Monday, February 25, 2013

Charges in the Larry Amero shooting

You have got to be kidding. This is a joke right? It’s not April First. The breaking news at today’s CFSEU Press Conference is that Jujhar Singh Khun-Khun, Jason Thomas McBride and Michael Jones were arrested for first degree murder and attempted murder with regards to the Kelowna shooting where Jonathon Bacon was killed and Larry Amero was wounded.

Clown clown? The Surrey idiot who can’t even tie his shoes without help? What evidence is there? A confession? ROFL. This idiot has been bragging about shooting Jonathon Bacon trying to make a name for himself and the police take the bait hook line and sinker? That is astounding. Is this a Bill Fordy publicity stunt? Come on… no really, what is up with this? I was given a name a long time ago and none of those three are it. Something very fishy is going on here.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another murder in Surrey - Update

Another body was found dumped on Colebrook Road in Surrey today. Police got a call from a member of the public at 12:08 p.m. reporting the body, found on the side of the road in the 12500-block of Colebrook. Police wouldn’t confirm whether it was a man or woman and wouldn’t comment on other media reports that the body was burned.

The body was discovered a couple blocks away from where the body of 26-year-old Jaskaran Singh Sandhu was found on Jan. 28. Eight murders (including Janice) in the first eight weeks of 2013 for Surrey. Godzilla’s Blue Oyster Cult bullies are still upset about the Surrey Shirts web site. It doesn’t sound like he’s the problem.

Here are some new slogans readers just sent in: “There's a place with a violent reputation near Hollywood called Watts. We're in Hollywood North and...” “Watts Up With All of the Murders in Surrey?...” "The City of Surrey has a brand new dump - its on both sides of Colebrook Road." I guess they call Colebrook Road Watts now.

My kids just enlightened me about a new dumb viral video taking over after Gangam style. It’s called the Harlem Shake. Only it has absolutely nothing to do with Harlem. A guy starts of dancing to some Latino music doing the pelvic thrust. Then everyone joins in. Each city has one. Only both versions of the Surrey one the guy starts off doing the dance but nobody joins in. In one episode he gets kidnapped and stuffed into the truck of a car, while in the other episode he gets shot and robbed.

Surrey jokes have been around a ling time. People make fun of Surrey Jacks as they really aren’t the brightest of criminals out there. Yes Surrey is improving but denying the truth is the suppression of crime statistics. If I’m not mistaken, that’s what the mayor did in the Green Hornet and the police chief did in the Batman Dark Night series. Ironic.

Anyone have any word on claims about a grow op busted in Kelowna Wednesday night in the Scotty Creek subdivision behind the airport? Kim says the police are holding a press conference Monday at 1:00 PM about a break in a gang murder investigation. It could be about the Kelowna shooting.


IHIT has confirmed the body found Sunday on Colebrook Road in Surrey is 29-year-old Amritpal Saran of Delta and that the body was indeed badly burned. The 29-year-old victim had no known gang ties, but was known to police. His criminal record includes assault, possession of a controlled substance and possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking. A drug dealer with no gang affiliations ends up murdered. Imagine that. Another rival drug dealer murdered by the boys who control the drug trade in Surrey.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Stairway to Heaven

Surf’s up. Last night the mountain snow report said they just got a meter of snow in the past 48 hours and 1.32 meters in the past week. So today I couldn’t resist. I knew visibility would be patchy but just like in surfing, when there’s that much new snow on the mountain, ya gotta check it out so I drove up to Seymour.

Thankfully there has been quite a bit of snowshoe traffic up the mountain so the trail was soft packed. Snowshoeing up a mountain knee deep in fresh snow is hard work. Been there, done that. On the ski slopes the groomer packs everything down so it’s hard to tell the difference between a meter of fresh snow and 6 inches. That’s why people go out of bounds and that’s where they get into trouble. More from all the cliffs and gullies than the avalanches.

There was no visibility starting off. Climbing into the unknown. Yet we know the trail so it’s not really the unknown. I get to the top of Brocton Point and talking with another snowshoer say I wonder if we’ll get any visibility today? I look around and say. Perhaps. It could go either way. I sit down for a juice break and the sun breaks and the majesty is revealed. It made me think of Led Zeppelin’s climbing the stairway to heaven.

You could see the clouds rolling in after the break.

So I kept climbing trying to beat the clouds.

Visibility at the top was very limited. After a short break in the clouds I made it to second pump. Visibility was limited at the top and a two minute break revealed third pump from second pump.

This is the other side of first pump.

This is heading down and up to second pump. You can see visibility is getting limited. The trail along the side of second pump to third pump is dodgy at the best of times. Today after a meter of fresh snow cutting across that steep slope the route was inaccessible. Below first pump visibility was better. I’m gonna try and get some more pictures on that flicker account I made. Sometimes ya gotta stop to smell the roses. Or in this case climb the stairway to heaven and enjoy the majesty of life. Sometimes it's not visible but it's still there. When the clouds break and the light shines that's magic.

Greed and Gluttony

I stopped to fill up on gas before I headed out to the mountain today and was shocked to see a ten cents a litre jump in price. This is the epitome of greed and gluttony. We were thrilled to see it finally go down to the 120’s per litre yet that was another scam that had nothing to do with supply and demand. They raised it in the summer just because they could and dropped it down after summer just to throw the dog a bone so to speak. Now they’ve raised it twenty cents a litre, ten cents a litre more than the peak of last summer’s high “demand.”

This price fluctuation has nothing to do with the price of oil on the market or the laws of supply and demand. It has everything to do with Corporate Communism that has attained a monopoly on the market and is grossly subsidized with tax dollars. People complain that in other countries that produce oil, the price of gas at the pump in that country is quite low. It isn’t here because they are shafting us with their monopoly just because they can.

In 1909, the US Department of Justice sued the Rockefeller’ Standard Oil under federal anti-trust law, the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, for sustaining a monopoly and restraining interstate commerce. Now the government is throwing them tax dollars to assist their monopoly and lets them screw consumers at the pumps because they get kickbacks in campaign contributions.

I think it’ time to Nationalize Canada’s oil. They have shown that they can’t be trusted now that they have already eliminated a free market. Might as well have some of those profits go to building schools and hospitals while we control the price at the pumps for local consumers. They cry fowl and claim that’s Communism but in reality Corporate Communism is exactly what they’re doing.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mayors’ council proposes getting rid of Transit Police

This is it. Proof the Metro Vancouver Mayors' council is completely out of touch with reality and should be disbanded. Delta Mayor Lois Jackson wants to save “millions” of dollars by studying options to replace Transit Police with bus route and station security guards, backed up by existing local police.

Let’s recap. We just finally got armed Transit Police on Skytrain. We did that for a reason. Creating that system then disbanding it makes about as much sense as spending money on widening the Port Mann Bridge only to spend more money on tearing it down after they scrapped the idea of twining it in favour of, you guessed it, another plan that cost way more money.

The last brain storm these power hungry gluttons came up with to justify their existence was to implement a regional sales tax. Above and beyond the billion dollar gas tax already in place. I quoted an old article in the Vancouver Sun where an MLA called for the dismantling of the GRVD because it was a waste of tax payers money. 26 years later and nothing has changed.

Less government is always better. Duplication costs more money. Skytrain sucks. No offense. There are no express trains running from the suburbs to the City. One track, stop and go. That’s the system in place. Changing that now would cost too much money. Turnstiles that function are urgent. Giving free rides is bad business. Bus drivers giving 2.5 million free rides a year is insane.

There is no reason Transit can’t make money. Giving free rides by running a business on the honour system is bad business. No private company would dream of such nonsense. If you want sky train to deal with it’s debt and start making money, then stop building so many lines to Timbuktu and stop giving free rides.

When you build a new line, that costs money. It takes time to repay that expenditure. Instead of taking the time to repay those expenditures, they keep building new lines to nowhere. That creates a perpetual debt that is already being off set with a huge gas tax. Clearly the mayors’ council is the problem. They all want more for their area. Stop spending money and stop wasting money on extravagant duplication.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

UN member found guilty of 2004 murder

Yesterday Michael Bruce Newman from the UN was found guilty of the first degree murder of Marc Rozen. First-degree murder carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison with no parole eligibility for 25 years. At the time of the charge, Vancouver police said they had linked Newman to DNA found at Rozen’s murder scene.

Court documents said Newman confined Rozen in his Haro Street apartment, stabbed him 62 times and shot him "execution style" in the back of the head. At Thursday's sentencing hearing, Newman once again denied his role in the murder. It’s hard to conceive he was executed for selling an expensive ring. Senseless.

Since Rozen’s death Newman was convicted of drug charges in Ontario. In the April 2, 2007 statement, Newman “mentioned the Independent Soliders and the Bacon brothers” and told police he was in Ontario because “there are contracts out on all of us,” Ehrcke said. Which would support the claims that the Hells Angels have dismantled the UN and are the prime suspects in the recent executions.

Hells Angel triple murder case

Adam Hall is back in the news. Adam Hall, David Chalue and Caius Veiovis have been charged with kidnapping and murder in the deaths of Robert Chadwell, Edward Frampton and David Glasser.

Police allege Hall, Chalue and Veiovis killed the three men to prevent Glasser from testifying in an upcoming trial against Hall, a sergeant at arms with the Becket, Massachusetts Hell's Angels. Prosecution has applied to have all three suspects tried together instead of three separate trials.

Caius Veiovis is the brain surgeon with devil horn implants and the number 666 tattooed to his forehead. Adam Hall was previously acused of forcing a woman into prostitution against her will. Maybe they’ll make a special guest appearance on the sons of anarchy TV series along with the Eastern President on trial for trafficking crystal meth.

Guns and drugs seized in Saskatoon

Monday, police executed search warrant in two homes, one in Saskatoon and one in Shields. Numerous firearms were seized as well as a small quality of cocaine and crystal meth. Troy Chretien, Michael Wiegers and Lindsay Worobec are facing numerous gun and drug related charges.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Woman brutally raped for drug debt dies of injuries

Tragically, Janice Shore, the Surrey homeless woman who was brutally raped and beaten for a drug debt on December 2nd has succumbed to her injuries and passed away. Now the case becomes a homicide. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Janice and her family. I am told Janice was very soft spoken and very polite. This kind of tragedy diminishes all of us.

We all know who the drug debt was to and it wasn’t the UN. Bob Roth was decapitated for a drug debt to the Whiteboy Posse in Edmonton. The Whiteboy Posse work for the Hells Angels. We need to follow up on this case because this kind of deranged violence is not acceptable. It’s time to get rid of these drug dealing predators that bring so much violence into our communities.

[New Surrey Leader article] The Surrey Leader originally reported that the person who found her found her chained to a tree. The police claim she was not chained to a tree when they found her. Ya think maybe the guy untied her? That would make more sense then lying about her being chained to a tree.

The fact is she was brutally beaten to death and sexually assaulted. She had broken bones. Her forehead and jaw were literally caved in. Hitting a woman is bad enough but hitting her hard enough to cave in her forehead and her jaw is deranged. Her eye was scratched out. There was no need for that. We’re talking about a petite homeless woman. This kind of violence is unacceptable. Reporting the psychopath who did this to the police is not being a rat. Failing to do so is.

Any witnesses are asked to call the IHIT Tipline at 1-877-551-IHIT. If you wish to remain anonymous you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. Or contact me, Agent K. You know I respect anonymity. This case is important.

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Read by Cpl. Bari Emam of IHIT on February 21, 2013

"We, the family of Janice Shore would like to issue a public statement in relation to her tragic death. We remember Janice’s childhood as normal as any of our childhoods. We never thought she would die under such horrible circumstances. Janice battled with mental health issues most of her life. However, she did not deserve to die in such a way.

Although distanced from most of her family for many years and living a life which may have ultimately led to her tragic death, Janice was still a member of our family whose death we are grieving. We believe that due to her unfortunate life circumstances, Janice did not have much of a voice while she was alive. After her death she no longer has any voice period.

We would appeal to anyone who may have information about Janice’s death to please contact the police. If you are able to provide any information which may assist the police in investigating the murder of Janice we would we would be grateful for any help you can offer.

We are making this appeal particularly to those who knew Janice and may have valuable information which can help the police solve her murder. Janice leaves three grown children, two brothers and one sister behind. At the present time we are grieving Janice’s loss and respectfully ask for our privacy to be honoured. Thank you."


This raises more concerns. Any drug dealer that gives a homeless person with a mental illness free drugs then beats the life out of them for payment is a predator. A homeless person with a mental illness. Where have we heard that before? Gordon Campbell closed Riverview and put all the mentally ill on the street while he gave himself two fat pay raises and a gold plated pension. If that isn’t evil, I don’t know what is.

In today’s age it is hard for many people with jobs to budget their money to last two weeks. It’s even worse for someone with a mental illness. Expecting them to budget their money in one payment for the whole month is unrealistic. Especially when that money isn’t enough to last the month and forces people to decide between food or housing.

More Hells Angels charged in Cycle Logic stolen car ring

Two members of the Southland Chapter of the Hell’s Angels have been arrested in connection with the Hells Angels stolen car ring that was busted last summer in Kelowna.

Nigel Bruce Huggett, 43, of Calgary and Benjamin Kristopher Wilken, 30, of Blackfalds have been charged with possession of stolen property over $5,000. Last summer police found two cars that were revinned and registered in Alberta. The bust led to the recovery of close to 50 vehicles that had been cloned or re-vinned.

The August raid of Cycle logic resulted in the arrest of Kelowna Hells Angel / Associate Johnny Newcome. Kelowna police said at the time the business had ties to Nanaimo and Southland (Calgary) Chapters of the Hells Angels as well as the Throttle Lockers and Kingpin Crew from Kelowna. So who’s the real rat? The person who steals cars or the person who reports the car thief to the police? Do the math.