Monday, November 25, 2013

Breaking news at the Surrey Six trial

Well there’s certainly some dramatic breaking news at the Surrey Six trial but unfortunately that information is under a publication ban so I’m not allowed to say what it is. Kim Bolan is confirming that there was a sudden adjournment today and that a new publication ban is in effect. In all fairness I think everyone is going to need some time to process the new development and see how the dust settles. Keep an eye on Kim’s blog because she’ll be the first to break the news when the publication ban is lifted which should be 2:00 PM Wednesday.

Update: Michael Le cops a plea

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Clay Roueche: Balancing the extremes

Before I head out to the real world, I just wanted to mention Clay’s prison transfer again. Although I don’t support selling crack, I used to support Clay’s prison transfer just like I do support Mark Emery’s prison transfer. Both prisoners committed their “offense” while in Canada. One was extradited to the US the other was shafted and arrested when his plane was rerouted there. Both should be allowed to serve their sentences in Canada.

Not to say that the offenses these two Canadians committed are in any way comparable. Extraditing Mark Emery for selling a few seeds while they allow the Hells Angels to extort Mark and the entire Vancouver 420 movement by selling pot openly across the street at the black door and at the Bulldog Café is hypocritical and suspect. It is disproportionate and represents unequal protection of the law.

Clay without doubt is in a league all by himself. No doubt his following scares the authorities. For that reason, I am unsure if a public campaign to support his prison transfer will have the desired result. The more followers he has the more fearful they will be of him and will be more likely to send him farther away. Which in itself is also problematic because wherever they send him he makes more friends and new contacts. Let’s face it, Clay is a pretty likeable guy. Very charismatic. Sells a very appealing message of loyalty and respect. The same terms the Hells Angels use as they stab you in the back to make a buck.

The question we need to ask is are the UN any different? Are they any better? Do they talk the talk or do they walk the walk. Everywhere you go the struggle between good and evil exists. It exists within any organization as well as within every mind and heart of each individual. We cannot understand or appreciate one without the other but clearly we must support good and shun evil if we are attempting to find peace and enlightenment like the Zen masters of old.

Let’s talk about abuse. Beating up your wife or girlfriend isn’t a sign of enlightenment or self respect. It’s the opposite. Kerri Krysko is breaking her story about her involvement in the gang world that was abusive. Don Lyons and Donnie McWhirter from the Independent Soldiers in Kelowna have both been charged with beating the exs.

Obviously individuals in their own personal struggles with good and evil sometimes cave in to the dark side and violate the rules of the club they joined. The question is, what does the club then do about it? Do they turn a blind eye or do they take the person aside and say yo man that is messed up. I’m not talking about shooting them for beating their ex. I’m talking about dealing with it instead of ignoring it and hiding it. The club I refer to could be the Hells Angels, the UN or the RCMP. We see the same problems exist in all three organizations. Rage and denial is archaic. We need to fess up to it and deal with it because it’s not going away.

Let’s talk about good and evil. Obviously one can’t exist without the other. Yet there’s a huge difference between selling drugs in clubs and selling crack on the street. Let’s talk about Janice Shore. What they did to Janice Shore was messed up. Janice was quiet, polite and soft spoken. She was homeless with an addiction. Giving her or anyone else free crack then beating the life out of her for payment is predatory. That is evil. There is nothing good, noble or respectful about it. Claiming there is simply is a lie.

Materialism and greed are not virtues of a Zen Master or the Eastern philosophies. Take Taoism or Confucianism. Materialism and greed are the exact opposite of what those Eastern philosophies teach. Torturing crack addicts in basements so you can drive a new butt ugly SUV that looks like a freaking soccer mom’s mini van is messed up. It’s not the real world. It’s a delusion.

Clay’s got a lot going on. He’s got a new song. He’s putting out books and possibly even a movie. Yet this follower he has concerns me. He needs some time with Dr. Phil.

He appears to be a tattoo artist from Austin Texas. He’s got a good flow, is talented but he really needs to lose the face paint, the knife and the obsession with the dark side as portrayed in Batman’s Dark night. That stuff is kinda messed up. If he can set that part aside, he’d be solid.

I've actually since corresponded with Pepperblade and it turns out he is in reality a really nice guy. Just goes to show you you can't judge a book by it's cover. Take Shane Bunting on the other hand is a creep. Compare Shane with Macklemore from Seattle and you see two extremes reveal two very different worlds. One represents good, peace and enlightenment, the other represents darkness, confusion and misery. We need to support good and shun evil. That’s walking the walk.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Surrey's 23rd murder of the year

The Vancouver sun is reporting that a man's body was found at 91 and 147A street this morning. Taking Surrey over the top for the record number of murders in a year which was 21 back in 2005. We're now at 23 with a month left to go.

I do however, have the inside scoop on this one. According to local residents, the house where this homicide took place is a known after hours illegal booze can. The neighbors have been complaining about it for seven years. Two years ago a guy was shot in the knee there. When they said after hours club I said what for the Green Timers pub? They laughed and said no. They said people from Surrey don't where stilettos. I said oh so it's pretty high end. Yes they said. They must be from Vancouver. There's prostitution, guns, you can get anything you want there.

So once again we see an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy rush in with their publicity side show trying to promote their own political campaigns while they were the ones that created the problem in the first place. The residents have been complaining about that place for seven years. The police and the city did nothing about it. The residents said what are you going to do, wait until someone gets killed? Sure enough, now someone has. That negligence falls upon the people that refused to do anything about seven years of complaints.

Update: The Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province are both reporting the name of the victim is Ronald Richard Lomas who has extensive criminal record. Both papers are confirming he was murdered in an illegal after-hours bar in surrey. The question is, if the neighbors were complaining about it for seven years, why didn't Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy do anything about it?

Maple Ridge women caught with a kilo of cocaine in Saskatchewan

The StarPheonix is reporting that two women from Maple Ridge aged 23 and 19 were caught with just over a kilo of cocaine at the Saskatoon International Airport. Maple Ridge, why that’s Spike’s stomping grounds. The same chapter implicated in that huge drug trafficking ring in Spain. Haven’t heard how that one is doing lately. We’ll have to find out more about both.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ross Ulbricht and the Hells Angels

Well this is interesting. A blog reader sent this tip in and I have to look into it further. Ross Ulbricht has been accused of six murders for hire through his silk roads web site. The twist is the claim they were tied to the Hells Angels. A user by the name of redandwhite is alleged to have ties to the Hells Angels. Or at least claimed to have.

Court documents claim that Trevor Jones in Whiterock went by the alias red in the cross border drug ring implicating Tbarz. Trevor is still awaiting extradition on those charges. Trevor’s brother Randy used the e-mail tbarz81 to register that domain name.

The FBI claims that the Silk Road cyber-exchange for drug dealers runs through White Rock. CTV is reprting that the U.S. man accused of running a billion-dollar Internet drug empire is also suspected of hiring a hit-man to murder a White Rock father-of-three, according to court documents. I wonder if FriendlyChemist, had anything to do with crystal meth?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dave Pickton faces lawsuit for sexual assault

The Vancouver Province is reporting that Robert Pickton’s brother Dave is now facing a lawsuit alleging he threatened to rape and kill a woman on a Burnaby construction site more than two decades ago. The notice of civil claim against Pickton was filed in B.C. Supreme Court Tuesday, alleging he sexually assaulted the woman on a job site in August 1991 and when the assault was interrupted he threatened to rape her later.

The Vancouver Sun adds that the notice of civil claim states her job was terminated, and the night before she moved from her Burnaby home to White Rock, two large men parked their motorcycles in front of her house and waited for at least four hours. "She telephoned the police, and they told her that there was nothing they could do about it because the men were not trespassing," states the document. Two large men on motorcycles. That sounds familiar.

A day or two later, a heavy-equipment operator beckoned her over. "'You better get out of here. Get your kid and get out of town, They're going to kill you. They're going to cut you up and they'll spread you all over where you won't be found,'" states the court document.

We know that Dave Pickton was convicted of sexual assault on the same pig farm his brother Robert was convicted of murdering all those sex trade workers. We know that Dave Pickton knew where the dead bodies were buried and that he was a Hells Angels associate. We know that Dave was accused of committing another rape on the same pig farm. The woman claimed he tied her to the bed with bungee cords and tried to shove pills down her throat.

During Robert’s trial one of the police officers who investigated the case was put on the stand. He admitted that the police did find bungee cords and pills in Dave's room but rationalized it by saying just because someone was accused of committing a sexual assault doesn’t mean they are a murderer. No but it does mean he should have been charged for that sexual assault as well.

In the lawsuit the family of the victims killed on the Pickton Farm it states “David Pickton and Linda Wright knew that Robert Pickton and others tortured and killed sex workers and other persons at the Pickton property, and were aware that the actions and propensities of Robert Pickton represented a danger to persons attending the Pickton property,” No kidding. Note that the lawsuit says Robert Pickton and others. Robert Pickton was convicted on the premise that he was not the only person involved just and active participant. When the Hells angels were mentioned in the public inquiry, Wally opal shut the inquiry down. Wally opal should be in jail. He aided and abetted multiple criminal acts but he’s not then only one.

Jim the freak Brown comes to mind. Not only was he involved with the Pickton case, not only did he post BDSM pictures of himself online looking for hookups, but I have spoken with someone who claims to have seen a photograph of Jim Brown and Dave Pickton in a threesome. Of course what consenting adults do behind closed doors isn’t illegal. However, fantasizing about criminal acts is not healthy.

We also heard Catherine Galliford claim the other police officers investigating the Pickton case were rude pigs and sexually harassed her. Bill Fordy was one of the officers that investigated that case. The fact that one police officer visited the Pickton farm before he was arrested and told Robert the name of a witness that claimed he was murdering sex trade workers was another criminal act the police committed. Seizing Grant Wakefild's hard drive was another. The list goes on but this story will not die.

Communist China builds up Navy thanks to Canadian gas

The Vancouver Province is reporting that “a congressional advisory panel sounded a warning Wednesday about China's military buildup, predicting Beijing could possess the largest fleet of modern submarine and combatant ships in the western Pacific by 2020.”

Thanks to Stephen Harper, Canada is funding China’s military expansion every time we fill up with gas at the pump. Selling foreign countries oil is good business. Giving them our oil rights is not. China is profiting from our oil not Canada. That is bad business. Now that we’re selling China Candu reactors again we'll help North Korea get nuclear ready in no time. Stephen Harper is a bigger Communist than Pierre Elliot Trudeau ever was.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Alberta brothers charged in illegal gambling ring

Rodney Scott Garinger, a 45-year-old from Calgary, and his younger brother Kevin Todd Garinger, 43, of Lethbridge, have been charged with running an illegal gambling operation in southern Alberta similar to what was done in Toronto. Thomas John Ross, a 46-year-old highly-ranked golfer from Vernon, B.C., is wanted on Canada-wide warrants.

He is said to be an associate who allegedly supplied large quantities of marijuana to the Garinger brothers and is charged with trafficking and possession for the purpose of trafficking. Illegal gambling and drugs. What do you suppose the odds are that it was for the red and white?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Arrests in Hamilton Homicide is reporting that two brothers have been arrested for the murder of former Hells Angel James (Louis) Malone. John Josipovic, 50, and brother Mato (Michael) Josipovic, 47, were arrested Monday afternoon and are being charged with first degree murder.

Police claim the two brothers grew up with the person they have been charged with shooting. However, Police would not comment on whether the Josipovics have or had a connection with Hells Angels or any other organized motorcycle gang.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Surrey’s 22nd murder breaks record

Another murder in Surrey today takes us over the top breaking the previous record for homicides in one year which was 21 back in 2005. Surrey has quadruple the crime rate than Vancouver. Which clearly shows Dianne Watts crime prevention coalition was a fraudulent scam as is her recent publicity stunt about the creation of a task force.

If you want to reduce murders in Surrey then stop letting them sell crack outside the Front Room. It’s that simple. The fact that they are not doing that makes us wonder where some politicians are getting their campaign contributions from.

Update: The Vancouver Province is reporting that the murder victim was Mark Winston Berry, 44 and that he had 25 criminal convictions since 1988 for offences that include robbery and assaulting a police officer.The exact cause of death was not released.