Sunday, January 2, 2011

Yves "Apache" Trudeau

Yves Trudeau was another hit man for the Hells Angels who turned informant. He confessed to 43 murders from September 1973 to July 1985. He was the leader of the Hells Angels North chapter in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Lets take a look at some of the people he murdered for the Hells Angels and why the Hells Angels had them killed.

Trudeau turned informant after his chapter was betrayed in the Lennoxville massacre. Apparently the Vancouver chapter received the spoils of that massacre as a gift.

Trudeau was spared from the massacre but was dishonorably discharged. They took his motorcycle, but he was offered it back in return for the murder of two individuals: Ginette "La Jument" Henri -- North Chapter's accountant and "Matt le crosseur"'s girlfriend -- and Jean-Marc "Le Grande Guele" Deniger.

Interesting to note at the time Halifax chapter ran into its own woes. All eight full-patch members of that Chapter would be arrested when getting too ham-fisted with a local prostitute led to her testifying against the chapter. Each member would receive a one-year prison sentence. Where was Davie Giles then? Or better yet, where was his wife?

Faced with the need to keep at least six full-patch members in chapter in order to avoid a (possibly permanent) suspension by Angels Brass. Six members from Vancouver chapter would be flown in at a time -- on two week shifts -- in order to prevent this.

Standing five-foot-six and weighing 135 pounds, Trudeau did not resemble the prototypical biker, but he is considered to be the Hells Angels' most prolific killer. Sine the Hells Angels kill a lot of their own people, it would be nice to start a running tab of how many of their own they have killed and why.

Among his murder victims:

Jean-Marie Viel, shot to death in Trois-Rivières in 1970 after he made the mistake of stealing a motorcycle from the gang. Viel was Trudeau's first murder victim.

Jeanne Desjardins, a grandmother, killed in February 1980 for trying to help her son, ex-Hells Angel Andre Desjardins. Trudeau beat her to death and then killed her son and his girlfriend. The bodies of the latter two were dumped in the St. Lawrence River.

Donald McLean, a member of the rival Outlaws gang, and his girlfriend Carmen Piche, blown up in May 1980 when a bomb attached to McLean’s Harley-Davidson exploded.

Reputed West End Gang member Hugh Patrick McGurnaghan, blown up in Westmount in October 1981 when a bomb planted in his Mercedes-Benz detonated. Trudeau later said West End Gang chieftain Frank "Dunie" Ryan had hired him to commit the murder.

Michel Desormiers, a brother-in-law of reputed mob boss Frank Cotroni, gunned down in July 1983. The killing was supposedly cleared with the Montreal Mafia first.

Even fellow Hells Angels were not safe. Trudeau killed Charlie Hachez, a member of the North Chapter, because he had a heavy drug problem and owed Dunie Ryan $150,000 in drug money. Hachez was lured to a meeting, killed, and his body dumped in the St. Lawrence River.

And when Dunie Ryan was himself murdered, Trudeau was hired to extract revenge. In November 1984 a television set stuffed with explosives was delivered to the apartment where Ryan’s alleged killers were holed up. The explosion killed four people and injured eight, and knocked a huge hole in the apartment building in downtown Montreal.

Danny Kane

Speaking of living a double life, according to the book Highway to Hell by Julian Rubinstein, Danny Kane, a 31-year-old contract killer for the Hells Angels, was living a double life in almost every way.

He was a contract killer for the Hells Angels who turned informant. My thoughts are if he was a contract killer for the Hells Angels, who did he kill for them and why. In the above photo Danny Kane is on the left with Hells Angels Nomad Normand Robitaille. Surely if he was given immunity for his testimony we can find out something about who he killed for them and why.

The Rusty Hall Murder

With all this talk about Hells Angels related murders in Nova Scotia one reader reminded me of Rusty Hall and his wife Ellen. They were murdered in their own home on February 26 2010. All reports claim they were genuine friendly people.

Without trying to minimize or disrespect their loss, one has to wonder why they were murdered and who did it. Is someone going to try and tell me it was the Rock Machine? That doesn't really make sense. Why single out them? Someone has suggested that it's likely the same people that killed Randy killed Rusty.

We know Randy wasn't murdered by the Rock Machine. Someone lied and claimed informant Danny Kane killed Randy but now we know that's a lie. Randy was murdered by a hired hit done by and for the Hells Angels. Who else of their own have they lied about killing?

So Michael "Speedy" Christensen moved out to BC with his pal David Giles who was from Halifax and was with the Halifax chapter in the /80's. Hmmmm if the Halifax chapter was involved in the Lennoxville massacre which occurred on March 24, 1985 and if David Giles was with the Halifax chapter in the /80's then I wonder if he knows anything about it? Beware of the Ides of March.

Random act my ass. Doesn't an arsonist often return to the scene of the crime? Did Hells Angels attend Juel Stanton's funeral? Wouldn't that be ironic.

The Double Life

Seemingly the break in the Randy Mersereau murder made story of the year in Truro, Nova Scotia. Someone wrote me and said:

"The part people don't talk about - the families of those accused murderous men and other like them. The wives (and the children) who were in relationships with these people. How can a man have children and a wife - go to work, earn a living... take family trips to the beach and at the same time live a double life and hide this part of himself? Not all gangsters (or HA) are out there and visible - some are "closet associates/friends" and keep the knowledge and lifestyle hidden from their family. It happens. And it destroys the lives of those who once loved them - and leaves a horrid legacy and a name to their children that is both sad and hurtful."

They thought it might be a worthwhile topic on my blog. Indeed it's a good point. Not everyone knows about the dark deeds of the Hells Angels and their associates. Sometimes they even keep their double life secret from family members. Kinda like that Colonel Nutbar case. Here was a guy who rose up in the ranks of the military and was secretly breaking into woman's homes and stealing their underwear and eventually committing rape and murder. No one suspected him. Not even his wife.

I do agree many Hells Angels and associates keep their double life secret even from their family. Some people smile when asked about the Hells Angels involvement in drugs and prostitution and say they don't ask about that stuff but others really aren't aware of it. They believe the PR and are kept in the dark to perpetuate it.

I met a guy who spoke about meeting a group of Hells Angels on a flight to Vancouver from Amsterdam. They boarded the flight in suits and ties but when the flight took off they took off their suits and ties only to reveal their Hells Angels support T-Shirts. They then wrecked havoc on the plane and acted like a bunch of spoilt brats trying to scare and intimidate people. Then when the plane was ready to land they put back on their suits and ties and met their wives and family as though nothing had happened.

They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Why do you think the Hells Angels have those meetings in Amsterdam? Do you really think none of those married men visit the brothel in Amsterdam the Hells Angels own there? It is a double life and it's about time people stopped hiding it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The 13th Tribe MC

Yo bro this ain't no Tribe called Quest. And it sure ain't no lost tribe of Israel. The 13th Tribe MC was a group of drug dealers and pimps in Halifax who gang raped a teenager and pretended to be a motorcycle club. That is why the Hells Angels recruited them. Just like they recruited Gerald Ward in Ontario - because he was a drug dealer. They wanted to take over the market.

The Fugees were right. There's too many MC's not enough Mic's. Too many secrets. Too many lies. I don't know why y'all have beef with me. Somebody's gonna settle the score. While you're out there imitating Al Capone I'll be out there defecating on your microphone. I'm just warning the town the beast is loose. Don't worry. If I fall asleep and death takes me away don't be surprised son I wasn't put here to stay. At night the evil armies of satan don't play so defend the family that's the code to obey. Word.

The bottom line is that Johnny Cash told us what's done in darkness shall be brought to the light. That is a law of physics as steadfast as gravity. What goes up, must come down. What's done in darkness shall be brought to light. Truth crushed to the earth will rise again simply because no lie can live forever. Mark my word.

"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops." Luke 12:2

The Randy Mersereau murder

Well this certainly is a bizarre web of betrayal, drug trafficking, murder and even prostitution. The more that is uncovered the more tangled the web of betrayal is revealed. Randy Mersereau was a Hells Angel. He was murdered by another Hells Angel. Some accounts claim he was murdered after he left the Hells Angels. All accounts agree he was a drug trafficker and did traffic drugs for the Hells Angels.

One account says he left the Hells Angels and was continuing to sell drugs and was murdered for doing so. Perhaps he didn’t want to pay the Quebec tax. Is the East Van tax any less? Perhaps but is the East Van leadership any less treacherous? Unlikely. Davie’s Vibrator is not loyal. David Giles is not from East Vancouver. He’s from Halifax and lives in a rich Kelowna suburb.

Here’s the low down: Randy was murdered. So was his brother and sister in law. Hells Angel Jeffrey Albert Lynds confessed to shooting Randy but has yet to be charged with the murder. Jeff’s nephew Curtis has been charged with the first degree murder of Randy’s brother and sister in law and has been charged as an accessory to the murder of Randy. Did Jeff rat out his own nephew as a plea bargain? That would even be lower than a narc.

Here’s a photo of Jeff:

And here’s a photo of his nephew Curtis:

Can you see the family resemblance? Gerald MacCabe is another member of the Paper Mario Clan. You can tell by the way he walks or should I saw cowers.

Leslie was charged with accessory after the fact in Randy’s murder. He has been accused of helping Jeff Lynds evade police after he murdered Randy. His lawyer is asking for protective custody and that Gerry Leslie not be held anywhere other than the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Halifax. One report claims his legs trembled as court was adjourned and deputies assisted him to his feet, remanding him into custody.

What could Leslie be so afraid of in Halifax? The 13th Tribe perhaps? Here’s some interesting history:

“According to law enforcement, the Halifax chapter played a part in the 1985 slaughter of five members of the Hells Angels North Chapter in Lennoxville. Police arrest Carroll, along with Halifax members Randall "Blondie" Mersereau, Patrick "Frenchy" Guernier, and John Christansen, are brought to Sherbrooke to stand trail on charges of first-degree murder. The bikers were later acquitted.

Although Carroll was exonerated of murder he, Randall Mersereau, and Patrick Guernier were convicted of living off the proceeds of prostitution on May 30, 1986. All received one-year prison sentences.”

Did you catch that? Law enforcement think Halifax were involved in the Lennovville massacre! They think Randy and David on the lam Carol were involved. Although they were acquitted of that charge they were later convicted of of living off the proceeds of prostitution.

Sorry as a gasp. Randy and David Carol were accused of the Lennoxville massacre? Then “they” get another Hells Angel to murder Randy? That’s so Vancouver Christmas of /95. Murder the person you had commit murder for you. Where on earth is the L & R there? There isn’t any!

However, local knowledge claims Randy and the Halifax chapter didn't know about the massacre before hand. They were invited to attend but didn't know before hand why. They claim David Caroll had no problem with it but Randy did and left the group. That's when they claim Caroll put the hit on Randy and made up the story about Randy putting a hit on him an mommy dearest.

It certainly is a tangled web of lies, betrayal, murder, drug trafficking and of course prostitution. Why the hell not throw that in there. While we’re at it let’s all get the number 666 tattooed to our forehead right beside the L that has already there since birth.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Eric Sandberg was not an Independent Drug Dealer

Eric Sandberg was the guy who told a police agent from the Zig Zag crew that he could get the agent any gun he wanted and that "they" were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey. The term "they" would clearly imply that he was not an independent drug dealer. The fact that he was telling this to a Hells Angel associate would clearly imply that he was also associated with the Hells Angels.

Yet in his plea bargain he plead guilty to to conspiracy to traffic in ecstasy, possession of goods obtained by crime, and a weapons offence and the media referred to him as an "independent" drug dealer. Perhaps they meant that he was independent from Edwin Panting not from a known gang.

Their own article admits that the court heard Sandberg was enlisted as a mediary between a B.C. drug dealer and Satsatin, who owed the drug dealer $20,000. Sandberg — who was raised in Winnipeg but then living in B.C. — told Satsatin to deposit $1,000 a month into a CIBC bank account police later identified as belonging to Sandberg.By the time Sandberg was arrested, $11,000 had been deposited into his account.

That would again imply that Sandberg was not independent because he was acting as a mediary between the police agent and another drug dealer in Surrey who was owed $20 thousand. Surely the court knows the name of the drug dealer Sandberg was collecting the money for. Why doesn't the public know?

The court was sympathetic to the fact that Sandberg has rectal cancer which is now treatable. Indeed cancer is a horrible thing. That however, does not change the fact that trafficking in drugs and firearms then admitting "they" were ready to wipe out all the competition in Surrey is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. Who are "they?"

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Christmas Epiphany – Part Two

Although my Christmas message focuses on the Christmas in Vancouver 1995, it also stretches across the country to the East coast and settles in Ontario and Quebec with Mommy Dearest. I’m not referring to the Mother of our Lord. I’m referring to the mother of betrayal, Mom Boucher.

When I first saw a picture of Maurice Boucher I thought the guy was hard core. Kinda like the type of guy who would smile at you when sentenced to be executed. I had no idea about his history or what the Quebec biker war was really about. Now I just see him as a thief and a rapist who betrays his own people.

I didn’t realize Boucher was a rapist. He was convicted of armed rape before joining the Hells Angels. He joined the group shortly after getting out of prison for armed rape. He got his patch two years after the Lennonville Massacre when the leader of the Death Riders, Martin Huneault, was shot to death in a Laval bar.

Hours after Huneault's funeral Death Riders Mario Martin and Andre Richard were seen meeting with Hells Angels Maurice "Mom" Boucher and Normand "Biff" Hamel. Boucher and Hamel received their colours after the incident which allowed the Hells Angels to completely take over drug trafficking in Laval and the lower Laurentians area.

The Lennoxville Massacre and the betrayal of the Death Riders were historic betrayals that defines rat. That is clearly the Hells Angels Method of Operation.

There's an interesting fictional book about the Hells Angels called The Angels. The Blog about the book contains an interesting hypothesis about how Maurice "Mom" Boucher at one time paid his "rivals" in the Rock Machine to murder some of his own people who he saw as political threats to his leadership within the club. The author of the book claims to have received the information from an ex Rock Machine member.

Let's look at the facts. Mom Boucher's friend Salvatore Cazzetta formed the Rock Machine after the Lennoxville Massacre. Boucher respected him. The war with the Rock Machine didn't start until his friend Salvatore Cazzetta was in prison. Salvatore Cazzetta has recently joined the Hells Angels. Is it really that hard to conceive that Boucher could have hired members of the Rock Machine to murder his own political rivals since that is how they do business? The Hells Angels are all about greed and betrayal.

Back East Jeffry Lynds has just plead guilty to a cold case where Randy Mersereau was murdered. Someone said Randy left the Hells Angels because the Quebec chapters (Lennoxville and then the Quebec Nomads) having total control over the Nova Scotia Chapter at the time.

Well Lennoxville was the site of the original betrayal and the Quebec Nomads were founded by Maurice Boucher who benefited from that Massacre. Mom Boucher and his wee pal Walter Stadnick who stood tall at 5' 4". In Nova Scotia they killed Randy as well as his brother and sister in law. That brings us to Juel Stanton. He was not murdered by a rival.

How about Prince George? How about Geoff Meisner and Brittney Irving? Britney lived on a grow op some say was run by the Hells Angels. She sold pot to pay for her oxy habit. She was betrayed and murdered after she planned on checking herself into rehab.

Castanet news found a court document where it was finally admitted that Geoff Mesiner did business with the Hells Angels and the Kingpin crew before he disappeared. I do not believe Geoff robbed the Hells Angels. I believe that is a bold face lie from a lying sack of shit who doesn't pay his bills and doesn't even pay full price on the murders he hires.

Last Christmas Geoff's daughter was sad because she didn't get what she wanted for Christmas. She didn't want any expensive toys. She just wanted her missing father to return. That didn't happen because her father was betrayed not by a rival but by one of his own. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Geoff and Britteny will remain forever young. Let's do the deed and rat out the real rats so they didn't die in vain. Merry Christmas.

The Christmas Epiphany – Part One

Where are we going? The Christmas Epiphany this year is two fold. First, if we want to save the MC in Canada we have to completely separate ourselves from the Hells Angels and from drug trafficking. That includes creating puppet clubs to traffic drugs, collect drug debts or enforce for those who do traffic drugs. We need to stop pimping the name of the MC.

Second, the Christmas Epiphany this year is about betrayal. It started with the Lennoxville massacre and never stopped. It covers the Vancouver Christmas of /95 and the murder of Brittney Irving and Geoff Meisner. Ever see Clint Eastwood in the movie Pale Rider? He sure painted the town red so he did.

So here's the deal. Let's take a minute and ask ourselves, where are we going? Where will our current choices lead us? The Hells Angels really haven't been in Canada that long. We all know about the biker war in Quebec but it really hasn't been that long since the Gypsy Wheelers and other clubs patched over in the Vancouver area.

The Hells Angels always claim that they are just a motorcycle club and the police discriminate against them claiming the police say they are guilty of criminal activity just because they ride motorcycles. Unfortunately, in a very short period of time the Hells Angels have proven their pleas of innocence to be false. The recent bust where Hells Angels were caught driving a car in colours in Salmon arm with guns, ammunition, balaclavas, bullet proof vest and a cell phone jammer only compound the problem.

The number of drug convictions tied to the Hells Angels is staggering. The Hells Angels used their name and reputation to protect and promote the Zig Zag crew who were caught on video cutting crack cocaine and selling drugs for the Hells Angels. Clearly the Hells Angels have destroyed the reputation of the MC movement in Canada. As a result, it won't be long before MCs will be completely banned. Is this really where we want to go?

All these drug convictions form what the courts refer to as jurisprudence or case law. Every Hells Angel drug conviction builds a case against them and those they associate with to be labeled a criminal organization and have their assets seized under the proceeds of crime legislation.

The Hells Angels clearly used their name and reputation to enforce for the Zig Zag crew in Winnipeg who in turn were caught selling drugs for the Hells Angels. It's not just a matter of a few members of the Hells Angels getting caught selling drugs. It's a matter of the Hells Angels using their name and reputation to scare off the competition in the drug market. They have given the MC movement a bad name and run the risk of killing the MC movement in Canada completely. It's all because of greed.

Selling crack has nothing to do with riding a motorcycle or living the dream so stop doing it. As a result of the many drug convictions the Hells Angels have lost their club houses in Nanaimo and Halifax. If the courts can prove the Hells Angels traffic drugs, it doesn't take long to build the criminal organization case against them and seize their assets. Once that happens it will even take less time to build a criminal organization case against the puppet clubs the Hells Angels publicly protect and associate with.

The only way to stop this from happening is if the MC movement in Canada separates themselves from the Hells Angels and if they separate themselves completely from drug trafficking. Otherwise, those bad apples will destroy the MC movement for the rest of us.

Selling drugs and lying about it isn't good enough. We have to stop doing it completely. The Mongols said they didn't sell drugs but they were caught red handed and for a period of time had their logo seized. More convictions will see that become permanent.

The Rock Machine claim they don't sell drugs. Well the people who recently were murdered did. They were most likely murdered by drug trafficking rivals. Saying you're an MC and aren't into drugs when your are will also destroy the MC movement for the rest of us. If you do sell drugs you have to stop hiding behind the MCs for protection.

It really isn't that hard to figure out. Selling drugs has nothing to do with living the dream. Yet that has become the primary purpose of the Hells angels. Not only do the sell drugs but they use violence to take over the drug business in smaller towns.

Who the fuck are the Hells Angels to tell me or anyone else I can't sell drugs unless I sell them for them and pay them for the right to do so? That is bullshit. In a free world people can do what they want not only what the Hells Angels say they can. Especially when we shall soon see how the Hells Angels are all about betraying their own. There is absolutely no honour in that. They are the ones that give love a bad name. MCs were made to lead. MCs weren't born to follow. Mind how ya go.

Let's face it, not only are the Hells Angels liars, drug dealers, murderers and betrayers, they are openly satanic. What Christian MC, French or Italian Catholic would associate with a group that uses a devil skull for a logo and calls themselves your local 666? Buyer Beware.

Christmas Epiphany Part Two - Betrayal

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Salute to the Buffalo Soldiers MC

Finally a MC whose sole purpose isn't selling crack. Talk about dripping with culture and class, the Buffalo Soldiers MC is it. Bob Marley referred to the Buffalo Soldiers. So did K'naan is his earlier version of Waving Flag.

"So many wars, settling scores bringing us promises leaving us war. I heard them say love is the way, love is the answer, that's what they say. But look how they treat us, make us believers. We fight their battles then they deceive us. Try to control us they couldn't hold us cause we just move forward like Buffalo Soldiers." K'naan