Sunday, July 30, 2023

Chrystia Freeland: Unsuccessful NDP candidate

There's an old article from the 1989 Edmonton Sun floating around about Chrystia Freeland. Aside from the obvoius Ukrainian Nazi connection, I find the fact that she was originally an unsuccessful NDP candidate for Edmonton Strathcona somewhat interesting. That explains a lot.

Her hate for Russia goes back to her grandfather who ran a Nazi paper in the Ukraine. That's why she supports the Nazis in the Ukraine bombing the Ukrainian citizens of Russian descent in the Donbas. It's about ethnic cleansing so it is. Her posing with a Nazi banner in Canada was no mistake. She's from the Ukraine and speaks Ukrainian. She knew exactly what it said.

Chrystia Freeland is a defiant mental case hell bent on bringing the World Economic Forum's brand of Communism here to Canada. Fascism, Communism, call it what you want. It's Communism run by rich Capitals determined to increase their wealth by turning consumers into slaves and is determined to roll back population by castrating our children. Fire her.


  1. Haha, her history from 34 years ago comes back to haunt her. Love it.

    "Time will tell, it always does".

  2. Let me make this perfectly clear ….. charge her with treason!

    1. Who's the bigger fool - the fool or the fool that votes for the fool?

    2. Neither, they are both equally foolish. A Zen answer for a Zen question.

  3. You are more of a journalist than the hacks who went to school for it. She is a Nazi sympathizer. I'm glad you covered this.

    1. It appears that the only media now is independent media. Mainstream media has an agenda.

  4. I heard her father was part of the Ukrainian government in exile after ww2. Heard that's how she ended up here.

  5. Unfortunately there will still be those who will vote for her, for the dumbest of reasons, "she's a woman" etc.. It's hard to blame them, where would they get the information they need to know otherwise? In a few short years it has become completely apparent that what most consider to be "the media" is completely owned by globalists or the CIA or both. It's not news, it's propaganda. The funniest stuff is when an independent media outlet will remark on this, followed by a clip of 10-15 different talking heads on different networks parroting the same exact phrase, word for word. They were told to say that. It's not coincidence.

  6. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free".

    But not truth alone. Freedom is never free, this is how slowly but surely we have wound up where we are now, we didn't stand up for it every day. We tolerated lies. We tolerated corruption. "Two steps forward and one step back". "Incrementalism", rhymes with Communism. As Dennis has said, quoting MLK, "It is one of the tragedies of human history that the children of darkness are frequently more zealous than the children of light". Time to get zealous.

  7. Her voice alone is enough not to vote for her...

    1. Her voice is the very reason not to vote for her.

  8. This is an outrage..
    Canada has been infiltrated.

  9. Voting is as fake here as in the USA

    1. I absolutely agree when we have government officials saying "it's complicated " when asked about CCP interference in our elections!

      Fck me Canada you awake yet?

    2. There is a lot we need to wake up about but personally I think the China interference with our elections is a big red herring.


    4. I respectfully disagree.

      The influence CCP has in this country and with certain politicians including the Turd has been enormously understated.
      Unfortunately it will take a change of leadership in the PM's office before the Canadian public gets the full story of CCP influence.

    5. The only problem with that theory is that's exactly what the mainstream media is telling us so that means there is more to the story than meets the eye.

  10. If we look back far enough into the 20th centure, we find that several elitist left-wing British Fabian Society members founded the CCF. That party morphed into the NDP. And then, several of those fabian socialists, including Pierre Elliot Trudeau, put on their sheep clothes and took control of the federal Liberal Party. Thus, Freeland has effectively tread a pretty well-worn path.

  11. "...roll back population by castrating our children."

    ...and euthanasia, minors included.

    The numbers are just the beginning.

    1. More people have died recently from Medically Assisted Suicide than from Covid.


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