Monday, February 3, 2014

Large drug bust on PEI

Operation Clean Sweep in Charlottetown PEI resulted resulted in 40 arrests last Thursday along with the seizure of cocaine, pharmaceutical opiates, methamphetamine and marijuana. Various weapons were also seized including handguns, a rifle, a sword, a machete and a collapsible baton. This is a list of people arrested. No afiliations have been mentioned.

However, one of the guys arrested named Jeff Flynn has close ties to Bacchus and Charlottetown Harley club. He is a Hells Angels supporter. Not a big surprise.

Jeff is part of a "recovery" club.

The sad thing is that Jeff has a really nice young family and that he's no doubt going to take the fall for the people that supplied him. So when he's convicted, the big red machine will continue business as usual.

Tragically, one of the suspects arrested in this sweep is Jarred Dingwell who is the younger brother of Kyle and Dylan Dingwell. Previously we wrote about when Kyle was on a drug binge and was beating the tar out of Dylan again so Dylan pulled out a gun and shot him in self defense. Kyle is on the left in this picture with Jason Yeo in the middle. Jason is the drug dealer charged in that local home invasion. Jason Yeo was also posing in a picture with the son of the president of the Charlottetown Harley Club.

Steven frizzell is another name of suspects arrested. He was at one time kidnapped with Reggie MacDonald. A bunch of guys came over from Moncton and took them for drug debts. They were on their way to be delivered to the Hells Angels in Montreal. They were stopped before they made it to the PEI bridge. Getting people to sell drugs for them is another way the Hells Angels get people to work off their drug debts. It certainly isn't a happy life.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Surrey Fraudster busted in North Vancouver

The Surrey Now is reporting that a Surrey man has been busted in connection with a “significant forgery lab” where more than 500 potential victims have been identified in the bags of stolen mail seized by police. Forgery equipment was also seized. Benjamin Best, 27, of Surrey has been charged with personation.

Police also seized passports, drivers licences, SIN cards, credit cards from the van, as well as a “robbery kit” containing handcuffs, knives, zap straps, a balaclava and pepper spray. The investigation revealed the stolen property came from robberies, break and enters, theft from vehicles and mailbox thefts from various communities in the Lower Mainland.

It's another example of a prolific offender. How one criminal can be responsible for a huge amount of crime. Another timely concern given Canada Post's unilateral decision to take everyone off door to door delivery and put them on mailboxes. The security of the Queens mail so to speak is indeed put into question. Do the public have a say or not?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Murder does not pay

The recent conviction of two Kelowna Hells Angels for the murder of Daine Philips is a prime example of how murder does not pay. Two Hells Angels get caught murdering someone and what happens? The club turns their back on them rightfully so. It was pointless. The East Vancouver chapter was even accused of offering $5,000 to anyone who would beat their ass in prison. The other example is Joey Verma. Do you think anyone respects Joey for shooting a girl in the back? Nope. Do you think he has the backing of the person who got him to do the hit? Nope. He's screwed for life. It wasn't worth it.

There are four other examples too. Yves "Apache" Trudeau was a hitman for the Hells Angels. He turned informant. Why? Because the Hells Angels screwed him over like everyone else they do business with. They wiped out his chapter in the Lennoxville Massacre. He was missed because he was smart enough not to accept their invitation to a party. Had he showed up, they would have killed him too. That's gratitude for you. That's when he became an informant.

It's just like the Vancouver Christmas of 1995. The Hells Angels hired the murder of a police informant that caused a drug bust in their East Vancouver crack operation. They instructed the guy they hired to kill him and his wife to kill his co accused after they killed the couple. There was no loyalty or gratitude there. Just greed and betrayal. That's why Hells Angels hitmen flip. Because the club shafts them. Just like Gerald Gallant and Danny Kane.

People can argue about the death penalty until the cows come home. People can argue about locking someone up for 30 years or 300 years for murder. My point is preemptive. Murdering an innocent civilian or for greed is heinous. There is no honour in it. It just isn't worth it so don't do it.

Laura Szendrei murderer named

The publication ban has finally been lifted on Laura Szendrei's murderer. Twenty-one-year-old Wyatt DeBruin pleaded guilty to killing 15 year old Laura Szendrei in a park in North Delta in September 2010. He was sentenced last fall to life in prison. All the bs around this case is really upsetting. Seven years is not life. The guy murdered an innocent young girl. He should be named and face the consequence of that heinous act. Murder involving a sexual assault is first degree murder not second degree. Robert Ley should be fired and Dr. Paul Janke should be put in charge.

Jimi Sandhu charged in Red Scorpion murder

CBC is reporting that Jimi Sandhu has been charged with second degree murder in the Abbostford stabbing of Red Scorpion Matthew Campbell. The Vancouver Province is reporting that Jimi POS Sandhu was charged in the January 10th kidnapping of a mom and two male teenagers.

Dennis Rodman is a traitor

Dennis Rodman is a traitor. So is Stephen Harper. MSN News is reporting that Dennis Rodman claims he is not a traitor over his support and involvement with North Korea. Yes he is. That's exactly what he is. Let's be clear that Rodman is not on a mission promoting world peace. He's doing the exact opposite. He's running interference for a Communist Dictator that has threatened to nuke the United States.

The only thing holding back that lunatic from carrying out his threat is the fact that he doesn't have the technology to do it. Something Stephen Harper is trying to rectify by selling China nuclear reactors and giving China our oil rights. Every time we get gouged at the gas pumps we are supporting China's military expansion which goes directly to help North Korea.

Kim Jong-Un, the dictator of North Korea recently executed his own uncle as well as his entire family to eliminate any and all political opposition to his tyranny. There is no civil liberty in North Korea. North Korea's human rights violations are shocking. Rodman's fraternizing with the enemy is supporting the abandonment of civil liberty. If that's not treason, I don't know what is.

Kim's uncle was stripped naked and eaten by hungry dogs. That is barbaric. Rodman is supporting that as well as Kim forcing woman and children to watch public executions that trample civil liberty. Traitor is too kind a word for Rodman.

Canada supported South Korea in repelling the Communist invaders backed by China. We were right to do so. We were wrong for not supporting Vietnam. That mistake is something we carry with us. Canada was right for not invading Iraq. Bush said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They did not. They weren't just wrong, they lied. Kim and the atrocities of North Korea are far worse than Saddam Husein or the Taliban put together. Oh but wait, there's no oil in North Korea so the Corporate Communists don't care. Just like Rwanda.

I just noticed Laila Yuile has posted the second installment in a three part series on China's human rights violations called Playing with the Dragon II – The architects behind Canada’s China policy. It's very timely with this new act of treason disguised as a trade agreement called FIPA.

Opposition MPs grill Minister of Defense over online spying

This is somewhat ironic. Opposition MPs grilled the Minister of Defense over the latest Snowden leak showing that CSEC randomly spied on Canadians over airport wifi. CSEC came right out and lied claiming there was no evidence proving they do it. Yes there is. The Snowden document.

CBC is reporting that "under repeated questioning by opposition MPs on Friday, Defence Minister Rob Nicholson didn't directly deny the story, but said that the document detailing work by the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) doesn't show that Canadian communications were targeted or used."

Let's list the ironies present in this story. First we have the bold faced lying of the CSEC and the Minister of Defense. That is perjury which is a criminal act all in itself. Charges should be laid for perjury alone. Charges also need to be laid for the violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and the breach of civil liberty. Those two sets of charges need to be laid right now.

The irony is the fact that it claims opposition MPs were grilling the minister of Defense over it's illegal activities. Which opposition MPs? We know the NDP oppose this practice. Yet the story claims Trudeau's Liberals are opposing it as well and will move that the government "immediately order CSEC to cease" all illegal monitoring of Canadians and "increase proper oversight" through a committee of parliamentarians.

That's a little bit of fresh air since Trudeau's liberals previously voted in favor of Harper's bill to throw away the Charter of Rights Justin's father gave us. Yet we must understand who is really supporting the Charter of Rights and who is opposing it. Be not mistaken that we are indeed talking about illegal activity. This isn't just a controversial program. It is illegal.

The ultimate irony is the very existence of the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC). This is a criminal organization. It's mandate is to break the law and violate the Charter of Rights. It's very mandate is illegal. That means this whole body needs to be disbanded for two reasons. First is the fact that it is illegal. Second is the fact that it is not fiscally responsible and is burning tax dollars to break the law.

CBC Radio is reporting on a National campaign to oppose Harper's new illegal bills to promote warrantless surveillance of the internet claiming CSEC is reckless, out of control and unaccountable. Again the key word is illegal. These bills need to be challenged in the courts because they violate the Charter of Rights. We also need to remove all politicians that support them. Even Stockwell Day is speaking out against some of these practices. That's because he used to be Reform before Harper merged with the Mulroney Time Warp.

Protect Our Privacy Campaign

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Lindsay Buziak Walk and Memorial

LINDSAY BUZIAK WALK FOR JUSTICE: Sunday February 2, 2014 10:00 a.m. start at the Royal Oak Burial Park Gates 4673 Falaise Drive, Victoria, B.C. Murder Feb 2, 2008 Saanich, B.C.

Jeff Buziak along with family, friends and supporters will be holding the fourth peaceful Lindsay Buziak Walk For Justice from the Royal Oak Burial Park through PKOLS Mount Douglas Park to De Sousa Place and on to the Saanich Municipal Hall. The Walk will take place regardless of weather conditions and Lindsay will be honoured by your presence. You are cordially invited. Everyone is welcome to join in for the full walk or portion.

AN EVENING TO REMEMBER: February 1, 2014 7pm – Late

Lindsay Elizabeth Buziak: November 2, 1983 – February 2, 2008 Breakwater Café & Bistro 199 Dallas Road, Victoria, B.C. We are inviting you to share an evening together in honour of a beautiful sister, daughter, friend and woman. As enjoyed in the past, this will be an evening to remember with great food. Dress for Lindsay $10 entrance fee which includes passed hors d’ oeuvres ALL proceeds from the Silent Auction & entrance proceeds are donated to The Cridge Transition House for Women-Key In Hand

Two Guilty pleas in Kelowna Hells Angels Murder

There have been two guilty pleas in the Hells Angel murder of Daine Philips in Kelowna. The Vancouver Sun is reporting that Norman Cocks and Robert Thomas pleaded guilty to manslaughter. They will be sentenced at the Vancouver Law Courts next Wednesday.

Norm Cock's father Bobby Cocks from the Throttle Lockers has also been charged in that weasel swarming where they beat the unarmed man to death with baseball bats and hammers. I can't wait to tell you why. The police showed a confession video of Norm Cocks that I believe is still under publication ban but mark my word when that ban is lifted I will publish the shocking motive for that brutal assault. I will give you a hint. It doesn't come as a big surprise both Robert Thomas and Norman Cocks got beat up in prison. Just remember that Robert Thomas is a saggy ass POS petty thief from Ontario. The perfect prospect for the Kelowna Hells Angels. Seize the clubhouse.

The sentencing of Norm Cocks and Rob Thomas

Surrey Home Invasion

Two Surrey rats did a home invasion at the 7500-block of 123A Street. CTV is reporting that they tied up two women and four children then threatened to kill the children before making off with two safes. This totally crosses the line. If you know these guys give me their picture.