. We are told Madoffs in Greece were springing up like popcorn without a lid. Goldman Sachs was involved in that fraud. That makes former executives from Goldman Sachs serving in the US government very concerning.
The Occupy movement returns. The Occupy movement has many valid concerns. Yet we need to support the democratic process. The Canadian bank bailout has finally made the news. Harpers spin doctors are still denying it happened. That kind of nonsense is very disturbing.
The Harper government was found in contempt for hiding details of the budget from parliament. They wanted to and in fact did, pass a budget without revealing the costs. That was unprecedented. Every step of the way more expenses are appearing and the Harper government is denying and rationalizing every single huge addition to their wish list. The costs of the fighter jet fleet is but one example. The more we dig the more we find out it costs. One military official said they were the wrong type of jets to defend the Canadian arctic. That’s because they aren’t for defending Canada. They are for invasive corporate oil wars.
Now when the bank bailout news breaks, they deny it and say it is a conspiracy theory to fuel leftists in the occupy movement. Well I’m sorry Mr. Harper but real conservatives are concerned about pork barrel politics and fiscal dishonesty. That was the era of Brian Mulroney that we broke off from. That is the era Mr. Harper merged with to get elected.
We wanted an Albertan in Ottawa. Unfortunately, Mr. Harper doesn’t share Albertan values. Alberta is a prosperous province. They don’t have sales tax. That stimulates business. Harper does the opposite by introducing the HST which taxes things that were previously tax exempt. That was unAlbertan.
Since Alberta is prospering, they now pay the premiums for their residents’ medical insurance. That is a wonderful idea. That isn’t socialism. It’s building a better society that we can be proud of. I am really concerned with Stephen Harpers obsession with propaganda and his defiant abandonment of Reform principles of polling the electorate. The robocall scandal is yet another example of this bizarre obsession.
In steps Conrad Black. Why not pour gasoline of the fire of insanity. Conrad Black was recommended to the Order of Canada by none other than Brian Mulroney. That shyster stole $30 million from Canadian taxpayers by committing perjury. He was tied to Iran contra through Trans World Arms and a host of other scandals. That kind of insanity is madness indeed. It’s maddening, but it is also infuriating. Taxation without representation and warrantless surveillance is what wars are fought over.
And then there was Seattle. A friend at work today asked me if I was in Seattle last night. I smiled and said why was their agro. He said they were rioting. It looked as ridiculous as the Stanley Cup riot. I shook my head and said no, I don’t support that. I believe in free speech and lawful assembly but looting and vandalism is not only senseless, it’s counter productive. It destroys the original cause completely.
Likewise, I understand there were some local skirmished in Vancouver last night. Lighting a fire in the middle of Commercial drive was stupid. The drive is a hub for nice restaurants and cafes as well as being artsy. It’s where the Italians go to celebrate or mourn Italy’s standing in the World Cup. No doubt the extreme right would be more than willing to pay provocateurs to cause trouble.
Nevertheless, I do think some trouble makers are there on their own accord. General Strike. People have been calling for a general strike since the Woodwards squat just because. There are a lot of valid concerns and some really important issues on the table. This is too important to let it slip away by a few idiots who want to cause trouble just because they enjoy the mob mentality.
In contrast, Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello lead the Occupy march in New York on May Day supporting his guitar army. Now that is inspiring.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Je t'aime Quebec
This letter from a former MP about Quebec is offensive. Quebec is a wonderful province with a vibrant culture and history. Their history is a part of our history. This kind of divisive propaganda comes right after Quebec made a huge step forward in embracing federalism by supporting Jack Layton. I think the hateful former MP is just upset with their freedom of association. Salut Quebec. Je me souviens!
Canadian Banks received $114 billion taxpayers bailout
Speaking of Government fraud, turns out the Canadian Bank Bailout that Harper said we didn't do was $114 billion not $65 billion. This is why they raised the agre of retirement. Meanwhile Harper's spin doctors are still denying it ever happened. I'm sure there's a job for Conrad in there somewhere. Perhaps the new HST commercials will also proclaim Conrad Black's innocence. The Financial Post on the secret bailout.
CONrad Black: Stop the Greed
Speaking of fraudsters and criminal diseases, CONrad black is finally getting released from prison. Harper is welcoming him in to Canada despite the fact that he gave up his citizenship and has a criminal record. Why not? After his right wing takeovers of all the media outlets, perhaps Harper will put him in charge of his own Fox News North. Better yet, since Stephen Harper likes to surround himself with fraudsters with criminal records perhaps he'll give CONrad Black Bruce Carsons old position as senior advisor. After all, Harper pulled a few strings for the RCMP to over look Bruce Carson's criminal record for fraud, why not Conrad?
W5 did an interview and shocking episode on Conrad Black the other night. The only thing truthful in that interview was Conrad black’s arrogance. The news isn’t supposed to be spin. It is a shocking reminder of how tainted the news really was when Conrad Black was busy buying up all the media outlets in a monopoly of censorship.
At one time Conrad Black even owned the Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province. The one common occurrence when he acquired news outlets is how biased the reporting became in those various outlets. Layoffs and downsizing were common place in acquisitions and mergers. Many claimed that if you ever wrote an pro labor editorial, You were first in line for a lay off.
No doubt certain newspapers have certain biases. It’s called supply and demand. They want to appeal to a certain type of reader so they print editorials geared to that political way of thought. It’s also a great way for a complete wacko to practice censorship in a modern world that guarantees free speech.
Conrad Black coming back to Canada? God help us. That is the last thing we need. That’s like promoting the book cooker from Enron to the book cooker of the Pentagon. All the fraud and embezzlement aside, that is one guy that needs to trim his Groucho Marcs eyebrows. Meryl Normans may well me an extreme but that is just plain nasty.
He was forced out of the global media empire he'd built out of his Toronto offices in 2003 after shareholders accused him of engaging in a $500-million "corporate kleptocracy." U.S. prosecutors charged Black and his associates with skimming some $60 mil-lion from his global newspaper empire between 1999 and 2001.
They were ultimately convicted of stealing $6.1 million by awarding them-selves tax-free bonuses from news-paper sell-offs without the approval of the board of the Hollinger holding company. He served 29 months of a 78-month sentence when the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out the "honest-services" law that had formed the basis of his 2007 conviction, and was released in 2010 while his case was re-examined by the courts.
Conrad Black was convicted of Fraud. After multiple appeals the US Supreme court tossed out the "honest-services" law that had formed the basis of some of his 2007 convictions but not all. The Supreme court tossed out the law. Can you believe it? Black has always said he did nothing wrong. He was the CEO. He was of the opinion everything the company owned, was his. He stole from the company. It wasn't OK just because he was the CEO. He wasn't the owner, Shareholders owned the company. This guy is a fraud and he should not be allowed back into Canada. Harper welcoming him back in is a disgrace. Let's make Harper legally liable for the next taxpayer bailout Conrad Black incurs.
I would like to clarify that my concerns about Mossad teaming up with the CIA in drug smuggling, money laundering and using investment fraud to raise money for operations, has absolutely nothing to do with them being Zionists. When I was conducting an interview for my story on Earl Brian, the subject referred to one of the people involved and said he was a Zionist tied to the Mossad. The term Zionist has very different meanings for different people. When I first heard the reference I thought to myself, so? I’m a Zionist. Aren’t we all? Don’t we all aspire to build a better society?
I was somewhat shocked to hear some people describe Zionists with a passionate hate. Why on earth would you hate on someone for wanting to build a better society? The misconception arises when people call Zionism when Jewish settlers evict Palestinians from their homes and build Jewish homes on that same spot. That has absolutely nothing to do with Zionism.
Zion is a Biblical term. It’s a quest to build a better society. The city of Enoch was a successful attempt to create the perfect society on earth. The Caribbean brothers and sisters are well familiar with the term. Bob Marley was a Zionist for heavens sake. He counseled us to get up, stand up and fight for your right. The way of the rebel. Wyclef from the Fugees even referred to the lion from Zion just like Bob Matley did. Bob Marley's clothing line is Zion Rootswear.
I totally support the Jews right to a homeland. Everyone deserves a home. Including the Palestinians. The holocaust was a horrific tragedy. As I’ve said before, my grandfather received burns on his back from Mustard gas in the trenches of WWI. Opposing genocide is the right thing to do. Killing Jews, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Gays or Atheists, is wrong.
The Palestinian conflict is a heart wrenching mess. Gaza randomly firing rockets into Israel, after Israel pulled out of Gaza giving them more autonomy, was absurd. Then Israel using white phosphorus on Gaza in response was extreme. I remember hearing some Canadian trade Unions getting all freaked out calling upon Israel to tear down the wall they built to defend themselves against rocket attacks. I thought to myself how ridiculous that was. If someone was firing rockets at me, I’d build a wall to defend myself too.
The forced evictions are a very sensitive concern. I can’t help but think of the Old Testament verse that says Vex not the stranger that sojourneth with thee. The whole concept of loving your neighbor and treating others the way you want to be treated seems to be sadly forsaken by both sides. Yet there is Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salam – the Oasis of Peace. Where Jews and Palestinians live in the same community based on principles of religious freedom. Imagine that.
Nevertheless, Mossad teaming up with the CIA to smuggle drugs and commit investment fraud to fund raise for operations concerns me greatly. Surely, if a Canadian went to Israel and stole money from Israel through investment fraud, that would concern them too. The problem arises when a secret service has no public accountability. Intelligence agencies need to obey the law and protect human rights. Stealing is wrong. No black op will change that. Keeping an unlawful state secret is unlawful.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Friend of Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon loses access to his son
The Vancouver Province ran a front page article about a friend of Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon who lost access to his son because of his criminal associations. Hearing a father or mother has lost access to his son is never good news. Had the father ever hit the child? I don’t know. Would the child be in danger if with the father in public? Perhaps.
The court documents claims the father was a friend of Larry Amero and a crystal meth dealer. Not a surprising combination to say the least. Court documents also claim he was a meth cook which is also very dangerous. I realize there is a lot of mudslinging in custody disputes. Yet if he was a meth cook and dealer and if he was associated with Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon, those would be valid concerns. Assaulting the child’s mother would be another valid concern if true as would the claim of assaults in the child’s presence.
I guess my first unrelated question is why are we allowed to hear this information yet we’re not allowed to hear the Viki Leaks information about Vic Toews a “Christian” politician who had an affair on his wife and fathered a child with another younger woman. I submit that both are relevant.
The Jonathon Bacon shooting in Kelowna was big news and we haven’t heard a lot more since. We’ve heard that the Hells Angels have been exterminating the Durry Dak Pak but it is highly unlikely they were responsible for the Kelowna hit. They are simply guilty of selling drugs in the Hells Angels area. Unlike the Independent soldiers and the Red scorpions, the Hells Angels aren’t going to take over the Durry Dak Pack, they are going to wipe them off the face of the earth.
I think there are a couple of points worth remembering. This wasn’t some chance meeting between Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon in Kelowna. They were making a huge scene on that stupid boat Steroids and Silicone. They went very public with their association. We knew this was not a new friendship. We just couldn’t prove it before because it was on the QT. All we could prove is that Larry’s friends were friends with friends of the Bacon brothers.
The key thing to remember here is how despised the Bacon brothers are. They have been implicated in the Surrey Six murder where two innocent bystanders were executed. That created a huge public outcry. The Bacon brothers took over the leadership of the Red scorpions who used to be affiliated with the UN and had beef with the Haney Hells angels. It was no coincidence that a relative of Spike, a senior Haney Hells Angel, was also with them in Kelowna. Larry sent his ex, Sarah Treble, who he shared a car lease with, along with the UN guys that shot at the Bacon brothers outside Tbarz. It was a political move of showing support without being there in person.
At that time the Hells Angels were playing the UN. Supporting them on one hand and supporting their enemies on the other, at the same time. Some people asked if I thought the Hells angels put the hit on Larry because they were upset with him associating with Jonathon Bacon. No I do not.
First of all, the Hells Angels would not have hired a hit when one of their own nieces was present. I still say her becoming paralyzed was an absolute tragedy. It was tragic that it happened and it was tragic her uncle and cousin put her in that high risk situation.
Second, Larry doesn’t do business for the club without approval of the club. The Surrey Six murder had an objective. They wanted to take over the leadership of the Red Scorpions which they did. Only under the despised Bacon brother leadership they’ve turned it into the Red Lobsters with that cheap karate school logo.
I think the UN hired a very professional hit on Jonathon Bacon. I think the UN finally started to do the math in prison. A couple of UN guys had some serious beatings in prison before that. The Bacon brothers most certainly don’t control the prisons but the Hells Angels do. That must have made a light go on for them. Hearing that Larry Amero was bragging about his association with Jonathon Bacon must have made another light go on for them.
So where’s Waldo now? Witnesses claim they saw Larry and Jonathon together last summer at Nabil’s wedding in Ontario. Some claim Larry went back to Ontario with the Nabil brothers. I personally have no idea.
However, another connection that everyone seems to be missing is that guy Jeremy Bettan who was shot dead in Walnut Grove. He wasn’t from Montreal, he was from Walnut Grove. He was a friend of Larry Amero. He’d been to Montreal on business for Larry but he was from here and was a friend of Larry. Him getting shot dead was significant.
Earl W. Brian and the CIA
We’ve already talked about the October Surprise and how it isn’t very surprising or earth shattering. This time I want to get into the investment fraud that funded it and how it was tied to Canadian Companies as well as two foreign intelligence agencies.
Earl W. Brian served in the California Cabinet of Governor Reagan. He was also a CIA agent that embezzled $50 million from Nesbitt Thompson’s clients and went to jail for fraud. He was released from prison in 2002.
The four shell companies Earl Brian used to embezzle the money were: Clinical Sciences Inc., Hadron Inc., Biotech Capital Inc., and American Cytology Services Inc. These were pump and dump stocks that he convinced Nesbitt Thomson to recommend to their clients. Nesbitt Thomson was a Canadian brokerage firm.
Guardian Capital was another company in Toronto tied to the scam because it was illegal to trade some of these companies in Canada, namely Biotech Capital. They had to set up magic shell accounts for the marks to use to invest in the pump and dump stocks used in the scam. One source claims Guardian Capital was tied to Gurston Ira Rosenfeld whom was tied to the Mossad and Janos Pasztor who was tied to the CIA.
Nesbitt Thompson was a very well established and reputable brokerage firm. When Dean Nesbitt died from a skiing accident in 1978, the company was taken over by Jon Brian Aune and Brian Jasson Steck. Our source claims Aune was a bit of a playboy which was very different from the years of stable tradition the company had know prior to that time. Steck was a Zionist tied to the Mossad. You laugh but remember this was the same time period as Trans World Arms another Montreal firm that was tied to arms dealing in Nicaragua durring Iran Contra. That was a separate deal involving Emmanuel Von Weigensburg also known as Manny.
After he had embezzled $50 million from Nesbitt Thompson clients, Earl Brian took $40 million with him to Paris where he was alleged to have met George Bush Sr. and William Casey from the CIA so they could bribe the Iranians to keep the American hostages another 90 days to discredit Jimmy Carter and help Ronald Reagan win the election against him. As I’ve said before, this allegation known as the October Surprise is not surprising or earth shattering.
What I find interesting is how they used investment fraud and Canadian companies to raise the money for the operation. That’s $50 million embezzled from Nesbitt Thompson less a $10 million finders and keep your mouth shut in prison fee for Earl. I guess I am surprised to hear of Israeli and American intelligence agencies operating in Canada. I’m even more surprised to hear of them using investment fraud and Canadian companies to fund raise for black ops. Al Martin has explained how investment fraud was a tool they used to raise money for Iran contra. I guess it’s hard to believe until you actually see it in action. Not surprisingly, I am told that Earl Brian was also involved in some penny stock scams on the VSE before it was closed down for fraud.
The key thing with Earl Brian and the CIA is the web of Canadian shell companies they used to embezzle the money which was not only tied to the CIA but also to Mossad. Brian was charged but they weren’t. If that many Canadian shell companies were ATMs for the CIA and for the Mossad back then, what are they using now and how does that affect our current banking system which just received a $65 billion bailout that taxpayers are now having to make up.
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