Friday, July 21, 2023

Province orders City of Surrey to stick with transition to municipal police force

CBC is reporting that "The province has ordered the City of Surrey to continue its transition to the Surrey Police Service (SPS), despite the new council's plan to revert to the RCMP. Solicitor General Mike Farnworth said in a release Wednesday that the move to the RCMP could have caused a 'crisis in policing' as the city failed to prevent an exodus of SPS officers."

"Farnworth also said the city failed to demonstrate they could staff the Surrey RCMP without pulling RCMP officers from other communities, noting the organization is already experiencing a critical staffing shortage across the province and the country."

I support this decision and so does Wake up Surrey.


  1. The RCMP is short staffed elsewhere, one might think they would see the wisdom of having those officers available for assignment elsewhere.

  2. Good news for all of us. Thanks Mike!

  3. Finally. Someone grew a spine.

    1. Totally agree, the NDP are pretty spineless lately with all their political decisions.

    2. Great news just look at new west

  4. All these people should get a degree in police foundations before making these decisions. Pisses me off. Bunch of no knowledge MFers making choices. At least Agent K has working experience in the Guardian Angels. Vigilante Gang.

    1. Surrey is the largest city in Canada without it's own police force. It's that simple. If you think the Guardian Angels were vigilantes you are sadly mistaken.

    2. Sounds like a cop who is part of the problem wrote that. No one else uses the phrase "police foundations".

    3. Guardian Angels = Citizen's Arrest. Not something they want us to know we can do.

    4. Actually that was the obsessive spook mercenary who refuses to respect healthy boundaries. He's paid to infiltrate and lead astray.


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