Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Majesty of Clayoquot Sound

My main focus on my trip to Vancouver Island was to go kayaking in Clayoquot Sound. I had heard they started to log it and wanted to check it out. Actually it was revisiting it. I visited Estavan Point when I was very young. You had to take a float plane from Tonfino to get there. I had no idea that whole area is referred to as Clayoquot sound. The place that was the source of all the protests when Macmillan Bloedel wanted to clear cut it.

I stopped off at Cathedral Gove on the way. I remember hearing a concert band play a piece written by a local composer named Robert Buckley that represented an eagle flying over the old growth trees in Cathedral Grove and descending upon them. Cathedral Grove is well worth the visit. You stop the car get out and the old growth trees are right there. No strenuous hiking or paddling to get to them. It is inspiring. Their plan to log it is not. We have to protect that heritage site.

Kayaking in Clayoquot Sound was very enjoyable. It’s a lot like Deep cove but is a maze that is far larger and more complex. I was surprised how shallow the water was at some points. The thing you have to know and plan around here are the tides. The area is well protected from the waves but the currents can be significant if you are paddling a kayak. I saw an heard lots of eagles. It’s nesting season. There are two eagles nest just across the water from Tofino.

On Meares Island there is a big tree trail that you can see some old growth trees. Old growth trees are very impressive. Since I was born in North Vancouver I’m well familiars with forests. Yet the old growth forests are really inspiring.

I had heard there was lot of whales in the area so I joined a whale watching tour on a zodiac. I was amazed at how close we could get to the whales. They showed an short video clip from a documentary about herring spawning in Clayoquot Sound. How ll the other wildlife comes for the influx of food and how the shallow water is blanketed in fish eggs that creates a feeding frenzy under water. That’s what the Humpback Whales come for in March.

The Grey whales don’t have teeth the have baleen. A natural sieve to scoop up the tiny shrimp that is their primary diet source. The sea Otter has returned to Clayoquot sound. That is significant because they eat the sea urchins that become over populated and cut off all the bull kelp. The bull kelp is where the type of shrimp the Grey Whales feed on can be found. Locals talk about a time when the bull kelp forests were so large it held back the ocean swell. The thing I was so overwhelmed with is how everything is so connected. The ecosystem is so intertwined. Protecting it is so essential for out own survival not just some species of fish. After all, we get most of the oxygen we breath from the ocean. We are inter dependent.

Sadly, Clayoquot sound is no longer protected. Some areas are but they call it a biosphere and included development in their definition of the biosphere. Development mean logging. They even wanted to use dynamite to blow off the top of Cat Face mountain for a mine. That is the epitome of corporate greed.

There is a lot I want to saw about my eco epiphany but there are many other gang related issues I need to catch up on. Suffice it to say nothing is protected any more. Just like the “Green Space” protected land in Twassan the BC Liberals rezoned to turn an important bird migration stop into a shopping mall. The BC Liberals just don’t get it. Neither does Stephen Harper. He just unprotected every lake and stream in Canada with one sweep of the pen to ram this oil pipeline through.

Clayoquot Sound had an oil spill in the /80’s. It was horrible. That’s why they don’t want to go through that again. The area is just finally starting to recover. There has to be another way. I stayed an extra day on my trip to go on Bear Watching by zodiac. I didn’t realize bears will turn over rocks at low tide and eat crabs and barnacles. That makes it pretty easy to find them on a tour. As ong as you go at low tide. We was five bears on the tour.

Saw a huge group of Sea lions as well. They have just started to return to the area as well. The reason Calyoquot sound is so important is because it is a main stopping point for the Grey Whales and the Humpback Whales in their migratory journey. They matte and give birth in wam=rmer waters but they come back up the coast to eat. The cold water oceans are where all the food is. Destroying that fiod supply for all the grey and Humpback whales would devastate our ecosystem. You’d think that as we became more technologically advanced we’d also become more environmentally aware. What we do to the environment effects us and future generations directly.

Oh and a word about Fish farms. I am totally against them. There are tons of fish farms in Clayoquot sound and the wild salmon stacks are mysteriously being devastated. Sea lice is a concern as well as Atlantic salmon escapes. The fish farms are full of sea lice and diseases because they are confined in a small area. Wild salmon swim by a fish farm and pick up the sea lice or other disease. Most of the foreign companies that have fish farms in Clayoquot sound use Atlantic Salmon. They tried introducing the species on the west coat but since they weren’t born here the didn’t spawn. They just swam up the rivers and ate all the fry. I spoke with a couple of locals who had worked on fish farms there and they said when the media are told there was 2,100 Atlantic salmon that escaped it is really more like 21,000. That attacks the fry in all the local streams. When they sell Atlantic farmed salmon in the local stores it’s more likely Atlantic salmon farmed in BC. Don’t buy it. Just like buying dolphin friendly tuna don’t buy farmed salon. Period. Oh yeah and there were lots of surfers at Long beach.

They even want to log Cathedral Grove. These people are absolutely insane.

Friends of Clayoquot Sound

Nestucca oil spill 1988

The Nestucca Story

Clayoquot Action

Horn Lake Caves

Last weekend I rediscovered Vancouver Island. Aside from a business trip to Victoria a few years ago, I hadn’t been there since I was a kid. Vancouver Island is a hiking, camping and kayaking paradise. It’s full of lakes, coastline and parks. Last weekend my eco adventure began under ground at Horn Lake.

Horn Lake caves are well worth visiting. They are a series of caves carved out of the limestone from erosion. I took the basic tour of Riverbend cave yet there is so much more to see. You can even repel down to an underground waterfall. I’m definitely going back for that.

There wasn’t a lot of stalactites and stalagmites but there was a lot of interesting formations of calcite which is what stalactites are made of. One calcite formation even looked like Buddha.

The cool thing about caving is that there is no natural light. You obviously have to go in with a flashlight or a headlamp. At one point in the tour we all turned are headlamps of and were quiet. The silence and darkness was amazing. They have quite a few arbutus trees in the park. These two were on either side of the road. The only other place I’ve seen arbutus tress is Whitecliff park outside of Horseshoe bay.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Back from the long weekend

I’m back from the long weekend. I went for an eco adventure on Vancouver Island and in Clayoquot sound. It was amazing. Lots to catch up on.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Vito and the Bo-Gars

The Montreal Gazette is reporting that at least one of four men arrested Wednesday in connection with the shooting death of Gaétan Gosselin had well-established ties to Montreal’s Bo-Gars.

Gosselin, a business associate of Raynald Desjardins, was gunned down outside his St-Léonard home on Jan. 22. At the time, a police source told The Gazette the hit may have been carried out on behalf of a rival faction within Montreal’s mafia, to send a message to Desjardins. Vito perhaps?

Edrick Antoine, 34, was arrested Wednesday for his alleged role in the Gosselin homicide and has ties to former Bo-Gars chief Chenier Dupuy. Dupuv was shot dead after slapping Greg Wooley and telling him no to his offer to sell drugs for the Hells Angels.

So Vito hires the Bo-Gars to whack a Desjardins turn coat while the Hells Angels whack the Bo-Gars leader for not working for them while Vito is working with the Hells Agnes bringing BC Bud to the Big Apple. This is getting messy.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Canadian and American missing in Mexico

Diego Hernandez, a Canadian from Saanich is missing in Mexico along with his friend Craig Silva from Phoenix. Diego ran a MMA gym in Puerto Vallarta. Craig and Diego were last seen at 5pm on Wednesday the 8th in Puerto Vallarta near the Corona factory. Craig was driving his 2003 Chevy Trailblazer.

There appears to be speculation about the fact that they may have been kidnapped. Seemingly Craig’s bank cards have been used by other people since their disappearance. Unfortunately, that might just mean someone is in possession of a stolen bank card. Mexico is not a nice place to get kidnapped. Let’s hope for their safe retun. Their family and friends are very worried. If you have any information about their whereabouts you can post it on their missing persons facebook group.

This is Craig Silva from Phoenix:

This is Diego Hernandez from Saanich:

Diego posted this picture on his facebook on May 6. It looks like it was taken at a MMA Tournamnet in Mexico.

Update: The Facebook group is reporting that: "We have received information from the Mexican authorities that Craig's vehicle has been recovered and it is with the authorities. Please continue to look for Craig and Diego and pray for their safe return."


Update: The Vancouver Province has picked up on the story and is reporting that according to Diego’s aunt eyewitnesses saw Craig and Diego being forced from their truck into a municipal police vehicle. The abandoned truck was later recovered. A municipal police vehicle?

His aunt said the family has seen ATM surveillance photos showing an unknown man withdrawing money using Silva's card. Another photo shows Hernandez, flanked by two heavily disguised men, taking money out of Silva's account. That would be a kidnapping indeed.

Mexico, like anywhere else has good and bad. The people are wonderful and the landscape is paradise. Yet the criminal element is extreme. The most vicious component is the drug cartels that are murdering and dismembering rivals all over the country side. The brutality is inhuman.

Many Canadian tourists have been robbed and murdered in Mexico. That is bad business. It’s bad for tourism and it’s bad for the cartels. When criminals and cartels get so powerful they think they can ruthlessly mistreat others, we see the same conclusion as with Rome. Pride cometh before the fall and great shall be the fall thereof. Let’s hope and pray for a safe release of Craig and Diego.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Russia expels US diplomat

The Vancouver Province is reporting that Russia's security services say they caught U.S. diplomat Ryan Fogle trying to recruit a Russian counter-terrorism officer. It alleged Fogle was a CIA officer trying to recruit a Russian counter-terrorism officer who specializes in the volatile Caucasus region in southern Russia, where the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects had their ethnic roots.

The CIA are denying it and are making light of it but this claim is consistent with the information about Graham Fuller using his home address for Chechen terrorist organization. If Graham Fuller was really involved in that on behalf of the CIA, then it would make sense they would want to recruit a Russian counter-terrorism officer in the area the Boston bombing suspects were from.

Fogle was handed over to U.S. Embassy officials, declared persona non grata and ordered to leave Russia immediately. He has diplomatic immunity, which protects him from arrest. We know that the CIA has crossed the line by using journalists in their network. Using diplomats would be a new low for that criminal organization.

Stop making sense is reporting that this is not the first time a CIA agent has been caught using diplomatic cover in order to facilitate overseas operations in a friendly country. In 2011, CIA agent Raymond Davis (an employee at the Lahore Consulate) was arrested for a double murder in Pakistan with the US insisting that despite him being a spy, he was entitled to immunity. Pakistan would later catch more embassy agents in possession of weapons.

After all, we know British or American intelligence officers would never use cheap disguises. Much. Wait a minute, he was wearing the Austin Powers wig when he was caught. At least he didn't try to stiff a Russian prostitute. In 2006, MI6 agents planted a "spy rock" in a Moscow park.

If we stop the CIA’s drug trafficking in Canada they won’t have so much money for some of these false flag operations and the world would be a much safer place to live in.

Harper shuts down firearm forensic labs

After the Harper government cut funding for the RCMP, Gang Task force and the Prisons, now they are shutting down firearm forensic laboratories in Halifax and Regina. This Canadian made technology is being "consolidated" by Harper. Are you sure he supports business and technology in Canada because it sure doesn’t look like it. After promoting a Hells Angel lawyer to the bench in Quebec, one has to wonder where some of his campaign contributions are really coming from.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

BC Election results Dark Times ahead

I am shocked and disgusted. This just goes to show you that if you repeat a lie enough times, the people will believe it. Remember Gordon Campbell? Remember the HST? The BC Liberals are the most corrupt political party in the history of this province. Air head commercials paid for by tax dollars? Advertizing on the super bowl? I am going to be sick. This election has diminished us.

The BC Liberals are NOT the free enterprise party. That is a lie. Stephen Harper supports corporate monopolies and the destruction of the free market. The NDP are not anti small business. The BC Liberal’s are. They have Stephen Harpers spin doctor. John Cummins was the free enterprise party. These are dark times. The BC Liberals created the BC Hydro scandal that rivals Enron and no one even cares. I support the democratic process but I will record my dissent. I do not support Christy Clark or the BC Liberals money laundering corruption. It is the destruction of Clayoquot sound.

On the cover of today’s Vancouver Province it cites the election results with the headline Stunning. It’s stunning because it contradicts all the polls. If it was electronic balloting, I would hold the results in serious question. Which to me shows how insane the idea of online voting is. Voter fraud was used in Florida. It was done in Russia. If you think they won’t try it in Canada you need to stop smoking crack and get out of the Jacuzzi before it boils over.

Since our elections aren’t electronic, I’m going to attribute it to fear and misconceptions. Repeating that same lie: “The NDP will tax and spend” over and over again until people really believe it when in reality that is exactly what the BC Liberals did. Translinks’ new motto is Tax and Spend.

My heart goes out to the Green Party. A lot of people out there really do care about the environment. Clear cutting old growth forests and using garbage incinerators to speed pollution and greenhouse gases is totally shameful in our day. We aren’t Neanderthals. We know what pollution does to the ecosystem. Preston Manning was right. Being environmentally responsible is being fiscally responsible.

I salute Adrian Dix for maintaining a positive campaign amidst the Kool aid Kid’s misconceptions. He took the higher rode as well he should. I liked the commercials of a couple walking through the forest saying somethings are too sacred to sell. The Province ran a photo of a woman with tears in her eye when she saw the election results. I feel for her. This isn’t just a hockey team you were rooting for that lost a game or series. It represents the hopes and dreams of many British Columbians crushed by the cruel greed that steam rolls over Canadian values. It’s a dark day for British Columbia. A dark day indeed.

Body found in Fraser river is Surrey missing Person

Another body was pulled out of the Fraser River last night. This time it was found near the Deas Island Tunnel in Richmond. The Vancouver Province is reporting that the police are saying that the body has been identified as a missing person from Surrey. May 1st a body was found at the mouth of the Pitt River where it runs into the Fraser. That body was from a car accident in Chilliwack. The current in the river varies with the tide.

Targeted shooting in Kamloops

Last Saturday night a 48 year old Kamloops man named Glenn Powell was shot in the leg in what police describe as a targeted attack. He claims he was shot by members of the Independent Soldiers because they wanted him to start selling drugs for them. Interestingly he claims he used to sell for the Hells Angels who the IS work for. Kamloops IS have been charged in that kidnapping case of the guy tied to Glen Hehn who owed them money.