Thursday, July 13, 2023

Outlaws and Loners MC rivalry in Cornwall, Ontario

CTV is reporting that "Ontario Provincial Police say officers in its biker enforcement unit are aiding two investigations into motorcycle gang violence in eastern Ontario. Two people were stabbed and one person was shot in Cornwall Saturday night in what Cornwall Police said was a fight between members of the Outlaws and Loners gangs."

"On Monday, the Outlaws clubhouse in Brockville burned down, damaging several nearby homes and displacing residents. OPP are calling the fire a suspected arson." The Outlaws and Hells Angels have rival puppet clubs selling drugs in New Brunswick. However, I am told that many Outlaws don't sell drugs just like many Hells Angels don't. Many do but as George Christie pointed out, those that do don't share the proceeds of those sales with the other members.

Turns out the beef between the Loners and the Outlaws in Cornwall, Ontario isn't about drugs. It's just an old beef over some stupid sh*t that happened a long time ago. Turns out that the Outlaws clubhouse that burned down wasn't the one in Cornwall it was another one. I have more information on that but I can't reveal it. All I can say is that it's not as violent as it appears.

I'm told that there's a split within the Loners MC in Ontario. One group is aligned with the Loners MC in Europe, the other group is not. The Loners MC is Europe normally get along with the Outlaws. I have more information on this but I'm gong to check with TBM before I post it. They posted a letter from the Loners MC president back in 2019.

As I've previously said, my concern in BC was a compromised Gang Task Force that would give Hells Angels associates police escorts to sell cocaine then would turn around and harass nondrug dealing members from going on rides. It was a double standard. I suppose that was IHIT not the CFSEU. IHIT has been dirty from the get go. There are a lot of insinuations in Cornwall.

The 13 Crew in Cornwall were a Hells Angels puppet club. They now appear to be the Loners.
However, it appears that the Loners MC in Cornwall aren't affiliated with anyone. They're not affiliated with the Red and White in Ontario or Quebec and they're not affiliated with the Loners MC in Europe. It appears that the Outlaws in Ontario are on good terms with the HAs in Toronto.


  1. What happened to the outlaws in bc

    1. Still there just laying low

    2. Yes I've heard reports of a couple places in BC with Outlaws but they haven't been loud and proud which is a good thing. People who ride in BC don't like wannabes or troublemakers so I doubt the high profile conflict will fly here.

  2. BC chapter isn't listed on their website anymore.

    1. Interesting. I know they did recently have a presence in Kelowna and claimed a presence in Salmon Arm.

  3. Jamie has always been a goof. He would never have got a patch except he is related to one.

  4. So why is a picture of Damion Ryan up here with Outlaws and Loners?

    1. That was meant for the One Order MC. Turns out they're not involved in this so I'll cut and paste it into the other post. I have new info on the Cornwall beef.

    2. That is not Damion Ryan that is Corey Greenwood.

    3. I had a different picture of Damion Ryan in this post which I moved to the other post.

  5. Interesting I known the iron order mc claim to be here same with rebels mc never seen any of them only 81

  6. Iron Order, LOL....

  7. A guy I was in the Army with rode with them for a bit. I want to say 6-7 years ago, in Florida. Lots of drama according to him. Like a sewing circle for men if you will. He was done with them in under two years. Other than the whole "cop as a member = cop club" thing, he told me that basically that group attracts people who want the MC experience without the criminality but that it's a hobby a lot of them tire of quickly. "Sons of Anarchy".

    1. LOL I think that's the whole point. You should be able to ride a motorcycle without having to hang out with criminals.


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