Saturday, September 28, 2024

NY Mayor Eric Adam’s Indicted

This is indeed shocking but not in the way they want you to think. The Hodge Twins is reporting that "NY Mayor Eric Adam’s Indicted Because He Said Immigrants Will Destroy New York." WTF.

He's not indited for embezzling money or any other criminal act. He's indicted for making a political statement. One that is accurate and justified. This once again demonstrators the weaponization of the Department of Justice under Kamala Harris. A black woman censoring a black man within her own party. Just like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK.

I do not have any hate for Eric Adams. Stand with any man when they stand right and part with them when they go wrong. Obviously I supported Curtis Sliwa for mayor. I recognize that Eric Adams won the Democrat nomination for mayor amidst a sea of crazy because he was the candidate most like Curtis. He came from a law enforcement background and did not support defunding the police like AOC - All Out Crazy as Curtis refers to her.

I also recognize that there were serious irregularities in the Democrat primary and credible allegations of voter fraud. Adams was winning by a long shot then all of a sudden the results flipped and Adams went to court over it. After Adams filed a court claim, the original results held and he became the candidate. He won by popular vote but Kamala's party didn't want him there because of his sensible positions which opposed their agenda.

First of all, there's nothing wrong with immigration. Canada and America were built by hard working immigrants. The poem on the Statue of Liberty attests to that quest. The problem is mass illegal immigration. No government can afford to feed and house mass migrants who refuse to work. Eric Adams simply said we can't afford to feed and house all these migrants. New York is currently running a huge deficit and essential government services will suffer as a result. In that sense, mass illegal immigration of criminals who won't work will indeed destroy the city.

If everyone in every city said we refuse to work and want the government to pay for everything, every city in the country will go bankrupt. Just like how safe supply of harmful drugs will destroy our public health care system. Drug addiction is like a forest fire. The more you feed it the more it consumes. You can't get a MRI or surgery but you can get free heroin. That is Satanic.

Indicting a Democrat mayor for telling the truth is indicative of Kamala's party. Whip it.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Baby Oil? P Diddy what?

I haven't commented on the latest round of P Diddy news because it's crazy and hard to sort out. I'm kind of waiting for some real evidence to come forward. In the beginning I said it was strange how the allegations were changing. At first everyone was claiming he was banging little boys now everyone's claiming he was filming heterosexual sex.

The New York Post is reporting that "A male prostitute has come forward and provided federal investigators with a videotape allegedly showing one of beleaguered rapper Sean Diddy Combs infamous freak offs, according to a new report."

"The sex worker met with federal investigators working on the sex-trafficking case against Diddy in New York on Wednesday, sources with direct knowledge told TMZ. He provided them a copy of a freak off tape that Diddy, 54, allegedly made in May 2023." That sounds like a set up.

The fake news keeps repeating this dramatic headline about a male sex worker. Was Diddy having sex with a male prostitute? No he wasn't. The New York Post goes on to say "Sources say the freak off in question involved Diddy, the male prostitute and a female prostitute. The worker alleges he and the female engaged in intercourse while Diddy orchestrated the encounter from behind a video camera." All this hype over that seems a bit strange.

The picture in question is of Diddy on the dance floor behind two topless women wearing a thong. I don't see any little boys being banged there. I'm not condoning anything he did. I'm just trying to sort out the allegations because the media frenzy is bizarre and seems to be driven by the CIA which is always a red flag. Maybe one of them was a guy wearing a thong embracing a woman. It's pretty hard to tell. The arms don't look like a man. The back might. I can't tell.

People gossip magazine reported that "Sean 'Diddy' Combs Settled Civil Lawsuit with Cassie 'So Quickly' Because of 2016 Hotel Video, Says Former CIA Agent." Former CIA agent? WTF? America is domestic. The CIA has no jurisdiction there. Yet as Jesse Ventura discovered the CIA is actively involved in US politics on American soil. WTF is the CIA doing in the middle of all this? That's the elephant in the room. Tracy Walder is a freak. Now some YouTube tabloid is quoting a CIA spy expert. This is really weird. If the CIA is involved then we know what's going on here.

Global is reporting that "Authorities said the freak offs hosted by Combs were elaborate and produced sex performances that often forced or coerced victims into days-long sex acts with sex workers. The events were allegedly filmed by Combs and later used as blackmail against victims." Yeah that's what we thought. Blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein worked for Mossad and the CIA. That 2016 surveillance video allegedly showed P Diddy physically assaulting his ex. That is a valid concern. Yet it is clear the CIA is at the heart of all this. Again.

Ghislaine Maxwell faced a trial and conviction but the CIA never did for their invovlemnt in that.

Then there's the baby oil. The fake news is going off about how the FBI seized a thousand bottles of baby oil from P Diddy's home. WTF is that supposed to mean? Black women use baby oil in their hair. It smells nice. What are they insinuating with the baby oil? They were using it for nuru massages? Oh my call 9/11. The PoPo will probably want a peice of that.

Counterfeit World by Five Times August

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Talking points are lies Kamala and Joe confiscate guns

Townhall meeting - Saturday, 10:30 am - Burnaby

PSA: "In case you are not aware of the TOWNHALL MEETING in Burnaby this Saturday, at 10:30 am. The purpose of these meetings is to acquaint citizens (who are unaware) with the “very questionable”, government-dictatorship-facilitating legislative BILLS, like Bill 36, etc passed by the BC Government in the last few years, with more pending." 8611 Armstrong Ave. Burnaby. (13th Ave becomes Armstrong Ave between Cumberland and Caribou )

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Energy costs drive inflation

♬ original sound - I Meme Therefore I am
It all comes back to the cost of energy. That's why Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden kill domestic production. To raise the cost of oil and everything we buy in the stores. That's why Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden want to ban natural gas because it's cheap and clean burning. The WEF's oil wars support the Saudi monopoly so they can jack up the price of oil as much as they want. Their manufactured energy crisis in Europe has a purpose. They want to make consumers poor so they become slaves completely dependent on the government.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Police fatally shoot Surrey mother who couldn't speak English - Update

Global is reporting that "Family and friends of a woman who was fatally shot by police in Surrey early Thursday morning say they’ve been left with many questions about what happened. RCMP and the Independent Investigations Office (IIO) say police were called to a disturbance at a home on 180A Street near 62 Avenue in Cloverdale. Investigators said the woman had locked herself in a room and was holding an unspecified weapon near a toddler."

"About an hour after Mounties arrived, police shot the woman following an interaction. The child was unhurt. The woman’s church community has identified her as Vanessa Valencia. Members of the Citywide Christ Church are now questioning how the situation was handled. Church pastor Gaston Ntabaza said Valencia’s husband had called 911 after an argument and needed help to calm her down. He said her husband insisted she had no weapon and posed no threat to her one-year-old child." No weapon, no threat. That's important.

"Neighbours told Global News they heard multiple commands being yelled including “drop the knife,” and “drop the scissors,” adding the situation went on for at least 30 minutes before the deadly shots were fired." There was plenty of time to react.

Was she holding a knife? Was she holding scissors? It reminds us of when the police start yelling stop resisting when they have someone down to justify giving them the boots when they aren't resisting. Was she holding a weapon or not? Was there a threat to the child or not?

"Valencia’s pastor said she had experienced a mental health crisis the day before she died, prompting police to look for her Wednesday evening after friends called 911 to report she had thoughts of suicide." If someone is threatening to commit suicide, you don't shoot them dead. None of us were there but there are different versions of this tragedy.

"Friends told Global News they don’t know if Valencia, a recant arrival from Colombia, even knew what was going on during the confrontation with police. 'Vanessa has zero, zero English communication skills,' Ntabaza said."

That is key. The police get all bent out of shape when a suspect won't immediately obey their direct command. It's a bit Dr Phil. In this situation the mother couldn't speak English and couldn't understand their direct command like the tragic RCMP taser incident at the Vancouver Airport.

All accounts say the stand off lasted a long time. There is not reason the police could have requested to have someone eon scene that spoke Spanish. That would have been a huge help. The husband said the police have de-escalation skills but do they? They should. I think we need more training in that. When I was with the Guardian Angels that was a big part of what we did.

We'd going in an help calm things down. Sebastian Metz was an expert at that. He was very good at diffusing situation. If it was an active violent situation he'd rush in and push people apart, but then he would also know what to say when to calm things down. He was also very good at calming things down before they got violent. That's an important part of police work and we need more training and more emphasis on it. The current policing model is they go in and out fast to deal with the situation and that isn't always the best approach.
Just to clarify, I am not anti police. I support law enforcement and I support Police on Guard. They are role models who believe in their oath to defended the Charter of Rights. There's good and bad everywhere you go. I don't support defunding the police. I support law enforcement.

A few years ago the Surrey RCMP were called in to a hostage taking when a man had a gun and was holding someone hostage. ERT came in. They shot the guy and the hostage. That was less effective. In the US there was another case where a cop shot a woman with mental health issues dead similar to the recent fatal shooting of the mother in Surrey. The body cam footage was horrific. She was obviously having an episode and he should not have shot her.

A few years ago a female cop shot a guy in the DTES who was mentally ill and came at her with a knife. She showed a great deal of restraint and put one in his leg. The spook said that was a bad thing to do because it set a bad precedent. Now all cops are going to be expected to do that when they are trained to put one in their chest and shoot to kill. In this situation the guy was obviously mentally ill. She would have been legally justified in fatally shooting him but she chose the higher road which I support.

A few years ago there was an incident in the old Safeway at Whalley. Someone who was mentally ill came in to the store with a knife and was suicidal. He wasn't threatening other people he was stabbing himself in the stomach.

An employee who witness the event said the self inflicted stab wounds were very serious. The Surrey RCMP came in and said drop the knife. He didn't so they shot him in his leg to distract him so they could take the knife away from him. They showed restraint. In the recent case with the Surrey mother, the husband said there was no weapons and no threat to their child.

I see two problems. One is the lack in conflict resolution training to diffuse situations, the other is sheer arrogance. As I said before this obsession with obeying their direct command is really Dr Phil. Obeying your command? Who the hell do you think you are? The abuse starts at depot. Trainees get abused at depot so they think that's OK. Then they start treating civilians who pay their wages and suspects that way.

Another example is the cop who arrested a guy in Kelowna. He pulled his gun on the suspect and ordered him to get on the ground. The suspect put his hands on his head and got down on his knees. The officer kept screaming get down on the ground. The suspect is confused thinking I am on the ground. What are you talking about. Then the cop kicked the guy in the face when he was submitting on his knees. The cop wanted him to lay flat on the ground and the suspect didn't understand him. So the pride element exists.

It also exists when an inexperienced cop is scared. Several years ago my daughter worked graveyard shift and I would pick her up after work because it was right in Whalley. One night right before we entered our complex a female cop jumped in front of me and stuck her gun in my face ordering me to stop. I pointed to our complex and said I live there. I'm just going home.

She screamed that there was a police incident and I was not allowed to enter. I asked her what was going on and she said it was a domestic violence incident and the suspect has a gun. She was so scared she was panicking. I said what, the screamer? I know her. Let me talk to them. She refused and kept waving her gun in my face. I finally said you need to calm down and point that firearm is a safe direction. My daughter was sitting right beside me.

I didn't notice if the cop had her finger on the trigger but I'm pretty sure she did. When a cop pulls their gun and yells an order their finger is usually on the trigger which is dangerous especially when they are scared and are panicking. Another example of that is the Hudson Brooks case.

Hudson was a skateboarder running for his life because guys were chasing him. The Surrey guys used to go there and beat on the skaters. One time they beat a skater to death. So Hudson was running scared yelling they're trying to kill me. He runs towards the cop shop for help.

A female cop panics and yells at him to stop. Hudson is scared and keeps running past her. In a frenzy she draws her gun and shoots herself in the foot. Hudson kept running. She radios in that she's been shot. They send the wolves out and one of the other cops shoots Hudson dead thinking he had just shot a cop. Then she says on the radio, I think I shot myself. The other cop didn't hear that part and shot Hudson dead. Then in the inquiry she lied and said she was the one that shot Hudson. She did not. Another cop did. The other cops were pissed she shot herself in the foot and they just fatally shot an innocent kid because of it so they made her lie.

She didn't regain her composure after she shot herself in the foot and empty her magazine into Hudson. He ran past her. He wasn't anywhere near her when he was shot. I admit it was a tragic accident but lying doesn't solve anything. The cop who did shoot Hudson is free to reoffend.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Who hired the hitman to kill Shrek's brother?

Update: Now we have to ask, who hired the Edmonton hitman to kill Shrek? The same people who hired the two kids from Edmonton to kill Ali so their drug debts would be forgiven. 8151.

In 2022 the Abbotsford News reported that "A man who gunned down Harb Dhaliwal of Abbotsford in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour in April 2021 has received a life sentence with no chance of parole for 20 years.

Francois Joseph Gauthier, 52, was initially charged with first-degree murder but pleaded guilty and was sentenced Wednesday (June 29) in B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver to second-degree murder."

"Dhaliwal, 31, was pronounced dead at the scene on April 17, 2021 after being shot outside Cardero’s restaurant near Coal Harbour Quay and Cardero Street. Police at the time said they believed the shooting was targeted. Harb was the brother of Barinder (Brian) Dhaliwal, (Shrek) who has previously been identified as being involved in the Lower Mainland gang conflict."

I missed that. It was big news that a hit man from Quebec was hired to kill Shrek's brother in Coal Harbour. Shrek's other brother chased the shooter down and stabbed him in the eye.

Post Media News reported that "He was originally charged with first-degree murder, but struck a plea deal for second-degree, meaning the more serious charge was dropped. Yet there’s not a word in the agreed statement about who hired him and why Dhaliwal was targeted." Imagine that.

There's no way that was second degree murder. It was a hired hit. It was premeditated. It was an open and shut case. Yet the crown cut a deal to get a gag order. I can guarantee you if there was anything in the trial that hinted it was the UN who hired him, there would have been no gag order.

Let's not forget 6ixaktv's dramatic entrance in the game. It was the shooting in Whister. That's when Shrek's other brother Meninder Dhaliwal was killed right after Jamie Bacon went into Witness Protection. Right after that there was another shooting in Surrey at Softball City.

In that shooting Harbir Khosa was the original target. He used to have ties to the UN but most recently had been working with Gary Kang and the Red Scorions. Before Jamie Bacon rolled BK and the Hells Angels were killing Gary Kang associates in the Red Scorpions to pave the way for Jamie B*tch Bacon. After Jamie Bacon rolled on the club, Lolo Lanski and Kyle Latimer rolled on BIBO to take Jamie's place. So all these murders were contracted by the club. As in the Wolf Pack and the Edmonton Angels. The CFSEU want to blame all this on the UN.

Side effects of Fentanyl are harmful

Aside from turning human beings into literal zombies, one of the side effects of Fentanyl that we observe is a strange propensity to fold the body at the waist. This video from the Hodge Twins shows a less common example of how someone is flooded in half sideways. We often see addicts folded in half at the waste standing, sitting or lying down. It is very sad. These are sons and daughters and we are literally killing them with harm promotion. This is not social justice. Social justice is helping them get off these harmful drugs not helping them stay on them.

SF doctors observe fentanyl side effect that causes people to be completely bent over after use

Align Recovery centers state that "Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is up to 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin, making it extremely dangerous. As its abuse increases, a peculiar and disturbing behavior has been observed among users: bending over or hunching."

"This phenomenon, often referred to as the fentanyl fold, occurs because the drug’s potent effects on the central nervous system cause intense muscle relaxation and loss of motor control. Users lose the ability to maintain proper posture, resulting in the characteristic bending over. Fentanyl induces extreme muscle relaxation, making it difficult for users to hold themselves upright. This relaxation affects the central nervous system’s signals that control muscle tone. As a result, users may bend over or slump as their muscles lose strength and tone."

"One of the most dangerous effects of fentanyl is respiratory depression. The drug significantly slows down breathing, sometimes to a life-threatening level. Reduced oxygen intake can make users feel dizzy and lightheaded, causing them to bend over as a subconscious attempt to stabilize themselves and breathe more easily. "

"Fentanyl is often mixed with other drugs, sometimes without the user’s knowledge. For instance, there have been reports of purple fentanyl, a form of the drug mixed with other substances that give it a distinctive color. This contamination increases the risk of overdose and other adverse effects because users may not be aware of the potency or the presence of fentanyl in what they consume. A concerning trend is the presence of fentanyl in weed."

"Some users unknowingly consume marijuana laced with fentanyl, leading to unexpected and dangerous effects. This contamination can cause severe reactions, including the bending over posture, as the powerful opioid takes effect. Users who are not accustomed to opioids may experience intense and dangerous side effects, even with small amounts."

Fentanyl-Laced Marijuana on the Rise

"Fentanyl is most often combined with other opioids to create a more intense high, but recently fentanyl-laced marijuana has been showing up on the scene as well. According to NBC News, a 16-year-old high school student in Connecticut was hospitalized after an overdose from suspected marijuana contaminated with fentanyl."

"The Connecticut State Department of Public Health issued a warning about the possible dangers of fentanyl-laced marijuana after several reports were received indicating opioid overdose symptoms in patients who claimed to only have smoked pot. In one instance, the marijuana was tested and found to have contained fentanyl."

WARNING: Marijuana Laced with Fentanyl

Weed-Laced Fentanyl: What You Need To Know

Smoking heroin with cannabis versus injecting heroin

Fatal shooting in Langley - Update

Update: The Dirty Newz is reporting that locals claim this shooting involved Shrek. Shrek was a supporter of Jamie Bacon. CFSEU claims Shrek, the BK member, was the one wounded who survived. The HAs have been targeting Shrek's family after Jamie Bacon rolled on the club.

2nd Update: It was Shrek who was wounded and the fatality was the shooter sent to kill him: Jonathan Hebrada-Walters, of Edmonton. He had a cocaine conviction in Saskatchewan.

The Chilliwack Progress is reporting that "One man is dead and another is in hospital with gunshot wounds after two shooting incidents about the same time in Langley, not far from each other, on Saturday night. Shortly after 6 p.m. Langley RCMP, fire crews and paramedics were called to 208 St. near 80 Ave, for reports of a shooting."

"A male was located in a stopped car with gunshot injuries and was rushed to hospital. Shortly after, another reported shooting was called in at 84 Ave. and 196 St. where emergency crews located another victim with gunshot wounds. Despite life saving measures including CPR, that victim died at the scene."

No doubt Blaze and IHIT will blame someone out of the country. Nothing to see here folks.