Saturday, June 11, 2016

Couple charged with lacing pills with fentanyl in West Kelowna warehouse

Kelowna Infotel News is reporting that "Two West Kelowna residents have been charged in connection with the RCMP raid of a warehouse in West Kelowna where a large number of fentanyl-laced pills were produced. Leslie John McCulloch, 38, and Rebekka Rae White, 27, have been charged with production and possession of a controlled substance."

"Fentanyl-laced drugs have become a serious threat in the Thompson-Okanagan recently. Through April 30, fentanyl was detected alone or with other drugs in 56 per cent of overdoses, according to the B.C. Coroner's Service. Only 31 per cent were linked to fentanyl during the same period last year. There were 308 deaths linked to illicit drug overdoses between January and May 2016 — up 75 per cent over the same period last year when there were 176 deaths, according to a media release from the coroners service. One Kelowna father died earlier this year after taking a drug he thought was heroin but a coroner's report says it was pure fentanyl."

So how do Quentin James and the Hells Angels fit into this picture? Please advise.

Recent News:

Hells Angels associate killed in Toronto

Eulogy: Finian's Ghetto Gospel

Another life lost to the drug trade while my guitar gentle weeps.

Edmonton Hells Angels busted for possession of stolen property

Gangsters out contact e-mail Update

Friday, June 10, 2016

Sean Doak sentenced to seven years

December 2015 Sean William Doak pleaded guilty to conspiracy in a cross border drug trafficking ring. CBC is reporting that he has now been sentenced to seven years in a US prison and that "The court heard that the MDMA and marijuana were transported from Canada to the United States, while cocaine was picked up in California and taken into Canada." The exact same MO in three similar rings tied directly to the Hells Angels.

In this ring Sean Doak was considered the "Kingpin" of the organization just like Rob Shannon was in the other one directly tied to the Hells Angels. December 2015 Castanet reported that investigators claimed Sean Doak's cross border drug ring was run by Colin Hugh Martin who CBC reported was ordered extradited back in 2014. As we know Colin Martin was a Canadian drug smuggler who reported other operations to the DEA in exchange for being allowed to continue his own operation. Speaking of the Walrus, no word on when Randy Jones and his brother Trevor will be extradited. Lose the Surrey Girls G. They don't make the cut. Eggheads.

Homicide victim had gang links

CBC is reporting that on Monday police found a dead body in the Fraser river near the Milltown Marina. The body was wrapped in a sleeping bag. Police determined it was a homicide and claim the victim, Justin Pauwat Chan, had ties to drugs and gangs,

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Gangsters out contact e-mail Update

I was locked out of my hotmail account from Monday to Sunday but am now back in. The account was secure it's just that hotmail locked me out of it due to a fake phishing scam so my is back up and running. As an alternative the also still works. Cheers.

Surrey Shooting suspect apprehended

Seemingly there was a shooting in Guilford few minutes ago. The suspects abandoned their vehicle outside Walmart at Guildford and the police chased them through the mall. I saw they had one suspect apprehended. That was pretty fast. There is a large police presence outside Walmart right now. I'm not sure why they abandoned their vehicle in the middle of the road right outside the store. One witness said the suspects first ran into Walmart then I guess they realized it was a dead end so they ran back out and into the mall when the police caught up with them. Another witness claimed they tosses a gun before running into Walmart but I couldn't see anything and another witness said he didn't see them toss anything. Unfortunately, without a weapon they aren't going to have much to charge them with but a very noble effort and a very good response.

Eulogy: Finian's Ghetto Gospel

Another one come, another one gone, another one bites the dust. After Tupac Shakur was shot dead his estate remixed some of his music with that of Elton John and produced the infamous Ghetto Gospel calling out for an end to the war on the streets. So here we are. Another Vancouver gang associate shot dead, this time in Toronto. For what? The almighty dollar. It's such a waste.

Fairly recently I made a blog post about another gang associate murdered in BC and the mother of his child was determined to set the record straight. Seemingly the man's young son saw the post and said his Dad was a good guy. I'm sure he was. Especially in that case. The family was clearly grieving so I took the post down.

It's important to realize that whenever someone gets shot that has ripple effects that tears apart a family. In Tuesday's murder in Toronto, Kim Bolan reported that he was a father of young children. No doubt he was a good guy to his family and he will be sorely missed.

Yet he drove a fleet of luxury vehicles. Everyone in his extended family had to have known he was involved in the drug trade. Kim Bolan also reported that he had pending drug charges. Without trying to be too abrupt or insensitive I just want to point out the obvious.

Times have changed. Back in Tupac's day everyone wanted to be a G. Now, here in Vancouver people are starting to see through that illusion for what it really is. It's hard to process the extremism. Take the Dianne Rock story. Here's a guy making serious coin as a longshoreman but for some reason that's just not good enough so he starts selling crack on the side. He gets his girlfriend addicted to crack and she has to start working in the sex trade to pay for the drug. Then when the drugs have eaten her alive, he casts her aside like an old shoe. That is the epitome of greed and exploitation. How can you do that and still look yourself in the mirror?

Now I'm not saying that our friend who was recently murdered in Toronto pimped crack hoes. But I am saying that fleet of luxury vehicles was paid for by a huge amount of exploitation. Take the Janice Shore and the Ashley Machiskinic story. Ashley was pushed out the window for a drug debt while Janice was literally beaten to death. Giving the homeless crack for free then beating the life out of them for payment is predatory. If you don't front the drugs there are no drug debts.

The Anthony Terezakis story is indisputable evidence of the kind of greed and exploitation I'm talking about. He filmed himself beating the life out of drug addicts in the DTES that owed him money and yes he was a Hells Angels associate. The most disgusting part of the story is the fact that when they played the videos in court he couldn't hold back the laughter. He thought it was hilarious. That man is deranged. When I look at that life I'm forced to agree with Linkin Park and declare all I want to do is be more like me and less like you.

So when I look at the fleet of luxury vehicles I say to myself what a waste of money. If you have that much money at least spend it on something worthwhile not a butt ugly SUV that looks like a Soccer Mom's mini van. I look at those luxury vehicles and say what a waste of a life. The gang life is indeed such a waste. In the movie Pirates of the Caribbean Barbossa turns to Elizabeth and says we're surrounded. There's not a fools chance. It's not something to die for. Elizabeth responds, you're right. Then asks what shall we die for? A fleet of luxury vehicles? No thanks. That is not something worth dying for.

Gurmit Singh Dhak made a video with the Vancouver police's Odd Squad four months before he was shot dead. In the video he said “Every day I’ve got to look over my shoulder. I have got to worry if I jump out of my car am I going to get shot? Or I could be walking in the mall and walking out and get shot. I don’t know.” He said he regretted getting involved in gangs and the grief that it had caused him and his family. “If I could turn back time, I would never join a gang. I would have just finished off my high school, got a better job, anything else. Anything is better than joining a gang. It is useless. You are going to get killed,” he said. “I want to get out. It is too late now to get out. I have too many enemies." Four months later he was shot dead.

Gurmit was a good guy. He wanted to get out but couldn't. I submit that it's never too late to leave the life. Don't walk away mad just walk away. My exit strategy is simple. 1) Stop selling drugs. They shoot rival drug dealers. If you aren't selling drugs in their area you have a much better change at living your life. 2) Pay your debts. If you pay your debts, you have a much better chance of living your life. 3) Don't become a police informant. Law enforcement clearly has its place but if you want to leave the life and live don't become a police informant. Just leave and keep your mouth shut. If you do that you have a much better chance of living your life as TI and Rihanna so eloquently declare. Peace.

Another life lost to the drug trade while my guitar gentle weeps.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Edmonton Hells Angels busted for possession of stolen property - Update

The Edmonton journal is reporting that Two Edmonton members of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang have been arrested and charged following a lengthy investigation that led to the recovery of $1 million in stolen property, the seizure of 21 firearms and eight other arrests. Led by the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams or ALERT, the organized crime and gang investigation squad uncovered a scheme involving members of the Hells Angels, support clubs and associates who were allegedly involved in theft, putting new vehicle identification numbers on stolen vehicles, and selling stolen vehicles." Johnny Newcome dejavu.

"Among the numerous stolen items were 17 travel trailers, three pickup trucks, six all-terrain vehicles, one snowmobile, two dirt bikes, 18 rifles, two shotguns and one handgun. Knibbs said two of the people arrested, Christopher Escott, 32, and Julien Roussel, 58, both of Edmonton, were full patch members of the Hells Angels." Once again this was an ALERT bust not EPS.

Since only rats steal and fence stolen property tell me again his someone who reports a rat to the police is a rat because it just doesn't make sense. Someone who steals is a rat not someone who reports them to the police. Grow up. This is exactly what the Kelowna chapter was doing.

CBC is reporting that the investigation began in Drayton Valley. Home of the Dirty Flu. Thank God for the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams because the Edmonton Police service is compromised. I have heard many acusations about the Edmonton Hells Angels that are too henious to even mention.

Update: The Edmonton Hells Angels are running up quite the rap sheet. Clearly they are heading down the same road as the Kelowna chapter who is in court because the police are trying to seize their clubhouse under proceeds of crime and well they should. The Kelowna chapter was a cesspool of criminal activity deeply involved in drug trafficking and stolen vehicles. Rats galore. Skeletor still hasn't made bail. His coaccused was sentenced to 16 years in prison.

In 2012 two Edmonton Hells Angels were convicted of enforcing for the main drug traffickers in Fort McMurray. They lost their appeal. The Edmonton Hells Angels supplied the White Boys Posse a neo-Nazi group of drug dealers selling cocaine all over northern Alberta that were responsible for numerous heinous murders over drug debts.

April 2014 the Alberta Gang Task force targeted the Edmonton Hells Angels. Full patch Hells Angel Blake Christie and his associate were the original targets of the investigation. Blake never made it to trial. July 2015 he was found dead.

June 2015 three Canadians from the Edmonton chapter were arrested for a brutal assault in Greece which turned into a murder charge after the victim they swarmed died of his injuries.

February 2016 Edmonton Hells Angel Dominic DiPalma Jr. was arrested with a kilo of cocaine. Previously I had reported that he was the one in charge of the Whiteboy Posse's drug trafficking network. March 2016 Dominic was sentenced to six years in prison for drug trafficking.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

More Shootings in Toronto - Hells Angels associate killed

The Toronto Star is reporting that "a man was slain in a brazen midday shooting on Tuesday near one of Toronto’s busiest intersections. Cowbell Lane, an alleyway behind the Minto Towers tucked south of the Yonge St. and Eglinton Ave. E. intersection, was the scene of a gruesome homicide. A man was shot multiple times while in his car, a white Range Rover. He was pronounced dead at the scene." Global posted a news clip.

That happened today. Sunday the Toronto Star reported more shootings and stabbing over the weekend and stated that a 10-year-old boy was recovering from a gunshot wound to the shoulder after a bullet flew through a window in his public housing unit was expected Sunday to be released from hospital in the coming days."

In April it was reported that Fatal shootings in Toronto now double this time last year.

Update: Kim Bolan is reporting that the victim in Tuesday's daytime shooting in Toronto was former Vancouver gang associate Sukh Deo. The Deos were affiliated with the original Independent Soldiers before they were taken over by the Hells Angels after the Loft Six shooting.

2nd Update: It appears that Sukh Deo survived and supported the changeover in leadership of the Independent Soldiers which turned them into a Hells Angels puppet club. In the printed edition of Thursday's Vancouver Province they ran a picture of Sukh Deo posing with Don Lyons and Larry Amero. Not something Bicky or Peter Adiwal would do but was something Randy Naicker did. Kim Bolan wrote the article and has the picture posted on her blog.

The Independent Soldiers were originally an Indo Canadian gang and were independent. After the Loft Six shootings most of the original leaders were killed off or converted to become patch lickers. Randy Naicker obviously converted as he was posing with Larry Amero showing the Hells Angels support and endorsement of the new changeover. All of a sudden numerous buff white guys on steroids started to join. That's when they started writing the name Independent Soldiers on their forearms in distinctive script. That was the new puppet club's trademark.

The picture shows Don Lyons, known drug dealer and member of the Independent Soldiers, showing off his forearms with the IS Tattoos posing with Larry Amero and Sukh Deo. The purpose of that picture is to show Sukh Deo's support of the new leadership and show that the Independent Soldiers now work for the Hells Angels not just Larry Amero.

Say what you want about Kim Bolan but she did break that story. The cub pack thing is a real smoke and mirror distraction from the obvious. The Hells Angels took over the leadership of the Independent Soldiers just like they used the Bacon Brothers to take over the leadership of the Red Scorpions in the Surrey Six. Both the Red Scorpions and the Independent Soldiers sell drugs for the Hells Angels just like the Alkhalils.

Surrey RCMP's Smoke and Mirrors

Well Linda Hepner's spin doctors are at it again. Another press release claiming the Surrey RCMP are making an attempt to crack down on gun violence by disrupting the drug trade - Not. They've arrested a couple more people in a dial a dope operation but still haven't touched the crack dealers selling crack outside the Front Room who are brutalizing the homeless daily.

Bill dancing naked in front of coworkers Fordy said "We are committed to tackling this crime and the resulting violence through disruption of the drug organizations." Liar. You did f*ck all when Dianne Watts was mayor and are still doing f*ck all now. The residents behind Green Timbers pub kept complaining about an after hours illegal booze can run by guess who while Bill Fordy and the City of Surrey REFUSED to do anything about it. The local residents were outraged. They said what are you going to do, wait until someone gets killed. That's exactly what they did.

In Newton the BUSINESSES were complaining about crack dealers selling crack outside their BUSINESSES while Bill Fordy and the City of Surrey refused to do anything about it exactly like how they are refusing to arrest the crack dealers outside the Front Room right now. This is not a new problem. The residents have been publically complaining about it since 2008. Are Bruce Ralston and Mike Farnworth the only politicians who care about this problem? Bill Fordy and Linda Hepner obviously don't. Fraser MacRae was a Rock Star. Bill Fordy doesn't have a clue.

Crime stats related to the sale of crack in Surrey:

Developer shot in Richmond

CBC is reporting that Police have identified the 56-year-old man shot in Richmond, B.C., Saturday night as a prominent developer, Amarjit Singh Sandhu. Sandhu died in hospital after the parking lot shooting left his truck riddled with bullets. Police say he was targeted.