Monday, February 10, 2014

Online protest against mass surveillance

The is reporting that a Surveillance watchdogs marks February 11 as the day to battle Big Brother. The Guardian is reporting that "Two years ago, major websites like Google, Reddit and Wikipedia went dark for a day. They were protesting the then-pending "Stop Online Piracy Act," federal legislation that would have done enormous damage to the open internet by creating system of censorship and deterring digital-media innovators. The 18 January 2012 blackout created an outpouring of opposition from average Americans who suddenly realized what was at stake, and Congress backed off a bill that almost certainly would have passed otherwise."

The Day We Fight Back web site has the script for banners to add to your web site. We'll see if it works on the blog as well. The flaming concern in Canada is CSEC's perjury over it's illegal activities monitoring Canadians and exchanging information with the NSA.

Journalist Gleen Greenwald has a new blog called The Intercept.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

First Nation Elders honour Janice Shore

I was impressed to see a tee pee set on up site for the First Nations Elders who are having a four day fast and special ceremony to honour Janice Shore at 105A Avenue and 135 A Street today. MLA Sue Hammel showed up to pay her respects as did Janice's brother Ed.

Two RCMP officers did some impressive public relations by helping set up the tee pee. This is a shining example of how police officers can mingle with the public and develop reationships of trust with them. Well done.

Update: I will add that this group was on site for fours days fasting, drumming, singing, prayer ties, sacred fire and all kinds of spiritual ceremonies that ended Wednesday at noon. Then they packed up and the site was cleaner than ever. It was a wonderful thing that was easy for people to miss.

Instructions to the King

Return of the King was the last segment in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. In preparation for the return of the King of Kings Solomon wrote his words of wisdom in the book of Proverbs. My favorite is withhold not good from him to whom it is due when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Second only to it is better to dwell in the wilderness than with an angry and contentious woman.

Back in Ireland there was an ancient king named Cormac MacArt who wrote his advice to his son in a book called Instructions to the King. Originally written in Irish, I have a copy of an English translation. It talks about truth. It talks about justice. It also states crush not the miserable after you have conquered him. That is what I want to talk about.

In the movie a Knights Tale the hero showed mercy and the villain claimed mercy was a sign of weakness. Not so. After you have conquered an enemy, there is no need to crush him. Torture is something that we do not do. Ever. There is no cause that justifies it. We are different than our enemies. We are better than that.

It is pretty clear that what Norm Cocks and Rob Thomas did to Dain Philips was cheap and dirty. Their character has been revealed. They showed no mercy. As a result, the Hells Angels have pulled their support and they have both been beaten up in prison. Thomas' lawyer said in court that Thomas has been hospitalized three times during his incarceration and that his prison sentence has not been kind to him. Many will cheer and say he deserves it. Perhaps. Yet in the words of Raiden from mortal combat I declare Enough. He has had enough.

If he starts bragging about what he did, then by all means give it to him. Yet if he recognizes what he did was wrong and realizes the club he thought he was defending has betrayed him and left him on his own, there is no sense in crushing the miserable. Let him serve his sentence and live with what he has done. We do not torture our prisoners. We are better than that.

Murder is something that someone can never repay. Yet people can change. They can stop the violence and refrain from it. Rehabilitation is not the primary concern in cases of murder yet it is on the table. First the murderer is separated from society. That is the natural consequence of that behavior. That is the first step. Stopping the violence on the street. Likewise when I see the predatory violence outside the Front Room where drug dealers are brutalizing the homeless I declare enough. That violence must be stopped. We cannot support that any more.

Violence begets violence. In the words of Martin Luther King violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers. Yet force is often needed to defend liberty. There is a difference between force and violence. Everything has it's time and place. The time for the violence to stop is now. Enough.

Hammer Time

Years ago MC Hammer was famous for a fun but goofy song called Hammer Time. Sadly the concept has now taken on a dark new meaning. This is a picture of Greg Domey, the former president of the Salem Massachusetts Hells Angels and the former East Coast president. He's one of Sony Barger's friends in jail for traficking crystal meth on behalf of the Hells Angels.

Notice he's holding a ball peen hammer. This is what bikers use for discipline in the east coast of the US. In Winnipeg Sean Wolfe and Tiny Mac were charged with pulling a gun on a kid and beating him with a hammer. More recently, two Kelowna Hells Angels were convicted of beating Dain Philips to death with baseball bats and hammers.

Hitting someone in the hand with a hammer could be seen as discipline. It is painful but nonlethal. Like back in Ireland how the IRA would kneecap people. They would shoot them in the knee as a form of discipline. Painful but nonlethal. Hitting someone in the head with a hammer is a lethal attack. It is done with the intent to commit murder. Bragging about that is deranged.

Especially since in the Dain Philips murder it was done because one Hells Angel was afraid of Dain and ran away from him. He hid in the truck with a bunch of guys and came out after Thomas had dropped him with a baseball bat only to hit him in the back of the head with a hammer. It was a total B*tch move. It's like Joey Verma bragging about shooting a girl in the back.

It gets worse. As we approach the first anniversary of the brutal murder of Janice Shore, we need to reexamine that horrific assault. She was beaten into a coma December 2nd 2012 and died in hospital February 18th 2013. There were a lot of stories going around about the brutality of that assault. One witness claimed her eyes had been poked out. When I visited Janice in the hospital, she was unconscious. Her right jaw and her left temple were caved in. I wondered what would have caused those injuries. It had to have been some form of blunt force trauma.

Then when I was visiting the Front Room, someone dropped something on the floor and a worker said no weapons allowed. I looked to see what it was and saw that it was a hammer. That's when the light went on. A hammer would have caused those injuries. No doubt it would have been a brutal reminder of who she owned her drug debt to. That is why I have been focusing on the predatory nature of the drug dealers outside the Front Room in Surrey who are bullying and brutalizing the homeless there. This hammer thing has to go.

Bragging about beating a polite, soft spoken frail homeless woman in the head with a hammer is absolutely deranged. When you wear support gear, that is what you are doing. Mark my word, that aint me. Reporting a deviant like that to the police isn't being a rat. Failing to do so is.

Today some First Nation Elders who initially placed a prayer tie in the tree are having a four day fast on the site Janice Shore was murdered at (105 A Avenue and 135 A Street) to raise public awareness of the brutality of the event and to perform a spiritual ceremony in her honour.

Speaking of hammers, a blog reader sent in this picture of Lorne Carry of cranbrook posing with a hammer. Lorne Carry, Lonnie Adams and Colin Correia were all convicted by a jury of counseling to kill rival drug dealer Doug Mahon in 2009. Doug Mahon had earlier been charged after a shooting in front of the Sam Steele Hotel on Oct. 29, 2009. The victim was Munroe, who once was convicted of causing a disturbance at Big White along with Mission Hells Angel Jason Arkinstall.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hells Angels member arrested in Edmonton

Global and the Edmonton Journal are reporting that police have charged 10 people, including a member of the Hells Angels motorcycle club, with drug and weapons offenses in Edmonton on January 30th. Blake Christie, 32, is the one police claim is the member of the Hells Angels.

18 BC Hells Angels charged or convicted

The Vancouver Sun is keeping the pressure on the criminal organization status of the Hells Angels in British Columbia. They just posted the pictures of 18 BC Hells Angels charged or convicted of criminal offenses in recent years. Weird Hal Porteous has uttering threats charges? He must have threatened to show someone one of his ridiculous rap videos. That would be cruel and unusual alright. That guy is a freaking idiot. It is absolutely astounding they gave him a patch.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The sentencing of Norm Cocks and Rob Thomas

The fall of the Kelowna Hells Angels is going to require a book all on it's own and this chapter on the murder of Dain Philips is in itself a Shakespearean tragedy. I took the day off work today for the sentencing of the two Kelowna Hells Angels that pled guilty to murdering Dain Philips in Kelowna. I caught the sunrise at Stanley Park this morning beforehand and it reminded me of my trip to Kelowna for the Britney Irving trial. I have a lot to say about this one.

Norman Cocks looked like a preppy b*tch dressed is a suit with that gay ass gel in his hair. Robert Thomas on the other hand sported the orange prison jump suit and looked like a fat slob. A tragic statement of agreed facts was read out in court which Kim Bolan cited in yesterday's Vancouver Sun. The court accepted the joint submission asking for a 15 year sentence for manslaughter.

The tragedy is that this started off as a petty high school dispute that the Hells Angles had absolutely no business getting involved in. Norman Cocks was friends with a slimy piece of garbage named Daniel McRae. When you look at the picture of the two brothers Daniel and Matthew McRae, they look like scrawny preppy sleazebags. It's no wonder a petty sleazebag like Norm Cocks was close to them.

The McRae brothers didn't get along with Dain Philips' two sons. It's no wonder why. Dain's sons were wholesome, the McRae's were not. So Daniel sleazebag goes and brings his friend Norm Cocks into the dispute. "Don't screw with me, my friends are Hells Angels." A childish thing for anyone to say even a high school student. Well that's exactly what happened. Daniel brought Norm Cocks to intimidate one of the Philips brothers. Norm who is short but much stockier than Dain's son in High School punched Dain's son in the cheek and told him to tell his brother he was looking for him. Norman pointed to his Hells Angels tattoo and used the gang affiliation scare tactic.

No doubt Dain was upset a grown man in his thirties punched his son in the head over a trivial school yard spat. Dain went out looking for Norman and chased him in his car. Norman ran away from Dain. He was scared of him. Dain could have easily taken Norm one on one. This is where I will add an excerpt from the confession video that was shown in the voir dire. I won't add it now because the rest of the trial is still going on. However, when that trial is over I will boldly declare what Norm said that sunk his ship.

Suffice it to say Norm ran away from Dain and came back with Robert Thomas. He was supposed to meet Dain with the McRaes but didn't show up. He needed reinforcements. In the statement of agreed facts it said that Norman lived with his father and with Robert Thomas. Thomas' lawyer assured the court they were just friends and that it was more of a big brother type relationship. They weren't living common law. Norm called Thomas and asked if he was home. No was the reply. He then swore and said he needed him right now.

So after running away from Dain and after not showing up to meet Dain with the McRaes he finally showed up with Robert Thomas along with his father, baseball bats, hammers and the loser brothers. Thomas gets out of the truck holding up a baseball bat and a hammer and repeats three times to Dain So you want to F with the Hells Angels? Dain raises his hands in submission and Thomas cracks him in the leg with the bat. Dain stood strong. Then Thomas hit him again in the leg then in the head with the baseball bat. As Dain goes down, little rat bag weasel Norm Cocks jumps out of the car and hits Dain in the back of the head with a hammer. That's when all the other sorry misfits jump in and kick him to death. Jumping in to kick a guy when he's down is pathetic.

They say circumstances don't make the man they reveal him to himself. This circumstance has revealed Norm Cocks to be a sleazebag weasel. History has recorded that forever not just 15 years. That mark he will carry with himself for the rest of eternities into the after life.

The court read out a profound victim impact statement from Dain's wife. She said there is no parole for her family. They have been sentenced to life without Dain with no eligibility for parole. She went on to describe what an amazing man he was. He was the father of three children and grandfather to many more. She said she had suffered numerous illnesses in her life and he was always there to nurse her through them.

Obviously with the death of a loved one comes unbearable grief. Yet the shining light in this story is the character of Dain Philips and the life he led. Contrasting that to the pathetic lives of the two Hells Angels who murdered him was shocking. Here we had one great moral giant on one side, and two pathetic losers on the other. That is something they each will have to live with forever. Life does not end at death. Those two losers will carry their pathetic life with them into the eternities. That is justice.

Normally at a funeral it is customary to express one's condolences to the family and express remorse for their loss. Yet I am a bit worried about Dain's sons. Their wall of anger surrounding their tower of hate is concerning. No doubt they have experienced a profound loss. Yet they have to get over this small town rivalry. It reminds me of the Hatfields and the McKoys. How a silly rivalry can continue to fester for generations. I've lived in Belfast and in Jerusalem. I've seen the you kill one of ours and we kill one of yours philosophy. It leaves everyone blind.

I'm not saying they have to forgive the people who were responsible for the murder of their father. Not at all. I'm just concerned about the magnitude of their anger. They say anger is a secondary emotion we feel when we've been hurt or are afraid. No doubt they have been deeply hurt. Sorrow would be totally understandable. They clearly did not cause their father's death. The fact that the Hells Angels got involved was absurd.

What if Dain had fought back? What if Dain had stepped back when Thomas swung the bat and stepped forward after it passed? What if Dain disarmed Thomas and kicked his ass? They would have come back with guns and killed him along with his entire family. It was a no win situation. In the movie Gladiator the hero deeply missed his wife and child who were murdered. He had a firm belief that he would one day see them again. His friend agreed but reminded him not yet. Not yet. Dain made the ultimate sacrifice for his family. They need to take the ball and run with it. Peace.

I will add that a $100 victim surcharge is rather astounding. $100 for murder? That's bizarre. No doubt Dain's widow could easily file a civil suit against the Hells Angels for wrong death and sue them for lost wages. That would be a little more appropriate.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

CSEC chief lies about breaking the law is reporting that John Forster, the head of Canada's eavesdropping agency says a controversial effort to understand airport wireless systems did not breach the privacy of Canadians. In the printed edition of today's Vancouver Province he denied they broke the law. He lied. Again. That's perjury. He should be in jail. The very mandate of the CSEC is illegal. It is mandated to break the law by violating the Charter of Rights.

This is the third recent public lie John Forster has perjured himself over. He previously claimed that the agency is not allowed to ask its allies, including the U.S. National Security Agency, to eavesdrop on Canadians or anyone in Canada, either. But they do! Edward Snowden proved that is a bold face lie. He also lied when he said their activities in Brazil were legal. He should be put directly in jail with Michel Columbe. Arrest them both now. Charge CSIS for Air India as well. That's no conspiracy theory, that's CBC.

Christopher Parsons disagrees with CSEC's position.

February 11th Protest

Dianne Watts is still bullying Barinder Rasode

Well, clicking like on a comment where Alex Alex Tsakumis called Barinder Rasode a whore wasn't enough. Now that Barinder Rasode tried to make the minutes of the police committee public Diane Watts takes over as chair of that committee and crushes any hope for transparency. Finally Dianne Watts' persistent bullying is becoming public. Go Godzilla. Go away. Far Far away.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Remembering Janice Shore

The Surrey Leader is reporting that on February 8th three aboriginal elders will conduct a small ceremony and start a four-day fast at the site of Janice Shore's brutal murder in Surrey. Janice was beaten into a coma December 2nd 2012 and died in hospital February 18th 2013.