Monday, October 21, 2013

Quebec Federation of Labour tied to the Hells Angels

CBC is reporting that links made at the Quebec corruption inquiry tying the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ) to the Hells Angels have some federation members trying to unseat President Michel Arsenault.

Duffy blames Harper cover up

Donald Bayne, Sen. Mike Duffy's lawyer, held a press conference today claiming his client who is embroiled in a spending scandal was part of a cover up by the Prime Minister. The toxic mess continues to brew.

RCMP allege former senator Mac Harb committed fraud. Abolishing the senate is not the answer. Making senators elected is.

Another Canadian drug ring busted in Australia

Eight Canadians and two Australians have been arrested after an 18 month investigation which resulted in the seizure of 650 kilograms of pseudoephedrine that had been hidden in vanilla powder jars last month in Melbourne. They said the chemical came from India and is used to produce crystal meth.

Three of the Canadians - Catherine McNaughton, 30, Edmond Proko, 46, and James Kelsey, 27 - appeared in a Melbourne court today charged with drug trafficking. They're due back in court in January. Crystal meth is not speed. It's made with Drano and is incredibly toxic. Melbourne has a problem with Hells Angles violence right now. In the United States the Hells Angels were convicted of large crystal meth rings on the east coast.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that the CFSEU claims key figures in B.C.'s gang scene were involved in moving cocaine and crystal meth between Canada and Australia. More than $35 million worth of cocaine and meth was seized in Australia during the investigation.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Whalley business owners fed up with property crime

Global is reporting that "Business owners in a notorious Surrey neighborhood are struggling with what to do about the high crime rate. Just last week, a family physician considered leaving after metal thieves cut power to his building in Whalley. Turns out, he’s not the only one in the area affected by crime. Many of the local businesses say they’re getting little help from police. Randy Jarry’s Pick and Pull car parts business is a prime target for thieves. In fact, he says the scrap yard is hit overnight several times a week."

Why that's right by the Jesters clubhouse. Metal thieves supporting a drug habit. The tapeworm economy continues. So when City Hall accepts campaign contributions from Casinos and dirty developers where drug money is laundered, local businesses suffer. Glad to see Godzilla has solved all the problems in Surrey by banning Surrey shirts from the mall. The Surrey Winter fest continues to spotlight crime in Surrey. Something Godzilla promised to do in her initial crime prevention coalition but never did. Personally, I think Bill Fordy is too busy grooming himself for an MLA job like Peter Fassbender got.

It would not be very hard for the police and the city to target the scrap companies that accept all that stolen metal and it would not be hard to arrest the predatory crack dealers outside the Front Room. Those are two simple tasks. That fact that they aren't doing that is very suspect indeed. Like I said, Montreal has nothing on Surrey as to corruption. We're worse than they are.

Surrey man shot dead in Calgary

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that two people were injured and a third was killed in a shooting in Calgary Thursday night. Police identified the dead man as Trevor James Munro, a 22-year-old from Surrey, B.C. Police claim the shooting was not random. The Calgary sun is reporting that it could be drug related. Ya think? It's Calgary's 20th homicide for 2013.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Surrey Winter Fest has now begun

I think the Thanksgiving Truce has some people confused. Some people are wondering if I have given up or if I have caved in to bullying. I can assure you neither is the case. Others understand the concept of redemption. Yet I will have to expand upon it for those who have misunderstood.

There will come a time for me to put this blog to rest and ride off into the sunset for a simpler life. Yet until then I have one more campaign to launch. "So if you want this encore then I need ya’ll to roar. What the hell are we waiting for? For one last time, make some noise."

The Kelowna Summer Jam wasn’t a music festival. It was a spotlight on crime in Kelowna. It targeted the Hells Angels and highlighted three senseless murders. Now I’m ready to launch the Surrey Winter Fest. It’s going to focus in on drugs at the Front Room and highlight Janice Shore’s brutal murder. That’s going to be the main focus of this next campaign. Yet it’s also going to touch on some hidden wonders of the season.

It’s more than a series. It’s going to be a kaleidoscope covering the good, the bad and the ugly. I'll conclude by showing you a place high above the desert plain where the streets have no name. We’re talking about ice baby, ice and snow not blow. This winter brace yourselves for one last ride. To pull this off I’m going to need your help. I want you to sing. I want you to tell me who killed Janice Shore.

There have been some new developments in that case and I can tell you right now it shocked me. Yet we need a few more pieces of the puzzle to bring justice home. The Front Room isn’t a homeless shelter, it’s a drug house. The Front Room is the epicenter of drug related violence in Surrey.

I can’t help but feel partly responsible for what it has become. 14 years ago the city of Surrey closed it down on a building code technicality. That was back when Doug McCallum was mayor and Godzilla was just one of his minions on council. I addressed City council with my young daughter at my side confronting them for what they had done asking each member their position on closing the homeless shelter. I told them I was going to make a web site and post their position on the closure on the web site and make it an election issue. After my presentation was over my young wise daughter leaned over to me and said your time wasn’t finished. That lady just didn’t want you to ask the mayor any more hard questions. Very insightful for such a young child.

It appears the council had concerns not about homeless shelters but about what this particular shelter had become. It has become clear that those concerns are now valid. I have spoken to many homeless who won’t go there or stay there because of it’s drug related violence which we are funding with our tax dollars.

We now have two alternatives. There are several other transition homes where no drugs are allowed. If we can’t get rid of the predatory drug dealers there that are exploiting the homeless and brutalizing them by giving them free drugs then beating the life out of them for payment, they we are going to have to shut that shelter down once and for all.

You know City Hall and the business development committee would love to shut it down. With enough public support they will close that shelter at the snap of the finger. No one likes putting the homeless on the street in winter. So this winter fest will be one last chance to clean up that shelter before it gets shut down permanently. Either way, we are going to shut that drug operation down once and for all. Buyer Beware.

When I think about Janice Shore’s murder it makes me numb. “I'm tired of being what you want me to be. Feeling so faithless lost under the surface. Every step that I take is another mistake to you and every second I waste is more than I can take. All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you.”

“I wanna run, I want to hide. I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside. I want to reach out and touch the flame where the streets have no name.” So can I get an encore, do you want more? For one last time I need y'all to roar. Janice Shore’s murder, call it in: IHIT 1 - 877 - 551 - 4448 Let’s shut it down g. Let’s shut it down.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Joey Verma found guilty of murder

Castanet is reporting that a jury of his peers has found Joey Verma guilty of the first degree murder of Britney Irving. He is automatically sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 25 years. I guess that means no one has to shoot him now. Now if we can only address the people that hired him to kill her.

It’s pretty obvious who owned the clone show Britney was running that was busted. The question I have is if Joey had a debt and killed her to wipe out that debt, then why the hell didn’t they save the money and just give Britney some time to work off the loss from the clone show bust? Aside from being ruthless it’s bad business.

There’s much more to discuss including my next campaign but let’s just pause for a moment of silence. The verdict is very much revealing. Yet it doesn’t bring Britney back. Castanet reported that Britney’s mother sobbed as the verdict was read. No doubt she felt relief that justice hadn’t slapped her in the face after the loss of her daughter. Yet as any parent can imagine, it doesn’t bring back her daughter. Although life does not end at death, the life she had left to live was taken from her and will never be replaced. That’s why murder is such a serious offense.

Castanet is reporting that Joey showed no emotion when the verdict was read. Just like he showed no remorse when he saw pictures of her dead body in court. Just like he showed no remorse when he told Mike Roberts not to worries about it claiming she was just a junkie anyways. So now Joey is spending the next 25 years in prison. Don’t worry about it. He had no remorse for Britney. This is why the law has to have a consequence. For people like him who don’t have a conscience.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Rob Sidhu pleads guilty to exporting cocaine

Kim Bolan is reporting that former cop Rob Sidhu just plead guilty to conspiracy to export cocaine in a Seattle court. Apparently he copped a plea and pled guilty to exporting at least 500 grams as opposed to hundreds of kilos he was originally accused of. As we know Rob Sidhu was associated with Rob Shannon who was already convicted along with Jody York of smuggling BC Bud and cocaine across the border for the Hells Angles. Shannon and York were both in Weird Hal Porteous' ridiculous I’m on a boat rap video.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Surrey Urban Mission Grand Opening

Finally some good news. Remember hearing how the Surrey Urban Mission were getting chased around after being forced to relocate? Well the Surrey Leader announced last March that they finally found a new home at 10776 King George Boulevard. It required extensive renovations and it’s finally open for business. They are having their grand opening fund raiser October 26 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Admission is by donation. They are accepting donations for a silent auction. This great program finally has a wonderful facility to house it. It is well worth supporting.

Malaysia bans the use of the word Allah by all non Muslims

This one’s kind of weird. The Vancouver Province and Time Magazine are reporting that a Malaysian appeals court upheld a government ban against the use of the word "Allah" to refer to God in non-Muslim faiths. That ban would be illegal in North America because it would violate the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Once again wee see the importance of the separation of Church and State. Once again we see an Islamic government doing weird things that violate civil liberty. The sad thing is, Stephan Harper just gave Malaysia our Natural gas rights. Not only are we funding the Military expansion of Communist China every time we fill up with gas at the pump, now we are funding the military expansion of an Islamic government that has no regard for civil liberty every time we heat our homes. Stephen Harper is insane. Fire him.

Harper is turning Canada back into a colony. Now we are a colony of China and a colony of Malaysia. Selling oil or gas to other countries is good business. Giving them the rights to our natural resources to gouge consumers at will is not. Can we see what’s happening here? First Harper helps the oil and gas companies eliminate the competition in a free market. Then he gives that monopoly to foreign state owned companies. So much for our free republic. .