Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The criminality of the Hells Angels

Even though I don't have to, I'm going to explain my position on the criminal organization status of the Hells Angels one more time then move on. There are three people who are obsessing over the Hells Angels and I want to examine the motive for each so we can put their rantings into proper perspective. Then I will reiterate my position. First is the spook.

The spook claims all Hells Angels are criminals and all cops are corrupt. Remember this is coming from the CIA, the drug trafficking kingpins of the world. The CIA support the WEF. They want to ban any and every organization they see as a threat to their power and control over the public. This whole romancing of the term outlaw scares them.

George Christie's definition of the term outlaw was not a criminal or drug dealer. It was a rebel with a cause. Someone who supported freedom and didn't give a f*ck about the narrative. I would describe that as a good thing. Personally I don't use or sell drugs and I don't support drug trafficking or any criminal activity especially stealing sh*t. Stealing things is low life.

Back to the spook. The spook wants to convince us that all Hells Angels are criminals so they can justify banning them and banning their assembly. After all, the CIA hates lawful assembly. The spook wants to convince us that all Hells Angels are criminals so they can justify taking their civil liberty away. The problem is, after they take the Hells Angels civil liberty away, we're next.

The spook also claims all Hells Angels deserve to die. That is because the spook wants to trick us into supporting extra judicial murders since that's the CIA's MO. The problem with all these extra judicial murders is that we have no way of telling if the people the CIA say are bad really are. Everyone who disagrees with us is a terrorist so all terrorist should die. It's not a slippery slope, it's straight up crazy. Everyone has a right to a fair trial. Due process is a fundamental right.

The spook also claims all cops are corrupt. That's because they don't want us to support good cops who keep their oath to protect civil liberty. They want mercenaries who will sell out civil liberty in a heartbeat. If we can inspire cops to keep their oath, then the CIA's agenda becomes thwarted. That's why the spook wants us to hate all cops. Not all Hells Angels are criminals and not all cops are corrupt. Sweeping stereotypes are foolish and false.

Another troll who wants me to team up with him to trash the Hells Angels is Donnie McWhirter. Somewhat ironic since he was their puppet for so long and is bitter because he never became a real boy. Now he trashes the Hells Angels just like Jamie Bacon does who laughingly referred to them as washed up old men. That's pretty funny. What do you think you and Blaze are? Now you're old men. You're not has beens, you're simply never was.

Another reason Blaze wants me to trash the Hells Angels is because he wants to get paid. After all, he sure isn't gainfully employed. If he can regenerate public interest in the criminality of the Hells Angels again, he and Jamie Bacon can get paid more money in the Witness Protection Program. Remember throughout the history of this blog I have always encouraged people to leave the life. I exposed the gang life for what it was and encouraged people to leave it behind.

The way you do that is by NOT cooperating with the police. No one likes or respects a drug dealer who rats out other drug dealers so he doesn't have to go to jail. Nobody. The other person who obsesses over the criminality of the Hells Angels is the QAnon flat earther. Remember how the CIA set up the protesters in Brazil? They promised the protesters the military would save them. Not. The CIA fosters extremism so they can justify clamping down on them. There is a method to their madness. We have seen it over and over again.

QAnon is CIA. Their mission is to lead the resistance astray.
OK let's backtrack and see how far we've come since I first started this blog. As I explained in my earlier podcasts on Spotify, right before I started this blog the Hells Angels were enforcing for the crack dealers at Surrey Central. I was shocked to say the least. That was a far cry from the Whalley burnouts back when we were kids. They stopped selling crack so publicly at Surrey Central when they moved City Hall there. Then things on the Surrey strip toned down quite a bit after they got rid of the tent city there. Those are significant changes.

Now when I say the Hells Angels were enforcing for the crack dealers at Surrey Central, every member wasn't but the name of the club was being used and we know that they can't use the name of the club for criminal activity unless the local executive approves it.

Here's where George Christie's quote comes into effect. George Christie said the Hells Angels are not a criminal organization because the ones who are involved with crime are stingy and don't share the proceeds of crime with the others. I laughed out loud when I heard that and said that is believable. The Hells Angels drug trafficking network runs like a Ponzi scheme.

George Wethern was the former Vice-President of the Oakland Chapter which Sonny Barger founded. In his book A Wayward Angel Wethern claims: "The Oakland Angels began issuing new charters and assisting chapters set up their own drug operations. The additions were designed to contribute to our image and business concerns, by providing a drug route link, manufacturing a drug, supplying chemicals, or distributing drugs in an untapped area."

People can legitimately debate the criminal organization status of the Hells Angels. However, I still contend that although many members are criminals not all member are. I think we've found a good balance in BC. If the police have enough convictions, that chapter will lose their clubhouse. That's fair. However banning them completely and preventing them from going on rides is something that I am not comfortable with. Simply because after they ban the Hells Angels, we're next. They will ban everyone who disagrees with Justin Trudeau and supports the convoy.

I've been doing this blog for a long time and it's time for me to move on. Time to change directions and evolve. I'm not going to listen to the spook. I'm not going to listen to Blaze and I'm not going to listen to QAnon's flat earth false prophet. I march to the beat of a different drum. Now I will be the first person to admit, I'm nobody. What I do or don't do is of little consequence. People are free to do whatever they want. You do you, I'll do me.

I will emphasize any criminal activity the Hells Angels are involved with is insignificant compared to what Justin Trudeau and the World Economic Forum are doing. We need to develop the political will to resist that like Alberta has. That is what we need to do. Above all civil liberty needs to be protected. That is the highest law of the land.

Tucker Carlson on People profiting from transitioning

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Trevor Bauer Exposes False Allegations

Candace Owens is reporting on Trevor Bauer's repsonse to false sexual assault allegations.

San Diego Hells Angel indited on racist attack

I'm going to add to the previous post but some disturbing news has come to surface. Chad Wilson had ties to to San Diego before they killed him. In 2014 a member of the Dago chapter in San Diego named Troy Scholder was arrested in Langley on an outstanding US warrant.

The San Diego District Attorney reported that "Extradited on June 3, 2014, from Canada. Scholder, a Hells Angel member pled guilty to kidnapping for robbery where he and several other members of the Hells Angels kidnap a former member and stole his motorcycle and other belongings. In 2014, he was sentenced to one year in jail with 13 years in prison stayed."

Well, he's in the news again.

NBC is reporitng that "Seventeen people have been indicted on various charges involving an attack on three Black men by members of the Hells Angels biker gang in San Diego this year, the San Diego County District Attorney's Office said Monday. The victims, ages 19, 20 and 21, were chased and attacked in San Diego's Ocean Beach neighborhood on June 6, subjected to a racial epithet and told they didn't belong there, prosecutors said in a news release.

"The incident occurred on OB's main drag, Newport Avenue. One victim escaped injury by running, another was punched, kicked and knocked unconscious, and the last victim, who was lying on the ground after several people beat him, was also allegedly stabbed in the chest by 43-year-old Troy Anthony Scholder, described as a "longtime Hells Angels leader.'' After the stabbing, other defendants spirited Scholder from the crime scene to the gang's clubhouse in El Cajon, Stephan said." That's not really something to be proud of so it's not.

17 members and associates jump three young men. Three black men who are told they are not welcome here. Locally we have the Wolf Pack and the Edmonton chapter rolling on the Somalians they hire right after they execute a hit. That's pretty low. Ganging up on anyone is low but going racial, that's straight up nasty. So how did it make you feel stabbing the guy while he was unconscious on the ground after everyone else beat him up? Like a POS no doubt. You will be known throughout history as a sh*t stain on society. Kind of like Michael Kramer.

The San Diego Union Tribune is reporting that "All of the defendants were arrested around the county Thursday. Police served 15 search warrants and seized 42 illegal guns, San Diego police Executive Assistant Chief Chris McGrath said during the news conference. Displayed on two nearby tables was evidence police seized during the investigation, including several items with various Nazi symbols."AYFKM? Just like Rainbow Ricky. That is f*cked up.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Maple Ridge Hells Angel pleads guilty to drug trafficking

Vancouver is Awesome is reporting that "Four men — and one Hells Angel — have now pleaded guilty to multiple drug trafficking and conspiracy charges for offences said to have taken place in Vancouver, Maple Ridge and Vernon between September 2020 and July 2021."

"Police seized two kilograms of cocaine, one kilogram of MDMA, one kilogram of fentanyl and 200 grams of ketamine. Lafreniere, a full-patch Hells Angels member, pleaded guilty to possession of the proceeds of crime before Vancouver Provincial Court Judge Laura Bakan Sept. 27. CFSEU-BC said Laferniere is a member of the club's Haney chapter."

"Jonathan Louis Lutar was charged with being part of a criminal organization that included Allan Beatima Arcangel, Matthew Shaw David Oppenheim and others. Court documents alleged Lutar instructed people to engage in drug trafficking for the benefit of the organization."

Jonathan Lutar is also a full patch member of the Haney chapter so that's two Hells Angels from that chapter who have plead guilty. In May of this year Sean Oliver Kendall of the Nanaimo chapter plead guilty to cociane traficking. Vincenzo Sansalone of the Haney chapter, pleaded guilty to trafficking before that. Guys like WTF? Get your sh*t together.

Vincenzo Sansalone's co accused was Daniel James Alexander. That was a cross border drug ring that extended into Seattle and San Diego. Yo man get a real job. This is becoming excessive.

Chad Wilson had ties to San Diego before they killed him. So did Troy Scholder.

OK so let's talk about this. A lot has change since I first started this blog 14 years ago. Back then the Hells Angles in BC were untouchable. Now they have so many drug trafficking convictions they risk losing the rest of their clubhouses. I guess there's two things we need to talk about. The criminal organization status of the Hells Angels and the future direction of this blog.

I don't care about the Hells Angels any more. As long as they stay out of my crib, their business is none of my business. I don't sell drugs or use drugs so it really doesn't affect me. The real problem is the politicians. That is something we can deal with.

If the Hells Angels shoot a rival drug dealer, that doesn't affect me at all but when Justin Trudeau takes away our freedom, that effects all of us. Justin Trudeau promotes drugs abuse and violent crime because he has an agenda. The fact that the police are making these arrests and getting convictions means they're doing their job. They're makiing progress

Haney need to be really careful now or they will lose their clubhouse. Either way that has nothing to do with me. It's simply a consequence they're going to have to face. Mind how ya go.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sky Chair on Cypress in the Fall

Today I hiked up Sky Chair on Cypress to see the Lions face to face. As I left Surrey on my motorcycle there were six or seven eagles soaring in a circle right above the onramp to the freeway. Shortly after that a young hawk flew right above my head as it crossed my path. It wasn't diving for my head like an owl did once before but it was in flight right above me. Kind of a poetic sight. The theme song for my road trip this summer was Roll me Away by Bob Seager.

There's a line about a hawk in flight that says " Stood alone on a mountain top Starin' out at the Great Divide I could go east, I could go west It was all up to me to decide Just then I saw a young hawk flyin' And my soul began to rise And pretty soon My heart was singin' Roll, roll me away."

It was a beautiful sunny day after a week of rain and you could see autumn blossom all around you. There was even some red maple leaves on the ground when I gassed up for the trip.

This is the view of Black mountain as I started to climb.
This is a peak at Bowen Island on the way up with the fall colors.
The path up continued to wind through the seasonal mosaic.
And there we were, face to face with the Lions.
I saw a few grouse on the way down. This is a video of the hike. Keep moving.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Winds of Change

The seasons continue to change. It's noticeably cooler. The leaves are starting to change color like the spawning salmon and it's getting darker in the morning. When I ride in to work it's no longer sunrise. It's noticeably darker and Venus is high and bright all on it's own. When I got to work this morning I could see Venus in the east then turned behind me and saw the full moon to the west. Beside it was a single star which I believe is Jupiter. I can feel the winds of change.

I am once again reminded of the poem Desiderata. "Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence." There is a whirlwind of insanity in the world right now and sometimes it's nice to take a break from the chaotic confusion of misery and ponder the peaceful solemnities of silence. People are free to do whatever they want. As are we.

"Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit." Arguing with trolls is pointless. They don't listen they thrive for attention so they can mislead others in the deception. The one guy in a recent video nailed it. Parents need to be more aware and involved in school board elections. That is how the circus freaks are working their way in to into the school system so they can lead our children astray. We need to be involved in that process now more than ever.

Bonnie Henry is a circus freak and David Eby has lost his mind. The seasons are changing but so is the tide. The tide is finally starting to turn in BC and the BC Conservatives are a way out just like Texas and Florida led the way out of the pandemic. These clowns will exploit every opportunity they can to grab more power and remove more freedoms. We need to vote in elections. The Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong on that issue. Very wrong. We can all see that. Our vote matters. That is why they are so obsessed with disinformation to sway our vote.

Truth and reconciliation involves exactly that: truth and reconciliation. It involves telling the truth without denying history or misrepresenting it. The truth is Hong Kong had far more freedom under British rule than under Communism. That is the truth. We can all see that. I am not a fan of imperialism but we are here and we need to move forward. Candace Owens spoke about victimization. How the left tries to rewrite history and turn us all into victims to they can enslave us. We need to rise above that. We all need to be proud of our heritage. All people are equal.

Aboriginals are no better than the Asians who come here or the Muslims or the Sikhs. We are all equal. As Chief Seattle declared we all share this planet. Residential schools sucked but the intent didn't. Education is good. Feed a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. As one First Nation coworkers said, not every Aboriginal kid wants to spend his entire life hunting and fishing. Don't get me wrong, those are important life skills but as the world evolves​ we need to adapt and learn new life skills.

England came to Canada with the spirit of negotiation. The Spanish came to Central America with the conquistadors. They conquered with the gun and sword. They didn't make treaties. England was far from perfect but they were a lot better than the conquistadors. Reconciliation means bringing things together not tearing them apart. We have every right to be proud of this nation.
This no pride in genocide slogan is very offensive. This was not Cambodia. This was not the Gulag. This was not East Berlin. The same freaks trying to rewrite history and make us ashamed of our heritage where civil liberty is protected by law are the ones trying to turn all of us into slaves. The Red Braid Alliance for Decolonial Socialism are Communists trying to destroy the Charter of Rights because they support the WEF's brand of slavery.

Look at how they treated the Wet’suwet’en and viciously fought against their democratic decision to support a natural gas pipeline. Natural gas is clean burning. Industrial coal is not. The fake environmentalists are determined to use what ever excuse they can to implement communism. If a hereditary chief opposes them, they will remove the hereditary chief.

Before the white man came to the west coast slavery was practiced within the First Nations Communities. The First Nation community in Fort Langley got along well with the English fur traders because they had guns and protected them from other tribes who would raid them and kidnap slaves. Likewise the First Nation commjunity in Tofino were able to repel a much larger American tribe from invading them because the British gave them guns to defend themselves.

A cultural genocide is very different then a real genocide. When English students take French immersion they're not allowed to speak English. That helps you learn the language faster. That was the intent behind residential schools. The political agenda behind falsifying our history has nothing to do with reconciliation. It is about bringing back slavery in the name of social justice.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Muslim Association of Canada rebukes Justin Trudeau

MSN is quoting a Nation Post article by Rahim Mohamed entitled Trudeau doubles down on disparaging Muslim Canadians. The article states that "Things somehow managed to go from bad to worse for the flailing Justin Trudeau on Monday when he was slapped with a stinging rebuke from the Muslim Association of Canada. In a sharply worded statement, the 55,000-member faith-based organization condemned the prime minister (among other politicians and groups) for making statements that it claimed mischaracterized last week’s 1 Million March 4 Children and, implicitly, the involvement of members of the Muslim community in the protests. (Muslim organizers like Calgary’s Mahmood Mourra were highly visible in the protest’s leadership).

“On Wednesday, September 20th,” the statement read, “thousands of Muslims, joined by other faith-based groups, protested to raise their concerns, calling for their rights as parents in relation to their children’s education. Their intent was to be heard, not to sow division. …"

“The statements from Canadian leaders and school boards increase the potential for Muslim children to face increased bullying and harassment in schools, both by educators and peers, a trend that’s already distressingly escalated. The statement’s authors called on the relevant parties, beginning with Prime Minister Trudeau, to retract their deeply inflammatory and divisive statements about the protests and issue an apology to the thousands of Canadian parents who were hurt by their remarks."

After the Million March for child protection notably organized and attended by Muslim Canadians, Justin Trudeau denounced the protest and said Islamophobia has no place in Canada. That's right, so he should leave for refusing to recognize the valid concerns of Muslim parents.

The Rise of All-Ages Sex Shops

Gays Against Groomers is reporting that "In August of 2022 the Wink Wink Boutique, a self proclaimed Woman-Owned, Inclusive, Not Creepy, sex shop made national headlines. Why? Because this store goes out of its way to advertise to children. Yes, they proudly advertise as 'age-inclusive.' To add to the controversy, Jenn Mason, one of the owners is the School Board President for Bellingham School District. Not only that, but she and other sex 'educators' teach sex ed classes IN their sex shop to children as young as nine years old." Bellingham ?!

This freak is listed on the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Program's web site.

Just like how the freak that wrote the book promoting pedophilia got a job on the the Johns Hopkins center for the prevention (or promotion) of child sexual abuse.

Update: Gays Against Groomers is reporting that "Yesterday, our Washington chapter protested an 'all ages' sex shop called Aphrodisia Boutique. It was a successful event and Representative Jim Walsh even showed up to join our team! The fact that anything like this even exists is abhorrent and we will fight to get them to change their ways. We will not let up!"

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Liberals scapegoat House Speaker for honouring Nazi

Stephen Moore: The malignant narcissism of Justin Trudeau

True North is reporting that "The Canadian government honoured an actual Waffen-SS Nazi volunteer in the House of Commons on Friday. Every single MP, Senator and guest in attendance at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s address to Parliament on Friday gave Nazi solider Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation. In fact, even worse, Speaker of the House and Liberal MP Anthony Rota described Hunka as a Canadian hero and a Ukrainian hero.”

After he found out the guy fought on the wrong side of the war and was actually a Nazi who fought for hitler the house speaker apologized. Yet the Liberals are trying to scape goat the House Speaker when they were the ones that invited him in the first place.

True North is reporting that "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued a confusing apology on behalf of Canada after a Ukrainian veteran who fought under Hitler’s regime was invited to the House of Commons and recognized as a war hero.” Then he has the audacity to say “I also want to reiterate how deeply sorry Canada is for the situation this put President Zelensky and the Ukrainian delegation in.” AYFKM? Then he has the audacity to say it was the Speaker of the House’s responsibility – and not his government’s. That is an offensive lie.

They timed his invite with Zelensky's visit. All this scape goating shed light on the real issue. Some Ukrainians are Nazis. Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was. He ran a propaganda newspaper for Hitler's Nazis. Zelensky's star troops are Nazis trying to purge the Ukraine of all Ukrainians of Russian ethnicity. That is what this conflict is about.