Sunday, July 9, 2023

Donnie McWhirter CSO record erased

Speaking of Donnie McWhirter spamming my blog with lies and defamation, check this out. We all know Blaze has a lengthy criminal record. He has many drug and firearm convictions. He even had a K file which represents a domestic assault.
Castanet referred to him as a veteran gangster. That means he had a long criminal record. Cap News referred to him as a low level drug dealer. Well take a look at the CSO. Somehow that dirty POS had his CSO record wiped clean. How do you think that happened?

This is a screen shot of his domestic assault on CSO that has mysteriously disappeared.
Donahugh (Don) McWhirter was sentenced to 5 1/2 years for his drug and firearm offence. Only he didn't serve that sentence. He was spamming my blog as soon as he entered the Witness Protection program. As a result of his plea deal charges against his his co accused GF Brittany Stinn were stayed. However, as soon as Blaze got out of the program she died suddenly.

Audio file of Jamie Bacon Cooperating with the Police. Why would Jammie Bacon risk his life and his family's life to make a recording for the police to try and get Mathew Johnston to turn if he knew Mathew Johnston was terminally ill with cancer. The answer is simple, he wouldn't. There isn't even a fake obit. IHIT was f*cked up from the get go and has just gotten worse.

Jamie Bacon is a Millennial Biker's Bitch. So is Blaze. They are biting the hand that fed them.

Update: I have two points to add. Throughout the history of my blog I have always encouraged gang members to leave the life. You do that by walking away and keeping your mouth shut. Cooperating with the police will put your life at risk and is inherently problematic. Nobody likes a drug dealer who rats out other drug dealers just so he can stay out of jail. Nobody. This is why I supported Schrader. He left the life, got a great job and didn't rat anyone out. He is the poster boy of how to leave the life. Instead of embracing him the CFSEU lied about him and put his life at risk trying to force him to rat out associates. That was abominable. He didn't cave in. He has a great job and didn't cooperate with the police. Blaze is a completely different story. Just read that letter Joey Verma sent him from prison and you start to get a glimpse of what happened.

The other point I have to make is about dragging my daughter into this. When I first started my blog, Steve Willan posted my daughter's picture on the Dirty when he knew very well Blaze and the other trolls were threatening to gang rape her and kill her. Posting her picture on the Dirty because he disagreed with my political views was a really sleazy thing to do. That was unethical. As a result, he will be known throughout the eternities as a bag of sh*t. He will carry that event with him when this life is over. So will Blaze. Yet there is one other.

Aside from Steve Willian, who called the police on me when I confronted him for posting my daughter's picture on the Dirty, I have had three trolls over the years. Three very persistent trolls - Blaze, AV and GC. AV doesn't troll me any more. Each person had a very specific style. That's why it was so easy for me to identify Blaze no matter what fake name he used. GC and AV never pretended to be someone else. They always wanted me to know it was them posting.

GC has been quite persistent over the years at stalking and defaming my daughter. That is what low lifes do so do the math. GC was beefing with AV and AV would trash him online. I would not. Yet he claimed that I was AV so every time AV would beef with him, GC would defame my daughter. GC is another bag of sh*t.

He came to my house one time when I had an old piano siting on my patio before I took it to the dump but he never knocked on the door and introduced himself. I'd love to have a private conversation with him as we do have a few things we need to clear up.

GC knows very well I'm not AV. Darrell and I don't look anything alike. We have completely different writing styles and completely different political opinions so there is no reason to blame me for what Darrell does and no reason to bring my daughter into this. That is a really sleazy thing to do. He too will carry that sigma with him when this life is over.

Now back to Blaze. Every week Blaze would post some ridiculous lies about me on the Dirty. They didn't even make sense. He claimed that I had been charged with domestic assault and that is was a K file on the CSO. That never happened and there was no such file about me on the CSO. Ever. He was the one that was convicted of domestic assault not me and it was indeed a K file. The next week he claimed I was charged with sexual interference of a minor. He said you could see the record posted on the CSO. Only there was no such record. When people looked it up they saw he was lying. I have never been charged with any criminal offense.

Then he would make sh*t up about my daughter. That is a really sleazy thing to do. I would never trash his daughter. Going after my daughter because he has beef with me is really a weaselly thing to do. Pop goes the weasel yo. One time he started posting on the Dirty that I had sexually abused my daughter. I mentioned it to my daughter at the time. She was like great now people are going to think I've been sexually abused. Making sh*t up about my daughter is a really sleazy thing to do. Real men don't lie about little girls. Yeah my daughter is grown up now but it was hard on her. She took all that defamation straight on the chin. I explained some of he things that happened in the last two podcasts on Spotify before I started interviewing other people.

Now Blaze is starting to repeat that same lie over and over again. "It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the children of darkness are frequently more determined and zealous than the children of light." There are other things I know about Blaze that I'm not prepared to share at this time but when this life is over, everyone will know. Everyone. There will be no place for him to hide. He will be forced to leave. "Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease." Until then, Wo to you oh earth and see.

Update: As someone pointed out, if you just search the CSO registry using his last names a few they forgot to reiove still show up. Most of the others have been completely removed.
BTW It says he was born in 1971. That means he's 52. Wow. He's old but he never grew up.


  1. So Blaze is a convicted sex offender I'd like to see other parts of the paperwork ie sentences he has served, documents and participants. Blaze is a goof if this sgit is true he will be a marked man.

    1. He plead guilty to domestic assault. The sexual assault charge was dropped in his plea agreement.

    2. Actually some charges are still appearing -

    3. I can't get that ink to work. Did it come up with a search using his name?

    4. Try searching using just McWhirter. You’ll see some charges under his name.

    5. That's very interesting. When you do that you can see the ones they missed. His charges with Brittany Stinn have been removed from that list as well. There are just drug charges with a different GF in Port Coquitlam back in 1998. A strange K file about trespassing at night and a KC file for assault with a weapon. K is domestic assault but I'm not sure what KC means.

    6. I believe the “KC” indicates a criminal assault see this;

      Domestic assault allegations are called “K-files” in British Columbia, where they are identified with the letter K on court files. As with any other assault, K-files can be charged as a simple, weaponed, violent, or aggravated assault under the Criminal Code. Such files are handled by a specialized unit within Crown Counsel offices and, in some jurisdictions, courtrooms specifically designated for domestic assault cases.

  2.,crazy? Try this link, thiz should work

    1. That one says error. You put my name in it. I have no criminal record. You know that.

    2. You have no criminal record, just a record of outing criminals.... ;-)

  3. I wonder if "Shovel Face" still has his VP tat.......LMAO...

    1. You mean Joey? Kingpin Crew has been disbanded and IS has been replaced.

    2. Yeah I remember. That was pretty funny getting a VP tat of some joke crew that was disbanded that quickly. VP of nothing, just like the rest of their lives.

    3. The important thing to remember is that he was promised that position for killing Brittney Irving and he wasn't promised that position by Dale. He was promised that position by the low life that put the manufactured debt on him and ordered the hit.


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