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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Taiwan Earthquake Tilts Towers
The USA Today is reporting that "At least six people were killed and 76 missing following a strong earthquake near Taiwan's east coast that caused several buildings to cave in and tilt dangerously. Rescuers worked frantically Wednesday to find survivors and free those trapped."
CBS is reporting that "The shallow, magnitude 6.4 quake that struck late Tuesday night caused at least four buildings to cave in and tilt dangerously." It's pretty bizarre seeing these towers tilt at such an extreme angle and remain intact. None of them collapsed at free fall speed into their own blueprint. Imagine that. 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Donnie McWhirter pleads guilty again
The fro ho is in the news again. Castanet is reporting that "On Monday, McWhirter pleaded guilty to possession of methamphetamine and MDMA for the purpose of trafficking, along with unlawful possession of a shotgun and rifle while he was prohibited. Police said at the that time three large boxes of clothing with the Independent Soldiers logo was found in a Lake Country house in connection with the arrest. McWhirter will be back in court on May 28 for a three-day sentencing hearing." What do you think the odds are that the sniveling little rat faced git gets off again?
Initially Castanet reported that the POS and his rock throwing jailbait GF were caught with half a kilo of crystal meth, half a kilo of MDMA powder and just under 6,000 ecstasy pills. Remember when he got his ass kicked at the Liquid Zoo? In 2012 Flysh*t pleaded guilty to assault in his sexual assault case. It was a K file which means domestic assault. He beat up a girl.
He was initially charged with sexual assault but copped a plea to common assault. This is an exert from a letter Joey Verma sent him from prison. Way to pick 'em teletubbies.
Check the serial numbers on the rifle and shotgun. They were probably Joey's. Joey was the hunter. There's not a snowballs chance in hell anyone from the club would give that idiot a gun. It was probably the same shotgun used to kill Britney Irving. Meth Head. My offer stands.
The morning after her crushing defeat Dianne Watts' lapdog chokes on his sour grapes
Bloody Hell give it a rest. Michael Smyth campaigned for Dianne Watts and lost. Get over it. Stop flooding the MSM with bullsh*t. In yesterday's paper Michael Lapdog Smyth asked how can a 60 year old white man win the ethnic vote. AYFKM? His client is a 58 year old white woman. At least Andy doesn't die his hair and do Botox. That's because he is comfortable with who he is.
Mikey makes a big deal about the fact that Andrew Wilkinson left the celebrations relatively early so he could get up early the next morning and get straight to work. That was a good thing. He is a hard worker. At least he didn't stay up late at a drunken gala and run a red light on the way home T-boning another vehicle then lie about it. We need more leadership from leaders not more drunken partying. What was Dianne Watt's claim to fame after she was elected a MP for Harper? She built a new office and didn't show up for work for six months. At least Dianne Watts was able to feign a graceful defeat. Too bad her lapdog couldn't.
Wilkinson seeks to make affordability a B.C. Liberal priority
In today's paper the Vancouver Sun / Province is reporting that "Newly minted B.C. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson acknowledged Monday that affordability is probably the unifying issue in British Columbia. Not paying enough attention to this issue - particularly as it relates to housing - is one of the elements blamed for the B.C. Liberals’ loss in the provincial election last year under then-leader Christy Clark." Fair enough. He even suggests tax incentives for the construction of rental housing. That is a good idea.
Then the Post Media Propaganda Machine states: "Political observers and former Liberal politicians, including former cabinet minister Kevin Falcon, had said the Liberals had also ignored transportation issues in Metro Vancouver to their detriment." There comes the Corporate Spend Spend Spend Spin. Wilkinson didn't say that, "Political observers and former Liberal politicians, including former cabinet minister Kevin Falcon" said that. The Post Media News Monopoly just threw that in to satisfy the ruthless demands of their corporate sponsors who want to get fat off tax dollars by underbidding and over charging mega projects.
"Wilkinson stressed the need to listen to the public, and particularly to be sensitive to regional needs and interests. It’s time to be tuned to what the public sentiment is. That’s going to be critical to what we do." Well wait 'till I tell ye.
The Common Sense Revolution
Remember the Ron Paul revolution? Well we need a Common Sense Revolution. In today's paper some lunatic wrote in and said "What utter nonsense new B.C. Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson uttered regarding his party not wanting to spend our children’s money or to leave them with debts because of this generation’s spending." This is why smoking crack is bad for you. What Andrew Wilkinson said was true. It represents common sense. Something that even Thomas Mulcair from the Federal NDP was able to understand even though Justin Trudeau can't.
Leaving our children unnecessary debt from reckless spending is irresponsible. We want our government to balance the budget and lower taxes. That is in everyone's best interest. The problem is, everyone says they're going to do that when they don't.
Brian Mulroney was a pork barrel politician. He slashed the budget in some areas and then turned around and was obscenely reckless with tax dollars when it came to giving his friends contracts just like Stephen Harper and Gordon Campbell did. When Micheal Smyth was campaigning for Dianne Watts this round he lied and said Dianne Watts wants to be a tax-fighter for the little guy. Gag. For those of us who know her know that is a bold faced lie just like when Alex Tsakumis was campaigning for her. Micheal Smyth's comments are so offensive to those of us who live in Surrey because we know they are a bold faced lie. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
When Dianne Watts was mayor of Surrey she left us in record debt. She was a junket queen on the Mayors glutton council that stayed up late at night thinking up new ways to tax people and spend their money. She wanted to toll every bridge under the sun.
Here's the stereotype that we must be able to see through. They keep saying the NDP will tax and spend but they are the worse offenders. When the NDP were elected they lowered taxes by removing bridge tolls. That saw a change in traffic pattern flows which in turn made replacing the Massey Tunnel unnecessary. So not only did the NDP lower taxes by removing bridge tolls, they also saved an additional 2.5 billion tax dollars though fiscal restraint.
The need to replace the George Massey tunnel was a fraud. It did not need to be replaced and the residents of Richmond didn't want it replaced. The only reason they wanted it replace was so that their campaign contributors at the Surrey docks could dredge the river and load more coal on their ships to China. Coal is dirty. LGN is clean burning. Spending billions of tax dollars so a handful of insiders could make some money at the taxpayers expense was bad business.
That's Richmond, now lets look at Surrey. No one in Surrey wants an on ground train running down 104th avenue from Surrey Pace mall to Guildford reverting 104th Avenue to a single lane of traffic in either direction. We don't want it. It will be an infrastructure nightmare. It will also be a colossal waste of money. Spending billions of tax dollars on something we dont want, that will create traffic gridlock so SNC-Lavalin, the dirties construction company on the planet can under bid and over charge yet another government contract. That is corruption.
Gordon Campbell fell because of his arrogance and his pork barrel insider trading politics. Let's hope Andrew Wilkinson can learn from that. We need someone who can walk the walk not just talk the talk of fiscal responsibility. We need fiscal restraint.
People who drive cars prefer SkyTrain because SkyTrain does not impede traffic. People who drive cars should have a say because they pay an extra billion dollars a year in region Gas Tax to fund Translink. No private company would be allowed to run a billion dollars over budget ever year then keep expanding on top of that. Translink needs to be fixed before it is expanded. If you want to extend Skytrain to Newton, then have at it but we do not need or want an on ground train to Guildford. Save our money for something else like the Pattullo Bridge.
Taxpayers should stand up for SkyTrain, not LRT, in Surrey
Infrastructure expert gives Surrey LRT poor score
Edmonton LRT is a bad model
LRT for Surrey is a bad idea
Monday, February 5, 2018
DTES Crime Crackdown
Finally someone with a brain. The Vancouver Sun / Province is reporting that "Last week, Vancouver police increased foot patrols in the impoverished neighbourhood to address street disorder and prevent violence. Police said the sweeps came in response to a surge in complaints from residents, business owners and visitors. As well, people with mobility issues and the elderly have complained about blocked sidewalks and doorways."
It's about time. Violent crime in the DTES is off the hook especially after they closed the East Vancouver police station to pubic access. As always, as soon as someone steps up and does something good, there are a line up of people to compliant and the Post Media Propaganda Monopoly continues to promote the DTES Pharmaceutical Fraud.
Advocates for East Vancouver drug dealers claim that the increased police presence is discouraging people from using the lethal injection sites. That is a bold faced lie that fails the test of believability. If the police are standing outside on the street, drug users are going to want to go inside the lethal injection site to get away from the cops.
"Deputy Chief Howard Chow said the increased police activity in the Downtown Eastside will continue. But Chow said beat officers remain focused on predators that exploit drug addicts. He said police policy is to crack down on organized crime, not pick up people with addictions on minor possession charges." That is exactly what they should be doing.
“The reality of it is that police officers and beat officers have been part of that landscape, part of the community, for decades,” Chow said. That is true. I have always supported police walking the beat in high crime areas and the DTES was one of the few places in Canada where police officers did walk the beat. The RCMP won't do it but they should. Walking the beat in high crime areas reduces crime.
"Chow said the sweeps have been effective. Last week was only the second week in the past six years during which there wasn’t a single street-level assault or robbery. Police have confiscated knives, a hatchet and an imitation handgun during searches. They’ve seized drugs cut with fentanyl as well as stolen property."
The police saw a drug addict walking down the street with a brand new flat screen TV still in the box. That is suspicious to say the least. Odds are it was stolen. The DTES is a showcase for stolen goods. We also have to remember that a high percentage of drug users steal things to pay for their drugs and commit a prolific amount of violent crime. The drug dealer advocates are even complaining about the police arresting drug dealers. That is what the police are supposed to do. Enforcement is one of the essential pillars in the four pillars program.
PIVOT means well but their good intentions have helped create an epidemic of violence and addiction that is killing people every day. VANDU, the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users are themselves drug dealers. The predatory drug dealers in the DTES are horrific.
For years I have assisted a friend take a group of youth from the suburbs to hand out clothes in the DTES. The last two years we had a few female leaders come with us along with some young girls. My group was set up at pigeons corner as always. Some women from the street were noticeably uncomfortable so I stepped back and let our female leaders assist them. They told our female leaders that women don't like to go to pigeon corner any more because they regularly get sexually assaulted there.
Extremists always used to say East Van takes care of it's own and want to be left alone. That is no longer true. East Van preys on the weak and elderly on a daily basis. The only people complaining about the police walking the beat in the DTES are the criminals.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Caroline Mulroney joins the Neo Con - Update
The Canadian Press is reporting that "A source with Caroline Mulroney's campaign says the Toronto lawyer and businesswoman will officially jump into the race to lead Ontario's Progressive Conservatives on Monday, days after reports first emerged suggesting she was eyeing the party's top job. Mulroney, the daughter of former prime minister Brian Mulroney, was pegged as a contender to replace Patrick Brown as soon as the contest began, despite having never held political office."
Obviously a child is not responsible for the sins of their father, but with Lyin Brian's backing, it will certainly be hard to over come. Brian Mulroney was given the nickname lyin Brian for his dishonesty. His tax and spend pork barrel politics created the Reform Party. Stephen Harper betrayed every Reform Party principle known to man when he merged with Mulroneyism and became the exact entity the Reform Party was created to oppose.
Air bus was but one of the many insider trading scams Lyin Brian was involved with. He defrauded the Canadian taxpayers out of a $2.1 million out of court settlement because he lied to the court and swore he wasn't involved with Karlheinz Schreiber when it later turned out he was and did in fact receive cash payments from him.
Brian Mulroney was tied to Iran Contra. He served on the International Board of Directors of Barrick Gold along side George Bush when Barrick gold was involved with the same scandalous gold mine in Indonesia Bre-X was. Stevie Cameron documented Brian Mulroney's legacy in her book On The Take: Crime, Corruption And Greed In The Mulroney Years.
Karma Chameleon has more chance of winning that leadership race than the spawn of Satan. Just sayin. The Fall of Kim Campbell had nothing to do with her being a woman. It was because of her ties to Brian Mulroney. Neo Cons are not conservatives they are con artists. They say one thing and do the other. They say they want to control spending and lower taxes but they do the opposite. They say they support a free market but they dont. They support corporate monopolies that kill the free market because they are in reality corporate communists.
In contrast, Kirk LaPointe appears to be a local favorite for the leadership of the NPA in Vancouver to take over for Mayor Moonbeam. He is someone I can support.
Update: Holy crack pipes. Rob Ford's brother is running for the leadership of the Ontario Conservatives as well. What a freaking gong show. That guy is a complete clown. Rob Ford was an abusive drunk. His claim to fame was smoking crack cocaine and saying derogatory things about women. Rob Ford's brother sat on the same Toronto City Council when Rob was mayor. Together they made that city council look like a WWF gong show.
Think about it. The leadership position became available because the previous leader, who Doug Ford supported, resigned due to disturbing sexual assault allegations. We don't know what those allegations are but they have been referred to as disturbing. Electing an abrasive politically incorrect hillbilly might not be the most tactful choice to mend the bruised reputation of the party. Doug isn't even a MPP. This might be an appropriate time to elect a woman. One who is actually serving as an elected MPP and isn't the spawn of Satan.
CBC is reporting that Christine Elliott is also running for the leadership of the party. Christine Elliott has spent nine years as a Whitby-area MPP. The other two cowgirls don't even have a seat in the Legislature. I support Christine Elliott in that race. That one is a no-brainer.
Christine Elliott has most caucus support for good reason.
Kamloops Man shot in foot
BC Local News is reporting that "Kamloops Mounties remained at a home on Wilson Avenue on the North Shore early Sunday morning following a shooting in the area on Saturday night that sent a man to Royal Inland Hospital.
Sgt. Denis Duford said a 26-year-old man was walking in the area of Wilson Street and Mulberry Avenue at 10:10 p.m. when he was shot in the foot. His injuries are not considered life-threatening.
Duford said several people were arrested at a Wilson Street home, with any recommended charges dependent on the outcome of the investigation."
Reggie Yates Outside Man
There is another stirring series on Netflix with Reggie Yates called Outside Man. Reggie is a brother from the UK who has a brain and a heart. Netflix states "Award-winning filmmaker Reggie Yates travels around the world tackling big issues such as gun violence, racism, gay rights and addiction. In the first episode he camps at a white slum in South Africa. This guy has a future.
I know a white guy from South Africa. He moved to Canada after the fall of Apartheid. I don't like him. He's all everything was fine until we gave blacks the right to vote. I'm like if you don't like black people then stay the f*ck out of their country. I don't like racism. I don't like slavery. I don't like Apartheid. Reggie Yates is posative and thought provoking. He is worth listening to.
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Andrew Wilkinson elected B.C. Liberal leader - Update
CBC is reporting that "Andrew Wilkinson has been chosen as the new leader of the B.C. Liberal Party, edging out former Conservative MP Dianne Watts on the fifth ballot in a vote Saturday night." Oh happy day. I endorsed Andrew Wilkinson because of his competence. He was a former lawyer and a doctor. He is educated. He was also the former president of the BC Civil Liberties Union which is impressive because preserving civl liberty in this neo con era is important.
"The Australian-born Wilkinson was first elected in 2013 and briefly served as Attorney General before the fall of Premier Christy Clark’s government last year." He has experience.
I opposed Dianne Watts candidacy because of her corruption. "Grant Rice recently tweeted The Dhesa brothers, Sohan & Nahar, defendents in @CityofSurrey civil bribery case had Whalley application approved by #SurreyBC council in June 2010, months after start of #RCMP investigation & @DianneWatts4BC assurance of "preventative measures" after Ian Mulgrew wrote about the corruption case Dianne Watts hid when she was mayor of Surrey.
Andrew Wilkinson has spoken out against the NDP and the Green's insane compromise to use tax dollars for political party funding. That needs to stop. Welcome to the year of the dawg yo.
The morning after her crushing defeat Dianne Watts' lapdog chokes on his sour grapes.
Bloody Hell give it a rest. Mike Smyth campaigned for Dianne Watts and lost. Get over it. Stop flooding the MSM with bullsh*t. In today's paper Michael Lapdog asks how can a 60 year old white man win the ethnic vote. AYFKM? His client is a 58 year old white woman. At least Andy doesn't die his hair and do Botox. That's because he is comfortable with who he is.
Mikey makes a big deal about the fact that Andrew Wilkinson left the celebrations relatively early so he could get up early the next morning and get straight to work. That was a good thing. He is a hard worker. At least he didn't stay up late at a drunken gala and run a red light on the way home T-boning another vehicle then lie about it. We need more leadership from leaders not more drunken partying. What was Dianne Watt's claim to fame after she was elected a MP for Harper? She built a new office and didn't show up for work for six months. At least Dianne Watts was able to feign a graceful defeat. Too bad her lapdog couldn't.
There's been a flurry of new news and I just wanted give a brief overview since older posts quickly get buried on the blog. The big news is Kim Bolan's report on the Kevin LeClair murder trial. The defense lawyer claims the crown witnesses are lying to save their own skins and that is clearly true. The defense has successfully established that the crown witnesses have no credibility because they keep changing their story and their current claims contradict the evidence. The only real witness saw two shooters. The one that opened up fire with an automatic assault rifle was much larger and more muscular than the other. That doesn't fit Corey's description. That fits K-9's description. It wasn't Corey. The crown witnesses are lying again.
The shooting at the Quebec courthouse was outrageous. Five officers couldn't control a very mild scuffle with one kid and the officer that was choking the kid pulls out a gun and shoots the kid in the head all caught on video. The officers dragged the kid into a side room because they knew they were being filmed. That was obscene.
The local gas fraud is out of control along with the news of the current ICBC fraud. This kind of corruption needs to be addressed becaue it is exactly what caused the Greek financial crisis.
Two Toronto cops called 911 after they chowed down on pot edibles they seized in a raid.
Legalizing all drugs is the wrong road. That is not the Portugal model.
There was a fatal shooting at a known drug house in Chilliwack on January 31st.
A Surrey man was shot in Richmond Thursday night.
Russia's Olympic ban has been lifted so hopefully we'll see them on the ice during the Olympics.
The Honduras police chief assisted a cartel leader deliver a ton of cocaine.
Larry Amero was busted in Ottawa January 25th.
I posted the real story about Dianne Watts and Rich Coleman.
Ian Mulgrew wrote about the corruption case Dianne Watts hid when she was mayor.
The Trans Mountain Pipeline is a fair compromise.
The Black Panther movie hits the theater as they start filming for Creed II
Wanted is a great Australian TV series on Netflix. Season 2 starts off in Thailand.
The Good Place is another great TV series on Netflix. It is light and funny.
Alex Caine made the big screen in Quebec
Surrey man shot in Richmond
The Peace arch News is reporting that "Richmond RCMP are investigating a shooting after a Surrey man, 20, was found suffering from injuries Thursday night in the 7000-block of Westminster Highway." CTV is reporting that "It appeared that he had been shot near the 6200-block of Lynas Lane."
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