Thursday, January 25, 2024

Federal Court stands up for Canada in rejecting Trudeau's freezing of bank accounts

Update: Feds used fake intelligence to frame Freedom Convoy as violent extremists

The Edmonton Journal is reporting that "On Tuesday, Mosley ruled against the Trudeau government’s use of the Emergencies Act to stomp out the Truckers Convoy in Ottawa in February 2022. He found the government’s use of the act to be unreasonable and an unjustified infringement of individual rights. In the ruling, Mosley focused on what I consider to be the greatest outrage the Trudeau Liberals have perpetrated to date, their freezing of bank accounts and credit cards of 57 people and entities who supported and/or attended the protest."

"Freezing the bank accounts of political opponents might well be normal behaviour for brutish leaders in shabby dictatorships. To sell such abuse in Canada, Trudeau’s allies had to work overtime to vilify the convoy participants as foreign-funded, white supremacist, FreeDumb-obsessed radicals. This campaign of misinformation continued in Ottawa when the protesters were falsely accused of arson and other misdeeds."

"In the ruling, Mosley focused on what I consider to be the greatest outrage the Trudeau Liberals have perpetrated to date, their freezing of bank accounts and credit cards of 57 people and entities who supported and/or attended the protest. But that’s not who they were. The truckers had been widely praised as heroes for venturing out to provide us with goods in the earliest, scariest days of the pandemic."

"Trudeau’s actions of freezing bank accounts and invoking the Emergencies Act were so aggressive they brought international ridicule and shame upon his government. Mosley pointed out the government’s economic order used to identify who would get their bank accounts frozen had no specific procedure. Instead it was a case of the RCMP “making it up as they went along.”

“I think that Justin Trudeau continues to behave in the most unCanadian of ways,” Wilson said. “His divisiveness, his vilifying of people, his promoting of hatred among Canadians, is not the Canada in which I was born and raised. And what I feel about today’s decision of the Federal Court is it gives me a glimpse back in time to the Canada that was about fairness and understanding and respect and reasonableness. It may still survive into the future. There is little to be done for a country where for even the most hideous violations of human rights, its courts stand by and do nothing. But Mosley’s decision does indeed provide Canada some hope."


  1. the 'appeal' funding should be from the liberals pocket, not taxpayers! BS!

  2. Anyone who say the truckers deserve that and should be tried for treason, is a commie pos goof loser who will one day have their bs script flipped on them, god is watching!


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