Monday, January 22, 2024

James Riach is not working for the UN - Update

That is an offensive lie. Just sayn. Loonie has always been a HA associate. Just like how Shrader never betrayed Loonie or Larry. That was another offensive lie. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

Blaze was the one who made this ridiculous claim. He still spams my blog with bullsh*t. That's his MO. James Riach was in the car with Jonathon Bacon and Larry Amero when it was shot up in Kelowna. He crawled out the back door. James Riach was with the Bacon Brothers and the Independent Soldiers at the Castle Fun Park meeting in kevlar before the Surrey Six.

James has always been a HA associate. James is currently in jail in the Philippines. He was busted for selling drugs for the Hells Angels. He didn't cross over in prison. That's ridiculous.

Before he was arrested he had some local cops on his payroll. A girl stole some money from him so he sent the cops to collect it. They collected the money then tried to extort him for more. He didn't pay them so they set him up. He was selling drugs but the suite they arrested him in was a safe house. It was clean. No drugs where there. The cops planted the drugs to bust him.

This lie about Loonie comes directly from the CFSEU. The fact that Blaze is still on the police's payroll shows the CFSEU is completely compromised and have absolutely no self respect.

If you want to be a drug dealer, be a drug dealer but don't be a dirty cop. Criminals hate cops. Law biding citizens hate dirty cops so no one likes a dirty cop. No one likes a liar either.

The CFSEU is trying to set up James Riach so he will give them intel on HA associates.
Remember when they killed Gary Kang? They killed Anees Mohammed right after and tried to make Mo's murder look like it was in retaliation for Gary Kang murder when in reality, the CFSEU's b*tch Damion Ryan ordered both murders. You guys are full of sh*t.

Remember when the CFSEU mentioned RK the Redd Alert Killas in the DTES? They tried to make it look like the RK were working for the UN like the FK were in Calgary. Only the Wold Pack was supplying the RK as well as the Redd Alert. You're all POS. Find some self respect.

Update: James Riach is a full patch Hells Angel from the Greece chapter. Where the f*ck do you think the Australian press got the UN lie from? It came from the CFSEU. They gave that false info to Australia to cover their ass. My sources on this are rock solid.

Originally the Independent Soldiers were an Indo Canadian gang who were HA rivals. After the Loft 6 shooting all those leaders of the IS were killed and replaced with HA puppets. Blaze was IS. He lied in court. He was NEVER a UN associate and the UN NEVER contracted him to do anything. They worked strictly for the HAs. Blaze lied and tried to claim they were independent of the HAs when they were not. They were a HA puppet club just like the RS were.

This lie about James Riach is so obvious we have to ask ourselves why? Why did they make up this lie? What is their agenda? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the math.

Come to think about it, James Riach's co accused Barry Espadilla got off because the police lied to obtain a search warrant but wasn't it the same search warrant. Why didn't James get off as well? There's a lot of fishy stuff going on here.


  1. I have heard he is HA...

    1. He is. He's full patch from the Greece chapter just like Damion Ryan.

    2. He is full patch HA he plays both side made the bks go hard on the un it wasn't the un that killed the kid it was goof loonie

    3. Donnie McWhiter is a lying POS. James Riach is sitting in jail over in the Philippines. He has absolute nothing to do with the Brothers Keepers. That's the Edmonton Hells Angels. This is just like how Blaze lied about Cory Vallee in court.

      Blaze was never a member of the UN. Cory didn't tell him anything. As the Defense lawyer pointed out he was lying to save his own skin and is ready to lie about Conor D'Monte next. There where two shooters involved in the Kevin LeClair shooting. One was noticeably larger than the other. That was K-9.

      Blaze claimed the other shooter whose gun jammed was Cory. Now they're charging Conor D'Monte. One was noticeably larger than the other. Conor and Cory are the same size. So which one was the other shooter? Cory or Connor? It wasn't both.

  2. What do u mean Schrader betrayed loonie and Larry ? Like he set em up in kelowna ?

    1. Yeah. The CFSEU tried to claim but but they lied. Larry and Jonathon's presence in Kelowna was no secret. They were loud and proud on that very conspicuous boat trying to pick fights. The CFSEU lied because they wanted to put Schrader's life at risk so he would give them intel on people after he left the life which he refused to do.

  3. It is not the Australian press it is the Australian Federal police. I really don't think they would be taking Intel from Blaze do you?

    1. Yes I do. Message me. Australia would take intel from the CFSEU and they would take it from Blaze and Jamie Bacon. I can outline several other similar cases of them intentionally sending out false intel. This case is extreme and ridiculous. James Riach is Not working for the UN. Damion Ryan is working for the CFSEU. If it wasn't for the Manitoba RCMP Damion Ryan would still be selling drugs in the DTES.

    2. Ever heard of the Five Eyes? They are the ones that f*cked over Cameron Ortis. I call it the way I see it and Blaze is spamming the sh*t out of this blog with this BS which reinforces my claim. I stand by what I said. Watch and wait. Time is on the side of truth.

  4. All losers. Who cares which side they’re on? Best when they’re in jail or dead. Problem solved.

    1. I care. An intentional lie like that puts their life at risk.

    2. Did Damion not get James his colors?

    3. No. Where does this bullsh*t come from?

  5. Hi Dennis, I like the blog and have a serious question. At what point did Loonie get the time to prospect for the Greece HA chapter? The time doesn't fit unless they are a chapter that just hand out patches based on how much you earn for them which is what I've heard a lot of other chapters have done in the past so it would not surprise me. Also, if this is the case why would he have gotten framed by the cops in the Philippines? Something doesn't add up here and I'm sure you have solid sources but it just doesn't add up with the time line as to where he had the time to prospect. Even 1 year to get his patch he was already in prison at the time unless I'm missing something. Is the Greece chapter just a sort of chapter that takes all the riff raff and loose ends? Seems like it with Damien and now hearing that Loonie has his patch. Seems like they just give anyone a patch there. What ya think?

    1. "unless they are a chapter that just hand out patches based on how much you earn for them." Bingo. For all we know he could be farmed back to the Ontario Nomads like Damion and Larry. I don't think this is new news about Lonnie having his patch. We heard that a long time ago. It simply reinforces the fact that Blaze and the CFSEU are lying again.

  6. Isn't loonie the same guy they found a framed picture of Anton by his bed when they raided his house one time? How did he get his nickname loonie?

    1. Yes, James and Anton were close. I assume they call him Loonie because he's a little bit crazy just like the rest of us.

  7. Red scorpions independent soldiers brother keeper Red Alert driftwood crips all these gangs work for the hells angels but why has the un gang always been independent since it started never become a pupet club for them do you think un is the only gang in the lowermainland that's stayed independent? .

    1. Basically yes. That's what made the UN such an anomaly. There have been several Indo Canadian gangs that were separate like the Dhure Dhak group but they were supplied by the UN. As I said the original IS were independent but that was back in the days of Bindy Johal. The HAs took them over just like they took over the RS.

      The Red Scorpions originally worked for the UN but the HAs took them over in the Surrey Six. Obviously the Triads aren't HA rivals. The HAs work with them. Before the HAs came to Vancouver there were lots of independent gangs - Lotus, Red Eagles, Viet Ching. The HAs are an invasive species. They are very political and infiltrate everything. The Brothers Keepers also work for the HAs out of Edmonton.

      I don't want to see another gang war when Clay gets out of prison. I sincerely hope he leaves the life. What I object to is the lies blaming the UN for HA internal hits. That is what I object to. If you did it, own it. Don't lie about it.

  8. I heard the prisons in usa are very racially segregated blacks hang out with blacks whites with whites hispanic with hispanic my question is clay rouce who's serving time in a American prison world he have to side with the whites when they find out he's used to be the leader of a multicultural gang how would they treat him ?.

    1. Clay has always been multicultural. One of the guys he taught martial arts to in prison was black. He's a really good guy and leads Clay's martial Arts school in the US. Clay has been to China and gets along very well with Asians. Clay was also seen taking pictures with George Martorano and Allen Strong in prison. Clay gets along with a lot of different people. They respect him:

      He also had a Mexican rapper in Texas do a few songs for him.

    2. Clay still has his art work and T-shirts online:

  9. What about aryan brotherhood in prison wouldn't thay hate him a white guy associated with the minoritys?

    1. I don't know. I don't think so. I've never dealt with them. They're not from around here. They're more in Cali. LA was quite racial. New York wasn't. All I know is that the Aryan Brotherhood were upset when Otis Garrett killed Margo Compton's young daughters. They felt that crossed the line as did I.

    2. The politics in prison are weird (in the usa), one of the original leaders of the Mexican Mafia was Croatian, there was a native guy in the Arian Brotherhood, a white guy with BGF etc.

  10. Blaze, aka Donny McWhirter is the stupidest “gangster” in existence. He is a RAT. Low life piece of shit. I’m surprised he’s still breathing.


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