Saturday, July 15, 2023

David Leatherwood: Children cannot consent

The activists pushing the sexualization and transitioning of children in school aren't even trans.


  1. No one can sign a legal contract or agreement until they are 18. If they are under 18, such would require parental consent.

    Somehow this is different?

    1. Evidently according to C4. That's what makes it so insane.

  2. Willie Pickton gets out in 222 days.

    1. Will he? I know someone working on that file...

    2. My source says that's BC. He's not being released.

    3. Did you mean that is BS? Not BC?

    4. If the Parole Board thinks he is a scapegoat..

    5. Yeah they said it's not true he's being released. Is he coming up for parole? As you said, he's a bit too high profile form them to release.

  3. He should write a book.

    1. He did but they pulled it. Someone sent it to me a while back. I'll have to check it out.

    2. From what I recall, Willie's book was not a tell all tale. It didn't reveal anything significant and it certainly didn't blame the Hells Angels. He's taking that secret with him to the grave. His book went after Dwayne Scott Chubb, the Hells Angels associate and drug addict that testified against him.

      Remember Willie took the fall for everyone. When Dave heard about his brother's arrest he said if Willie goes down, everyone goes down. He quickly changed his tune. After the court heard about Dianne Rock's gang rape on the Pickton farm, his instructions to the jury were Willie could be convicted even if he wasn't the main suspect just an active participant.

    3. They obviously found a complete simpleton to take the fall. Dave thought to protect his brother until he realized that doing that would make him “pig feed”. We are all friends and like brothers. Ask Ali how the brotherhood protects you as a friend or member!!!

    4. See what I mean? All the CSIS intelligence and common folk intelligence says...Pickton is getting bullied still, and any woman could have snapped him like a twig alone...Therefore ladies and gentlemen we have an innadministration of justice...How has he done in his programs?

  4. Dianne Rock's gang rape prove Pickton is innocent.

  5. "Gang rape".....what kind of sick fuck wants to stick his dick in some other guys load....excuse me, "load's".....shudder....


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