Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Langley shooting

CTV is reportng that "Mounties are investigating after a man with a gunshot wound was found on the side of the road in Langley, B.C., early Tuesday morning. Paramedics called police to the area of 204 Street and 68 Avenue in the Willoughby neighbourhood around 6:30 a.m. Investigators say that where man was found along the side of the road may not have been where the shooting took place."

Free Surrey from the RCMP

The trailer trash p*ssing match over the future of the Surrey RCMP has hit the courts. The Judge granted sealing orders in respect to SPS operation plans and policies concerning covert and undercover operations but decided not to seal or redact a Surrey Police Union affidavit concerning allegations of harassment, bullying and public safety concerns involving the RCMP.

The Union filed a grievance over Surrey RCMP bullying and harassing Surrey Police members. This is not new nor is it surprising. This toxic cesspool of harassment needs to come to an end.

I live in Surrey and I support a municipal Police force as does the Wake Up Surrey grass roots organization. Surrey is the largest city in Canada that doesn't have it's own police force. The defiant dirty tricks the Surrey RCMP have pulled to protect their interests over the interests of the community is appalling. The people of Surrey deserve better: getridofthercmp.ca

The RCMP have a long documented history of sexual harassment. The Surrey RCMP was a big part of that. As we speak, Cody Haevischer is in court trying to have his Surrey Six conviction overturned because of gross RCMP misconduct. IHIT were having threesomes with witnesses. It wasn't one cop and one witness. It was a climate of unprofessionalism that permitted the force.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Margo Compton, Janice Shore and Dianne Rock

Margo Compton's audio diary on A&E has exposed some lies. Some members are involved with illegal prostitution. Otis Garret was one and Sonny Barger knew about it. As I keep saying, what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. However, how Margo Compton was forced into that industry was really sleazy. Kidnapping her kids when she tried to leave totally cross the line of all street ethics. Even in prison there is a code of conduct. That's why child molesters have a hard time in prison. Otis Garret was just one member.
This brings us to the Janice Shore story. Janice was brutally murdered in Surrey for a drug debt when the Surrey Strip was in full swing. The Surrey strip was a dark corner where crack was sold openly and a lot of addicts were homeless. Drug addicted prostitution was everywhere. The drugs and prostitution on that strip was run by a Hells Angels associate named Larry Mizen.

The brutal nature of her murder moved me and rocked the community. She was sexually assaulted, beaten into a coma and left to die beside a landmark tree in the area. I visited Janice in the hospital on Christmas morning. She was still unconscious. The nurse said she may never regain consciousness. The whole side of her face and jaw were completely caved in from blunt force trauma. She died two months later without regaining consciousness.

I was appalled. I put up wanted posters because I really wanted to find out who did this. After 10 years of blogging I linked to the story on the bottom of my Finian's Inferno web site. At the time I went down there and asked some homeless where the tree was that she was found beside and that I wanted to put up a memorial. A sex trader worker stood up and said I know where it is. She put on her boots and said I'll show you. At first I thought this is a little awkward but I went with it.

As we were leaving a fat white chick gets in her grill and says where you going? She said to get a life. She walks me over to the tree and I immediately recognize it from the picture in the Surrey Leader. I thanked her and as we were walking back the fat white chick gets back in her grill and kept saying where'd you go? Was that a trick? If it was she wanted a cut. She said no. He just wants to put up a memorial for Janice.

Not long after that a former sex trade worker contacted me about Janice. She had seen the posters and she knew about my blog. She had even seen that picture they posted of my daughter and I on the Dirty. She said when she saw my picture she knew she could trust me because I looked normal. That's when she told me about Larry Mizen and what was really going on.

She said the fat white chick was probably Colleen, one of Larry Mizen's co accused. Larry Mizen was a drug dealer and an enforcer for the Hells Angels. He would beat people up for drug debts like Big Tony did in East Vancouver. There the drug dealers were the pimps. They would give the sex trade workers drugs and when they got a trick the drug dealers would take all their money.

She said that tree was where the drug dealers would demand free service from the sex trade workers. She said leaving Janice's body there was a message to all the other sex trade workers to pay their debts or end up like Janice. There was a lot of others things that happened during my investigation but when I exposed Larry Mizen the club killed him end of story.

Since then the Surrey Strip has been cleaned up. The BC NDP offered them housing and they said to those who refused housing they had to leave. The problem is, this is exactly what still goes on in the DTES. It's not consensual. It's human trafficking and the homeless are literally brutalized by the drug dealers. What we are doing in the DTES is wrong. That is not compassion. It is exploration and our silence condones it.
Then there was the Dianne Rock story. I linked to that on the Finian's Inferno web site as well. Dianne Rock started seeing a longshoreman who sold crack. She was off the drugs but he got her back on the drugs. He said a little bit won't hurt. Then he started charging her for the drugs. She couldn't pay for them so he forced her into the sex trade. At one point she was gang raped on the Pickton Farm. After the drugs ate her alive and she could no longer make money she ended up dead on the Pickton Farm like so many other sex trade workers who had drug debts. Back then they were harvesting pituitary glands to make HGH. Now it's made synthetically.

Dianne Rock was gang raped on the Pickton Farm by bikers and cops. Not all cops are rapists and not all bikers are rapists. Some are. The original Missing Woman's inquiry was supposed to hear evidence of off duty cops attending parties at Piggy's Palace. Jim Brown was one of them. As soon as the lawyer for the original missing woman's inquiry mentioned a picture of Jim Brown and Dave Pickton in a threesome, the Coquitlam RCMP kicked in the whistle blower's door, seized his hard drives and deleted the evidence. History has recorded that.

Margo Compton's Audio Diaries on A&E

Hells Angels exclusive on A&E - Clowns, hang arounds and wannabes

Well here is it. Episode three about Margo Compton has now been released.
It explains how she got lured into that lifestyle and became trapped. The Hells Angels came to town and a lot of drugs came to town that weren't there before - Methamphetamine which is speed. Crystal meth is what we have now but that is not speed. Crystal meth is made with Drano. Margo Compton's husband became a hang around and started using drugs. He started beating her and threatened to kill her. Otis Garrett was the chapter president. She went to him for help.

Otis protected Margo from her abusive husband and got her a job as a counselor. Turns out they didn't want her to be a counselor. They wanted her to be a prostitute. When she said she didn't want to have sex with every man who came into the brothel they started to beat her and she was no better off than with her abusive husband.

They took advantage of her and forced her to become a prostitute. Margo said she wanted out and Otis said she owed him five thousand dollars. She didn't have the money so Otis said he was going to keep her kids until she came up with the money. Otis was connected to Sonny Barger.

Everyone knew about his drug business, his prostitution and everything else he was involved with. Everyone knew. It was not a secret. Margo went to the police and the police got her children back for her. The Love Nest was raided December 8th 1976. Otis Garret was charged with pimping and pandering. August 7th 1977 Margo Compton and her daughters were murdered.

Now we can say well she testified against the Hells Angels. Then why did you kill her kids? What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business but why did you force her to become a prostitute and why did you kidnap her kids when she tried to leave? That forced her to go to the police. After she and her children were murdered the police searched the house and found her diary and audio tapes. After Margo Compton was murdered they used her previous testimony and convicted Otis of pimping. He was sentenced to two years in prison for the pimping charge.

Since executing the two little girls crossed the line a leader of the Aryan Nations prison gang cooperated with the police and gave up Otis for their murder. However, the associate warden called him into their office and put his wife on the speaker phone. While she was talking he heard two motorcycles ride up to his wife's home. They made it clear that if he testified against Otis they would kill his wife. The warden was working with the Hells Angels. So now they're trying to claim Otis was a lone wolf who crossed the line and no one knew about it. Bullsh*t. Everyone knew.

Sonny Barger told the guy from the Aryan nations he didn't know anything about that. Bullsh*t. Sonny Barger honored Otis as a proud member of the filthy few fellowship long after he was convicted of ordering Margo Compton's murder and the murder of her daughters.

This is how the Hells Angels lie to their own members. It's like when they said the Hells Angels would never have anything to do with Robert Pickton. Everyone who lives here knows that is a lie. Dave Pickton was a Hells Angels associate. He went with them to Sturgis. They had a grow op on the farm. Big Tony worked the door at Piggy's Palace.

Michael Thompson called up Sonny Barger and said Otis killed the kids and they were threatening his wife. Sonny pulled a Rainbow Ricky and denied knowing about it. He didn't want the Aryan Nations to turn on them so he called off the threats on his wife and let him testify.

I believe George Christie wasn't aware of it but I do not believe Sonny Barger wasn't. Sonny was the National President. Otis was his big money maker as a meth cook and supplier. As the documentary pointed out, Otis Garrett remained a member in good standing until his death in 2017. George Christie was put out in bad for having a disagreement with Sonny Barger but Otis Garret was never put out on bad for killing two little kids. As I said, Sonny honored Otis on the West Vegas website as a proud member of the Filthy Few Fellowship long after he was convicted of the murders. The Filthy Few Fellowship means you've killed someone for the club.
Otis Garret was president of the Vallejo chapter. Sonny Barger was a founding member of the Oakland chapter which is even closer to San Francisco than Vallejo. Durring the trial "Carrafa said that while trying to recruit him for an armored car robbery, Hells Angel James (Jim Jim) Brandes bragged of shooting the Compton household. As expanded by the defense teams, the story grew to imply that it was possibly Sergey Walton -- not Garrett -- who ordered the hit and that Brandes and a pal pulled it off. Brandes testified in McClure's trial that he had no knowledge of the Compton tragedy -- but before the second trial, he hung himself in prison. Prosecutors waved off any suggestion that Walton had anything to do with the murders."

"Sergey Walton, the ex-Hells Angels Oakland chapter president who went into federal witness protection years ago to turn informant, swore that McClure admitted the killings to him in Oakland as they were arguing over a woman." Walton was a top lieutenant under Sonny Barger.

Rolling Stone journalist Howard Kohn wrote a sprawling exposé of the Angels’ misdeeds entitled Hells Angels: Masters of Menace. He reported on the Angel thefts from a lab in Oakland that carried materials used in large-scale meth production. And he told in scorching detail about the bomb attack on a detective in Vallejo, California, Bill Zerbe, who narrowly escaped death in a reprisal for his tenacious pursuit of Angel higher-up James Ezekiel Jim-Jim Brandes."

"Brandes was linked with a long-running investigation of a 1977 execution murder of Margo Compton, her two children, and a man called Gary Seslar. In 1994, the first trial connected to the case was against a Hells Angels hopeful called Robert McClure, but a criminal called Victor Carrafa testified that he had heard Brandes admitting that he was one of the murderers. Brandes died by suicide in prison between the first and the second trial, and McClure was eventually found guilty despite insisting that he had been framed."

Sonny Barger told Michael Thompson from the Aryan Nations that he was not aware of the order to murder Margo Compton and her kids. That was a lie. When his lieutenant was accused of ordering the murder his lieutenant testified that McClure admitted the killings to him in Oakland as they were arguing over a woman. So Sonny did know about the murders and when he was accused of ordering the murder one of his lieutenants testified that McClure did it.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Regina police officer accidentally shot another officer

The Regina Police service is reporting that "At around 12:15 a.m. on April 26th, 2024, the Regina Police Service Street Gang Unit (SGU), supported by the Tactical Support Unit (TSU), was executing a search warrant at a residence in the 1000 block of Retallack St. During this search warrant execution there was an accidental discharge of a police officer’s firearm, which struck another police officer. This officer sustained non-life threatening injuries and was transported to hospital. No members of the public were injured during this incident."

Wow, this was the Street Gang Unit and the Tactical Support Unit executing a search warrant. The whole point of firearm safely is to avoid accidental discharges. At least it wasn't as bad as the RCMP officer in Surrey who shot herself in the foot drawing her firearm. She radioed in saying she'd been shot and they sent the dogs out who shot the unarmed kid dead. They thought the kid shot her. She said on the radio, I think I shot myself. The alpha dogs didn't hear that part and decided to play judge, jury and executioner. Then she lied in court and said she shot the kid.

The kid was hysterical running to the police for help screaming they're trying to kill me. Instead of trying to calm the kid down she pulled out her firearm and shot herself in the foot. She later lied to the court and said she was the one that shot him 9 times. She was not. She's not going to fatally shoot the kid 9 times after she shot herself in the foot. Other officers shot the kid in retaliation. She lied and the other officers got off. That is the Surrey RCMP. His name was Hudson Brooks.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Natural gas pipeline from Iran to Pakistan

All these wars over pipelines and monopolies. We can all see how the Saudi oil monopoly has wrecked havoc here at home. We keep getting unwarranted apocalyptic spikes in the price of gas simply because Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau have killed domestic production and supported the CIA's oil monopoly in Saudi. Donald Trump got America off Saudi oil and Joe Biden got America back on it. That's what all these wars are about.

It's not about obtaining cheap oil so North America can prosper. It's about reducing the supply to increase the price. It's about promoting the Saudi monopoly so they can keep raising prices which impoverishes North Americans and Europe creating manufactured energy shortages.

The Central Asia gas pipeline through Afghanistan was natural gas. The rival pipelines in Syria are natural gas. The Nordsteam pipeline to Germany is Natural gas. All these wars are about reducing the supply to increase the price. Natural gas is clean burning. Industrial coal is not. This is where fake environmentalism meets Corporate Communism. Oil monopolies are bad.

Anti government protests in Israel intensify

The weekly mass protests against the Israeli government by Jews living in Israel are continuing to intensify and our media is completely ignoring it. Benjamin Netanyahu is a bad man. Jews in Israel see that and are continuing to demand his resignation and have early elections. It is a public non confidence vote. Instead of addressing the vocal concerns of his own people he goes on television condemning the antisemitic protests at American universities. I object to killing aid workers and starving civilians. That does not make me antisemitic. The thousands of Jews in Israel calling for Netanyahu's resignation are not antisemitic. Ignoring them is antisemitic.

Burisma had ties to financing terrorists

Great Game India is reporting that "In a recent development from Moscow, the State organization responsible for investigating significant crimes disclosed that the Ukrainian company Burisma had ties to financing terrorists. This revelation may not be entirely surprising, particularly given previous knowledge about Hunter Biden’s involvement. However, it raises questions about connections to the CIA. Notably, the name Cofer Black emerges."

"Interestingly, Cofer Black, a seasoned CIA officer with no prior experience in the oil and gas sector beyond personal use, found himself appointed to the board of Burisma alongside Hunter Biden. Before this, he secured a position on the board of a Latvian Bank."

Cofer Black was Vice Chairman of Blackwater from 2005 until 2008. That means he was Vice chairman of Blackwater during the Iraq massacre as well as the arms dealing and murder of whistleblowers accusations. Mitt Romney’s top adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, joined the board of the Ukraine energy firm, Burisma, while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board.

"Considering the allegations made by Russia’s Investigative Committee, if Cofer Black served on the Burisma Board during the period when funds were allegedly transferred to groups with terrorist ties, it’s understandable why Russia might suspect CIA involvement, even indirectly, in terrorist activities within Russia." The CIA created ISIS and ISIS-K.

Clowns, hang arounds and wannabes

Update: Margo Compton's Audio Diaries on A&E

OK so I'm anxiously awaiting for the third episode of A&E's new series on the Hells Angels because it reveals Margo Compton's diaries. That is very significant. However before I watch and report on that something needs to be said. I don't want to hate, I just want to state.

Evidently A&E has this new series called Secrets of the Hells Angels. Two episodes have already aired. I just found out about the third episode that airs Sunday about Margo Compton. The third episode is landmark. The first episode rehashes old bullsh*t and I'm not going to get into it. I see the second episode had clips from George Christie and Kerri Krysko both of whom I respect. Again, I don't want to hate. I just want to state. George is a good guy. Kerri is a good person and a good mother. As I have frequently said, I was never involved with any of that lifestyle. Yet when I was growing up a narc was the lowest form of life known to man. That was never my thing.

It appears that the intent of the series is to make the Hells Angels look bad. The Hells Angels often say no body remembers when we do good but they never forget when we do bad. I realize the Hells Angels are not Boy Scouts or Shriners. One could argue when have the Hells Angels ever done good. I'm not here to promote the Hells Angels. I support good and resist evil.

As I do that I shun sweeping stereotypes because I see a great evil within the ATF. Operation Fast and Furious was one. Michael Kramer was another. The bottom line is that I don't trust any of those guys. The new A&E series interviews five former Hells Angels presidents. George Christie is one of them. In one of his clips from the second episode he restates that the Hells Angels are not a criminal organization. His explanation was that the Hells Angels who are involved with criminal activity are stingy and don't share the proceeds of crime with the other members. When I first heard him say that I laughed and said that is believable.

Likewise, Kerri would say the Hells Angels aren't a criminal organization, they are an organization of criminals. Many members are criminals but many members aren't. That is true and the dirty a*s mercenary spook refuses to recognize that. That's because he has a NWO agenda.

I'm not interested in the secrets of the Hells Angels. Their business is none of my business. I am interested in the Margo Compton case because that is very significant and opens Pandora's box.

Yet too many people obsess over the Hells Angels because they are jealous of them and covet that life. I am not and I do not. I ride a motorcycle but I don't sell crystal meth and my life does not revolve around strippers and blow. I strive to embrace a deeper meaning to life.

In Vancouver the Satan's Angels were f*ck ups but the Gypsy Wheelers were normal. They say if you leave the Hells Angels alone, they'll leave you alone. For the most part, I'm that way too. Yet some atrocities cause me to loose my sh*t. Margo Compton was one, Dianne Rock and Janice Shore were two others. I encourage people to leave the gang life because it's not what they pretend it is. I encourage people when they leave the life to keep their mouth shut and not cooperate with the police. That is the safest way to leave the life and move on.

Lily Tang on gun control with Colion Noir