Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Dana White on Justin Trudeau

Dana White recently expressed his true feelings about Justin Trudeau. Twice. We agree.

Dana White: The only thing you want from government is for them to stay out of your business.

Georges St-Pierre Joins Joe Rogan in His Criticism of Justin Trudeau


  1. I suggest a Celebrity Boxing Match.

    1. No way, Trudeau is a twig.

    2. Trudeau is more of a Justin Bieber matchup.

  2. He is, but I was thinking, dumb as he is, maybe we could get him into the ring (again, he's done the celebrity match thing before) without him finding out White used to box professionally. If he's in the hospital in a coma, it solves a lot of problems, him among them.

    1. All we need to do is vote him out and stop talking about him. That idiot has consumed far too much attention as it is. He will soon be forgotten like a bad dream.

  3. I’m with Jordan Peterson, I too can’t stomach to even look at him.
    When he was boo’d at those Native whatever games he still didn’t get it. Should have walked off the stage in shame. This narcissist, egotistical, racist, misogynist, dictator needs to be removed ASAP!


    1. I understand the sentiment but they're starting to look a bit like ANTIFA.

    2. Justin Trudeau has sold Canada and Canadians out to the CCP and the WEF while enriching himself. This is treason, and these protestors rightly object to it. Too bad they can't be more polite about it, eh? By all means let us be polite.

    3. A representative from the Veterans for Freedom said it well. We need to rise above the F*ck Trudeau obsession. CSIS will send in agent provocateurs to lead the movement astray so others will not listen to them. I support Police on Guard and the Veterans for Freedom.

    4. Yeah, treason. Why is it on the books if never initiated? What EXACTLY does it take to charge the CRIME MINISTER?

    5. Elect a clown, expect a circus. People are finally seeing through him now.

  5. I believe you are right about the potential for agents provocateur, but I also believe people have largely wised up to that, witness how those guys were quickly outed and asked to leave at the Trucker Protests. All wearing masks of course, when few others were. Doesn't mean they won't try of course. Anyone counseling violence, "that's the guy".

    1. The obvious ones are exposed but people like Chris Sky infiltrate and lead astray. The intelligence community is obsessed with infiltrating any resistance movement. That's what QAnon was. There are many others.

  6. "The intelligence community is obsessed with infiltrating any resistance movement".

    Yup, it's "the" basic technique, just like in legitimate police work. Like any tool it can be used as intended in a righteous fashion, infiltrating criminal organizations to being them to justice, or it can be misused by the unscrupulous. That would be them. Intelligence agencies by their very nature are exactly that. CSIS has been joined at the hip to the CIA since the very beginning of that agency.

    1. Just like how the spooks are obsessed with trolling blogs.


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