Thursday, July 27, 2023

How the Fake News is Portraying China

OK so let's put this whole ridiculous farce involving Bill Majcher into perspective. The theme of the interviews on my podcast is how the Mainstream media has fallen. Tara Henley would appear to agree. That is a consistent theme in her podcast after quitting the CBC.

We all saw how the media misrepresented the Convoy and everyone who supported it. All the media merges has eliminated different opinions and we are constantly force fed a bizarre narrative that promotes the World Economic Forum and the UN's New World Order. The UN has officially adapted the WEF's brand of Communism and it trying to shove it down our throats.

We all saw how the media and the BC NDP completely misrepresented the North Vancouver overpass protests. They both lied and said the protest was anti LGBT. It's not. The books in the school curriculum are completely inappropriate. I interviewed Pierre Barns from who posted exerts from the books so people can see for themselves. Objecting to giving young children books that promote incest and rape is not anti LGBT. LGBT has nothing to do with it. No one in their right mind would promote incest or rape to young children. The way the media in intentionally misrepresenting these concerns is absurd.

Justin Trudeau embraced the lie. He said Muslims who object to the sexualization of their children in Canadain schools have been mislead by right wing extremists. F*ck off. The books are there for everyone to see. Justin Trudeau is a freak and everyone can see that now.

As Dr Steven Pelech pointed out Covid misinformation in the media is and was rampant. The media's misrepresentation of the conflict in the Ukraine has become clear. We are well beyond the boy who cried wolf at this point. We're at the point now, when the media pushes a narrative we are forced to instinctively question it and find out the other side of the story which can be difficult and time consuming given the extent of the media mergers that controls the narrative.

Now we have the China interference wave of fake news and it forces us to instinctively question their motive for pushing it. There's not a word about WEF interreference. The CIA supports the WEF. That makes the CIA domestic enemies of the US Constitution. I'm not saying take up arms against the CIA. That is utterly ridiculous. I'm saying the CIA controls the fake news. If Putin opposes the WEF's brand of communism and their gender ideology transitioning children without their parents consent then Putin is an enemy of the WEF and the CIA just like Xi Jinping.


  1. The citizens of the US appear to be fighting the liberal gaslighting. We can only hope we grow spines here.

  2. Well said Dennis, I completely agree.

  3. Off topic have been saying this for years.

    1. Indeed. Tom Cruise played Barry Seal in the movie American Made which was about the Clinton's drug trafficking network out of Mena. The movie admitted Barry Seal worked for the CIA but claimed he went rogue and was importing drugs on his own. That was a ridiculous lie. He was on Company business just like Oliver North was. Iran Contra never stopped. Just ask Gary Webb.

    2. The American Made movie was like Friday the 13th for a General audience in the movie theatre. That movie left out so many facts.

    3. "I'm not talking about a conspiracy theory, I'm talking about a conspiracy". - Gary Webb, RIP.

    4. That's not how the quote went:

    5. You're right, I left the F word out. From the book, "Kill the Messenger" by Nick Schou, page vii of the Introduction:

      "And I remember idly mentioning conspiracy theories and that he instantly flared up and said "I don't believe in fucking conspiracy theories, I'm talking about a fucking conspiracy."

    6. I'm not familiar with that one. The movie had a different one but they butchered it. He said if I believe it it's not a theory it's a fact. Conspiracy to commit murder is very real. It's a criminal offense the courts often prosecute.

    7. Ah, it's a movie, they always write it their way..... ;-)

  4. Yeah no F'ing way he was just doing that himself. No way.


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