Thursday, June 28, 2012

More Harper Attack Adds

After coming home from a nice road trip and holiday I see this outrageously offensive attack add on TV put out by the Harper government. It’s not even an election time. This one attacks Thomas Mulcair. The last one attacked the leader of the Liberal Party after they were virtually wiped off the face of the earth in the last Robocall election.

No one likes attacks ads during an election. Attack adds when there is no election are not just obsessive, they are suspicious. This new add goes on and on about how Mulcair wants to impose a gas tax and how Harper is opposed to one. Holy hypocrisy batman, let’s look at the facts.

It is no secret that Stephen Harper rewarded Gordon Campbell for imposing the HST on British Columbia. Giving the most hated premier in recorded history, who left office with the lowest approval rating in the country, a sweetheart job as commissioner during the London Olympics was a slap in the face of democracy.

Gordon Campbell and the Christy Clark government are big fans of the carbon tax. We are suffering from ridiculous gas prices as a result in the lower mainland. In BC it is the NDP that are speaking out against the gas tax. So are the provincial Conservatives which unlike the Harper government really are conservatives. The Campbell government, which Harper supported, supports the gas tax. Harper running an attack add opposing it is sheer hypocrisy. Christy Clark and Stephen Harper use the same spin doctor.

One has to wonder where on earth they got the idea that Mulcair was in favor of a gas tax when the BC NDP are opposed to it. Seemingly it was a distorted accusation from Mulcairs position on cap and trade.

Personally, I oppose ongoing excessive gas tax. Enough is enough. We are getting shafted at the pump because we have let the oil companies create a monopoly. That is not a free market and is causing problems. Ironically enough, several leading oil sands firms, alongside 150 of Canada's top corporations, publicly support more gas taxes. Putting a cap on greenhouse emissions means making the big corporations that are the big polluters pay a penalty for damaging the environment. It’s not to pass corporate tax on to the consumers.

Harper said Canada wouldn’t contribute to a bailout for the Greek or European debt crisis. Let’s hope he doesn’t flip on that like he flipped on the bank bailout. The Greek financial crisis was the result of investment fraud. When we let white collar criminals steal from banks then force taxpayers to bail those banks out with tax dollars, that does not solve the problem of white collar criminals stealing through investment fraud and creating these manufactured emergencies.

Harpers attack add repeats chicken little’s sky is falling rhetoric about the NDP’s economic plan. The right always claims the left will tax and spend thus crippling economic growth. Yet the Harper government, like the Mulroney government before him, are the worst offenders of tax and spend ideology in Canadian history. The bank bailout the banks didn’t need and the insider trading jets are just two examples. $65 billion is a huge amount of money. The undisclosed cost of the insider trading jets continues to rise.

Not only has Harper’s pork barrel politics resulted in the worst spending in Canadian history, he has mixed that with outrageous cuts that have left us wondering about his possible use of crack pipes instead of common sense.

Let’s look at the military. Cutting spending on the military to help offset not pay for, the huge expenditure of a whole fleet of jets that can’t be used in the arctic are somewhat of a contradiction. To offset the cost of the jets he’s cutting military funding. Cutting military pensions, benefits, support programs, even eliminating our coast guard which need improvements not cuts. In essence to pay for his insider trading jets to a firm his candidate lobbied for, he is putting lives at risk and weakening the military in the process.

The bank bailout is the most dramatic contradiction in Canadian history. Harper goes over to England and tells Cameron Canadians don’t support bank bailouts, then he drinks the poison kool aid and turns around and gives the banks a $65 billion bail out that they didn’t need. Which meant he then raised the age of retirement to offset the cost. I say offset the cost not pay for it because it will take decades to pay that insane debt.

As we hear news that the secret bailout cost even more, just like the growing bill for the jets, the Harper government denies there even was a bailout and won’t even put that figure on the books. This isn’t just wrong. This isn’t just a scam. This is treason. It’s not a matter of the NDP versus the Conservatives. It’s a matter of the conservatives undergoing a leadership review and electing a conservative instead of a fiscally dangerous con man. It’s a sad day when the leader of the NDP is more Conservative than the leader of the Tories.

Now we hear the outrageous propaganda in the Globe and Mail that Mulcair and Trudeau are a threat to Canadian Unity. That is absurd. Trudeau saved Canadian unity with the Charter of Rights. Giving Quebec a voice on government supports unity by making them feel included and wanting to participate in Federalism.

That insane article quickly points out their real concern. They claim that in 1980 Trudeau introduces the national energy program (NEP 1), which fixed domestic prices for oil and gas. That is their real concern right there. They want their private monopoly and they want to be able to keep raising the price of gas at the pumps indiscriminately. Capping the price of gas at the pumps does not threaten Canadian unity. It only threatens excessive corporate profits at the expense of consumers. Lowering the price of gas at the pumps in British Columbia has nothing to do with the West subsidizing the east. They are the ones opposing Canadian unity by singling out two political leaders from Quebec.

Mulcalir is opposing Harpers attempt to destroy the free market in the fishing industry by getting rid of owner-operator fishing businesses and replacing them with corporate-led fishing. Those are the concerns of the fisherman. Although Harpers contentious report is silent of any details just like his budget is silent about any real costs, those concerns are valid because that is Harper’s MO. He does not support small business. He supports large corporate monopolies which is in opposition to a free market system. What has happened to our world? The NDP is supporting small business and the Tories are not. It’s a wild world so it is.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Joey Verma’s trial kicks off the Kelowna Summer Jam

I drove up for Joey Verma’s court date in Kelowna on Monday. Turns out it was just a date to set a date which is rather bizarre. There’s no reason they couldn’t have set that date last time. His new lawyer wasn’t even there. He just made a telephone appearance. The delays on this case are starting to get absurd. No doubt the defense will jump at the opportunity to ask for an adjournment at some point claiming his right to a speedy trail has been violated. Yet that argument fails when it’s the defense causing the delays. The court is right to push the case forward.

I am told Joey’s old girlfriend worked as a technician at a pharmacy. Like that’s not suspicious. I wonder how Sam and Mike’s Oxycontin fraud case is going? Nevertheless, Joey’s pretrial conference has been set for July 16 at 9:30 AM before the Associate Chief Justice. Joey made his appearance on the modern equivalent of Skype. It looked like he was sitting in the electric chair. Unfortunately I doubt justice will ever come close to being served in this case.

As we’ve said before, Joey was a known Hells Angel associate. Reports of him getting a new VP Tattoo and recruiting for the Kingpin Crew in prison are somewhat disturbing. Later that day Randy Naicker from the Independent Soldiers was shot dead in Port Moody. When Joey was first arrested it was reported in the news he was an associate of the Independent Soldiers. We know he is close with Blaze from the Kelowna IS who is facing sexual assault charges himself.

I noticed the following day someone put up Kelowna Summer Jam posters outside the Kelowna Hells Angels clubhouse at 837 Ellis Street. It’s easy to miss the clubhouse. There are no 666 or devil horn logos outside. I drove right past it myself. I had to actually look for the street address to find it and then noticed the bikes parked out front. There is no name or logo on the building at all. The outside décor looks very trendy and feminine. Well trimmed hedge. Pink flowers in the hanging baskets. It’s very discreet. You’d never know by looking at the outside that was the clubhouse for a criminal organization implicated in numerous murders and drug trafficking.

Not far down the road and around the corner I visited the Delta Grand where Larry Amero was shot along with Jonathon Bacon. Turns out that not only were they making a huge scene on that ridiculous Steroids and Silicone boat, paying $6,000 cash at the hotel did bring attention to them which is clearly what they wanted. That is the problematic nature of organized crime. You need to establish a reputation but you don’t want to attract too much heat from the police or from rivals you rip off in the process.

Which brings us to the Kelowna Summer Jam. The Kelowna Hells Angels clubhouse may well be discreet but the Hells Angels violent involvement in the drug trade isn’t. Dain Philips murder is a clear example of how loud, proud and deranged they have become. This needs to be addressed. Reporting a murderer to the police is not being a rat. Failing to do so is. Lest we forget.

Bob Paulson wants RCMP Misconduct out of the public eye

OK I’m back from my road trip and there are a few things to catch up on. A few people have sent me more links to police misconduct cases in the news. The first one I’ll cite is a disturbing warning by none other than the new head of the RCMP Bob Paulson. The guy who’s supposed to be cleaning up the dysfunctional mess.

Last week CBC reported Canada's top cop is signalling Mounties to stop airing their workplace grievances in the public eye, after a week when reports surfaced about an RCMP Inspector accused of groping his co-workers, and allegations of workplace bullying on the Prime Minister's protective detail.

Although part of his comments is common sense, part of it is really disturbing. After his warning for Mounties to stop airing their grievances in the public eye he states, "one of the trends that I have seen is this propensity to go public on every sort of beef that happens in the workplace."

He then admits "I suppose you could argue that is a result of having no confidence in the internal processes and systems, but the fact is that the RCMP is very central in the public discussion these days. Any sort of issue relating to affairs within the RCMP is noteworthy and people exploit that," said Paulson.

This is the part that makes some sense. You don’t want to go to the media with every workplace problem. You should give due process a chance first. Yet due process hasn’t worked and the command culture of the RCMP has shown the only time they change is when they take it on the chin in the press.

An internal RCMP management report leaked to Radio-Canada this week revealed there were internal concerns about workplace bullying by Supt. Bruno Saccomani, a senior RCMP officer responsible for Prime Minister Stephen Harper's security detail. Earlier in the week, Paulson called the leak "unlawful."

This is the disturbing part. Blowing the whistle on inappropriate conduct is not unlawful. Failing to do so is. Stephen Harper fires whistle blowers. THAT is unlawful. This whole idea of promising to clean up the bizarre mess, then claiming we need to sweep it under the carpet and do it privately is concerning. It implies they aren’t going to deal with it at all, only hide it from the public eye.

Last week the Vancouver Province reported on an RCMP Officer convicted of drunk driving getting sent to BC. Brian Hutchinson from the National Post then wrote: Welcome to B.C., dumping ground for bad Mounties.

This is a real concern. Bob Paulson’s position of the Alberta Mountie guilty of a long list of sexual misconduct is also disturbing. He claimed they needed to change the RCMP Act to fire guys like that which simply was not true. Employers are legally bound to protect their employees from sexual harassment. Failing to do so is unlawful. Not firing guys like that makes them legally liable for damages. That is why they are now facing a class action law suit. Changing the RCMP Act to make it easier for the Commissioner to discipline and fire cops who give the force a bad name, opens the door to firing whistleblowers which is also unlawful.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, A Victoria-based RCMP officer is due in court Aug. 1 to face two counts of fraud under $5,000, both related to alleged improper use of federal government credit cards while on-duty.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Randy Naicker shot dead

Kim Bolan is reporting that Larry Amero's puppet, Randy Naicker, from the not so Independent Soldiers was shot dead in Port Moody on Monday. I was in Kelowna for the Verma trial. Steroids don't make you bullet proof.

James Riach was also from the Independent Soldiers and was with Randy Naicker and the Bacon brothers at the Castle fun park meeting in Kevlar. James Riach was also shot in the same car with Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon outside the Delta Grand in Kelowna. The Hells Angels used violence to take over the leadership of the Independent Soldiers. Now that’s come back to bite them in the ass.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Little Italy shooting in Toronto

I’ve fallen a bit behind in all the shootings of late but Freddy mentioned this one and I think it is noteworthy. John Raposo’s funeral was held last Friday in the same church his young son was baptized in.

Police claim Raposo was the leader of the McCormick Boys, a small west-end crew that bought drugs from Italian organized crime. The McCormick Boys, who took their name from a park on the edge of Toronto’s Portuguese neighbourhood, had about 10 core members and perhaps twice as many associates. They were not major players, but their drug connections with the mob discouraged anyone from messing with them, the source said.

So this was a Portuguese gang that sold drugs for the Italian mafia. Since they had the backing of the mafia, no one crossed them. Until the murder of John Raposo. So who did it and why? Well a Toronto man with ties to BC has been arrested and charged. Who’s he with? It has to be a rival in the drug trade.

We know that Hells Angel Paris Christoforou teamed up with Peter Scarcella in that Toronto Sandwich shop shooting targeting Mike Modica. Scarcella was just a driver for Paul Volpe but rose in the ranks after Volpe was found dead in a trunk of a car killed by someone he knew. Scarcella was the last person to see him alive and has been recently released from prison.

Hells Angels associate Mark Peretz who drove the van in the Sandwich shop hit was rearrested last month after his statutory release. Police fear a continuation of the feud that led to the shooting, a dispute involving a large cast of gangsters from the Mafia and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

Things certainly are heating up in Toronto with regards to the drug related violence there. The North Van UN associate gunned down in Oshawa was just one example. The gang related Eaton Centre shooting was reckless just like the sandwich shop shooting. One could even say it was a similar MO.

Looting Main Street

This is a riveting article from the Rolling Stone Magazine explaining how the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities with the same predatory deals that brought down Greece, by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, March 31, 2010.

Links between the Calvi affair and Operation Gladio

Licio Gelli is an Italian financier, chiefly known for his role in the Banco Ambrosiano scandal. He was revealed in 1981 as being the Venerable Master of the clandestine Masonic lodge Propaganda Due (P2). David Guyatt claims that there were links between the Calvi affair and Operation Gladio. He claims P2 ran Operation Gladio under the direction of the Italian secret service. Freddy is right about Operation Gladio.
We remember Operation Gladio. That was the European version of Operation Northwoods. Alan Dulles and Lyman Lemnitzer proposed and agreed to Operation Northwoods but Kennedy vetoed it. Dulles was fired and Lemnitzer was reassigned to Europe. He became Supreme Allied Commander in Europe where he took the ideas of Operation Northwoods and but them into practice with Operation Gladio.

There is a long list of bank fraud. When you start connecting the dots a sad pattern emerges. There is even speculation and jokes about Goldman Sachs getting involved with the Vatican bank. Right now it looks a lot like the Fascists ripping us off and collapsing our economy so we can be “liberated” by the Communists just like Poland was. Buyer Beware.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dank truck outside Tbarz last night

Late last night or rather very early this morning I saw a van with the Dank Energy drink logo all over it parked outside Tbarz. That’s the company Randy Jones brother Trevor is involved with. I wonder how that case is going in the states since Trevor has been indicted and is now a fugitive of justice. Looks like he’s still doing business as usual. They’re using an Aldergrove address now and sell Dank out of Tbarz.
Previously I posted the above picture thinking it was Trevor Jones. Yet someone else claimed it wasn’t him so who is it? He has a connection to that company Trevor and Randy are involved with. They’re recruiting Dank Skanks now. I wonder if that has anything to do with Tbarz or the Hells Angels involvement with prostitution?

There’s more than one Anti Christ

OK this one’s going to be from outer space. Since the subject came up I want to discuss it because I want to follow up on the money laundering allegations of the Vatican bank. Since Pope John Paul the First was murdered and since someone used the Vatican bank to embezzle $1.2 billion from the Banco Ambrosiano which resulted in that banks collapse June 1992, it’s important to look at that. I just want to clarify that as I do so, I’m not attacking the Catholic church, just the criminals who have taken over and are using the Vatican bank for their own criminal purposes.

Ian Paisley was a paid Protestant minister from Northern Ireland who became a politician and was elected to be a Member of Parliament at a time the Parliament of Northern Ireland was very pro British and very anti Catholic. Their slogan was “Ulster Says No” to a united Ireland. They didn’t want to merge with the Republic of Ireland in the south. They wanted to stay part of England instead. That’s basically what the troubles in Northern Ireland were all about. It didn’t really have anything to do with religion. It just so happened that most of the Irish who wanted to be free from England were Catholics and most of the people who wanted to remain part of England were Protestants descended from the plantation. They celebrate King Billy’s bigotry ever year on July 12 commemorating the Dutch Protestant’s invasion of Ireland at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.
Ian Paisley was very anti Catholic. One time he stood up when the Pope was speaking to the European Parliament with a sign calling the Pope the anti Christ and shouted out “I denounce you as the anti Christ.” That was the pot calling the kettle black. Ian Paisley was paid to preach hate and intolerance. He was far more of an anti Christ than the Pope ever was.
I want to address the issue of the anti Christ. Some Protestants can become obsessed with some pretty bizarre ideas about getting swept away by aliens in the Rapture. I’m left scratching my head on that one. This whole obsession with trying to interpret the bible and find THE anti Christ completely misses the point that there is more than one anti Christ. Christ said beware of false prophets because there would be many. They don’t have to be anti Christian to be an anti Christ. They just have to appose what Christ stood for like doing good and promoting justice and fairness. That’s why many Christians like Ian Paisley could in theory be referred to as an anti Christ.
Recently there was another Protestant leader in Northern Ireland that refused to shake the Pope’s hand because he believed the Pope was the anti Christ. That kind of nonsense isn’t just offensive, it’s in opposition to a free republic based on constitutional principles of the freedom of religion. Take the Irish flag for example. The Irish flag is green, white and orange. Green is for Irish Catholics, while Orange is for the Protestant Orange men. White represents peace. It symbolizes Catholics and Protestants living together in peace. Protestant hate mongers from the north burning that flag shouting Ulster says No are in reality opposing peace and Christian principles of a democratic society.

Islam is not anti Christ. Muslims believe Christ was a prophet. Yet radical Muslims can indeed be very anti Christ just like radical Protestants or Catholics can be. We are told they will know we are Christians by our love. Anyone who teaches hate and intolerance could then be considered an anti Christ.
There are a lot of oral traditions in Ireland. Some would say legends. I remember many people in Ireland say to me look at our weather. They say in the last days you won’t be able to tell the seasons one from another. That’s what’s happening know and shows we are in the last days. Whenever they would say this I would just nod and be on my way but then I started thinking. Where on earth does it say that? It doesn’t say that in the bible. Where on earth are all these people getting that from. Perhaps it was from the teachings of Columcille or Saint Patrick. Perhaps some Irish prophets made some of their own predictions like Nostradamus.

Another prediction was that the anti Christ would one day sit in Saint Peters’ chair. When I heard that I again said OK where on earth does it say that because I don’t see any reference to Saint Peter’s chair in the bible. These Irish Catholics were referring to a prophecy that one day the anti Christ would sit in Saint Peter’s chair. That doesn’t mean that Christ never existed. As I said before Christ confronted the religious leaders at the time calling them liars, hypocrites and children of the devil. He wasn’t referring to the Jews. He was referring to anyone who takes over the church for their own personal gain.
Years ago I bought a book called In God’s Name. It was written by a Catholic who tried to expose some of the corruption that resulted in Pope John Paul I’s murder. It started going on about a secret Masonic lodge under the Vatican. I never really got past that part of the book because I didn’t see that as significant. The Catholic church may have a rule about Catholics not being allowed to become Free Masons but Free Masonry doesn’t have a rule about Catholics not being allowed in Free Masonry. To be a member of the craft you just have to have a belief in God. Catholics have their own group called the Knights of Columbus which is basically the same thing.
When “God’s banker” was murdered after the crash of the Banco Ambrosiano, there was talk about his involvement with the P2 Masonic lodge and being murdered because he lost the mob’s money. I personally don’t see that as very likely. Stealing from the mob isn’t something he would do. Stealing for the mob is. I think he was murdered because he was facing charges related to stock in a company owned by Michele Sindona in prison in the US. Sinona was involved with the collapse of Franklin National Bank in the US in 1974. What’s relevant to the rouge P2 lodge is that leaders of the Italian intelligence agencies were members of it. I think Roberto Calvi was murdered because they wanted to cover up the link between him and Michele Sindona which stole from the Banco Ambrosiano and all that implied.

Friday, June 22, 2012

RCMP Act changes will give top Mountie more powers

Vic Toews is announcing changes to the RCMP Act that gives the force greater power to discipline orfire officers who give the force a bad name. I’m trying to bite my tongue and hold back the instinctive cynicism. Vic Toews is about as trustworthy and credible as Peter McKay. Not very.

Vic Toews was the one that pushed a bizarre bill that was drastically over reaching. He had the audacity to say if you oppose the bill you support pedophiles. Then he later admits he never actually read the bill and claimed he was surprised by some of it’s over reaching content permitting warrantless surveillance of someone who has not been suspected of committing a crime.

At first glance, the whole idea of giving any corporation more power to discipline and discharge it’s employees is concerning. Especially when that organization as well as the political party proposing the power grab has been plagued with a longstanding history of abusive bullying within it’s command culture.

RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson had made an appeal for changes to the RCMP Act in his frustration of dealing with the public disgrace that keeping the Alberta wing nut on strength and transferred him to BC. That officer should have been fired. If he worked in the private industry he would have been fired. Blaming some review board for keeping him on when that was the recommendation given them was rather absurd.

My point is and was then, that no changes to the act were needed to fire that freak. In reality, the RCMP faced legal liability for his past, present and future conduct for not obeying the law and firing him.

The question is, how can we take the Harper government seriously when they say they want to end bullying in the RCMP when they clearly applaud it and endorse it. Harper fires whistle blowers. How do we know he’s not going to take this new power to fire whistle blowers to sweep the problem under the carpet without actually dealing with it?

Nevertheless, one thing in the act that appears to be a step forward is the creation of a CivilianReview and Complaints Commission. This is needed. Even Jim Chu supported such a body in BC. Notwithstanding my distain and mistrust of the Christy Clark government, one thing they did do that was good was create a civilian body to oversea police complaints in British Columbia. It would appear that this new RCMP Act would do the same thing federally which would be a step forward. So let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Right now I’m feeling a little hey Mr. Tambourine man won’t you play a song for me.